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(nc) Tod Foley 1991
7000 Jericho; Catal Huyuk; Proto-Minoans; -Aryans; -Taiwanese;
-Sumerians > SW toward Mesopotamia;
7000-3000 Neolithic Age gives way to Bronze & Copper; Sumerian civ
develops Proto-Syrians; -Palestinians
4000 Proto-Indus; -Persians; -Russian Turkestans; -Amerinds;
small villages in Mesoamerica & Peru
3500 Upper Egypt consolidated; Khorat civ. developing
3000 Troy; Iberians > W Europe; Minoans; Barrows in Europe;
Sumerian CityStates trade with Syrians, Elamites &
Amorites; Megalithic temples on Malta
3000-1500 Old Egypt; Pyramids; Crete; Elamites freq raid Sumer;
Aryans; Large temple complexes in Peru (rectangular
2700 Gilgamesh
2700-1250 Stonehenge built
2500 City of Ur; Akkad; migrating Amorites/Semites; Harrapans;
Longshan civ developing; Afghans; Sumeria unified;
Egypt/Nubia trade; Cult of Ra; the Great Pyramid;
Megaliths throughout Europe; Arameans
2400 Sargon the Great of Akkad ! Elam, Syria & SE Anatolia;
Irrigation by the Chavins
2300 Harrapan trade with Afghans, Persians, Sumerians &
Himilayans; Xia Dynasty; Gutians >! Sumeria (50 years);
Bronze Age in S Asia
2100 Egyptian collapse (for 100 years); Sumeria reunited under
2000 Middle Egypt; Troy II; Proto-Iranians; Harrapan civ
thrives; Minoan trade/colonies flourishing; Chinese learn
metalworking from the Khorats; Elamites/Amorites >!+
Sumerians = Babylonians; Bronze Age in Brit.Isles;
Assyrians; Aryans > NE Medit (Hurrians), Anatolia
(Hittites); India (IndoAryans) & Europe (Celts); New
temples in Peru (U-shaped complexes); Chavins expand and
conquer, > inland; Small farming settlements in
1830-1810 Assyria under Babylonian rule
1800 IndoEurs > Iran/Middle East; Harrapans abandon Indus
valley; Shang Dynasty; Hammurabi's Empire stretches from
Persian Gulf to Syria
1700 Abraham; Hittites; Egypt controls Lebanon
1700-1450 Minoan Golden Age: Palace destroyed, rebuilt; Colonies
thrive; Assyrians defend against Egyptians, Hittites &
1650-1550 Hyksos occupy Egypt; Bronze Age in Italy; Myceneans
learn Bronzeworking & writing from Minoans
1500 Tyre; Celts and Iberians in Spain; Aegean & Hittite
cities/trade; Hittites destroy Babylon; Minoan Linear
Alphabet; Chinese Glyphs
1500-1100 New Egypt; Mycenaeans; Philistines; Bronze Age in
Balt/Scandinavia; Kassites rule Babylon
1500-800 Chavin goldworking & jewelrymaking reach zenith
1400 Crete, devastated by earthquakes, falls to the Aegeans;
Egyptian sea-power waning; Myceneans make aggressive
progress; Olmecs
1300 Myceneans modify Minoan Alphabet
1366-1334 Hittites ! Hurrians & Syria; Hittite Empire incl
Anatolia, N Lebanon & N Mesopotamia
1250 Phoenicians; Hebrews; Aegean migrations; Hittites ! Syria
1230 Exodus of the Israelites; Moses; the Ten Commandments
1200 Hittite Empire falters; Assyrian Iron; Assyria !
Babylonia; Israelites reach Canaan, the Promised Land
1200-1190 Trojan War (Mycenae >! Troy); Medit filled with
war/piracy/revolt; N/C Myceneans >! Hittites & Lydians;
Philistines rule Palestine
1200-900 San Lorenzo (Ceremonial/Urban site) is center of Olmec
culture; Olmec stone heads carved; Olmec culture spreads
north & south
1150 Macedonian barbarians > Mycenea, displacing Dorians
1100 "Sea Peoples" overrun the Mediterranean, destroying the
Mycenean and Hittite Empires; Hittite culture destroyed;
Athens & Arcadia become cities of refugees known as
Ionians; Philistine Kingdom at zenith; 3rd intermediate
period of Egypt; Arameans & Assyrians clash; Syrian
states of Hama & Damascus prosper; Mycenea enters Dark
Age; Aegean migrations begin; Dorians ! Pelopennese;
Chou Dynasty
1000 Israelites subdue Canaanites/Philistines; Kings of Israel
& Judah; IndoAryans > E to Ganges; Phoenicians modify
Mycenean alphabet; Iron Age (no Bronze) in Africa
1000-900 Ionian colonies in S Anatolia & Lebanon; Neo-Hittites in
N Anatolia
1000-600 China expands throughout region
975 David unites most of Lebanon & defeats Philistines
933-745 Young Assyrian Empire controls W Asian & Mediterranean
900-700 Phoenicians expand/trade throughout Medit, to Morocco &
Iberia; IndoAryans expand throughout India; Revolt
destroys San Lorenzo; New S American states arise
800 Homer; Sparta; Carthage; Etruscans; IndoAryans write the
800-700 Ionians learn writing from Phoenicians; remarkable
Spartan army expands territory; Dorian/Spartan & Ionian
civ development
800-500 China balkanizes; Feuds are typical; Bronze coins minted
776 1st Olympics
750-650 Assyria ! Elam; Assyrian Empire incl N Egypt, Lebanon, S
Anatolia & all of Mesopotamia; Spartans grow introverted,
aggressive & xenophobic; Exploitation of Ionian lower
classes leads to overpopulation, food shortages & debt;
Many Ionians migrate to Black Sea, N Africa, Sicily,
Italy & Europe
750-300 Greek CityStates; Rome (Pre-Latins); Vedas; Egypt
re-unified; Indus Republics; Olmecs
734 Sparta founds Syracus
700 Phrygia; early Celt culture; Celts work Iron; Greek coins;
Carthage wins independance from Phoenicia; Etruscans join
Phoen's as masters of Medit trade/colonization; Celts spread
through Europe
650 Chinese coins; Brahmans maintain Vedas/castes; Saite Egypt
rules Nubia & Libya; Assyrian strife/dissolution; Lydia mints
electrum coins; Dioklos road (for hauling ships) btw C Greece
& Pelopennese
600 Medes & Babylonians conquer Assyria (Empire falls); Truce btw
Medes, Lydia & Babylonia brings peace for 35 years;
Nebuchadnezzar; New Babylon Empire incl Sinai, Lebanon &
Mesopotamia; Greek CityStates incl Thessaly, Boeotia
(Thebes), Attica (Athens), Corinth, Euboea, Pelopennese
(Arcadia, Sparta) & Ionia; Sparta unifies Pelopennesian
League & expands; Despot tyrants reign throughout Aegean;
Etruria subjugates Latium; Latins adopt writing; Massala
(Greek trade town in S France) allows Celts to trade with
Greeks/Etruscans; Ganges Plain = center of Indus civ; Indus
aristocracy; Wars btw IndoAryan tribes; Dissemination of the
600-430 Athens' glory; Socrates; Aeschylus; Hippocrates; Dionysus
600-200 Olmec culture dissolves
594 Solon named Lawgiver of Athens; Many Greek states undergo
broad reforms, others fall to tyranny
586 Babylon conquers Jerusalem; Temple destroyed; Babylonian
550 Greek Drama; Jainism; Indus Mercantile; Zoroaster; Cyrus of
Persia ! Media, Lydia, Iran, Ionia & Turkestan; Persian
550-500 Buddha; Mahavira (Jainism); Confucius; the powerful Magadha
kingdom becomes India's trade nexus
540 Persia conquers Babylonia; Jews released; Carthaginians drive
Greek traders out of Iberia
525-520 Persia conquers Egypt & NW India; Persian roads unite the
Empire; Persians standardize coinage; international commerce
thrives; the Capital city of Persepolis is built
514 Persia conquers Macedonia & Thrace
509 Rome wins independance from Etruria; Roman Republic begins
500 The Latin League
500-300 Mauryan India is unified; China undergoing slow unification
490-480 Persian Wars (Greeks repel Persians & destroy military might)
430-400 Pelopennesian Wars
400 Plato; Aristotle; Delian League; the Pentateuch; Persian
decline; Athens surrenders to Sparta; Iron Age in Briton;
Rome annexes Etruscan lands from the south; Celts attack from
the north; Celtic coins; Chavin culture dissolves
400-380 Corinthian Wars (Corinth/Athens/Thebes/Argos rival Sparta)
390 Celts from Gaul seige Rome; Rome begins expanding throughout
Italian peninsula
350 Aristotle; Plebian reforms; Philip II unites Greece by force;
Seleucid Dynasty in Persia; Nazca
340 Latin Wars (Rome conquers most of Italy); Latin League
336 Alexander the Great takes throne of Macedonia/Greece
334 Alexander begins Asian Campaign, liberating Ionia from
Persians, then Anatolia, Levant. Tyre, Palestine, Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Babylon, Persepolis, Bactria, Sogdiana & India
323 Alexander dies; His Empire is divided into three: Ptolemaic
Egypt, Macedonia & Seleucia
300 Carthage holds S Iberia, Sardinia, Sicily & N Africa; Rise of
Mauryan Empire; City of Pataliputra
300-200 India & Afghanistan secede from Seleucia; Greeks resume
infighting; Greco-Asian culture= "Hellenism"; Archimides;
Euclid; Eratosthenes; Rome expanding; Greek Empire
275-240 1st-4th Syrian Wars (Ptolemy takes Siria & Anatolia from
264-241 1st Punic War (Rome drives back the Phoenician/Carthaginians)
250 Seleucia incl Anatolia, Lebanon, Mesopotamia & E Iran; Celts
move into Baltics, Anatolia & Greece; Rome controls all of
Italy; Bactria secedes from Seleucia and conquers Sogdiana
250-230 Parthia, Syria, Anatolia & Armenia secede from Seleucia
250-150 Parthians rise in power; Asoka expands Mauryan Empire;
Buddhism becomes India's state religion; India prospers; Qin
dynasty; the Great Wall of China; Chinese Uniformity; Shi
huangdi searches for the "Isle of the Immortals"
240-220 Carthaginians conquer Iberia; Ionian/Seleucid city of
Pergamum is the "Athens of Asia Minor"
220-200 2nd Punic War; Hannibal leads Carthaginian Iberia against
214-150 Macedonian Wars (Rome forces Greece to surrender)
200 Rome possesses Iberia, Medit & N Africa; 5th Syrian War
(Seleucia regains Syria & S Anatolia); Han Dynasty;
Confucianism; Proto-Japan
200-100 Citizens of Roman Empire flock to cities
190 Rome takes Anatolia & Syria; Asoka becomes Emperor of India
180 End of Mauryan Dynasty
170 Rome takes Macedonia; Judas Maccabeus leads Jewish revolt
170-140 Parthian Empire: Parthians take Babylonia, Media, Elam &
Persia from Seleucids, then conquer Bactria & extend to the
Persian Gulf
150 3rd Punic War (Rome destroys Carthage & conquers Gaul); Rome
takes Greece; Greek art enthralls Romans; China expands; Silk
Road opened by Chinese traders
150-62 Roman Republic collapses; Romans attack Parthia & fail;
135 Parthia beset by nomads from the N (Eurasians) & E (Sacae);
Sacaeans seize Bactria & Punjab
130-120 Pergamum becomes Roman province; Gracchius brothers killed
for supporting agrarian land reforms
100 Spartacus; 1st Triumvirate (Caesar/Pompey/Crassus); Armenians
fight the Parthians, greatly reducing size of Empire; Etruria
dissolving; Cimbri attack Gaul & Roman holdings, put down by
Rome; Trade btw China & Japan
90 Babylonia and Armenia revolt from Parthian rule
85 Civil War in Rome
60 Caesar leads Roman forces against Helvetian Tribes and
conquers most of south-central Europe
53 Crassus killed
50-15 Caesar killed; Rome is officially an Empire; 2nd Triumvirate;
Antony & Cleopatra; Augustus; Silk Road controlled by
Parthians, who enjoy their role as middlemen btw Rome &
China; Rome annexes Egypt & N Europe, but fails to conquer
Teutonic Celts
35 Marc Antony attacks Parthia & fails; conquers Armenia
0-30 Reinterest in Greek culture; Tiberius; Christ; the Kushan
Kingdom; Parthia balkanizing, Empire dissolving
0 to 300 Rise of Christianity
35-40 Caligula
40-55 Claudius; Rome struggles for Briton (no conquest until 85)
55-65 Nero; Rome burns
70 Judean revolt put down; Temple destroyed
65-80 Christians persecuted; Jews/Judeans oppressed; Vespasian puts
the Empire on good ground again; Vesuvius erupts; Buddhism
76-180 The "Five Good Emperors"
100 Hadrian; Wall of Briton
130-135 Judean revolt results in the denationalization of the Jews
("The Dispersion"); Masada; Roman works throughout
150 Marcus Arelius
166-167 Great Pestilence in Rome (Smallpox from Parthia/Silk Road)
200 Sassanian Empire (Persia); Zoroastrianism; Han Dynasty
crumbles; Civil Wars in China due to Han court intrigues
200-280 Rome holds back Euro & Eurasian barbarians; Rome attacks E
Parthia; Persia >! Syria & Mesopotamia; Alamanni storm S
Europe, repelled repeatedly; Roman Govt begins to falter:
inflation, taxation, & brigandage rise; Chaotic succession of
despotic military leaders
200-800 The Venidi (Slavs) differentiate: Poles/Chzecks/Slovaks;
Bulgarians/Serbs/Croats; Lithuanians; Russians/Ukrainians
250 Kushan regime in India toppled by Sassanians
250-260 Visigoths >! Balkans & SW Germany from a weakened Rome, and
freq raid N Italy; Franks >! Gaul & E Spain; Sassanians >!
Armenia, Mesopotamia & Syria, repelled by city of Palmyra;
Emperor-Worship required in Rome; Christians persecuted (by
260-270 Goth ships on Black Sea wreak havoc in Anatolia/N Greece
267 Palmyra secedes & claims much of Rome's E holdings; At this
point, Rome controls only Italy, N Africa & Illyria
270-280 Goths repelled from Balkans; Aurelian reclaims much of the
Empire; New walls of Rome; Palmyra sacked; Alamanni & Franks
repelled from Gaul; Goths deteated in Anatolia; Neo-Platonism
280-325 Diocletian divides the Empire into 2 districts (E/W),
co-ruled by Maximian; City of Rome shifts into background of
Roman affairs; Roman Paganism; Empire socially/financially
united again; secret police; more Christians persecuted;
Diocletian & Maximian abdicate
300-500 Mystery sects; Barbarian raids/border skirmishes; Scoti
(Irish) & Picts raid Roman holds; Vikings (Norwegians, Danes
& Swedes) begin expansion/travels; Gupta Era in India;
Hinduism; Indian science & literature; India expands
325-350 Constantine accepts Christianity; Council of Nicaea;
Constantinople (built upon Byzantium) = "Nova Roma"; Peace
treaty with Visigoths; Visigoths accept Christianity; Hagia
Sophia built; Frankish battles
370-380 Huns >W to Caspian, >! Alans, >! Ostrogoths, & raid
Visigoths, who appeal to Rome for protection, but are so
mistreated that they sack Constantinople; Church schisms (E/W
Theology); Ambrose; Augustine
400 The "Split Empire" is by now a permanent structure; Vandals >
Gaul, Spain & Africa
400-450 Attila; Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms; Arthur
450 Attila defeated; Vandals raid Rome
500 Islamic Empire; Rise of Irish monastic scholarship;
Ostrogoths invade Italy; Franks take Gaul; Buddhist cave
temples; Huns topple Guptas; Turks & Mongols invade China;
Teotihuacan playing feilds
550 Justinian; Byzantine Empire; Mohammed; Koran; Buddhism in
Japan; Lombards take Italy
600 Carolingians; Tang Dynasty; Moslem expansion begins (toward
Persia and Egypt); missionaries sent to convert Anglo-Saxons;
Mayan temple-pyramids
700 Japan (Nara period); Fall of Lombards; Bulgars; Arab attack
on Constantinople fails due to newly-invented "Greek Fire."