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(312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.]</p> <p>Hi! Sherman Skolnick, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts [CCCC], 9800 South Oglesby.</p> <p>>From the time of Clinton's election as President on -- strange events with CIA.</p> <p>About the time of Clinton's November '92 election a British Intelligence operative assisting CIA was murdered, together with all his family members, in southern California. That was Ian Stewart-Sparrow(sp?) -- having inside knowledge about the "October Surprise" treason, the Mena, Arkansas airport dope and gun smuggling implicating Clinton as Governor, and much more.</p> <p>Right after Clinton was inaugurated, two CIA officials were murdered and three seriously wounded right on the road leading into CIA headquarters -- apparently part of a fight between CIA faction one: George Bush and his gang, and faction two: Naval Intelligence assassins.</p> <p>And where does Clinton fit in, huh?</p> <p>Right before the election some 15 [persons] were arrested -- charged with shipping exotic military items without export licenses to known terrorists. Among the defendants, Diane Lewis(sp?), a crony of first lady Hillary of Park Ridge, a northwest Chicago suburb. The trial was right after inauguration day. Ms. Lewis was released after her defense attorney told the judge, in chambers, she was with CIA *and* a pal of Hillary.</p> <p>Then, the strange events in Waco, Texas, right near a CIA brainwashing facility. Some believe some of the Branch Davidian leaders knew too much. A CIA and military "delta team" murdered many while tanks with flame shooters burned down the compound. In the assault on the building two federal agents, previously Clinton's campaign bodyguards, were murdered -- now get this -- *by their fellow agents*.</p> <p>On July 17th, '93, President Clinton and/or someone in the White House acting with them (such as Vincent Foster, jr.) stopped a genuine CIA plot to assassinate Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. Two days later, FBI director Sessions was "sacked," on flimsy excuses, to block his investigation of President Clinton's treasonous activities -- such as having military officers assigned to CIA acting as Justice Department prosecutors pursuing political activist civilians!</p> <p>The next day, White House aide Foster was found murdered in a lower level of the White House. The Secret Service removed the body and planted it in a national park in Virginia. The circumstances, however, were designed by someone to put Clinton in a "catch-22" position. If Clinton revealed the details, some of it, somehow, might point to Foster's law partner and lover -- Hillary. Did she want *him* dead to save herself from prison, huh?</p> <p>Some $47 million is missing from a federally insured S&L in Arkansas. Hillary and Foster were implicated in what seems to be a bank embezzlement. Federal authorities are also investigating CIA money-laundering deals reportedly also implicating Hillary and Foster.</p> <p>The Secret Service is holding clandestine meetings across the nation about Foster, "picking the brains" of assassination experts. The Secret Service contends three foreign intelligence agents, disguised as known White House visitors, got into the White House and "wiped out" Foster. {1}. The Secret Service also claims a Foster "double" left the White House that afternoon -- all to confuse matters.</p> <p>Clinton is stonewalling release of pertinent records. Some claim the series of mysteries somehow involve the role of Bill and Hillary as CIA assets since an early age.</p> <p>And then there's the Rick Ames spy mess at CIA which Clinton set on for a year. {2}.</p> <p>(312) 731-1100 is our main message. Donations appreciated. Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, [Illinois] 60617. The latest on courts, banks, espionage agencies, political assassinations, and the news media. On 24 hours a day, that's the Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby.</p> <p>--------------------------<span class=""> Notes </span>---------------------------- {1} According to a *Wall Street Journal* article dated March 10, 1994 ("Who is Patsy Thomasson?"), there has been lax security at the White House, apparently due to poor overall management. {2} Again from the *Wall Street Journal* of March 10, 1994 ("The KGB and America's War on Drugs"), regarding the Ames spy case, "some key questions have gone unasked." Ames reportedly was involved with the KGB in narco-trafficking. The amount of cash allegedly paid to Ames was "far more than in most treason-for-money cases." </p> </body> </html>