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<xml><p>Issue Number 24, May 1985
Where does YOUR First Loyalty lie?</p>
<p>Our Race is Our Religion</p>
<p> God and Country, the Flag and the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>-tion not the Issue nor the Solution
Several years ago I was invited to <ent type='GPE'>Kansas City</ent> to give a speech.
(I was only one speaker amongst several others). It was a group of
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> "<ent type='ORG'>Patriots</ent>," but of mixed political and philosophical ideologies.
There were <ent type='ORG'>Klan</ent>smen, born-again <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent>, <ent type='PERSON'>John Birchers</ent> and a
variety of other groups. Outside of several F.B.I. agents in disguise,
the majority of this mixed group were good <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> people, except that
most of them were sorely confused as to where their loyalty lay. They
all had little in common except perhaps that they were alarmed that
something was wrong, and clung to that tired and hackneyed posi-tion of God, Country, the Flag and the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>don - each in his
or her disjointed way.
The subject of my speech was the same as the last part of the
title of this article, namely God &amp; Country, etc. It was not well receiv-ed. I told them what they did not want to hear, namely that their
pet holy cows never were, and are not now, the solution to the
multitude of evils and pro<ent type='ORG'>blems</ent> that beset the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, nor had
they ever been the real issues in the past.
I reminded them of the history of our pointless and <ent type='GPE'>ineffec</ent>tive
struggles ever since W.W. II in which the "patriots," the "conser-<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent> " the "right wingers" and what have you, had launched at
least 20000 different organizations, large and small, seemingly to
stem the tide. Despite all this, they had not made the slightest dent
in the headlong onslaught by the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> power structure to destroy
the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, to destroy <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>, and in fact, to destroy the
civilization the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race has built up over the last several thou-sand years.
I asked the rhetorical question: After 30 years and 20000
failures, isn't it time to re-examine our basic premises? If
you were building aqueducts on the premise that water voluntarily
ran uphill and after 30 years every one of the aqueducts was a dismal
failure, would you not stop and re-evaluate your basic premise, and
perhaps conclude that water did not run uphill?
I then proceeded to show as clearly as I knew how, that none</p>
<p> 170
of these factors - God, Country, Flag or the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion were the
basic issues. In none of these lay the real solution. I went to the heart
of the matter and stated bluntly - the real issue is race - the
survival, expansion and advancement of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race and
the real eneies are the mud races of the world - led by
that conspiratorial master-snaeak of all time, the perfidious
<ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>.
As I explained earlier, ths was a mixed group. Although all
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>, it consisted of polyglot philosophies, each going their own
way, like the six blind men from <ent type='LOC'>Indostan</ent> who went to "see" an
elephant, As could be expected from any polyglot group, nothing was
accomplished; no common ground was reached, no worthwhile pro-gram pursued or anything else of value accomplished. Just as it is
impossible to accomplish anything worthwhile with a heterogeneous,
polyglot society or country, so also is it impossible to accomplish
anything with a heterogeneous, polyglot group. Furthermore, since
the group was programmed along the <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>-<ent type='NORP'>Conservative</ent> (I prefer
to call it <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent>-Konservative) line, I realized that it was impossible
to de-program years of indoctrination within the limits of a 20 minute
However, to my surprise, it was not a total loss. Whereas the in-<ent type='GPE'>dividual</ent>s had been too intimidated to express approval of such heresy
as I bad enunciated among their peers, later in the evening an en-courageing number privately showed both their interest and approval
by coming to my room, purchasing copies of NATURES'S ETERNAL
RELIGION and also of the record SURVIVAL OF THE WHITE
RACE. (<ent type='ORG'>The WHITE MAN</ent>'S BIBLE had not yet been printed).
In this essay, I want to explain briefly why we CREATOR
believe it is a lost cause to pursue the favorite <ent type='PERSON'>Kosher Konservative</ent>
line. Let us briefly examine each one of the four subjects with which
these <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Konser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent> are so enamoured.
Let us take the first item - "God." In both NATURE'S ETER-NAL RELIGION and <ent type='ORG'>the WHITE MAN</ent>'S BIBLE I have already
thoroughly belabored the illusions about supplicating to the non-existant spooks in the sky. I believe I have demonstrated amply, page
after page that the whole subject is one vast swindle that has been
a very useful tool for the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> conquest of the world, but has been
a major catastrophe for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race. We of the CHURCH OF
THE CREATOR not only are convinced that no spook will emerge
to help save the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, but on the contrary, that the childish
and superstitious belief in spooks has been one of the major road
blocks preventing the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race from forming and polarizing around
a racial religion of our own for thousands of years.
We now turn next to the concept of "Country." This subject, too,
I have covered in the chapter "Where does your Loyalty Lie?" in</p>
<p> 171
NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION. Also I have touched on this in
<ent type='ORG'>Creative Credo Number</ent> 2 of <ent type='ORG'>the WHITE MAN</ent>'S BIBLE where I em-phasize racial loyalty and that every issue is examined through the
eyes of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race. But let me briefly recapitulate here.
A "Country" is an artificial, man-made concept that usually
compasses a certain area of real estate upon the face of the earth.
Its boundaries too, are artificial, and in a constant state of change.
In times of conquest these boundaries may be moved to enlarge the
territory. In times of defeat the boundaries are moved to shrink the
subject area. Sometimes a whole country may be artificially created
out of a conglomerate of other countries and peoples, as was
<ent type='GPE'>Czechoslovakia</ent> after W.W.I. Sometimes a whole country is swallow-ed up and annexed to the conqueror's territory, as has been the case
with <ent type='GPE'>Poland</ent> a number of times during its history. In any case, a coun-try is a fleid, unstable and artificial creation structured by the political
establishment in power at the time. In the last several centuries, the
hand of the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> has been the most powerful influence in both struc-turing and demolishing such political entities.
But let us analyze a "Country" one step further and determine
whether or not it should deserve that most precious gift - our
primary loyalty.
When we speak of "Country," such as say <ent type='GPE'>the United State</ent> of
<ent type='GPE'>America</ent>, we are speaking of at least three separate and distinct
components: (a) There is the land and real state encom-passed within its boandaries. (b) There are its people that
occupy this same real estate, and (c) There is its government
that controls both the land and is occupants.
Whereas we Creators believe strongly in the sanctity of land and
territory; that it is worth fighting and dying for, we want to immedite-ly add: Yes, but for whose benefit? If it is for the benefit of the
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, definitely yes. But if it is of benefit for the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, the nig-gers and the mud races, definitely, no.
Looking at the history of the U.S., outside of the War with Mex-ico, 1846-48, and the <ent type='NORP'>Indian</ent> wars, practically every war the U.S.
has engaged in since has been to the detriment of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race
and for tge benefit of the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s. This includes <ent type='EVENT'>the Civil War</ent>, W.W.
I, W.W. II, the <ent type='EVENT'>Korean War</ent> and the <ent type='EVENT'>Vietnam War</ent>. in this category
we must also include the vast quantities of aid, the tens of billions
of dollars that the U.S. has rendered to the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s in helping them
carve out the bandit state of <ent type='GPE'>Israel</ent> and its subsequent aggressive wars
against the <ent type='NORP'>Arabs</ent>. In all these wars the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man has been a sad
loser, a tragic victim, and the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s the sole beneficiaries. Does this
kind of subversion and betrayal ofthe <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race bestir in your breast
the fervor of patriotism and loyalty to flag and country? Not to any
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man in his right senses it doesn't.</p>
<p> 172
Let me ask you further - would you be willing to fight for, bleed
and die fighting for a country that consisted of wall-to-wall niggers
as its main inhabltants? And finally, would you fight for a govern-ment that was controlled by the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> bankers and <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> power
establishment whose primary goal was the mongrelization and
destruction of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race?
This brings us to the crux of our analysis. Any <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man who
would fight ior any country in a war that was for the benefit of the
<ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s and niggers and to the detriment of hls own people we con-sider as being a despicable traitor to his own race. To us Creators
there is no creature more reprehensible than a traitor to his race.
To us - loyalty to our precious <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race overshadows every other
loyalty, every other issue. It overshadows the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> god or gods,
it overshadows country, flag and <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion, none of which so far
has lifted a Anger to help save the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race.
Let us now consider the U.S. flag, and flags in general.
A flrg, basically, is a symbolic expression of an ideal,
creed or a philosophy of a certain group of people, whether
such group identifies itself as a religious group, a racial group, or
a country or some other common entity. A flag or pendant might
also represent a sporting group, such as a yaeht club, a football team,
or an international group like the flag of the <ent type='EVENT'>Olympics</ent>. Even the
United Nations has a flag.
Looking at it from the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's point of view (the only one
we Creators consider relevant) other than our "country," just what
idea does the U.S. Flag represent? If you were to ask that ques-tion of 50 different people, I doubt whether there would emerge one
meaningful answer. This "country" has flown many flags including
the <ent type='NORP'>British</ent> flag before 1776. It has flown the "<ent type='PERSON'>Don</ent>'t tread on me"
flag, and it has flown the <ent type='PERSON'>Betsy Ross</ent> flag since the <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>n Revolu-tion, but chanced it repeatedly in the number of stars as states were
added. Some states, <ent type='GPE'>California</ent> for example, had their own flag
originally, such as the <ent type='GPE'>California</ent> Bear Republic, and some states
such as <ent type='GPE'>Texas</ent> have been under as many as six different flags.
In short, a flag represents the philosophy or mood of a people,
or at least those that are in control at a particular time. It represents
no more, no less.
Our <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>n flag flew in honor when it fought <ent type='EVENT'>the Mexican War</ent>
of 1846-48. It fought in disgrace in 1861-65 when it represented the
"Union" forces of the <ent type='PERSON'>North</ent> as they smashed the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> South for
the benefit of the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s and niggers. Practically every war since (ex-cept a few scattered <ent type='NORP'>Indian</ent> wars) that the U.S. Flag has flown over
has been fought to the disgrace and detriment of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race,
and for the benefit of <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s and their <ent type='PERSON'>manipula</ent>ted traitors in charge.
So, is such a flag really worth fighting for? Would you be will-</p>
<p> 173
ing to die defending its <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> besmirched history? Hardly. At least
no loyal <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Racial Comrade would ever again be euchered into
slaughtering members of his own race for the sullied "glory" of a flag
that no longer represents the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, or anything our race stands
We now come to tbe <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion. I have thoroughly
covered this subject in NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION, <ent type='GPE'>PAGES</ent>
258 to 262, and I need not repeat it here, except to make a few cogent
1.Whereas the Founding Fathers who helped draft the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>-tion were, in the majority, land holders and men of means, they
themselves owned slaves. (<ent type='GPE'>Jefferson</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>Washington</ent>, and a host of
others.) They had no intention of having the niggers be any part of
our governing society, or even giving them the vote. To illustrate how
pointless and how <ent type='GPE'>ineffec</ent>tive this piece of paper, the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion,
has been in protecting the dwindling <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> majority from the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>
onslaught, consider that today the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s are using the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion
as their most powerful tool to force integration, race-mixing and
mongrelization on an unwilling, recalcitrant, but confused <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>
Race. The tables have now been turned with the help of the much
vaunted <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion so that now the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> race has become the
slave of the niggers and the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s. The <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man now does most
of the work, carries the overwhelming burden of the tyrannical tax
load, while the niggers freeload, breed like rabbits, and the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s live
off the fat of the land.
2. Any written piece of paper, whether it be an agreement, trea-ty, Conshtution or whatever, is only as good as the determination
of the participants to <ent type='PERSON'>entorce</ent> it, backed up with the power to do so.
So let us remember this one overriding issue and heed it well!
To us Creators loyalty to our race is our first and foremost loyalty,
whether we live in <ent type='GPE'>England</ent>, in <ent type='GPE'>France</ent>, in <ent type='GPE'>Germany</ent> or in the United
<ent type='ORG'>State</ent>s. It overrides and overshadows any other loyalty to such ar-tificial concepts as spooks in the sky, country, flag or <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion.
That is why we have a racial religion - a religion that is dedicated
to the survival, expansion and advancement of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, and
the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> race alone. OUR RACE IS OUR RELIGION.
But to merely say our race is our religion is not enough. True,
we have come to the heart of the matter, but it is still too broad an
too vague around which to build a meaningful movement. It needs
to be channelled, to be harnessed, to be delineated, to be
clearly formulated. It must answer the needs and pro<ent type='ORG'>blems</ent> of the
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race as it exists today, and Christ knows - they are manifold.
It must answer the burning questions of today, and it must come up
with sensible and pragmatic solutions. It must lay down the guidelines
in every category, for every phase of our existence, and for the sur-</p>
<p> 174
vival of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Racial Community.
But it must also do more than that. It must set goals and
direction for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race for the next million years.
In Creativity we have done all this. We have covered all the
bases; we have endeavored to include the whole spectrum of life from
A to Z. We spell it out succinctly when we say that the goal of
CREATIVITY for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race is a Sound Mind in a Sound
Body is a Sound Society in a sound Environment. That says
it all.
Furthermore, in Creativity we avoid the fatal mistake of trying
to make a silk purse out ot a sow's ear. We don't endeavor to "save"
and "uplift" all of "humanity." We are only interested in work-ing with and for the best interests of Nature's Finest. We state
dogmaticaliy that the world is now infested with a variety of scum
that is garbage and is not worth saving.
We specifically delineate our position on this vital issue in C.C.
Number 2 of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's Bible, in which we say clearly that
everything is examined, judged, looked at, from the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's
point of view. Everything is measured by the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's yardstick,
the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's standards.
In this respect we sum it up in our Golden Rule. What is
goodfor the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race is the highest virtue. What is badfor the
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race is the ultimate sin.
We are not interested in the welfare of the multitudes of mud
races, nor in helping to feed them, nor in subsidizing them, nor in
"uplifting" them. In fact we are not even interested in their survival.
We are in total agreement with Nature's Law of Survival of the Fit-test. If the mud races can't feed themselves (and they can't), if they
can't hack it, they will wither on the vine and become extinct. As
far as we are concerned, they deserve it - the sooner the better.
The sooner the world is cleansed of all the trash, criminals, parasites
and freeloaders, the sooner the best of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race will again
have elbow room to expand his own and build a <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>r and Brighter
The <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Konser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent> have had their day. For 50 years they
have spouted their clap-trap about God and Country, the Flag and
the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion. For 50 years they have spawned their no-win, half-baked groups, at least 20000 of them, and they have done nothing
more than divide, confuse and delay the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race in coming to
grips with a realistic solution and a confrontation with the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>
pestilence. In so doing they have rendered a tremendous service to
the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> in playing their treacherous game of divide and conquer.
These <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Konser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent>, after 20000 failures, cannot, or will
not, learn that water will not voluntarily run uphill, that you cannot
build a working aqueduct on such a false premise.</p>
<p> 175
We will have no further truck with these <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Konser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent>.
Like the "born again" <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent>, the Identity <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent> and the rest
of this misguided ilk, they are living in a dream worid, in a fool's
paradise. They have completely deserted the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race and have,
in fact, become a valuable pawn in the treacherous game the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s
have planned for the destruction of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race. These cowards
are afraid of the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, and even afraid to admit they belong to the
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> race.
There is only one hope for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race and that is to build
a powerful racial religion of its own, to which all responsible and in-telligent <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> men and women can dedicate their loyalty, their love,
their honor, and yes, if necessary their lives.
In CREATIVITY we have it all. It is now our task to convince
the 20000 or more fractured and misguided groups that this is so,
and that only in polarizatton around a racial religion, as the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s
have done, is there any hope in building the power structure
necessary to smash the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> behemoth.
To help bring our <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Racial Comrades to their senses we are
instituting a series on Compartive Religions to compare ours to
older religions that have been such a powerful force in shaping the
thinking and destiny of mankind, and of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race in particular.
Compare it, if you will, on the basis of logic, common sense,
completeness, integrity and constructive goals with any
other religion. In history. I believe we more than hold our
If you will THINK, if you will COMPARE, I believe you will come
to the same conclusion as we have - only in uniting, in polarizing
around our own racial religion, can we, the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, survive and
bulld the beautiful <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> world we envision and so richly deserve.</p>
<p> Creativity aspires to helping <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> people get
rid of garbage thoughts as well as garbage foods.</p>
<p> "The customs of this accursed people (the
<ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s) have grown so strong, that they have
spread through every land. "
- Sencea</p>
<p> 176
Comparative Religions -
Part 1
Objectives of Our Comparative Series
1. To illustrate by means of detailed comparison that in
CREATIVITY we have finally achieved a genuine, bonafide, com-prehensiue racial religion for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race that is the equal of,
or superfor to, any religion in history.
2. That our religion makes more sense, is more logical, is more
complete and better planned and organized; it is, in fact, more effec-tiuely constructed than any of the established old "great" religions
of the urorld.
3. That in order to survive at all, the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race must now
polarize around its own racial religion.
4. To convince all the polyglot and diverse <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> racial groups
and leaders that in CREATIVITY lies the salvation of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race
and the sooner we unite under the banner of Creativity, the sooner
we will be on our way in waging an effective battle for the survival
of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race.
Think about it. If not Creativity, what else is there?</p>
<p><ent type='ORG'>Mohammedanism</ent>
When <ent type='PERSON'>the Ayatollab Kbomeini</ent> returned to <ent type='GPE'>Iran</ent> in 1978 in
triumph to wildly cheering multitudes, he again proved the power
of a religious fervor and of the overriding importance of an ideology.
Let us consider the odds he faced. For 13 years he had been
sitting in <ent type='GPE'>Paris</ent>, an exile. He had no army, no government, no police
force, no legal status. Pitted against him was one of the most powerful
potentates in the <ent type='NORP'>Moslemic</ent> <ent type='LOC'>Middle East</ent>, The <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Iran</ent>. The
<ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent> was in the true sense a ruthless dictator, with a cruel and effi-cient seeret police at his command, a powerful army, equipped with
the most modern of <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>n weapons, all financed by an abundance
of gushing oil wells. The <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent> and his family were themselves, in
fact, one of the most wealthy, affluent families in the world.
Yet before the year 1978 was over, the <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent> himself was a
hunted exile, in fear of his life and hard put to find a country that
would even receive him as a refugee. The <ent type='PERSON'>Ayatollah</ent>, in the mean-time, was now in <ent type='ORG'>supreme control</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Iran</ent>, idolized and worshipped
by the masses and the multitudes. His every word and wish was the
law of the land.
To accomplish such an overwhelming victory against such
tremendous odds, what was it the <ent type='PERSON'>Ayatollah</ent> had over the <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent>?</p>
<p> 177
What weapon, what advantage did be hrve? Was he a better
administrator and ruler? No, he was not. Subsequent events have
shown, that he is a bumbler, is inefficient, is a fumbling idiot in the
science of govemment. Did he have a superior economic program
to offer the people in order to raise their standards of living? No, he
did not. He hardly even talked about economics, and in this area
too, he is an ignoramus. Was he more loving, democratic, compas-sionate and lenient with his people? Again, negative. He proved to
be more cruel, ruthless and tyrannical than the <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent> had ever been,
as the thousands of executions and arbitrary pronouncements over
the last seven years have also proved.
Then what did he have to offer to be able to not only overthrow
the once powerfully entrenched <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent>, but also maintain his grip on
the people, and in fact, become a leader and a focal point of all the
<ent type='NORP'>Moslems</ent> of the <ent type='LOC'>Middle East</ent>, the <ent type='LOC'>Far East</ent>, and in fact, of the world?
The major advantage the <ent type='PERSON'>Ayrtatollah</ent> had over the <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent>,
and still has, is the powerful weapon of a RELIGIOUS
CREED. It is a weapon as old as history, and the <ent type='NORP'>Mohammedans</ent>
have now has it for over thirteen centuries, tailor-made for the
scrawny, emotional and backward masses. The <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s have one tailor-made for their parasitical nature and have found it has worked
wonders for them over the last 3000 years. But that is another story.
The point I want to drive home to my <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Racial Comrades
is this: RELIGIONS are like fire: a powerful force in the
human equation that can be useful to either energize the
people that utilize it, or it can be used to destroy their whole
social structure, as fire can burn down a house.
The <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's religion has been used to burn down his house
- it has been used by his enemies to confuse, destroy and disintegrate
the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race itself.
But let us get back to the <ent type='NORP'>Moslem</ent> reilgion, and examine its
historic origins, its expansion and its widespread influence today.
As I have pointed out before, the relatively small desert area
lying In <ent type='LOC'>Asia</ent> at the eastern end of the <ent type='LOC'>Mediterranean</ent> has been the
hotbed, the spawning ground of mankind's three major religions,
namely <ent type='NORP'>Judaism</ent>, Christanity and <ent type='ORG'>Mohammedanism</ent>. Although many
thousands of religions have infested the landscape and infected the
minds of men, these three religions have directed the course of history
more significantly than all the other religlons combined.
<ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>, the founder of the <ent type='NORP'>Moslem</ent> religion, was born circa
571 C.E., in what is today <ent type='GPE'>Saudi Arabia</ent>. His father died before he
was born and his mother shortly thereaher. He was raised and
brought up by his uncle and his grandfather and experienced hard-ship in his early Ilfe. When he was 25, he married <ent type='PERSON'>Khadijah</ent> an older
<ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> widow of considerable wealth, and his financial troubles were</p>
<p> 178
now over. He could now afford the leisure time to meditate and reflect
on the nature and destiny of man.
By his fortieth year this contemplation crystallized into an ar-ticulated religion, in which he proclaimed there was only one God,
Allah, and that he, <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>, was his messenger and his
prophet. His wife <ent type='PERSON'>Khadijah</ent> was his first convert.
Fired up into a burst of energy and action he soon stirred up a
storm of angry protest in his native city of <ent type='GPE'>Mecca</ent>, which worship-ped a multitude of gods, idols and fetishes.
Despised and persecuted in his native city, <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent> fled north
to <ent type='LOC'>Medina</ent>. This flight, in the year 622 C.E. is known as the <ent type='GPE'>Hegira</ent>.
Here his proselytizing efforts prospered and soon he had a
veritable army of followers. With his now powerful army he returned
and conquered his native city of <ent type='GPE'>Mecca</ent>, and the <ent type='NORP'>Moslem</ent> religion soon
spread like wildfire.
When he died at the age of 61 in the year 632 C.E., he bequeath-ed upon his followers a religio-political heritage that has prospered
and expanded to this very day, a heritage that provided the power-ful fuel with which the <ent type='PERSON'>Ayatollah</ent> Khomeini blasted the <ent type='PERSON'>Shah</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Iran</ent>
from the <ent type='PERSON'>Peacock</ent> throne of <ent type='GPE'>Persia</ent>.
Today 850 million <ent type='NORP'>Muslims</ent>, a fifth of the world's population, turn
daily towards <ent type='GPE'>Mecca</ent> five times a day in prayer. It is the world's se-cond largest religion, crowding <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>ity and soon threatening to
surpass it. It is growing faster numerically than any other religion
on two counts: (a) new converts, and (b) the high brth rate of the
mud peoples that embrace it. It is the dominant belief in some 40
nations, and even the U.S.S.R. has 40 million <ent type='NORP'>Moslems</ent>, 15.5 per-cent of its population.
Let us now analyze and compare its merits and characteristic
with our own religion, CREATIVITY.</p>
<p><ent type='ORG'>Mohammedanism</ent> vs.</p>
<p>Creativity - a Comparison</p>
<p> Basis of its belief: <ent type='ORG'>Mohammedanism</ent> is founded on the same
old swindle as thousands of other religions - namely, the spooks-in-the-sky hocus-pocus, a blind conjecture for which neither the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s,
the <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent>, the <ent type='NORP'>Mohammedans</ent> nor any other gullible yokel has
ever produced one scintilla of evidence.
Creativity, on the other hand, is based on the Eternal Laws of
Nature, on the lessons of history, on logic and common sense.
In short, our religion is based on the reality of the world
as it is, with a view of how we can best achieve a better world
by the use of our intelligence, our dilligence, and our</p>
<p> 179
Sacred Book or Books. The Holy Book of the <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>an
religion is the Koran.
Allegedly, it contains the reported utterances of <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>
himself, as some unknown scribe or scribes supposedly remembered
them. These suppositions are on a level wlth those of the <ent type='ORG'>New Testa</ent>-ment followers, who assume <ent type='PERSON'>Matthew</ent>, Mark, <ent type='PERSON'>Luke</ent> and <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent>,
whoever they were, somehow, somewhere "remembered" the ut-terances of Jesus Christ, and wrote them down. There is not a
shred if evidence to support any of these nebulous <ent type='PERSON'>cliams</ent>.
The historical facts about the Koran as can be pieced together
are something like this: The first Koranic utterances were reported-ly first memorized (by whom?) and written on palm leaves or stone.
They were then tossed into a barrel and later written down in a book
in a random sequence. The Third Caliph, <ent type='PERSON'>Uthman</ent>, 644-656, several
decades after <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>'s death "compiled" them into the codex
of <ent type='LOC'>Medina</ent>, at the same time destroying rival versions in order to avoid
confusion. It was not until the 10th century (three centuries after
<ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>'s death) that an "authorized" verston was put together.
So how authentic is the Koran in conjunction with <ent type='GPE'>Mohamm</ent>-ed's preachings? Who knows? But considering the various <ent type='PERSON'>manipula</ent>-tions, and considering the lapse in time, any resemblance would have
to be sheer coincidence.
Nevertheless, whatever emerged as the Koran has had tremen-dous influence in shaping the Arabic language as such, and in welding
together the religious and political thinktng of a loose and amorphous
group of <ent type='NORP'>Arabs</ent>, <ent type='NORP'>Semites</ent>, <ent type='NORP'>Hindus</ent>, Orientals, niggers and other mud
CREATIVITY, in contrast, has <ent type='ORG'>Three Basic Books</ent> that
were written by the Founder of the religion, reviewed, published,
Copyrighted and authorized as such while the Founder was still alive.
Also, supplementary books such as <ent type='PERSON'>Expanding Creahvity</ent> were writ-ten and published by the Founder while still alive, thereby eliminating
any question of authenticity or subversion of content. These Three
Basic Books are Nature's Eternal Religion, The <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Man's Bible
and <ent type='PERSON'>Salubrious Living</ent>.
The goals of Creativity are well defined, its program is clear and
pragmatic. It is comprehensive and covers all the basic goals, pro-<ent type='ORG'>blems</ent> and moral values significant for the survival, expansion and
advancement for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race. Unlike the <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent> Bible, or the
<ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent>an Koran, these basic books were not the compilation
of some elusive and unknown "reporters" who supposedly patched
together unconfirmed rumors, myths or hearsay several centuries
Goals and Objectives. Some of the goals <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent></p>
<p> 180
evidently had in mind were:
(a) To unify various loose and scattered desert tribes into a
powerful and polarized political and religious body.
(b) By ordaining several daily ablutions as part of their religious
ritual to those primitive tribes (whose private habits at best were un-sanitary, and at worst, downright dirty) he sought to improve their
physical and personal habits of cleanliness.
(c) Give these primitive desert tribes inspiration, direction and
some sense of moral responsibillty.
(d) Build a powerful political empire with himself at the head.
In all these goals <ent type='PERSON'>Mohammed</ent> succeeded rather well.
Creativity's Goals have been spelled out in great detail in our
basic books. They are clear, comprehensive, constructive and con-sistent. They encompass the entire <ent type='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent> as a unit, not mere-ly a limited area of real estate.
Without reviewing our entire creed, the highlights of our goals
and objectives can briefly be stated as follows:
1 . The survival, expansion and advancement of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race,
and the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race exclusively.
2. To inform, arouse and unity the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race into a solid bat-tering ram so that it can break the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> stranglehold and take
charge of its own destny.
3. To get the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, the niggers, the mud races, and the
freeloaders and other parasites off of the backs of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race.
4. To give the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race a sense of awareness, of morality and
5. To provide a meaningful plan and blueprint for the future of
the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race.
6. To create a strong sense of Racial Loyalty towards the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>
Race among all the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> nations and peoples of the world.
7. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a Sound Society in a Sound
Environment, as spelled out in our program of SALUBRIOUS
8. A universal language, namely <ent type='NORP'>Latin</ent>, for all the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> peoples
of the world.
9. Eugenics. To work in harmony with the Laws of Nature and
to upgrade our <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> gene pool.
10. To build a <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>r and <ent type='ORG'>Brighter World</ent>, with the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race
ultimately and exclusively inhabiting all the worthwhile real estate
of this <ent type='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent>.
For a more comprehensive summation see "20 Basic
Points of Creativity" in the beginning pages of this book.</p>
<p> 181
More about <ent type='GPE'>Mohamm</ent>nedanism
The Koran. as we have pointed out is not only regard-ed as the sacred book of the <ent type='NORP'>Moslems</ent>, but is considered
as holy in itself written by God, and not to be question-ed. I have tried to read many ports of it on several occa-sions and find it extremely boring, conjusing and
It places women in un extremely inferior status as a
mere servant of the male gender, to bear children and
to satisfy his sexaul desires. It also condones polygamy,
a practice that has been shunned by most <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>
<p> One profound diference between a <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent>
Konservative and a Creator is that whereas the
former professes his first allegiance to a <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>
<ent type='NORP'>Jahweh</ent>, a fictitious tribal spook, our loyalty first,
last and always, belongs to our own race.</p>
<p> We Creators deem treason against the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent>
race us the gravest of all sins.</p>
<p> 182
Treachery Recalled
The Anatomy of a <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Koservative</p>
<p> This clinical diagnosis concerns a certain Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>, M.D.,
who lives near a small village in <ent type='GPE'>Tennessee</ent> called <ent type='GPE'>Benton</ent>. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>
is not just an ordinary doctor of medicine, but has a number of
unusual credentials outside of the medical profession. He first rose
to prominence as an articulate member of the <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> Birch Society
and soon was elevated by <ent type='PERSON'>Robert Welch</ent> himself to be on <ent type='ORG'>the Board</ent>
of Directors of that society, a group that I myself joined in 1963 and
resigned from in 1969 when I discovered to my regret that the main
objective of that <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>-loving society was to confuse the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> <ent type='ORG'>goyim</ent>
and run interference for the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s.
Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> further enhanced his status when he ran for the U.S.
<ent type='ORG'>Senate</ent> on the <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>n Independent <ent type='ORG'>Party</ent> ticket in 1974, but came
out a poor third in a three way race. It was at this Hme that he receiv-ed national prominence as a <ent type='NORP'>Conservative</ent>, but soon ran into the ire
of <ent type='PERSON'>Robert the Welcher</ent> himself, who could not tolerate another Prima
<ent type='PERSON'>Don</ent>na upstaging him on his own turf.
In the ensuing hassle, the articulate doctor resigned from the
Birch Society, and moved his practice to <ent type='GPE'>Benton</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>Tennessee</ent>. He
formed the <ent type='ORG'>APRA</ent>, The <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>n Pistol and Rifle Association, a sort
of miniscule imitation of the giant <ent type='ORG'>National Rifle</ent> Association, but
with a "God and Country" flavor.
Since <ent type='GPE'>Benton</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>Tennessee</ent>, is only about 120 miles from Otto,
N.C., I took the time to visit the good doctor a few years ago in an
attempt to establish friendly relations with a group that espoused
a cause that we of <ent type='ORG'>the Church</ent> Of The Creator also highly promote,
namely the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Se-cond Amendment. The doctor showed me the courtesy of spending
the afternoon with me, showing me the layout of his spread, the
target ranges, and the countryside in general. I thanked him for his
time and courtesy and left him some of my literature, Including a
copy of NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION and <ent type='ORG'>THE WHITE MAN</ent>'S
BIBLE. He, in turn, supplied me with his literature. Although we had
a few different viewpoints on religion, we did not discuss them, and
I left considering his group to be more or less in the same camp as
we were. When I discussed the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> menace, the doctor would give
me the "wink, wink" sign, as if he knew all about it too, but strange-ly stayed shy of the subject.
When we started publishing RA<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent>L LOYALTY two years ago,
we put him on our <ent type='NORP'>gratis</ent> mailing list, a courtesy we extended to a</p>
<p> 183
number of those groups with whom we considered we had something
in common.
We were, therefore, somewhat surprised when last week we
received a note on his letterhead, signed by Mrs. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>, instructing
us to send no further literutare and that they did not
subscribe to "hate" journalism.
My Hasta Primus, <ent type='PERSON'>Carles</ent>, thought there must be some mistake.
On his own volition, he took the liberty of calling the doctor himself,
to determine whether those were his sentiments also.
Now my Hasta Primus is a rather loquacious and articulate in-<ent type='GPE'>dividual</ent> himself, but in the ensuing conversation he claims he hard-ly got in more than twenty words edgewise. In a rapid fire barrage
the doctor conveyed to him that:
(a) <ent type='PERSON'>Ben Klassen</ent> is some sort of ego-maniac who probabiy never
tried to get along with other races.
(b) People like us, the <ent type='NORP'>Nazis</ent>, the <ent type='ORG'>Klan</ent>, and other racist groups
are giving the right-wing conser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent> a bad name.
(c) His (the <ent type='ORG'>APRA</ent>) group does not subscribe to "hate" literature.
(d) He is trying to save what is left of <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent> society.
(e) His goal is to preserve the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion for those who may
follow so they can enjoy the same opportunities that we have enjoyed.
(f) He is a doctor of medicine and gets literabre every day from
"nuts" like us who think they know better than does the <ent type='ORG'>AMA</ent>.
(g) No hard feelings, of course.
Of course, doctor. No hard feellngs on our part, either. As Sgt.
Joe Friday used to say on DRAGNET, "Just the facts, Ma'am."
Strangely, I had already written the lead editorial on God and
Country, the Flag and the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion when we received Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>'s
note. It struck me graphically how much the honorable doctor fitted
into the prototype of the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>-loving <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Konser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent> with their
staid, shop-worn cliches that had confused the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race for all
these decades while the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> was sinking his poisonous tentacles
deeper into our society and consolidating his tyrannical power with
which to liquidate the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race.
I also happened to recall a gross treachery Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>
perpetrated, not on me, but on the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race of <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>. It is this
treachery that has rankled in me for ten years, and now that I unders-tand the nature of this in<ent type='GPE'>dividual</ent> more clearly, the time has come
to expose it. Yes, when it comes to treason against the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race,
doctor, I have a long memory. It is THE <ent type='ORG'>GRAVAMEN</ent>, this in-dictment against the doctor, that weights most heaily, and
the main reason why I am writting this expose at all.
But first, let us answer the petty charges the doctor leveled
against us, one by one.
(a) This petty business about egotism reminds me about the time</p>
<p> 184
in grade school when any bright student who would make 98 per-cent in a spelling exam and some dumb bunny would inavaribly come
back with the standard put-down "you think you're pretty smart, don't
Doctor, all I can say is that anybody who comes out and takes
a stand on an unpopular issue, will be called names. Christ knows
I have been called so many names, that they now roll off me as easi-ly as water rolls off a duck's back. Anyone who sets out to do
something important and meaningful, can and will be called an
egotist. Name calling is absolately the lowest denominator in the pro-paganda game, and the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, the <ent type='NORP'>communist</ent> and the <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent>
have developed this treacherous art to an unbelievably vicious level
achieved by no other groups. The procedure is relatively simple. First
of all you invent a stable of derogatory words, such as anti-Semitism,
<ent type='NORP'>Nazi</ent>, racist, capitalist, atheist, anti-Christ, hate-groups, etc. Then
by heaping scorn, contempt and derision (<ent type='PERSON'>Karl Marx</ent> s words) on
these terms repeatedly and endlessly, the public learns to genuflect
and react to them like a <ent type='NORP'>Pavlovian</ent> dog. Once their repugnance has
been firmly established, then all the name caller has to do is reach
into his stable of trigger words and hurl them at his opponents. No
logic, no reasoning, no further explanation is necessary. As I say,
the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, <ent type='NORP'>communist</ent>s and Christains are the world's
foremort experts in this field and tbeir whole world
phillosophy is built on hate and name calling.
Now as far as ego-maniacs are concerned, doctor, as they say
about thieves - it takes one to know one. As I recall, your love af-fair with the <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> Birch Society was terminated not so much because
of any disagreement in philosophy, but purely on the basis of
egotistical jealousy between yourself and the then head honcho,
<ent type='PERSON'>Robert the Welcher</ent>. As I further recall, the <ent type='PERSON'>Welcher</ent> wrote you a long
letter in which he repeatedly emphasized your Prima <ent type='PERSON'>Don</ent>na tenden-cies, and you, in turn, related to me what a jealous, unbearable ego-maniac the <ent type='PERSON'>Welcher</ent> himself was. No hard feelings, doc, but I say:
Physician, heal thyself.
Taking this ego-trip business a little further, I suppose the "you
think you are smart" put-down can be hurled at just about any achiever
by the non-achiever, and generally is. Certainly your favorite wimpy
<ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>, Jesus Christ himself made such flagrant self-inflating claims
as "I am the way and the light, and nobody comes to the Father but
through me." He also made a dozen similar highly egotistical claims
about how perfect he was compared to all of us lousy sinners, but
being a spooky <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> from the never-never land, I presume that as
a <ent type='NORP'>Catholic</ent> you condone, approve and admire such ego-inflating
claims made by the mythical himself about himself.
Speaking of Jesus Christ, I want to further remind the good doc-</p>
<p> 185
tor that this circumsized <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> (for whose existence there is no
historical evidence) also rendered some extremely bad, suicidal ad-vice to the <ent type='ORG'>goyim</ent>, namely (a) sell all thou hast and give it to the nig-gers, (b) love your enemies, (c) turn the other cheek, (d) judge not,
(e) pluck out thine eye, (f) cut off thine hand. There is more - need
I go on?
So much for ego-maniacs. No hard feelings, doc. Just the facts,
(b) We now come to the doctors' accusation that "people like
us" are giving the conser<ent type='ORG'>vatives</ent> and the right-wing a bad name. There
are a number of muddled implications in this accusation, but I want
to shaighten out at least two of them. (1) Our church (and any other
groups for that matter) may have a number of characteristics in com-mon with a thousand other different groups, depending on what
criterta you choose to select. We may even have some charactertics
"in common" with our enemies, if you plck the right criteria. For in-stance we, are a religion, as is <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>ity. We are a racial religion,
as is <ent type='NORP'>Judaism</ent>. We are for keeping our guns, as is the <ent type='ORG'>APRA</ent>. We are
for the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, as is the <ent type='ORG'>Klan</ent>, and as are the <ent type='NORP'>Nazis</ent>, as is Tom
Metzger of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Aryan Resistance, as is <ent type='PERSON'>George Dietz</ent> of
<ent type='ORG'>the Liberty</ent> BeIl, as is the <ent type='ORG'>NSRP</ent>, as is <ent type='ORG'>Aryan Nations</ent> in <ent type='GPE'>Idaho</ent>, and
hundreds of other groups and organizations.
However, we are unique and not the same as any of
them. For instance, in <ent type='ORG'>Expanding Creativity</ent>, Issue Number 4 we list eight
(count them - eight!) fundamental differences between us and <ent type='PERSON'>Hitler</ent>'s
National Socialist <ent type='ORG'>Party</ent>. Whereas I greatly admire Adolf <ent type='PERSON'>Hitler</ent>, our
creed and program is NOT the same, nor is it the same as any other
group. We are, I repeat, unique - a <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Racial religion such as
the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race has never had before in its history. So please, doc,
don't lump us.
(2) The second point is that we are neither right-wing, nor con-servative and have consistently denounced both groups as <ent type='GPE'>ineffec</ent>-tive relics of a dead past, completely out of touch with reality. The
key article in this Issue of this book entitled "Our Race is Our
Religion" expounds this fully, therefore I need not repeat it here.
Since we are no part of the right-wing or conservative move-ment, it is impossible that we could be giving these archaic holdovers
a bad name. Any bad name they have they have earned on
their own hook, and richly deserve.
(c) Regarding <ent type='ORG'>APRA</ent> not subscribing to "hate" Iiterature, this
is rather a silly cliche for which the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s and <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent> are notorious.
There is nobody that "hates" more intensively than do the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s and
the <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent> and the Old Testament is full of the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> Yahweh
impeiling his "Chosen" to lay siege to the <ent type='ORG'>goyim</ent>'s lands and cities
in the name of friendship and "peace" (shalom) and if they resist to</p>
<p> 186
kill every living thing that breathes. (Read again Chapters 10, 11
&amp; 12 of NATURES ETERNAL RELGION). The <ent type='NORP'>Christians</ent>, in turn,
when they had unchallenged power, used the Thumbscrew and Rack,
not to <ent type='PERSON'>mendon</ent> burning at the stake, to lovingly "convince" their
enemies. (Read again <ent type='ORG'>Creative Credo Number</ent> 57 "Thumbscrew and
Rack" in <ent type='ORG'>the WHITE MAN</ent>S BIBLE). So please, dont pull this
phoney pIoy about us being the haters. Actually the overwhelm-ing motivation of <ent type='ORG'>the Church</ent> Of The Creator is love of the
<ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race, and to save it from genocide by the most vicious
haters of all time - the treacherous <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, whose very
religion is based on hate.
What you and the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s are really telling us, doc, is this: Hate
your own kind, but love the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s and your other enemies!
Frankly, we Creators are not that stupid and I hope you are not
(d) Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> says he is trying to save what Is left of <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>
Society. Really? What for and for whom? I ask this question in the
same vein as I asked the <ent type='ORG'>Mormons</ent> about "saving" the so-called seven
<ent type='NORP'>Polynesian</ent> "cultures" in their center in <ent type='GPE'>Hawaii</ent> - are they worth sav-ing, and if so for whom? Is Christanity, after its repeated failure to
improve "humanity" over the last 2000 years and its dire conse-quences to the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race - is it worth saving? We Creators res-pond with a loud and emphatic no, it is not. It is a <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> disease
inflicted on the minds of the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race and has been instrumental
in bringing down, first of all, the great <ent type='GPE'>Roman Empire</ent>, in ushering
in 1300 years of the Dark Ages, in making <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> Communism possi-ble, and in the end, the violent destruction of Nature's Finest.
Save what is lelf of <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>ity? You might as well be dedicated
to saving cancer, leprosy and syphilis. They are aIl deadly poisons
to the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race. Let me point out that if the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race is
destroyed and this country is inhabited by wall to wall niggers,
Voodooism, not Christanity will be the religion of the realm.
(e) Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>s goal of preserving the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion for those who
may follow is so they can enjoy the same opportunities we have
Since I have already covered this subject In the lead article star-ing on <ent type='PERSON'>Page</ent> 1, I need not go over this ground again. I wlll add three
points of emphasis:
(1) The <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion has now been converted into a powerful tool
used to vioIently force integratlon on the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race with the nig-gers and other mud races, and:
(2) When and if the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s achieve their long sought goal of <ent type='ORG'>wip</ent>-ing out the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race both <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>ity and the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion will
go down the drain with it.
(3) We are not now "enjoying opportunities" under the <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>-</p>
<p> 187
tion. <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion or no <ent type='GPE'>Constitu</ent>tion, we are now under the tyran-nical heel of a <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> Occupational Government (JOG), as is <ent type='PERSON'>Ger</ent>-many, as is <ent type='GPE'>England</ent>, as is <ent type='GPE'>Russia</ent>, and every other country in the
world. The <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> taxpayer of <ent type='GPE'>America</ent> in particular is being
plundered on a scale as has no other group in <ent type='ORG'>histroy</ent>
before. We are now helping to support and feed all the scum
and mud races of the world, whose numbers are exploding
at a frightening rate. Through the strong-armed goon squad
called the <ent type='ORG'>IRS</ent> we are forced to fork over the major proceeds
of our earning which futher go to reinforce and expand
the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> power structure that is strangling us.
Those who resist are selectively and ruthlessly gunned down by
a <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>-organized team of <ent type='ORG'>FBI</ent>-<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> and <ent type='ORG'>SWAT</ent> agents, as was Robert
Opportunities for our children? Unless, we the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race,
organize ourselves for our own survival, our descendants have no
future. They will be mongrelized mulattoes, living in a country in-fested by wall to wall niggers, ruIed by an ironclad <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> Tyranny.
(f) We now come to the sorest point of all, the one on which the
doctor is most sensitive and is running scared. That point is the ma-jor hoax that "medicine" heals, a claim that has been overwhelm-ingly discredited, and not supported by either empirical nor scien-tific evidence. Like the <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>ity hoax, it is a fictituous concept,
a concept that has been around more than 3000 years. It is a dogma
which has been indoctrinated to the gullible, and has proved to be
a powerful tool in extracting huge sums of money from its hapless
Unfortunately, it took the first 50 years of my life before I became
aware of what a cruel hoax was <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>-<ent type='ORG'>Chsistianity</ent>. It took another
eleven years before I looked more deeply into the enoneous assump-tion that "medicines" are cures for human ailments.
Needless to say that once alerted, as in the <ent type='NORP'>Christian</ent>tty hoax,
the evidence was overwhelming that the basic premise of medicine,
the basic dogma of the <ent type='ORG'>AMA</ent>, that medicines can cure, is a fraudulent
The fact is that "Medicines" are drugs, are chemicals,
are poison:, all toxic to the human body. They are alien
subtances that poison an already ailing body further, com-pound the problem, and often kill.
True, some pills can suppress pain. Aspirin can, so can heroin,
so can chloroform. If you drink a bottle of booze that, too, will help
you to feel no pain. it might even kill you and "cure" your pain forever.
But do they cure the cause? No, they do not. Basically, all they do
is suppress the symptoms, give "temporary relief" as the hype
on the electronic <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> tube keeps repeating in a hundred commer-</p>
<p> 188
cials a day. But they do not cure the cause. They exacerbate
and compound it.
Since the literature on this subject is voluminous, it is not
necessary for me to review it here. I have already covered it
thoroughly in <ent type='ORG'>Creative Credo</ent> Nos. 4 to 12 in the THE MAN'S BI-BLE. Arnold De Vries has treated it much more thoroughly in 21
chapters of our book, SALUBRIOUS LIVING. Mr. T.C. Fry has two
articles on the subject in the May issue of our monthly periodical
"Racial Loyalty." His <ent type='ORG'>HEALTHFUL LIVING</ent> magazine has volumes
of information available every month. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Herbert Shelton</ent>, who died
Just recently at the age of 90, has written reams of material on it
for more than half a century.
Rather than review such volumes of information let me briefly
point out some basic parameters.
1 . Doctors themselves, because they partake of their own "medicine"
are some of the best paid, but sickest people in the country. A
greater percentage of doctors become drug addicts, com-mit suicide, die of heart attacks, than does the average
citizen who seldom goes near a doctor.
2. Forty per cent of all illnesses and deaths in <ent type='GPE'>the United State</ent>s re
reported to be Iatrogenic - that is because of trertment
dispensed in a hospital or by a doctor.
3. When doctors went on strike in <ent type='GPE'>Canada</ent> for a period of
time, the death rate fell sharply and the undertakers complain-ed. The same thing happened when the doctors went on strike in
<ent type='GPE'>Israel</ent>, and also in <ent type='GPE'>Los Angeles</ent>.
4. Medical and "heaIth care" expenses are going up even more rapaidly
than the population explosion of the mud races.
S. The average M.D. doesn't know beans about nutrition and
proper diet, and usually dismisses the subject as of little
6. The hierarchy of the <ent type='ORG'>AMA</ent> is heavily dominated by <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s.
There is much more, and I have already indicated where you
may delve deeper into this hoax. Let me admit that I will not change
Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>'s attitude on the drug pushing racket. What can he do
but continue? His income, his lifestyle and his prestige depend on
sticking with it, whether he believes in it or not, and he probably
does. Like the drug pusher in <ent type='GPE'>Miami</ent> says, "<ent type='PERSON'>Vere</ent> else could I make
such a killing?"
Actually, there is little or no difference between "legitimate"
prescription drugs and the "illegitimate" drugs peddled by drug
pushers, as far as their toxic effect on the human body. They are
all toxic, all are poison. The fact that the <ent type='ORG'>AMA</ent> arbitrarily rules
one as legitimate and another illigitimate makes no difference to the
human system.</p>
<p> 189
Just as <ent type='ORG'>the Federal Reserve</ent> can arbitrarily designate our
countereit bills as "legal tender" so can the powerful <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> dominated
<ent type='ORG'>AMA</ent> rule any drug "legitimate" as they see fit, though it may cause
untold misery to millions.
If Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> keeps getting messages kom thousands of "nuts"
like us trying to tell him there is something wrong with the state of
medicine, perhaps he had <ent type='ORG'>bener</ent> pay heed. They probably have a
valid point.
All the foregoing would only be so much backround, and I would
never have bothered to write this article at all, if that were the whole
story about Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>, M.D. But I have a long memory for
treachery against the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race and such acts of betrayal. We
Creators neither forget nor forgive. We now come to the
<ent type='ORG'>GRAVAMEN</ent>, the accusation that weighs most heavily against the
doctor, a perfidy against the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race that was perpetrated more
than 10 years ago.
In 1974, <ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent>, a <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> <ent type='NORP'>Protestant</ent> drugstore tycoon, ran
for <ent type='GPE'>the United State</ent>s <ent type='ORG'>Senate</ent> from the <ent type='ORG'>State</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Florida</ent>, on the
<ent type='NORP'>Republican</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Party</ent> ticket. Pitted against him was <ent type='PERSON'>Richard Stone</ent>, a
militant, liberal, pro-<ent type='NORP'>Zionist</ent>, pro-<ent type='GPE'>Israel</ent> <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>, running on the
Democratic <ent type='ORG'>Party</ent> ticket. This was at a time when <ent type='PERSON'>Richard Nixon</ent>
had won his second term in one of the biggest <ent type='NORP'>Republican</ent> landslide
victories of all time in 1972, and the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> Watergate onslaught
had not yet reached its crescendo.
<ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent> had a better than even chance of winning. In fact,
his chances were excellent. Into this fray jumped our <ent type='ORG'>Kosher</ent> Konser-vative doctor, <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>, who was at that time residing in
<ent type='GPE'>Okeechobee County</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Florida</ent>. He ran on the <ent type='GPE'>America</ent>n Indepen-dent <ent type='ORG'>Party</ent> ticket, the same party of which I myself was <ent type='ORG'>State</ent> Chair-man in 1968, and resigned from in 1969 when I became acutely aware
of the fact that <ent type='PERSON'>George Wallace</ent> was selling the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race down
the river.
<ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent> was one of the few candidates of a national stature
that had the guts to list his qualifacations against that of his <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>
opponent, and in the two columns appeared the category RELIGION.
He factually listed himself as <ent type='NORP'>Protestant</ent>, his opponent as <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>.
This was an absolute no-no, as far as the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> establishment
was concerned, and all hell broke loose. The <ent type='ORG'>ADL</ent>, the <ent type='ORG'>AJC</ent> and all
the other <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> organizations screamed to high heaven (Anti-Semitism!) and even threatened to cut off his trade credits against
his drugstore chain. Unfortunately, under all this pressure Jack
Eckerd capitulated, and in a series of massive newspaper ads
apologized for his unrequitable sin.
But that is another story.
The statistics of the election show that it was very close, that</p>
<p> 190
<ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent> would have won handily, had it not been for the spoiler,
<ent type='PERSON'>Kosher Konservative</ent> Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> entering the race. The resulults
were as follows:
Dem. <ent type='PERSON'>Richard Stone</ent>
781031 votes, or 43.4 %
Rep. <ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent>
736674 votes, or 40.9 %
A.I.P. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>
282659 votes, or 15.7 %
<ent type='PERSON'>Richard Stone</ent> the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> attracted the liberal vote of <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s, nig-gers and the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Liberals. The conservative vote on the other hand
was now split betwem conservabve <ent type='NORP'>Republican</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent> and con-serative A.I.P. candidate <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>. It is therefore obvious that
the overwhelming votes Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> syphoned off were at the expense
of <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> <ent type='NORP'>Protestant</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent>.
Had <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> not run, obviously <ent type='PERSON'>Jack Eckerd</ent> would have served
in the U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Senate</ent> for the next six years, (and probably a second
term) instead of liberal <ent type='NORP'>Zionist</ent> <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Richard Stone</ent>. I charge Dr.
<ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> of being instrumental in putting <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent> Richard
<ent type='ORG'>Stone</ent> in the <ent type='ORG'>Senate</ent>.
So the question remains: Why did Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> enter the race
as a spoiler? Obviously, he did not have the chance of a snowball
in hell of winning, as his 15.7 per cent clearly indicated.
Was he not aware of the consequences of his spoiler role? Who
put him up to it? Was he fully aware and deliberately entered in order
to help <ent type='ORG'>Stone</ent> win a race he would otherwise not have won? Did the
<ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> Birch Society (who has always been pro-<ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent>) engineer the
campaign? Did the <ent type='NORP'>Jew</ent>s inveigle <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> to run and offer financial
In any case, he can hardly plead innocence on the grounds "I
didn't know the gun was loaded." He is much too intelligent not to
have foreseen the consequences.
Now I am not a mind reader and cannot portend a man's intent.
However, we can and do read the consequences, and the fact is that
Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> <ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent>, M.D., wittingly or unwittingly put <ent type='PERSON'>Richard Stone</ent>
in the U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Senate</ent> for six years by launching his own otherwise
pointless and abortive campaign. If so, he committed treachery and
reason against the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> Race and I wonder out loud how much
<ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> money and influence was instrumental in getting him to run
and finance his campaign? How much <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> "conservative" money
went down the rathole in supporting this classic textbook example
of the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> tactic of divide and conquer?
We wlll never know for sure, but I am not willing to give Dr.
<ent type='PERSON'>Grady</ent> the benefit of the doubt. For anybody that understands the
treachery of <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> tactics, this case fits the pattern too glibly, and</p>
<p> 191
too obviously, also, the results accrued overwhelmingly to the benefits
of the <ent type='NORP'>Jewish</ent> power establishment. With such preponderance of
evidence, it is hard to ignore the conclusion that delibrate skulldug-gery was invoIved, and the campaign planned to achieve the results
it did.</p>
<p> Half century ago <ent type='PERSON'>Hitler</ent> succeeded in uniting
all the <ent type='PERSON'>Ger</ent>mans. It is the unswerving goal of the
Church of the Creator to arouse, unify and
polarize all the <ent type='PERSON'>White</ent> peoples of this <ent type='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent>.
192 </p></xml>