

Skolnick COMMENTARY #010 ========================

[CfD Editor -- I neither necessarily believe nor disbelieve either all or portions of the following.]

[The following is a transcript of a recorded phone message put out by a group in Chicago called "Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts." (312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.]

Hi! Sherman Skolnick, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 Oglesby.

More about the Clinton White House scandals.

Some contend White House aide Vincent Foster, jr. committed suicide *in* the White House and the body was removed and planted in a park in Virginia. If so, whoever moved the body used the opportunity to make it look like he was murdered. So the President and his wife would be guilty of being accomplices to murder by their coverup. [??] Others contend the body shows Foster was apparently murdered and the body delivered to the park and positioned so as to cast suspicion on the White House.

Either way, Clinton has stonewalled the matter and arranged to hold back the release of the autopsy.

Foster and Hillary were not only lovers but also law partners, and worked on clandestine deals for the Bank of Criminals and Conspirators International [BCCI] -- involving money-washing for domestic and overseas political murders, gun-running, and dope-trafficking. Military CIA officers, posing as Justice Department officials, have twisted matters around so as to finger Bill Clinton.

But Clinton, after all, is no angel.

The mass media have soft-pedalled reports that Hillary's law firm has shredded records relating to the President and first lady's daily financial business. Some in the press are also slanting reports so as to blame Hillary alone, as if "Sludge Willy" is himself innocent. *Oh, yeah?!*

Left out of the press are key details:

ITEM: Some $47 million is missing from the Clinton's Arkansas rotten dealings -- plundering an S&L, funneling money through real estate firms, and other money [unclear].

ITEM: Clinton's nominee for head of the firm the S&L bailout racket called "Resolution Trust Corporation" [RTC] wanted to clean up S&L corruption. *But*, he withdrew his name. S&Ls in Illinois, Texas, and Colorado have been plundered by CIA operatives and left bankrupt.

ITEM: The RTC in Chicago transferred some $50 million from a little-known contingency fund here to Arkansas... the attempt to cover up the Arkansas embezzlement done by the Clintons and their criminal gang.

The fund was administered for RTC by Household Bank as part of their merger with an S&L in the Chicago area. The head of the parent firm, Household International, an expert on financials, was murdered in April '93. Household is a successor to Nugan-Hand(sp?) Bank, the worldwide CIA front headquartered in Australia.

ITEM: Federal judges in Chicago have "stood on their head" to try to cover up the disappearance of the RTC fund here and the transfer to Arkansas. ([Allegedly] including Chicago federal district judge George Lindbergh, who heads a "lie box" company with major clients CIA, National Security Agency, and off-shore gambling casinos. Also, [allegedly] Chicago federal bankruptcy judge John D. Schwartz.) It is referred to as "The Androcetti Affair"(sp?).

ITEM: Hillary Rodham Clinton is facing indictment by a federal grand jury in Little Rock for bank embezzlement and income tax fraud.

ITEM: Leading the attack on the Clinton White House is Chicago Congressman Henry Hyde, reportedly in charge of CIA's bloody "black budget" [CfD -- This would be money budgeted for CIA "projects" by the Congress that for secrecy reasons does not appear in public documents]. Hyde has more actual power than the director of Central Intelligence to arrange political assassinations, to launder secret funds, and to railroad enemies into prison. Hyde has been director of a suburban S&L here, now defunct, fronting for CIA. The federal court case of RTC against Henry Hyde was ordered suppressed because of "national security."

In Chicago, see us on cable TV, channel 21. 9 pm [cst] Monday evenings, February 14, 21, and 28.

Play it again: The Rotten *Chicago Tribune*, (312)731-1505. New message Saturday; we change it several times a week. Donations appreciated. Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, [Illinois] 60617. For the latest on courts, banks, espionage agencies, political assassinations, and the news media.