In The Wealth of Nations,
But having presented the case for free markets,
Governments had turned over many industries and trades to private monopolies, whose interests were clearly opposed to open competition. Special-interest groups, with their government-bestowed privileges, were too strong ever to be defeated.
Within one lifetime, however,
But in our century, governments once again use their power to
regulate the marketplace, protect various industries from
foreign and domestic competition, and limit entry into markets
through licensing procedures.
Why have free societies all around the world become battlegrounds for political privilege and economic plunder?
The answer is to be found in one of
Society's members give up the independence of economic self-sufficiency for the interdependence of a social system of division of labor. But the gain is a much higher standard of living than any one of them could ever hope to attain just by using his own capabilities to fulfill all his wants and desires through his own labor.
Each individual is now dependent upon others in the society for the vast majority of the goods and services he wishes to use and consume. But in a competitive market setting, this works to his advantage. Sellers vie with one another for his consumer business.
They underbid each other and offer him attractively lower prices; they devise ways to produce and market new and improved products. As consumer, the individual is the master of the market, whom all sellers must serve if they are to obtain his business.
Viewed from the perspective of the consumer, the competitive market serves the public interest. The resources of society are effectively applied and put to work to satisfy the various wants and desires of the individuals of that society. The products which are manufactured are determined by the free choices of all of the demanders in the marketplace. Production serves consumption.
But the market looks totally different from the perspective of the individual producers. They, too, are dependent upon the market: they are dependent upon buyers willing to purchase what they have for sale. While the market serves every one as a consumer, no one can be a consumer unless he has been successful as a producer. And his success as a producer depends upon his ability to market and sell his products or to find willing buyers for his particular labor skills and abilities.
As a consequence, for each producer the price of his own product or labor service tends to be more important than the prices of all of the multitude of consumer goods he might purchase. Because unless he earns the necessary financial wherewithal in his producer role, he cannot be a consumer.
Being the consumer of many things, but the producer of usually one thing, each seller tends to view competition as a financial threat to his position in the market as well as to his specific share of the market. The incentive for each producer, therefore, is to want to limit entry into his corner of the market, or to reduce the amount of competition currently existing in his industry or profession.
The only avenue for limiting competition, however, is the
government. Only the government has the ultimate authority to
permanently prohibit those who think they could do better in
the market and who desire to try. Producers, therefore, have
incentives to use portions of the resources and wealth at
their disposal in the political arena to gain or protect the
market position that they feel themselves unable to obtain or
maintain in an open field of competition. And as long as the
costs of acquiring political privileges and protections from
the government to secure profits are less than the costs of
earning profits by making better and less expensive products,
producers will resort to lobbying and
The dilemma for the society is that when producers lobby in the political process for profits via government privilege, this results in a using-up of resources that otherwise could have been invested in making products desired by consumers. Furthermore, existing producers, sitting behind their walls of political protections and privileges, have fewer incentives for making product improvements. Therefore, the normal, competitive forces that over time would result in better and greater supplies of goods are retarded,
When government is viewed as the means for acquiring income "entitlements," job "guarantees" and "fair" (rather than open) markets, producer interests will always win over the public, i.e., consumer, interest. Because most individual sellers will view that they have more to lose from competition as producers than they have to gain from competition as consumers.
Unfortunately, the pursuit of producer-protection policies through government has a perverse outcome: the society as a whole is poorer than it otherwise would be. Every privilege and protection raises the prices, narrows the variety and lowers the quality of the goods available to all of us as consumers.
How, then, do we reverse our age of democratized privilege, in which politics is reduced to a free-for-all for mutual plunder and economic power? The answer is not an easy one nor one that offers a "quick fix."
A turn from our era of neo-mercantilism, with its philosophy of privileges for all who can win on the political battle field, requires a moral revolution on the part of each of us. It requires each and every one of us to apply the rules of personal conduct to the arena of politics.
In our personal conduct, few of us would feel morally right in forcibly preventing a buyer from leaving our respective business establishment until he paid the price we wanted him to pay. Nor would we feel morally correct in taking a sum of money out of another's pocket without his consent simply because he considered our price for our products or labor services too high.
Yet this is done all of the time through the political process. Not until we come to accept that the rules of morality that apply in personal conduct must be the same rules we follow in politics will the age of democratized privilege and plunder come to an end. And, alas, we seem a long way off from seeing that day!
Professor Ebeling is the
From the March 1991 issue of