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Excerpted without permission from UTNE READER JAN/FEB 1989,
an excerpt from from the BERKLEY ECOLOGY CENTER NEWSLETTER MAY 1988.
MAY 14, 1945 : Plutonium is injected intravenously into a human subject in an experiment carried ut by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Eighteen human subjects are injected with plutonium in 1945 nd 1946.
OCT. 10, 1957 : a fire at an English nuclear facility causes radiation
leakage and contaminates milk in a 200 mile radius with iodine-131. The
contaminated milk is dumped into the Irish Sea.
MARCH 1958 : Kyshtym, USSR. Nuclear waste plant explodes, destroying hundreds of square miles of and and causing thousands of people to contract radiation sickness.
JAN. 3, 1961 : Sl-1 Idaho Falls experimental test reactor. Three technicians were killed as they oved fuel rods in a 'routine' preparation for the reactor startup. One technician was blown to the ciling of the containment dome and impaled on a control rod. His body remained there until it was takn down six days later. These men were so heavily exposed to radiation that their hands and heads hadto be buried seperately with other radioactive waste.
MARCH 1968 : In an uniddentified reactor, workers used a basketball to plug a pipe during modifiction to the plant's spent fuel pool cooling system. Further work was in process, and the basketball as blasted through the pipe and out the open end, followed by 14,000 gallons of water filling up theroom.
1971 : The Atomic Energy Commision (AEC) admitted an error in radiation
exposure limits by proposing a hundred-fold reduction in routine emission
MARCH 1972 : Sen. Mike Gravel of Alaska submitted to the Congressional Record facts surrounding aroutine check in a nuclear power plant which indicated abnormal radioactivity in the building's wate system. Radioactivity was confirmed in the plant drinking fountain. Apparently there was an inapprpriate priate cross-connect between a 3,000 gallon radioactive tank and the water system.
SEPT. 21,, 1980 : En route from Pennsylvania to Toronto, two canisters
containing radioactive materials fall off a truck on New Jersey's Rout 17. The driver discovers missng cargo in Albany, New York, when he sees only one of three canisters is still on the truck.
*** And they truly believe they know what their doing with nuclear power! 'Trust us madame, we're nulear scientists!' I don't know about you, but I don't think our technology is ready yet for the nuclar age, all their doing is building Enviromental time-bombs....something you shouldn't do to mother ature! ***