From _The Morning Of The Magicians_
This [legend] goes back to the time of the Emperor Asoka, who
reigned in India from 273 B.C. He was the grandson of
At the sight of this massacre Asoka was overcome. Forever after he experienced a horror of war. He renounced the idea of trying to integrate the rebellious people, declaring that the only true conquest was to win men's hearts by observance of the laws of duty and piety, because the Sacred Majesty desired that all living creatures should enjoy security, peace and happiness and be free to live as they pleased.
A convert to Buddhism, Asoka, by his own virtuous example, spread
this religion throughout India and his entire empire which
It is said that the Emperor Asoka, aware of the horrors of war, wished to forbid men ever to put their intelligence to evil uses. During his reign natural science, past and present, was vowed to secrecy. Henceforward, and for the next 2000 years, all researches, ranging from the structure of matter to the techniques employed in collective psychology, were to be hidden behind the mystical mask of a people commonly believed to be exclusively concerned with ectasy and supernatural phenomena. Asoka founded the most powerful secret society on earth: that of the Nine Unknown Men.
It is still thought that the great men responsible fro the destiny
of modern India, and scientists like
One can imagine the extraordinary importance of secret knowledge in the hands of nine men benefiting directly from experiments, studies and documents accumulated over a period of more than 2000 years. What can have been the aim of these men? Not to allow methods of destruction to fall into the hands of unqualified persons and to pursue knowledge which would benefit mankind. Their numbers would be renewed by co-option, so as to preserve the secrecy of techniques handed down from ancient times.
Examples of the Nine Unknown Men making contact with the outer
world are rare. There was, however, the extraordinary case of one
of the most mysterious figures in
In the cybernetics journal, _Computers and Automation_ of October
1954, the following comment appeared: "We must suppose that he
Had other Europeans any contact with the society of the Nine
Unknown Men? It was not until the nineteenth century that this
mystery was referred to again in the works of the
Jacolliot was
Jacolliot states catagorically that the Soceity of Nine did actually exist. And, to make it all the more intriguing, he refers in the this connection to certain techniques, unimaginable in 1860, such as, for example, the liberation of energy, sterilization by radiation and psychological warfare.
The story of the Nine Unknown Men was popularized for the first
time in 1927 in a book by
The first of these books is said to have been devoted to the
technique of propaganda and psychological warfare. "The most
dangerous of all sciences," wrote
It must be remembered that Korjybski's _General Semantics_ did not
appear until 1937 and that it was not until the
The second book was on physiology. It explained, among other things, how it is possible to kill a man by touching him, death being caused by a reversal of the nerve-impulse. It is said that Judo is a result of "leakages" from this book.
The third volume was a study on microbiology, and dealt especially with protective colloids.
The fourth was concerned with the transmutation of metals. There is a legend that in times of drought temples and religious relief organizations received large quanities of fine gold from a secret source.
The fifth volume contains a study of all means of communication, terrestial and extra-terrestial.
The sixth expounds the secrets of gravitation.
The seventh contains the most exhaustive cosmogony known to humanity.
The eighth deals with light.
The ninth volume, on sociology, gives the rules for the evolution of societies, and means of foretelling their decline.
Connected with the Nine Unknown Men is the mystery of the waters
Avoiding all forms of religious, social or political agitations, deliberately and perfectly concealed from the public eye, the Nine were the incarnation of the ideal man of science, serenely aloof, but conscious of his moral obligations. Having the power to mold the destiny of the human race, but refraining from its exercise, this secret society is the finest tribute imaginable to freedom of the most exalted kind. Looking down from the watch-tower of their hidden glory, these Nine Unknown Men watched civilizations being born, destroyed and re-born again, tolerant rather than indifferent, and ready to come to the rescue -- but always observing that rule of silence that is the mark of human greatness.
Myth or reality? A magnificent myth, in any case, and one that has issued from the depths of time -- a harbinger, maybe, of the future?