<xml> <p>Skolnick COMMENTARY #012 ========================</p> <p>[CfD Editor -- I neither necessarily believe nor disbelieve either all or portions of the following.]</p> <p>[The following is a transcript of a recorded phone message put out by a group in Chicago called "Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts." (312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.]</p> <p>Hi! Sherman Skolnick, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby.</p> <p>The very rich and powerful are not given to moist-eyed emotion. They can hold a Christmas party, for example, for their devoted workers and smile on them. And then, a few days later, dismiss a bunch of them and tell their brutal security guards to throw the workers off the premises in one hour.</p> <p>Fearing a labor dispute, the *Chicago Tribune* put attack dogs to terrorize the printing workers in the Trib's "Freedom Center." (With the smashing of the union, by the way, it's called "Slavery Center.")</p> <p>Likewise so, when the ultra-rich deal with their mannequins, labelled "President of the United States." President Lincoln was assassinated a few days after the end of the Civil War. His post- war policy was to go easy on the South. So, agriculture would have resumed amid plummeting prices. The very rich, including the Rothschilds, had huge commodities speculations to the contrary. To some, bringing the South back [into the Union] was treason. So, they had Lincoln's brains blown out and blamed a "lone nut."</p> <p>The ultra-rich and their top military and CIA hawks accused President Kennedy of treason in denying U.S. air cover at the aborted invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs; also, for JFK planning detente with the Soviets. Yet JFK was popular with the common people. Nevertheless, his brains were blown out in an open car with military-style triangulation firing. A "lone nut" was blamed, and himself murdered.</p> <p>As you can see, the very rich are not sentimental.</p> <p>The ultra rich (and again, with their trusted CIA and military retainers) accused President Nixon of treason in his dealings with North Vietnam. Also, he wanted to be an imperial president, blackmailing CIA with his knowledge of the CIA murdering JFK.</p> <p>Blowing his brains out in an open car would be messy, so, ahead of the 1972 re-election of "Tricky Dick," CIA double-agents got themselves caught at the Watergate Hotel -- owned by the Pope.</p> <p>All to finger Nixon. (Some details are in the book *Silent Coup* by Colodny(sp?)).</p> <p>Nixon was so popular he won re-election in 49 of the 50 states. Yet, shortly thereafter began the Watergate bombardment. The press so ran after him he couldn't hold press conferences!</p> <p>And, just at the height of *his* popularity, the press is mounting *their* "Whitewater-gate" blitz, against Clinton. Some of his schemes on health care endanger large insurance companies -- like Prudential, owned by the British royal family.</p> <p>Funny thing: What the press trumpets of the rich are accusing Clinton are true enough.</p> <p>Yes, he and his wife committed financial crimes in ripping off $47 million through Arkansas S&L and others.</p> <p>Yes, Bill and Hillary, to try to save themselves from prison, covered up the murder of White House aide Vincent Foster.</p> <p>And yes, the ultra rich contend privately that Clinton committed treason in aborting a *genuine* CIA plot to murder Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein, a sworn enemy of the United States, on July 17, 1993. And two days later, Clinton chopping off the head of FBI director Sessions because he was investigating Clinton's "treason." And on July 20, Foster was murdered just as he was planning to plead with Bill to leave the plot go forward for "national security" reasons, or be impeached.</p> <p>The ultra rich consider most Americans stupid and [that they] have to be told fairy tales; to be amused with stories of an angry wife cutting off her husbands "ding-a-ling."</p> <p>So, will Clinton be put to the wall at the height of his popularity? Remember: The ultra rich are not sentimental.</p> <p>(312) 731-1100 is our main message. Donations will be appreciated...</p> </xml>