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by Michael Howard
Published by Destiny Books
Pages 179 - 183
<p> 40000 BCE
Early establishment of Mystery schools, as depicted in the Lascaux
cave paintings.</p>
<p> 30000 BCE
According to some occult traditions this period saw the
colonization of Asia and Australasia by the inhabitants of the
lost continent of Lemuria or Mu. Goddess worship and matriaarchal
cultures established worldwide.</p>
<p> 10000 BCE
Evidence suggestive of early contact between extraterrestials and
Stone Age tribes in Tibet.</p>
<p> 9000 - 8000 BCE
Estimated date of the destruction of Atlantis, according to some
occult traditions. The Atlantean priesthood flee to establish
colonies in the British Isles, Western Europe, <span class="PERSON">North</span> Africa and
South America. Rise of the <span class="PERSON">North</span>ern Mystery Tradition centered on
the island of Thule and the Aryan culture. Invention of the runic
<p> 5000 BCE
First primitive cities established in the Middle East.
Agriculture begins with domestication of animals such as sheep and
goats. Possible contact between extraterrestials and early
Sumerian culture.</p>
<p> 5000 - 3000 BCE
Formation of the two lands in pre-dynastic Egypt ruled by
outsiders (Isis and Osiris). The <span class="NORP">Egyptian</span> pantheon of gods
established including Horus, Thoth, Set, Ra, Ptah and Hathor.
Pharoahs regarded as the divine representatives of the Gods.</p>
<p> 3000 - 2000 BCE
Building of burial mounds and chambered tombs in Western Europe
and the Mediterranean area; the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of
Giza and Cheops of Egypt; and the ziggurat (Towers of Babel) in
Ur. Sarmoung Brotherhood founded in <span class="GPE">Babylon</span>.</p>
<p> 2000 - 1000 BCE
Reign of Thothmes III in Egypt (c. 1480). Foundation of the
Rosicrucian Order. Reign of Akhenaton (c. 1370) who establishes
the mystical Brotherhood of Aton dedicated to the worship of the
<span class="LOC">Sun</span> as a symbol of the Supreme Creator. Erection of Stonehenge
and other megalithic stone circles in the British Isles. Reign of
Ankhenaton's son Tutankhamun who re-establishes the old pantheon
of <span class="NORP">Egyptian</span> gods and goddesses. Moses leads Children of Israel
out of slavery in Egypt during the reign of Ramses II to the
promised land of Canaan.</p>
<p> 1000 - 500 BCE
Foundation of the Dionysian Artificers. The building of Solomon's
temple (c. 950). Establishment of the city states of Greece and
the Olympic pantheon of gods to replace earlier Nature worship.
First temples erected in Mexico, Peru and southwest <span class="PERSON">North</span> America.
Celts invade Western Europe. Decline of Goddess worship and rise
of patriarchal sky gods personified by priest-kings. Rome founded
in 750.</p>
<p> 500 BCE - 001 CE
Celtic culture established in Britain. The foundation of Druidic
wisdom colleges in Gaul and the British Isles. Odin recognized as
major god in the <span class="PERSON">North</span>ern Mysteries replacing the Mother Goddess
and is credited with inventing the runes. Buddha, Lao Tze,
Confucius, Pythagoras, Plato and Zoroaster preach their new
religions and philosophies. Maya culture in South America.
Establishment of Eleusinian mystery cults. Rise of the Essene
sect in Palestine and Judea. Birth of Jesus of <span class="GPE">Nazareth</span>.</p>
<p> 001 - 400 CE
Jesus possibly travels to India, Tibet and Britain to be initiated
into the esoteric traditions of East and West. Crucified for his
radical political and religious ideas (c. 33). Joseph of
Arimanthea establishes first Celtic Church at Glastonbury (c. 37).
Invasion of Britain by Roman legions and suppression of the Druids
(40 - 60). Paul travels to Asia Minor and Greece preaching his
version of the gospel (50). Jewish revolt against Roman rule led
by Zealots (66). Essenes suppressed and Dead Sea Scrolls hidden
in caves. Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Romans (70). New
testament written. The Nazarenes break away from Judaism to found
the Christian Church (c. 80). Ormus is converted to Esoteric
<span class="NORP">Christianity</span> by Mark. Mithrasim and the Mysteries of Isis compete
with <span class="NORP">Christianity</span> in the Roman Empire. Mani, a Persian high
priest of Zoroastrianism, is crucified (276). Emperor <span class="PERSON">Constantine</span>
declares <span class="NORP">Christianity</span> the official religion of the Roman Empire.
The Council of Nicea defines heresy, condemns paganism and lays
the theological foundation for the Catholic or Universal Church
(325). Constantine's successor Julian the Apostate (361 - 363)
briefly re-establishes the pagan old religion. Emperor Theodosius
outlaws the worship of the pagan gods in Rome and closes the pagan
temples (378). Invasion of Rome, Greece and Europe by the
barbarians led by Atilla the Hun (395-480). Withdrawal of the
Roman legions from Britain (395). Foundation of the Order of
Comacine by ex-members of the Roman College of Architects.</p>
<p> 500 - 1000 CE
Mohammed founds Islam (dies 632). Celtic Church outlawed by
Council of Whitby (664). Foundation of first Sufi secret
societies (c. 700). First written translation of Emerald Tablet
of Hermes Trismegistus. Charlemagne founds alleged first
Rosicrucian Lodge in Toulouse (898). Foundation of the Cathars,
Druzes and Yezedi (900). Heretical Catholic monks found first
Rosicrucian college (1000).</p>
<p> 1000 - 1400 CE
Foundation of the Order of the Devoted of Assassins by
Hasan-i-Sabbah (1034-1124) and the Order of St John (1050). First
Crusade to the Holy Land (1095). Capture of the city of Jerusalem
by Godfrey de Bouillan, founder of the Priory of Sion (1099).
Assassins infiltrate Thuggee cult in India. Foundation of the
Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem (1118).
Charter granted to the Priory of Sion by Pope Alexander II (1178).
Crusade launched against Cathars (1208). Inquistion created to
fight heresy (1215). Massacre of the Cathars at Montsegur in
Southern France (1241). Troubadours practising their cult of
courtly love. Occult schools teaching the Cabbala and alchemy
established in Spain by the Moors. Count Rudolf von Hapsburg
crowned as Holy Roman Emperor (1273). Knights Templars arrested
by King Philip of France on charges of devil worship, heresy and
sexual perversion (1307). Last official Grand Master of the
Templars, Jacques de Molay, burnt at the stake and the Order goes
underground (1314).</p>
<p> 1400 - 1600 CE
Alleged life of Christian Rosenkreutz (1379-1482). Foundation
of the Order of the Garter by Edward III (1348). First
publication of the Corpus Heremeticum by the Medici family in
Italy (1460). Publication of Malleus Malifiracum and the papal
bull of Pope Innocent which began the medieval witch hunting
hysteria (1484 and 1486). Martin Luther begins Reformation
(1521). Henry Agrippa refers to the Templars as Gnostics and
worshippers of the phallic god Priapus (1530). Life of Dr John
Dee (1527-1608). Foundation of the British Secret Service by Sir
Francis Walsingham. Birth of Johann Valenti Andrea (1586). Life
of Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Defeat of the Spanish Armada,
with magical help from the New Forest Witches (1588).</p>
<p> 1600 - 1700 CE
Foundation of the Virginia Company by James I (1606). The
Romanovs become Czars of Russia (1613). Publication of
Rosicrucian manifesto (1614). Life of Elias Ashmole (1617-1692).
Voyage of the Mayflower to New England and the publication of Sir
Francis Bacon's novel The New Atlantis (1620). Establishment of
the pagan community of Merrymount in Massachusetts by Thomas
Morton. English Civil War begins (1642). First English Mason
guild accepts non-stonemasons into its meetings (c. 1646).
Charles I convicted of treason and beheaded (1649). Oliver
Cromwell allegedly makes pact with the Devil in order to retain
power. Introduction of <span class="NORP">Freemasonry</span> to American colonies by Dutch
settlers (1658). Order of Pietists founded in <span class="GPE">Pennsylvania</span>
<p> 1700 - 1800 CE
Birth of the Comte de Saint-Germain (1710). <span class="NORP">Masonic</span> Grand Lodge
of England and Druid Order founded (1717). First <span class="NORP">Masonic</span> lodge
founded in France (1721)> Benjamin Franklin initiated as Mason
(1731). Chevalier Alexander Ramsey informs French Masons that
they are heirs to the Templar tradition (1736). Roman Church
condemns Masonry (1738). Birth of Count Cagliostro. Comte de
Saint-Germain involved in Jacobite plot to restore Stuart dynasty
to the English Throne (1743). Society of Flagellants and Skopski
founded in Russia (1750). George Washington initiated as a Mason
(1752). Sir Francis Dashwood founds the Hell Fire Club. Franklin
visits England to discuss the future of American colonies with
Dashwood (1758). Foundation of the Rite of the Strict Observance
by Baron von Hund based on the Templar tradition. Frederick of
Prussia founds Order of the Architects of Africa and uses the
title Illuminati to describe his neo-<span class="NORP">Masonic</span> lodges (1768).
Franklin elected Grand Master of the Nine Sisters lodge in Paris
(1770). Grand Orient founded in France (1771). Boston Tea Party
(1773). Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief of the new
American Army (1775). Order of Perfectibilists or Illuminati
founded. American Revolution (1776). Czar Peter founds the
Secret Circle (1778). Supposed death of the Comte Saint-Germain
(1784). Grand <span class="NORP">Masonic</span> Congress allegedly plots French Revolution.
Cagliostro involved in <span class="PERSON">Diamond</span> Necklace Affair. Illuminati banned
in Bavaria and goes underground (1785). French Revolution (1789).
Illuminist conspiracy to overthrow the Hapsburgs (1794).</p>
<p> 1800 - 1900 CE
Count Grabinka founds secret society in St. Petersburg based on
Martinism and Rosicrucianism (1803). French republican plot to
assassinate Napoleon by placing a bomb under his coach, led by
occultist Fabre d'Olivet. Emperor Napoleon takes control of
French Masonry (1805). Revived Templar Order in France celebrates
the martyrdom of Jacques de Molay with public requiem (1808).
Foundation of the Order of Sublime Perfects (1809). Eliphas Levi
(1810-1875) reveals the secret symbolism of the Templar idol
Baphomet. Czar Alexander I and Emperor Francis von Hapsburg unite
to defeat Italian revolution incited by secret societies. John
Quincy Adams, initiate of the Dragon Society, is elected US
President (1820). Czar Alexander outlaws Masonry in Russia
(1822). Decembrist secret society attempts coup when Czar
Alexander allegedly dies (1825). Anti<span class="NORP">Masonic</span> Party founded in US
to combat secret societies in American politics (1828). Wagner
joins the Vaterlandsverein, a secret society dedicated to the
formation of a pan-European federation of nations. <span class="NORP">Masonic</span>
convention at Strasbourg allegedly plots second French Revolution
(1848). Napoleon III condemns Grand Orient for dabbling in
radical politics (1850). Paschal Randolph founds Hermetic
Brotherhood of the Light (1858). Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
(1865). Klu Klux Klan founded (1866). Society of Rosicrucians in
Anglia founded (1867). Foundation of the Theosophical Society by
Madame Blavasky on instructions of the Great White Brotherhood.
Birth of Aleister Crowley (1875). Mysterious suicide of ArchDuke
Rudolph von Hapsburg at a hunting lodge at Mayerling (1889).
Foundation of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1888).
Assassination of Empress Elizabeth von Hapsburg by anarchist
<p> 1900 - 1897 CE
Foundation of the Ordo Templi Orientis (1900). International
Order of Co<span class="NORP">Freemasonry</span> founded in 1902. Publication of The
Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion in Russia (1905). Foundation of
the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose Crucis (1909). Black
Hand Society founded in 1911. Aleister Crowley accepted as head
of the British OTO. Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross founded
in 1912. Assassination of ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand and
Archduchess Sophia von Hapsberg. Attempted murder of Rasputin.
WWI begins in 1914. Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates. Hapsburg dynasty
is overthrown. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917-1918).
Foundation of German Workers Party by Thule Society (1919).
Hitler joins GWP and changes its name to the National Socialist
Party (1920). Crowley employed by MI6. Cardinal Roncalli, later
Pope John XXIII, allegedly joins Rosicrucian Order. Hitler
becomes first chancellor of the Third Reich (1933). Roosevelt
places Illuminist symbol of eye in triangle on the dollar bill
(1935). Nazi invasion of England prevented by New Forest Witches
(1940). Rudolf Hess lured to Britain on peace mission by fake
astrological data (1941). Order of the Temple revived in France
(1952). First Bilderberg meeting in 1954. Foundation of the P2
Lodge (1960). Death of Pope Paul VI, election and alleged murder
of Pope John Paul I, and election of Pope John Paul II (1978).
Exposure of P2 conspiracy. Attempt to assassinate John Paul II
(1981). L'Ordre Internationale Chevelresque Tradition Solaire
founded on instructions of the revived Order of the Temple in
France (1984).</p>
<span class="">EOF</span>
5 January 1991</p>