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Another Unsolved Mystery
Matt Giwer (c) 1994
It is commonly repeated that David Koresh and his followers
were hell bent upon some form of suicide. We heard and read
constant comparisons to the mass suicide lead by Jim Jones. And
as the clincher we are told they burned themselves alive.
I have a problem with this. Why would people who were
desperately seeking a cease fire be considered suicidal? And on
top of that, why were we mislead?
For fifty one days the government was releasing statements
suggesting David Koresh and the Branch Davidians were suicidal,
that they were looking for some massive confrontation with the
government, that they would kill themselves rather than
Now let us imagine what our perception would have been if we
had known what the government knew. The government knew from the
first day these people purported seeking a confrontation and
death were in fact the people who sought a cease fire. We did
not learn this until after the FBI Bar-B-Que and then not until
we heard the full tape and not the FBI doctored tape.
The government, having this tape and knowing full well they
were not suicidal, proceeded to mislead us for seven weeks. Why?
Was it truly necessary? Why would it be necessary to mislead us?
I hate to get paranoid here but it appears we have a
remarkably prescient government in expecting suicide or there was
in fact no suicide. How is it that people demonstrably not
suicidal on 28 February can become suicidal in fifty one days AND
the government knowing it all along? Something just does not
ring true here.
Were I the paranoid type I would call the government stories
a matter of scene setting. It is the Chinese story telling style
starting off with, "I am going to tell you of a mass suicide,"
and then going on to tell the story.
It is difficult to imagine how the government could have set
up such an event. Certainly they were shooting enough burning
gas grenades into the second floor and in fact the second floor
is where the first network videos show the first flames. This
does not equate to starting fires at all the exits in order to
prevent escape.
On the other hand we do not have evidence of fires at all
the exits yet very few escaped. This does fit with mass suicide
but it requires a grave deliberation of purpose for a person to
remain calm while being consumed by fire.
We have to accept that obviously non-suicidal people turned
suicidal in 51 days and that the government's psychic powers were
sufficient to predict it. I can conceive of no reasonable
explanation for either this drastic change or for the
government's ability to predict it.
Shall we say, we are left with a mystery.