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The reality vs. unreality contrast was strikingly obvious this morning. On my way to work, I was listening to a Swedish environmentalist. Helen Norberg Hodge is probably how her name is spelled. These are some of her points that I can recall:</p> <p> ** All the nations of the world are bankrupt. Consequently, THEIR logical solution to OUR problem is to amalgamate all the national economies of the world into one global economy under the domination of the giant multinational, transnational corporations.</p> <p> ** GHETTOIZATION OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY'S WORKFORCE (that's you, me, and our children when they eventually join the workforce. How much worse will it be for them when they reach that point?) INTO LARGE, URBAN LABOR CENTERS ** The consequences to us are that we common people will be forced into traveling longer distances to work at urbanized industrial centers which they are creating as a part of their master plan. This will demand more sacrifices from us in terms of travel time and travel expenses. </p> <p> ** SIPHONING OFF THE PLANET'S NATURAL RESOURCES OF ENERGY TO FUEL LARGE ENERGY GENERATING CENTERS **</p> <p> ** INTER-LOCKING THE DISCRETE NATION-TOWNSHIPS OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC STATE INTO A TIGHT WEB OF STREAMLINED TRANSPORTATION THROUGHWAYS ** We consumers will be forced to pay much higher prices for food and goods because the global expressway will bring us bananas from Australia and oranges from Israel. Naturally, we consumers will pay the transportation costs. Volvo of Sweden is just one of the corporate cogs in that multinational wheel of fortune. </p> <p>I leave the car and go into the cafeteria for morning coffee at the place where I work. And on the omnipresent big-screen that invades our lives nowadays, media giant CNN is booming out its expensive presentation. CNN happened to report on Earth Day. And this was what they told and showed to their viewers:</p> <p> Nothing at all about the environmental disasters that have been and continue to be inflicted upon our only planet by the logging industry, the oil industry, the automobile industry, the chemical industry, the U.S. Government/nuclear industry, and I could go on and on, but the point is already made.</p> <p> Oh, but they did show a guy taking a car battery and recycling it.</p> <p>Now that pack of lies-by-omission was brought to you by a media giant. Conversely, the broad, deep coverage presented by that media pauper, listener-financed, non-commercial WBAI on environmental crises alone (not to mention their political and social reportage) would be too vast for me to even summarize in numerous posts to these newsgroups. What does that tell you about the motives of the mass media? They don't want you to know any more than a meaningless tidbit about these literally earthshaking environmental issues.</p> <p>The relentless trend toward slavery is supposed to be gradual. You're not supposed to notice it. First you are eased into servitude, and then, when you're acclimated to servitude, you will more readily accept being eased into slavery. But it has to be done slowly so as to avoid mutinizing the people. Ideally, it should proceed over more than one generation. As one who lived through the war -- both the one in Vietnam and the one at home that accompanied it -- I can attest to the sedation of the American people from that generation to this one.</p> <p>Now why would anyone want to get richer by making us poorer? Why would anyone want to rob your apartment or house? Why would anyone want to rob one-point-two trillion dollars from the American people's paychecks to repay the $1.2 trillion that they robbed from the people's S & L savings accounts? That was the Reagan-Bush looting decade of the 1980s wherein the robber-barons got wildly wealthier by making us much poorer.</p> <p>If you're ignorant of that fact, then you need to turn off that goddamned television, because it is the instrument of your ignorance, your delusion, your anesthetization and your compliance in our slow but discernible slide into slavery. Just turn it off, because it is your enemy and it is out to ruin you. That's the same advice I give to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law about smoking, as they sit there passively coughing their guts out. Fight the TV addiction and vanquish it. Your human dignity and liberty depend upon it. Indeed, our children and our grandchildren are depending upon us. If we let them down, the consequences will be far worse for them. Don't deny high probability. Soon enough, you'll probably be taking on the responsibility of bringing them into this world and looking toward their well-being. </p> <p>So fight the TV addiction and vanquish that hypnotic force which dominates your mind and your life in so many subtle, yet powerful ways.</p> <p>And when you realize how hard it is to abstain from it, you'll finally realize the extent of its power over you. But THAT is your first step in fighting back -- in liberating yourself and your people. Turn off that damned Svengali that holds you spellbound. You can't imagine the price we, as a society, are all paying for so-called free television. Turn off the damned thing, and seek out the truth through many printed sources which you can access by asking your librarian to borrow specified books and photocopies of magazine and newspaper articles through the nationwide inter-library loan network.</p> <p> Ranting by: John DiNardo</p> </body> </html>