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<p>Transcript of taped message concerning the implementation of a
dictatorial government in the United States.</p>
<p>This is William R. Pabst. My address is 1434 West Alabama Street,
Houston, Texas 77006. My telephone number is: (713) 521-9896. This
is my 1979 updated report on the concentration camp program of the
Dept. of Defense of the United States.</p>
<p>On April 20, 1976, after a rapid and thorough investigation, I filed suit
on behalf of the People of the United States against various personages
that had a key part in a conspiratorial program to do away with the
United States as we know it. This is a progress report to you, the
plaintiffs, you the People of the United States. The civil action number
is 76-H-667. It is entitled, "Complaint Against the Concentration Camp
Program of the Dept. of Defense." It was filed in the U.S. District Court
for the southern district of Texas, Houston division. The judge
responsible for the case was Judge Carl Beau (phonetic spelling).</p>
<p>You have no doubt heard the story: Once upon a time, under the Nazi
regime in Germany, a man worked on an assembly line in a baby
carriage factory. His wife was going to have a baby, but the Nazi
government would not let anybody buy a baby carriage. The man
decided he would secretly collect one part from each department and
assemble the carriage himself. When this was done he and his wife
gathered up the pieces and assembled it. When they were finished they
did not have a baby carriage, they had a machine gun.</p>
<p>And that is exactly the situation that I am going to present to you at this
time. The center for the Study for Democratic Institutions recently
completed a proposed constitution for the "Newstates of America." The
Center is <span class="PERSON">Rockefeller</span> funded. To give you an indication of the type of
constitution proposed, the term "national emergency" is mentioned 134
times. The document did not have a Bill of Rights and the right to own
arms was taken away. At the same time, House Concurrent Resolution
#28 awaited for calling a constitutional convention on or before July 4,
1976. The presiding officer of such an event would have been Nelson
<span class="PERSON">Rockefeller</span>, Vice President and president pro tem of the Senate. This
particular resolution awaited in committee. Obviously, money would
not be spent on these massive programs unless there would be the
chance for the actual implementation of such a scheme.</p>
<p>However, in case the American people do not voluntarily adopt a new
constitution less troublesome to those who desire dictatorship, there is
Executive Order #11490, which will include its predecessors when it is
cited herein. The Executive Order authorizes the secretaries of the
various agencies to prepare for any "national emergency" type
situation--including, but not limited to, those specified in the
Executive Order itself. If you read the Order, there is nothing at all left
to the imagination. For any conceivable pretext, a national emergency
may be declared based upon this frightening decree, dated October
1969. The Order itself was prefaced in March of 1969 by another
Executive Order that established the federal regions and their capitals.
All the departments of the government were involved, including the
L.E.A.A. (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration) and H.E.W.
(Health, Education, and Welfare). Congressman Larry <span class="PERSON">McDonald</span> has
revealed to Congress that various guerrilla and terrorist groups were
being financed by the federal government. If they (the terrorist groups)
actually began in search of activities, Executive Order #11490 would
be activated. But as mentioned previously, if you will read Executive
Order #11490, you will see that a "national emergency" may be
declared for any conceivable pretext whatsoever. If the Order itself
were activated, here is what would happen. The next day you and your
family would be standing in front of your local post office with your
neighbors the front doors bursting with block-long lines of people
waiting to be registered. After waiting in line with your family for
hours, you finally get channeled through the doors. Once inside, you
overhear the postal clerk with his sidearm on telling a frightened
registrant, "Look there is nothing I can do. The truck behind the
building will take you to a work camp where you have been assigned.
Your wife has been assigned to a factory and there's nothing I can do."
Then your son or daughter looks up at you with a quivering voice and
asks, "Dad, why are we here?"</p>
<p>Well, you see there's much more to life in a "free country" than paying
your mortgage. You have to be aware of what is going on and act
accordingly and participate in government, that is, get involved.
Examine the organization chart on Executive Order #11490 to discover
how we have all helped finance (through our tax dollars) the mechanics
of the overthrow of our Constitution. Executive Order #11490
designates certain authorities to the Office of Preparedness--which in
turn designates authority to the various departments of the federal
<p>If the Order were implemented, the Post Office department would be
responsible for a national registration. The State Department would be
responsible for the protection of the United Nations personnel or
property and prevention of escape from the United States. The
Department of Defense would be responsible for its expropriation of
industry; direction of service and national production system, control of
censorship; and communication expropriation of non-industrial
facilities. The Commerce Department would be responsible for
expropriation, selection and international distribution of commodities
(which would be the actual looting of the United States), census
information and human resources</p>
<p>The Treasury Department would be responsible for collection of cash
and non-cash items and the recreation of evidence of assets and
liabilities. The Justice Department would have concurrent responsibility
with the Dept. of State for prevention of escape from the U.S.; for
replenishing the stockpile of narcotics; for a national police force; for
correctional and penal institutions; for mass feeding and housing of
prisoners and for use of prisoners to augment manpower--which would
be slave labor.</p>
<p>The Federal Bulk (which is not a FEDERAL bank) would be
responsible for regulation of withdrawal of currency. The G.S.A.
(General Services Administration) would be responsible for confiscation
of private property for government use. H.E.W. would be responsible
for nationalization of education (which the Dept. of Education has
already done), health services, hospital and mental institutions. The
Labor Dept. would be responsible for recruiting manpower, referring
manpower, and allocating manpower so each particular person that was
registered at the post office in this national registration would be told
where he (or she) was going to work. H.U.D. (Housing & Urban
Development) would be responsible for emergency enforcement and
control and movement of passengers and the emergency operation of the
Alaskan railroad.</p>
<p>There are two specific agencies here that we need to look at and to keep
in mind. They are: H.E.W. and the Justice Dept., as those two agencies
are related to the Dept. of Defense. The various military departments are
part of the Dept. of Defense. Under it, we have the Secretary of Army,
Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff of Personnel and law enforcement,
U.S. Army's forces command, and continental Army Reserve &
National Guard. And under that we have the four armies dividing up the
United States. Under the Fifth Army we have the provost marshal, who
is directly connected to the Deputy Chief of Staff for law enforcement
personnel. Under the provost Marshall for the Fifth Army we have the
300 Military Police Prisoner-of War (POW) Command at Lebonia, Michigan.</p>
<p>At this point I quote from retired Admiral Elmo Zumoff's (phonetic
spelling) book, "On Watch": Kissinger states, 'I believe the American
people lack the will to do the things necessary to achieve parity and to
maintain maritime superiority. I believe we must get the best deal we
can in our negotiations before the United States and the Soviets both
perceive these changes and the balance that occurs. When these
perceptions are in agreement, and both sides know the U.S. is inferior,
we must have gotten the best deal we can. Americans at that time will
not be happy that I have settled for second, but it will be too late. "</p>
<p>Zumoff said, 'Then why not take it to the American people? They will
not accept the decision to become second best while we are in a position
of Gross National Product twice that of the U.S.S.R."</p>
<p>Kissinger responds, "That's a question of judgment. I judge that we will
not get their support, and if we seek it and tell the fact as we would have
to, we would lose our negotiating leverage with the Soviets."</p>
<p>Zumoff stated, "But isn't that the ultimate immorality in a democracy; to
make a decision for the people of such importance without consulting
<p>Kissinger stated, "Perhaps, but I doubt that there are one million who
could even understand the issue.</p>
<p>Zumoff responded, "Even if that presumption is correct, those one
million can influence the opinions of the majority of the people. I
believe it is my duty to take the other course."</p>
<p>Kissinger responded, "You should take care, lest your words result in a
reduction in the Navy budget."</p>
<p>So we see what the intention of the State Dept. is regarding the people.
Another fact: On December 30, 1974, the California National Guard
announced in a press release (which I have) that the state's Military
Police battalions were organized and trained to provide immediate
response to virtually every civil and man-made disaster, as well as to
assist law enforcement officers in emergency situations to carry out their
law enforcement as well as their military mission. When I asked four of
the defendants in this case for their mission statement they did not
provide it_although they say it is public information.</p>
<p>The training spoken of for the California National Guard covers such
subjects as dealing with individual civilians/civil population, detention
procedures, citizen's rights, and similar matters. You know as well as I
do that when there is Martial Law, or Martial Rule, citizens have no
rights-because the Constitution is pre-empted. Even the uniforms of the
National Guards who participate in this program are different from the
regular uniforms. Army spokesmen will not reveal more about the
uniforms. But the Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept. Paramilitary units, who
have received this training also, have army fatigues dyed black for their
<p>A further fact is the disaster preparedness plan for the Marine Corps
Supply Center in Barstow, CA. Quoting from that document: 'Under the
Constitution and the laws of the United States, the preservation of law
and order is the responsibility of local and state government. The
authority to maintain the peace and enforce the law is invested in the
authorities of those governments.' There are specific exceptions to the
above concept. One of these pertains to federal intervention to the civil
disturbances in certain situations. Military commanders are deemed to
have the inherent authority to take any measure reasonably necessary for
the protection of life and property in the event of a sudden unexpected
public calamity which disrupts the normal process of government and
presents an emergency so eminent as to make it dangerous to await the
instructions from appropriate authorities. This includes law enforcement
duties. The manual mentions something called "Garden plot Forces,"
which will discuss at length in a few minutes.</p>
<p>Don Bell (who writes a weekly report) reported on July 25, 1975 that in
May of '75 the 303 Civil Affairs group of the U.S. Army Reserves in
Kearny, NJ conducted an exercise to sharpen plans for a military
takeover of the state government in NJ. According to Colonel Frances
Clark, they had conducted similar studies on how to seize municipal
and county government over the past few years. But this was the first
time they had studies STATE government. Such units were trained
during World War II to operate captured governments in the foreign.
We never had federal troops training to take over government in the
United States. When local violence of catastrophe struck, the National
Guard--under command of the governor--went into action. This is
definitely not the situation at this time...</p>
<p>On February 16, 1975, in 'San Gabriel Valley Tribune' it was reported
that the L.E.A.A. (funded by the Dept. of Justice) and the Police
Foundation (funded by the Ford Foundation) were prime movers toward
implementing a national police force. Each, however, contends they
support local police agencies. The total program involves military units
that have the function of taking ova the administration of local and state
governments. That program is "Operation Cable Splicer"_by Army
civil affairs groups, a sub-plan of "Operation Garden Plot" (the Martial
Law program).</p>
<p>The method by which the national police concept is being presented to
the public has changed. It was first disguised under the cover of
protection against civil disturbances. This program was as follows:</p>
<p>A) Keep the people from gathering in the streets.
B) Isolate and neutralize the revolution's leadership.
C) Dispersal of crowds and demonstrators.</p>
<p>This is followed by successful prosecution in order to: I) Validate the
action of the police; 2) Denying the arrestees propaganda materials, and,
3) Denying them the opportunity to recover money damages against the
police for arresting them.</p>
<p>Let me quote for you the scenario which was developed for Cable
Splicer One, Two, and Three to justify the needs for dealing with civil
disturbances "Phase One - an arrest and shooting provoke crowd unrest
and threats against public officials and a riot begins to form: Phase Two
- police vehicles are ambushed, various attempted assassinations of
public officials occur, destruction and raiding of armories occur, and
thousands of people begin to gather and local police lose control, Phase
Three increased movements of rioters and the crowds must be dispersed
before they become sympathetic with the rioters. The National Guard
and the local police lose control."</p>
<p>This scenario provides for an orderly transition from state to federal
control. The Deputy Attorney General of California commented at a
Cable Splicer Three conference, that anyone who attacks the State--even
verbally becomes a revolutionary and an enemy by definition. They are
the enemy and must be destroyed. This program was taught in almost
every state west of the Mississippi River and included as participants
local active military, reserve military and civilian police. The course
name was "Civil Emergency Management Course." The official
explanation that was to be given if any questions were asked about the
program was: "This activity is a continuous, joint law enforcement
military liaison effort and a continuation of coordination established last
<p>In 1976, the 'Oakland Tribune' carried the most complete explanation of
what is planned. It is reported in its entirety in the 'National Chronicle'
which added an analysis to the story. (The 'Oakland Tribune's editor
died suddenly after the story was published). And I quote:</p>
<p>"Last Saturday the California National Guard unveiled a new Law
Enforcement Assistance Force-L.E.A.F., a specially trained and
outfitted Military Police Unit, whose members will serve as shock
troops in the state's war against political protesters and demonstrators.</p>
<p>"I saw a full-dress exhibition of what the California National Guard
has planned for the next American revolution. Helicopters, SWAT
teams, civilian military policemen in jackboots and helmets, twelve-gauge shotguns, .38 and .45 caliber pistols, radios, walkie-talkies, and
electrically controlled intelligence centers wired for instant
communications with any police force in one state.</p>
<p>"L.E.A.F. is a 1000 member unit put together this year to handle unique
law enforcement problems such a mass civil disobedience, protest
demonstrations and riots. In other words, breaking heads and taking
names. L.E.A.F. has the support of Governor Brown, a quarter million
dollars worth of grants from the federal government, and no public
opposition from civil liberties' groups.</p>
<p>"For all its ineptitude however, L.E.A.F. has a frightening possibility
from a civil liberty standpoint. It is a direct product of the California
"Cable Splicer" conferences--a series of high-level secret meetings
between government officials, law enforcement officials and military
planners held during the late '60s and early '70s. The meetings were
held as late as 1975 so far, as many public records show. These were
the conferences which Counter-Spy magazine had identified as
California's "Garden Plot Sub-plan."</p>
<p>'Gary Davis, Governor Brown's right hand man, says L.E.A.F. is to
assist civil police, not to replace them. Gary says, "Civilians could
expect a civilian type law enforcement rather than what is commonly
known as Martial Law." Despite this assurance, L.E.A.F.'s exercises
look disturbingly like the military coup described in the novel, "Seven
Days In May. "</p>
<p>'L.E.A.F. soldiers with nightsticks stood at intersections, stopping cars
with suspicious occupants, checking I.D. cards and generally
intimidating onlookers with their SWAT style uniforms, their sidearms
and helmets. Perhaps more ominously, several participants in the role-playing exercises Saturday admitted that even under simulated pressure
there has already been a number of incidents where the L.E.A.F. troops
used excessive force to quell disturbances - even though their orders
forbade it.' (That ends the quotation.)</p>
<p>Former L.E.A.A. Administrator, Charles Ross Dovan (phonetic
spelling), is on record as having stated that local law enforcement has
failed and must be replaced by a national police force. Patrick Murphy,
the administrator of the Police Foundation, states, "I have no fear of a
national police force. Our 40000 police departments are not sacred."
Ex-Attorney General William Saxby warned that if we can go on as we
are, crime will invade us and the national police will take over.</p>
<p>For the policemen who do not cooperate and still want to be policemen,
there is the program of Contemporary Research, Inc.--an organization of
psychologists, sociologists, education specialists and economic experts--
who work toward a solution of many of today's social problems. The
same organization develops specialized computer base systems for law
enforcement agencies at all levels of government.</p>
<p>The L.E.A.A. alone will receive over a billion dollars a year over the
next four years_even though it has been ineffective against crime. This
is because the L.E.A.A. is not geared to fighting crime, it is geared to
developing a system for takeover of the United States with the
assistance of the Dept. of Defense.</p>
<p>One of the programs the L.E.A.A. works on in its fight against crime is
psycho-surgery. If you don't cooperate with their programs, you are
merely operated on so that you will be as cooperative as an adding
machine. Or, the L.E.A.A. supports drug research for the same purpose to neurological source's violence. Hence, as an example, if a law were
passed whereby the ownership of firearms was declared to be illegal,
you would be placed in one of these programs if you did not cooperate.
The L.E.A.A. control exercise (at the state's level) is from the Office of
Criminal Justice Planning of the Governor's office. Here in Texas, Mr.
Robert C. Klowers is still the executive director in that office. But all
states have that particular department.</p>
<p>In May 1975 the 'L.E.A.A. Newsletter' describes the function of one of
its organizations: the National Institute of Law Enforcement & Criminal
Justice. This organization funds something called the 'United Nations
Clearinghouse" in Rome, Italy. The function of that organization is,
among other things, the exchange of Criminal Justice System
information with the Soviet Union. It goes without saying that we have
nothing to learn from the Criminal Justice System of the Soviet Union.
These incredible projects are being funded with our tax dollars.</p>
<p>The code names for these projects are: "Garden Plot" and "Cable
Splicer. " Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable
Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local
governments by the federal government.</p>
<p>An investigation was completed in Nov., 1975 by four sources: The
Conservative publication, 'American Challenge' the leftist 'New Times';
the foundation financed Fund for Investigative Journalism, and, Don
Wood of the trustworthy 'Ozark <span class="LOC">Sunbeam</span>. ' It involves the potential
creation of a Police State through the use of the Pentagon and its
computerized intelligence dossier (lodged in the Pentagon basement) of
thousands of citizens by the National Guard, state and local police
departments, the L.E.A.A., plainclothes military forces, SWAT teams,
and the Dept. of Justice.</p>
<p>Brigadier General J. L. Julienit (phonetic spelling), senior Army officer
of the Pentagon National Guard Bureau, has admitted, "I know of no
state that did not have some form of these exercises within the last
<p>Today the Cable Splicer handbook is composed of six loose-leaf, three-ring binders that are merely an outline for the impending takeover and
destruction of our Constitution. The Sixth Army used the term "Cable
Splicer" for the name of the operation, but it has not revealed the name
of the operation in the other military areas within the U. S.</p>
<p>On page 4, paragraph 10 on Public Information, the instructions state:
"As a means to prevent adverse publicity or misleading psychological
effects in regard to coordinating, planning, and conducting this exercise,
all military participants involved will perform such duties in civilian
clothing when exercise oriented activities are conducted at law
enforcement facilities. In the event inquiries are received regarding this
exercise, the response should be limited to identifying the activity as a
continuous, joint law enforcement military liaison effort and a
continuation of coordination established last year."
On page 6, security guidance is explained to the effect that if anybody
asks any questions, limit the information that is given out on the basis
of it being in the interest of 'national interest' (security).</p>
<p>Now, in the festivities celebrating the success of completion of the
exercises, Attorney General Stanly R. Larsen, the commanding general
of the Sixth Army stated, "The most serious challenge facing all of us
will be the challenge of discharging our legitimate responsibilities. For
a significant portion of a society at large is likely to regard us with
suspicion and to question, even challenge, our authority on the basic
assumption of our profession. Part of this challenge we must be
prepared to deal with; a potentially dangerous portion of our society
which in truth, could well become the domestic enemy.</p>
<p>The manual includes instructions on operation of confinement facilities,
handling and processing prisoners_including searching, transporting,
feeding, housing and handling of the special class of persons called
"detainees." The plan also specifically includes a proposition for
confiscation of privately owned weapons and ammunition.</p>
<p>The Army has over 350 separate record centers containing substantial
information on civilian political activities. Virtually every major Army
unit has its own set aside from this. The Fifth Army of San Antonio has
over 100000 files of its own. The overall operation command post is a
domestic room at the Pentagon. There are 25 million cards on
individuals and 760000 on organizations held by the Defense Central
Index of investigations alone. This information includes political,
sociological, economical and psychological profiles. All this type of
information on 25 million Americans.</p>
<p>Since 1970 local county and state police forces all over the country have
undertaken crash programs to install various kinds of computerized
information systems. A large portion of this is being paid for my the
L.E.A.A. Beginning in 1970, Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
ordered the destruction of all these data banks, but they were not
destroyed. All the outlawed collection is now located at Mt. Weather,
Clark County, West Virginia and similar Pentagon facilities designed as
adjuncts to the president's emergency powers under the Executive
<p>The cadre of specialized persons to enforce this plan are found in the U.
S. Army Reserves Military Police POW Command at Lebonia,
Michigan. Mr. Fenren (phonetic spelling) of the 300th Military Police
POW Command at Lebonia told me, when I called him from the Federal
Information Center at Houston, that the camps in the Command were
for foreign prisoners-of-war and for "enemies of the United States." I
asked him if enemies of the United States included U.S. citizens. He
became an_, wouldn't deny it, and referred me to a very sinister
individual at the Army Reserve facility here at Houston whom I talked
to; who explained to me that the prisoners were called "inventory" and
"internees." He would not deny that the camps were for U.S. citizens.</p>
<p>I called the Pentagon, spoke with the defendant there, and then with the
provost Marshal for the Fifth Army, and do you know what? Not one of
these persons would deny that the system was for U.S. citizens. The
provost marshal for the Fifth Army--when I mentioned the names of all
the camp sites--said, "Well at least you've got that right."</p>
<p>The names of the detention facilities that I gave him were a list that I
had acquired from the 'Ozark <span class="LOC">Sunbeam</span>.' That list of names was the
same list of facilities designated under the old Detention Act of 1950 as
"emergency detention centers." But there is only one problem: That act
was supposed to have been repealed in 1971. After some research, I
found out what the problem was. One Congressman-when the hearings
were held for the repeal of the Emergency Detention Act--mentioned
that there are 17 other bits of law that provided for the same thing. So it
didn't matter whether they ever repealed the Emergency Detention Act.
The public was in fact tricked by the Congress of the United States!</p>
<p>Here are the designated sites: Tucked away in the Appalachian
Mountains of central <span class="GPE">Pennsylvania</span> is a bustling town of approximate
10000 people. Fifteen to twenty years ago it was a sleepy village of
400. <span class="GPE">Allanwood</span>, PA is linked to New York City by Interstate U.S. 80. It
takes up approximately 400 acres and is surrounded by a 10-foot barbed
wire fence. It now holds approximately 300 minimum security prisoners
to keep in shape. It could hold 12000 people from one day to the next.</p>
<p>Thirty miles from Oklahoma City on U.S. 66 is El Reno, OK with an
approximate population of 12000. Due west, six miles from town
almost in sight of U.S. 66 is a complex of buildings that could pass for a
small school. However, the facility is overshadowed by a guard house
that appears to be something like an airport control tower--except that
it's manned by a vigilant, uniformed guard. This is a federal prison camp
or detention center. These camps are all located near super-highways or
near railroad tracks or both.</p>
<p>The federal prison camp at Florence, Arizona could hold 3500
prisoners. It is presently kept in condition by approximately 400 legally
convicted prisoners. Wickenberg, AZ is famous for its municipal
airport that was once government owned. It is now occupied by a
private party. It is rumored to be capable of being taken back by the
federal government without notice.</p>
<p>Now there are a couple other of these facilities that are probably existing
under the same arrangements. This particular rumor of instant taking
back without notice has existed for about 9 or 10 years. The only way it
can actually be established is by looking at the local contract for the
Wickenberg Municipal Airport itself and the parties that have
possession of it.</p>
<p>As I mentioned previously, these names were ratified by the provost
marshal of the Fifth Army who is in charge of the 300th Military Police
POW Command. He is the one who verified them. He said, as I
mentioned before, "Well at least you've got that right."</p>
<p>Some of the locations are: Tool Lake in California--now in private
hands. It can be retaken without notice. Some of the others: We have
Mill Point, West Virginia. I couldn't find a thing on Mill Point, WV
but in that area we have all kinds of prisons. Among them are:
Alderson, WV, a women's federal reformatory, Lewisburg, WV, a
federal prison; Greenville, SC in Greenville County is now occupied
by the State Youthful Offenders Division. Even that is a mystery to the
people of that area.</p>
<p>At Montgomery, AL we have a federal civilian prison camp at <span class="PERSON">Maxwell</span>
Air Force Base. Now does that sound right? There's one at Tucson,
AZ, David Munson Air Base. In Alaska we have Elmendorf at
Eielson Air Force Base.</p>
<p>That brings us to a facility in Florida, called Avon Park, FL. He found
the Avon Park Bombing and Gunnery Range, which is also listed as the
Avon Park Correctional Institute. No one is permitted entrance and
probably there is no overfly permitted because it is a bombing and
gunnery range. This was one of the places ratified by the provost
marshal of the Fifth Army.</p>
<p>In 1976, as well as on March 20, 19791 went to the sheriffs Dept. in
Houston to see if our local sheriff's Dept. had been infiltrated by these
plans. Well, it appears so. I was put in contact with a Lt. Kiljan
(phonetic spelling) who is in charge of some secret unit in the
department. I asked him if he had participated in military training with
military personnel here in the Sheriff s Dept. He denied it, and when I
asked him if he would testify so under oath he became angry and stated,
"You are just an ordinary citizen. I don't have to tell you anything." I
later discovered that Lt. Kiljan is the ex-director of the Houston branch
office of the U. S . Secret Service. Now where does his money come
from? The area is administered by the Houston-Galveston Area Council.</p>
<p>In this regional-government plan, each federal region is divided into
state clearinghouses, and each state clearinghouse is divided into area
clearinghouses. And for our area we have the Houston-Galveston Area
Council.. It serves as a conduit for federal funds in two major areas
L.E.A.A. and H.E.W</p>
<p>Most everybody thinks this organization (the Houston-Galveston area
Council) is for the development of the area--the geographical area here
in Houston. But it is not. It is for the development of L.E.A.A. and
H.E.W. projects. Now this finds its counterpart in every community
across the U.S. It provides for these agencies a liaison for inter-governmental communications, interaction and coordination.</p>
<p>I examined their projects to see what they were doing. This region-government program distributes federal funds for two major purposes:
1) Radio hook-ups between every police agency in the state to Fort Sam
Houston, and: 2) Mental health programs, including programs for the
mentally ill having priority of beds and hospitals.</p>
<p>Another interesting fact to consider is that in the Pine Bluff Arkansas
Arsenal '3-Z" is stored. It's a nerve gas which creates sleepiness,
dizziness, stupor, and the incapacity to move about. According to the
Associated Press, the agent can be sprayed by aerosol, injected or
sprayed over large areas by a bomb. The Military has admitted that one
potential use of the gas is for civilian control. So whatever they planned,
they've also planned a way for you to go to your destination in a tranquil
state of mind.</p>
<p>H.E.W., by law, is operated in conjunction with the United Nations
through the World Health Organization. Back in 1948, the
International Congress on Mental health U.N. organization-declared in
its pamphlet, 'Mental Health and World Citizenship, ' that, "prejudice,
hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply imbedded in the
developing personality without awareness on the part of the individual
concerned. In order to be effective, efforts of changing individuals
must be appropriate to the successive stages of the unfolding
personality. In the case of almost any group of individuals, change will
be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been
<p>"Principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any
society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of world
citizenship," the document states. "Programs for social change to be
effective require a joint effort of psychiatrists and social scientists,
working together in cooperation with statesmen, administrators and
others in positions of responsibility."</p>
<p>The three phases of the development are: 1) Mental hospitals for
segregation, care and protection of persons of unsound minds. 2)
Community Mental Health Care Centers so that persons may be treated
in their own neighborhood. 3) Child Care Centers for dealing with early
difficulties of nationalism in a child's life.</p>
<p>Two years earlier, Major General G. B. Chisholm, Deputy Minister of
Health in <span class="GPE">Canada</span>_ who later became director of United Nations World
Health Organization--explained, "Self defense may involve a neurotic
reaction when it means defending one's own excessive material wealth
from others who are in great need. This attitude leads to war..." So his
solution to the problem is: 'Set's redistribute the wealth among
<p>Further, the re-interpretation and eventual eradication of the individual's
concept of right and wrong-which has been the basis of child training
are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapies.
Now if we digress even further, to <span class="PERSON">Buria</span> (phonetic spelling), the director
of the Soviet Secret Police in the 1930's, we see he explained the
communist political strategy through the use of "mental heating" of
<p>"Psycho-politics is the art and science of asserting and of maintaining a
dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers,
bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations
through mental healing. You must work,: he stated, "Until every teacher
of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only communistic
doctrine under the guise of psychology."</p>
<p>If you look at the <span class="NORP">Russian</span> manual of instruction of psycho-political
warfare, we see in chapter nine, "Psycho-political operations should at
all times be alert to the Opportunities to organize for the betterment of
the community mental health centers."</p>
<p>Now, under the new national Mental Health program, at this moment
there are more than 600 of these community mental health centers
across the United States. The whole thing was promoted by Dr. Stanly
F. Yoles (phonetic spelling), who was the director of the National
Institute of Mental Health in 1969. He stated back then, that the newest
trend in treating mental illness is care at local health care centers where
the patient is not isolated from his (or her) family and friends. They
have been working on this program for 46 years publicly, and now
across the U.S._through your tax dollars_you have 603 centers (to be
exact), Community Health Centers that are all part of this program.</p>
<p>This is how they are part of the program. (It has already happened): In
the mid-1950's, there were set into motion an interesting chain of
events. About 1956, the Alaska Mental Health Bill was proposed and
later passed. It granted approximately $12 million and one million acres
of public land to Alaska so that it could develop its own mental health
program. Now this was a little abnormal since Alaska only had a little
over 400 people who were classified as mentally ill!</p>
<p>After the bill was passed, Alaska passed its own enabling legislation to
get into the mental health business. They started by adopting the
essential elements of the Public Health Service Draft Act on the
hospitalization of the mentally ill in the old 'interstate Compact on
Mental Health"_now called the Uniform Mental Health Act. There
were no provisions for jury trial in it or anything else. You would just
be picked up and taken to the Alaskan-Siberian Asylum.
incommunicado_and the state would also confiscate all of your
personal and real property! They actually tried to do it in 1954 in the
case of Ford vs. Milinak (phonetic spelling), which declared the act as
adopted in another state (the state of Missouri) as unconstitutional.</p>
<p>But the act itself still exists_and modified_but essentially in the same
form, the Uniform Mental Health Act, to which approximately six states
subscribe. And in passing most State Constitutions-if you will check
them from the period of 1935-made a part of their constitution the
practice of having a person submit to a 90-day mental examination to
determine his (or her) sanity, without any provisions for a trail by jury.
This was part of the national program at that time.</p>
<p>In this act, the governor could have anyone picked up and sent to the
Mental Health Institution in Alaska or elsewhere. The results of rumors
back in the '50s, were that there was in fact a sinister, Frankenstein-type
mental health person in Alaska. I wrote to Alaska (the officials, that is)
and asked them for a description of the kind of one million acres that
they were eligible to receive under the Alaska Mental Health Act. I also
asked them for a copy of the inventory they ran for their facilities back
at that same time. Well, so far no answer. And probably, I will never
receive an answer without a court order.</p>
<p>Through the years, there was a spot in Alaska that was continually
referred to: Southeast of Fairbanks, southwest of Fairbanks, northwest
of Fairbanks--somewhere near Fairbanks. Then I received information
that a pilot had flown over the entire area once and had had his license
revoked. So, for S1.85 each, I ordered the low-level navigation maps
from the federal government for Alaska and located the Alaska-Siberian
Asylum for the treatment of enemies of the United States. It's right
where rumor over the past 20 years had placed it: Southwest of
Fairbanks. It stands out like a sore thumb! It's the only one of that
geometric configuration within the state of Alaska, and you will note a
black line running up through Fairbanks and down over near that area of
the map. That is the railroad that the Dept. of Transportation would take
the emergency operation of under the Executive Order--if the Executive
Order went into effect. H.E.W. would be responsible for making a
determination of whether or not you were mentally disturbed because of
your nationalistic tendencies, your love for the United States, or your
adherence to any political or religious doctrine.</p>
<p>Let's look a little further into the type of program that the L.E.A.A. is
paying for through the Dept. of Justice. The Federal Bureau of Prisons--
located in the backwoods of <span class="PERSON">North</span> Carolina, near a tiny village called
Butner--is constructing a mammoth 42 acre research complex for
prisoners from throughout the East. Who will be sent for experiments to
test new behavioral programs and techniques? Target date for
completion of the entire system is ironically 1984.</p>
<p>So, they're using right now, under the L.E.A.A. program, something
called anectine (phonetic spelling). Punishment for troublesome
behavior within the prison is being done by drugs and shock, likely to
be the most selected examples of programs that have made use of
anectine--a derivative of South American curare. Anectine was
originally used as a beginning factor to electro-convulsive shock. Such
shocks applied to the head are so strong they can break and graze pores
under the strain, resulting in muscle contractions. Since anectine
paralyzes the muscles without diminishing consciousness or the ability
to feel pain. By first injecting the inmates with it, researchers can turn
up the voltage as high as they want without cracking the inmates'
skeleton when his body is thrown into convulsions by the jolt.</p>
<p>What the anectine does, in short, is to simulate death within 30 to 40
seconds of injection. It brings on paralysis first, with the small rapidly
moving muscles in the nose, fingers, and eyes; then in the diaphragm
and the cardiovascular system. As a result, the patient cannot move or
breath and yet remains fully conscious, as though drowning and dying.
This is from the 1974 publication, 'Human Behavior.</p>
<p>The federal government answered my suit in June (1976) by filing an
unsworn general denial of everything that I had alleged. I spoke with
the assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the case and asked him if he had
gone to the trouble to call any of the parties mentioned in the suits--
since I had provided not only the addresses, but their telephone numbers
to provide a faster means of investigation. He said he had not. He had
not even done a minimal amount of investigation of the case, but yet he
filed a denial of my allegations.</p>
<p>I filed a motion in the meantime to take the deposition of the person
who writes the training programs for the concentration camp guards,
Mr. Richard Burrage--the 75th Maneuver Air Command at Army
Reserve Center at Houston, Texas--stating that in light of all the recent
activity of government agents, one of the agencies involved might
attempt to murder this key witness, the author of the training camp
program. The federal judge denied my motion, stating that I had not
quoted enough cases to him justifying my request. However, he was
also aware as that there were no cases existing on this set of facts, but as
you will see as I go along with this report, he chose to ignore it.</p>
<p>I then made an agreement with the assistant U. S. Attorney to take the
deposition to Mr. Burrage. After I'd made the arrangements, the U.S.
Attorney refused to voluntarily go along with taking the deposition. It is
very difficult to find justice in our system of courts. It is a corruption-driven system founded upon the buddy system, and hence, the court
rules are routinely overlooked or not followed.</p>
<p>On July 20, a hearing was held at the magistrate of Norman Black, U.S.
District Court in Houston. The courtroom was completely filled with
spectators. Although the news media had been contacted, no
representatives of the press were there. There is a news media blackout
on this matter here in Houston.</p>
<p>Brief oral arguments were presented. The U.S. Attorney explained that I
was not the proper person to bring the suit because, although the free
exercise of my constitutional rights was threatened by the concentration
camp program as alleged, it did not constitute my injury. The magistrate
was impressed with the information I had thus far collected and stated
that he would bring it to the attention of the federal judge. The U.S.
Attorney tried to have my investigation of the case halted, but the
magistrate would not go along that far with a pre-arranged decision.</p>
<p>As an additional indication of what I was up against, the original
hearing was scheduled for 10:30 in the morning. However, the U.S.
Attorney had secretly had the time changed to 2:30 in the afternoon. The
magistrate gave the U.S. Attorney permission to file for motion to
dismiss because he felt that the concentration camp program--to be used
for persons who exercise their freedom of speech--did not present any
<p>Now, on July 23 I had placed in the 'Houston Post' and in the 'Houston
Chronicle' newspapers the following advertisement in the legal section.
Quote: "Solicitation for witnesses in Civil Action 78-H 667, Federal
District Court of Houston, People extemporal William Pabst vs. Gerald
Ford et d. The action titled: Complaint Against the Concentration Camp
Program of the Dept. of Defense. Attention: If you have participated in
Operation Garden Plot, Operation Cable Splicer, the 300th Military
Police Prisoner of War Command, or the Army Reserve Civil Affairs
group, you may be involved in a program that needs to be disclosed for
this suit. To give your testimony call or write; (and here I placed my
name address and telephone number).</p>
<p>As I previously mentioned, there is a news media blackout on the story
here in Houston. Both newspapers refused to carry the ad. First, at the
'Houston Post,' I had to threaten them with a lawsuit to carry out the ad,
even though I was paying for it. Then, at the 'Chronicle' I had to meet
with the president and various vice presidents because a refusal from
that paper had come up from their own lawyers. Both newspapers
finally carried it, but only after two days of complaining. The initial
response of both papas was, "We don't carry stories like that" and:
"Don't you think that the people planning the concentration camps have
our best interest in mind?" As you will hear for yourselves, the policies
definitely do not reflect our best interests.</p>
<p>The next event that occurred was that the U.S. Attorney filed a
"Statement of Authority," showing the reasons he could find why I
should not be allowed to take depositions to get more information from
the person who was writing the concentration camp guard training
program. However, his brief was completely filled with misquotes of
the law from many cases. He'd mention the case and then invent
whatever the case should say. In my brief to the court at this point, I
notified the judge of the violation of the law requiring honesty in such
matters. But, the notification was ignored by the judge, who apparently
sanctioned this most dishonest of acts, commonly known as "quoting
out of context."</p>
<p>My brief was filed on August 27. On August 31, formal arguments were
set. The new courtroom of the magistrate was almost filled again.
However, no one from the news media showed up for this hearing
either. The few who were contacted had been told not to go; they would
lose their jobs.</p>
<p>At the hearing I introduced evidence that heretofore had never been
introduced in any court of law in the U.S. The U.S. Attorney had
denied, you will remember, everything in my suit without so much as
even a tiny investigation. So, I introduced him to evidence the following
letter from the Dept. of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of
Personnel, signed by 1B Sergeant, Colonel G.S., Action Director of
Human Resources Development.</p>
<p>Quoting: "On behalf of President Ford, I am replying to your letter 27
May, 1976, regarding a news article in the Dallas Morning News. As
much as he would like to, the president cannot reply personally to every
communication he receives. Therefore, he has asked the departments
and agencies of the federal government in those instances where they
have special knowledge or special authority underlogued.</p>
<p>"For this reason your communication was forwarded to officials of the
Dept. of Defense. Within the Dept. of Defense, the Army is responsible
for custody and treatment of enemy prisoners of war and civilian
internees as defined under terms of the Geneva Convention of 1949.
Therefore, the Army is prepared to detain prisoners of war and detainees
as defined in Article IV of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the
treatment of prisoners of war and protection of civilian persons.</p>
<p>'It is U.S. policy that its Armed Forces adhere to the provisions of
international law to set the example for other countries of the world to
follow and respecting the rights and dignity of those who become victim
of international conflict. It should be noted that the Army program is
designed for implementation during conditions of war between the U.S.
and one or more foreign countries. The Army had no plans nor does it
maintain detention camps to imprison American citizens during
domestic crises."</p>
<p>The problem with this letter is that it's not true, and that's what I'm
going to discuss at this point. First of all, in verifying the authenticity of
the claims in the letter, I checked the Geneva text. There is no article in
the Geneva Convention entitled as the letter states. There is, however,
on each of the classifications, "Protection of War Victims / Civilian
Persons" and a separate article on "Prisoners of War." "That was the
first discrepancy.</p>
<p>Then I turned to Article IV of the Geneva Convention. That article did
not set up any requirements or authorizations for military units of any
type and does not even suggest it. Hence, the second discrepancy.</p>
<p>The next problem with the letter from President Ford's representative
is that it states that the prisoner of war guard program is set up for the
implementation for "conditions of war between the U.S. and one or
more (foreign) countries." However, Article III of the Geneva
Convention reads that the treaty applies to (and I am quoting): 'In case
of an armed conflict, not of an international character, occurring within
the territory of one of the high contracting parties." Obviously and
armed conflict occurring within one's own territory did not mean
between one or more of the parties to the treaty, especially if only one
is involved. Now, the examples of this type of conflict are: civil war,
armed insurgency and guerrilla activities. In other words, they're
speaking of a domestic conflict.</p>
<p>An even more shocking item is found in the pages of the 1949 Geneva
Convention under "Protection of War Victims/Civilian Persons." You
will find the index card, the identification card, forms to be used to
writing your family, and everything necessary for the administration of
a concentration camp is contained in this treaty that the U.S. signed and
ratified. Further, if there is a conflict in the U.S. involving only the U.S.
this convention or treaty can go into operation_which includes the
procedures for setting up the concentration camps.</p>
<p>Article LXVIII of the Convention states (and I paraphrase): If you
commit an offense that is solely intended to harm the occupying power,
not harming the life or limb of members of the occupying power, but
merely talking against such a force_such as the Martial Law situation
you can be imprisoned provided that the duration of such imprisonment
is proportionate to the offense committed. Well, President Dwight
Eisenhower didn't feel that provision was strong enough. So he had the
following additions placed in the treaty, which state: "The U.S. reserves
the right to impose the death penalty in accordance with the previsions
of Article LXVIII without regard to whether the offense is referred to
therein are punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory at
the time the occupation begins."</p>
<p>So not only can you be imprisoned for having exercised freedom of
speech; you can be put to death under the provisions of the Geneva
Convention in 1949 for having exercised, or attempting to exercise
freedom of speech.</p>
<p>The next item that I introduced into evidence was a field manual; FM
41-1-, '<Civil Affairs activities includes: 'item 4. Assumption of full or
partial executive, legislative and judicial authority ova a country or
area." So let's see what a "country or area" is defined as in the same
manual. It includes: "small towns and rural areas, municipalities of
various population sizes, districts, counties, provinces or states, regions
of national government."</p>
<p>Nowhere in the manual does it exclude this program from being put into
effect right here in the United States. As a matter of fact, in Kearny,
New Jersey, the Civil Affairs group went into that area and practiced
taking ova that governmental unit. Yet the Army, in it's letter of June
16, states that these programs are not for us. However, they are practiced
here in the United States under conditions that can only occur here t
<p>The study outline of field manuals FM 41-10 on page j-24 under Penal
institutions 1-B," you see there is a program on concentration camps and
a labor camp are always located near each other for obvious reasons.</p>
<p>Again on page d-4 of the same manual you'll find a sample receipt for
seized property; a sample receipt written in English and containing
terminology applicable to only U.S. territory. On page 8-2 of the same
manual, under the heading "Tables of Organization and Equipment," we
find that there are three other organizations that would be working along
with the Civil Affairs operation: the Chemical Service Organization, the
Composite Service Organization, and the Psychological Operations
Organization, along with the various Civil Affairs organizations.</p>
<p>In July of that year (1976), the following Civil Affairs groups met with
the following airborne groups at a staging area in Fort Chaffee, AR A
staging area is where military units meet before they go into action.
They met with the 82nd Airborne and part of the 101st Airborne; the
32nd Civil Affairs group of San Antonio, TX headquarters; the 362nd
Civil Affairs brigade from Dallas, TX; the 431st Civil Affairs company
from Little Rock, AR headquarters; the 306th Civil Affairs group, U.S.
Army Reserves, Fayetteville,AR commanded by Lt. Colonel N.
McQuire (phonetic spelling) and William Highland. The 486th Civil
Affairs company from Tulsa, OK; the 418th Civil Affairs company from
Kansas City, MO; the 307th Civil Affairs group from Abilene, IX; the
413th company from Hanlin, LA, the 12th S.S. group, 2nd Battalion
(headquarters unknown).</p>
<p>They're ready to go into action. The problem is, as it appears they were
ready to take over the entire government of the United States as their
mission sets out. One man who attended this staging area talked to a
Civil Affairs sergeant and asked him what his job was. The sergeant
explained that the civilians of this country will really be surprised some
day when the Civil Affairs groups begin to operate the government.
Now, the Dept. of the Army still maintains that all this not for the
United States--yet this training continues here for us. The evidence is
overwhelming: the plan exists for the imprisonment of millions of U.S.
citizens. Even though all this information was presented to the federal
magistrate, he still felt that no one was injured by such a plot.</p>
<p>On the second day of September, 1976, the magistrate recommended to
the federal judge that the case be dismissed. The sole basis for his
reasoning to dismiss was that we have to be actually physically injured
before we can maintain a lawsuit of this type. He did not feel that,
although all this active planning, preparation and training was going on,
that any U.S. citizen had been injured-even though the citizen may fear
exercising his or her freedom for fear of being detained and imprisoned
in a concentration camp at a later date.</p>
<p>The case of Tatum B. Laird, heard before the Supreme Court in 1974, is
a case in point. It involved the Army intelligence's collecting apparatus,
which was developing a list of names of persons who the Army felt
were troublesome. The Supreme Court held that the making of list of
this type did not of and by itself present any injuries. The minority
opinion in that case was that the injury in the case with a program such
as this, made people afraid to use their freedom of speech for fear of
being sent to jail for it. But the majority did not buy that argument.</p>
<p>The difference between that case and this case-although we also have
the computer program--is that we have something much further past that
point, the concentration camp guard program and the Civil Affairs
program for the taking over of all functions of our government. In light
of that the federal judge said that this is not an injury. As a matter of act,
the U. S. Attorney alleged that even if people were place in
concentration camps, if they were all treated the same they would still
not have the right to go to federal court.</p>
<p>On the 20th day of September, I filed a memorandum to notify the
magistrate and the federal judge that I had discovered that the federal
government had a program for a number of years to suspend our
constitutional right of the writ of habeas corpus. This information
substantiated the complaint. Habeas corpus is the name of that legal
instrument utilized to bring someone before a judge when the person is
being illegally imprisoned or detained so that he (or she) may obtain his
(or her) freedom. The Constitution states that the writ of habeas corpus
shall never be suspended.</p>
<p>I found the disturbing information in a report: 94-755, 94th Congress,
2nd Session Senate, April 26th, 1976, entitled "Intelligence Activities
and the Rights of Americans Book II." On page 17-d, entitled "First
Amendment Rights," the report states that more importantly "the
government surveillance activities in the aggregate, whether expressly
intended to do so, to deter the exercise of First Amendment rights by
American citizens who become aware of the government's domestic
intelligence program."</p>
<p>Beginning on page 54 it is stated that, beginning in 1946_four years
before the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 was passed--the FBI
advised the Attorney General that it had secretly compiled a secret
index of potentially dangerous persons. The Justice Dept. then made
tentative plans for emergency detention based on suspension of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Department officials
deliberately avoided going to Congress. When the Emergency
Detention Act of 1950 was passed, it did not authorize the suspension
of the writ of habeas corpus. But shortly after passage of that act,
according to a bureau document, Attorney General J. R. McGraft told
the FBI to disregard it and to proceed with the program as previously
<p>A few sentences later on page 55 it states, "With the security index, use
broader standards to determine potential dangerousness than those
described in the statute." Unlike the act, Department plans provided fro
issuing a master search warrant and a master arrest warrant. This is the
center importance: It is the same thing that I am alleging in federal
court. Yet, the magistrate chose to ignore these facts also.</p>
<p>We have government officials not only ignoring the will of Congress,
but doing the opposite of what the Constitution provides by planning
illegally for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. In addition, as
mentioned before, the master search warrant and the master arrest
warrant are forms fed into the computer, which print the names and
addresses on them from the tapes previously prepared by the
intelligence-gathering program.</p>
<p>As you are arrested, your home will be searched and anything found
there may be confiscated. This program has existed since 1946 up to and
including 1973, and without proper access to judicial discovery
techniques. It can't be determined whether the same plan now exists
under the same name or under another name altogether.</p>
<p>This memorandum was filed on September 28 to make the court aware
of the danger that our rights of freedom of speech and lawful assembly
are in. But the court, on September 30--after this notification was
received--dismissed the case. however, in keeping with the practice of
federal courts in Houston of actively participating in the obstruction of
justice, I was not notified of the dismissal until the 6th of October--
which gave me just two working days to submit any further motion in a
10-day period before time starts running for the appeal.</p>
<p>What I have just said regarding the federal courts in Houston is not only
my opinion; The 'Houston Chronicle' surprisingly, published an
extensive document severely criticizing the federal courts in Houston for
making up their own rules as they go along with the proceedings, a well
as commenting on the communist-like Supreme Court attitude of the
judges and the court personnel. l My experience here has been that the
court has returned to me almost every document I filed. Then after a big
argument, they reaccept the document, stating that they just made a
mistake. In reality, the power structure doesn't want these types of cases
in any federal court.</p>
<p>On the 8th of October, I had submitted a request for finding the facts in
the filing which had been established by the evidence presented:</p>
<p>* 1) The 300th Military Police POW Command is located at Livonia, Mich.</p>
<p>* 2) The Dept. of the Army has stated that said Command exists per se
the Geneva Convention of 1949, a treaty of the U.S., Article IV thereof
under the title relative to the treatment of prisoners of war and
protection of civilian prisoners.</p>
<p>* 3) However, no such title exists in the Geneva Convention per se.</p>
<p>* 4) Nevertheless, there are separate titles, one of which is; a.
Multilateral Protection of War Victims/Prisoners of War; b. Multilateral
Protection of War Victims/Civilian Persons.</p>
<p>* 5)Nevertheless, Article IV of both titles does of provide for the
creation of any military programs for concentration camps.</p>
<p>* 6) Whether Mr. Fenren of the 300th Military Police POW Command
has stated that the purpose of the Command is for the detention of
foreign prisoners of war and enemies of the United States.</p>
<p>* 7) Further, Article III, concerning civilian persons, makes the treaty
applicable to conflicts occurring solely within the territory of the U.S.
that are not of an international character, which is capable of including
any type of conflict in its description whether it be civil war or
guerrilla activity or anything else. The text states: "In case of armed
conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of
one of the high contracting parties, each party to a conflict shall be
bound to apply to the minimum of the following provisions."</p>
<p>* 8) Dept. of the Army field manual FM 41-10, Civil Affairs Operations
of Civil Affairs Organization, lists as one of its functions the
assumption of full or partial executive, legislative and judicial authority
over a country or an area and there is no specific exclusion of the U. S.
as such a country or area.</p>
<p>* 9) Said manual defines country along certain geographical population
basis, county, state regions and national government.</p>
<p>*10) Said organization in fact conducted practiced takeovers of local
and state governments in the continental U.S., including but not limited
to the state of New Jersey.</p>
<p>* 11) Said organization includes in its study outline page j-24 a section
on concentration camps and labor camps.</p>
<p>* 12) Said organization includes in it operations composite service
operations and psychological operations organizations.</p>
<p>*13) Said psychological operation is working with the U. S. Public
Health Service, are prepared to operate any and/or all mental health
facilities in the U. S. as tools of repression against outspoken but
nonviolent political conduct of the U. S. citizens in conjunction with all
the above, which is to be used for the same purpose.</p>
<p>* 14) Further, the Dept. of Justice, inconjunction with this program, has
had plans for the suspension of writ of habeas corpus since the year of
1946, has planned depriving persons being detained under this total
program any means for protection against tyrannical political repression.
The plaintiff requested that the court make findings of fact and draw
conclusions of law, consistent therewith as shown by the evidence on
record before the court. The effect of this request is that the case must
go back to the district judge for further consideration. I mentioned that
it appeared that all this planning for concentration camps was to be
directed against anyone regardless of this political persuasion or his deo-ideology who exercised freedom of speech against the established power
structure of international bankers and multinational corporation. But,
with Proposition B-type movements threatening to reduce taxes
throughout our nation, I foresee an activation of emergency programs so
that the parasites on the federal take will continue to receive their
<p>In the same Senate document, on intelligence activities on the rights of
Americans referred to on pages 166 and 167, you will find that the
federal government has targeted its intelligence activities against one
group of Americans. On page 166, the first classification listed is
rightists and anti-Communist groups. The first group on page 167 on
Army surveillance lists the John Birch Society as number one and the
Young Americans for Freedom as the number two target. Therefore, the
groups of U.S. American citizens considered to be the biggest enemy of
the U.S. by the federal government at this is the conservative patriot.</p>
<p>Although this information has been available since April of this year
(1979), no one has mentioned this incredible discovery that the federal
government considers the patriotic conservative as its greatest enemy. I
have received all kinds of information regarding this case from all
across the United States.</p>
<p>I obtained the 1945 report of the O. S. S. (Office of Strategic Services)-
-the precursor of the C.I.A.-7th Army, William W. Quinn, Colonel
G.F.CA.C.of the G2, on the liberation of <span class="LOC">Dachau</span>, a concentration camp
during the liberation in Germany. It contains much groupings of
information, but the relevant portion of the report concerns itself with
the section on the townspeople. Quoting from his report, on why the
people of this little town didn't complain or didn't overthrow
oppressors, but just continued to go along and get along even though
they lost their freedom in the process. I quote:</p>
<p>"These words crop up again and again. They are the rationalization of a
man who admits that he was a member of the Nazi party. 'I was forced
to do so by business reasons,' they state. We were lied to in every
respect but they admit they knew the camp existed. But, they saw the
work detail to the inmates passing through the streets under guard, and
in some instances the S.S. behaved brutally even towards the
<p>"When asked if they realized that within the last three months before the
liberation 13000 men lost their lives within a stone's throw of where the
people lived, they claimed they were shocked and surprised.</p>
<p>'When asked if they never saw transports of dead and dying pass
through the streets along the railway, they referred only to the last one.
They insist that most of the trains came in at night and that they were
sealed cars.</p>
<p>"Did they never ask what was in the endless procession of cars that
came in full and always went out empty? A typical reply was, 'We were
told it was all army material and booty from France.'</p>
<p>"It is established that anyone who stated that he was only one train come
in in the daytime was telling a flat lie. There are quite a few such
people in <span class="LOC">Dachau</span>."</p>
<p>The analysis of the anti-Nazi element of the town: 1) The people knew
what was going on in the camp, even ten years prior to liberation; 2)
The town did a thriving business from the concentration camp guard; 3)
Ninety percent are guilty and have dabbed themselves with the blood of
innocent human beings; 4) The people are to blame for their cowardice--
they were all too cowardly. They didn't want to risk anything--and that
was the way it was in all of Germany.</p>
<p>The conclusion of this report written on <span class="LOC">Dachau</span> written in 1945 on the
liberation of the concentration camp applies today. The conclusion is as
follows: If one is to attempt tremendous task and accept the terrible
responsibility of judging a whole town, assess it in mass as to collective
guilt or innocence of all its inhabitants for their complicity in
committing this most heinous of crimes, one would do well to
remember the fearsome shadow that hangs over everyone in this state in
light of the similar conditions that now prevail in the midst of our own
<p>So you can see how the whole program is related here. My lawsuit was
against one single aspect of the total program: The enforcement arm of
the conspiracy. The people who makeup the cadre that is going to
occupy the concentration camps where enemies of the U. S. will be
placed. Remember Solzhenitsyn's words in the 'Gulag Archipelago':
"Resistance should have begun right there but it did not begin. You
aren't gagged, you really can and you really ought to cry out that arrests
are being made on the strength of false accusations. If many such
outcries had been heard all over the city would arrests have no longer
have been so easy.</p>
<p>They, the tyrants, can't work in the public eye. These people who were
so apathetic, hoping that nothing was really wrong, that nothing would
happen to their persons and property, sat back and watched. The
anarchists, financed by multinational interests, looted and pillaged their
<p>If you think that all (that) is necessary is to pay your house notes, to pay
your TV notes, to go vote when there is an election, and to stand back
during the rest of the year and watch as your country and way of life are
replaced by a system in which you will be a slave in a concentration
camp, you_not the conspirators_are guilty because you, by silent
acquiescence, invite tyranny and oppression.</p>
<p>When you have to steal food to eat because our production is for foreign
use because the Dept. of Commerce--through Executive Order 11490
and its predecessors--is responsible for international distribution of our
commodities, don't sit in the culvert hiding and eating and wondering
what happened because you made it all possible.</p>
<p>When your family is split up and spread across the United States to do
slave labor and you never see your loved ones again, it will be your fault
because you did nothing to prevent it. Once we lose our freedom, we
are never going to regain it. That is why we must stand together to
prevent the loss of our freedom as citizens of the United States.</p>
<p>Thank you very much. (Conclusion of taped report.)</p>