During hard times there are few phrases as frequently heard as, "Something must be done!" And what is usually meant by the phrase is that governmental action is needed to cure the economic woes of society.
In other words, government spending should be increased to raise the demand for goods and services; interest rates should be lowered to stimulate investment activity; protection should be given to domestic producers to insulate them from the unscrupulous "poaching" of foreign producers; public-works projects should be used to guarantee a job at a "living wage" to all of those desiring to work.
We live in an era that has seen the bankruptcy of socialism, the failure of the welfare state, the corrupting influences of governmental regulatory activity, the irresponsibility of government deficit-spending and the unprincipled political pandering to every conceivable special-interest group. And yet still the cry is heard: "Something must be done!"--by the government.
Fifty-five years ago, the English economist
At the end of the twentieth century,
Marxists looked to
Keynes and his "
Over the last fifty years, just about every variation on the collectivist economic theme has been tried. And every one has turned into disaster.
And while Keynesian economics and neo-mercantilist trade
policies have appeared less visibly destructive of freedom and
prosperity, their effects have been no less detrimental.
Moreover, in the name of "full employment" and "economic
stabilization," the economic power of governments in the
Nor have Keynesian "demand management" policies brought
economic stability. The post-
During the first half of this century, many economists and
political philosophers were drunk with the idea of power. They
suffered from what the
Market demand was too low? They knew just the right amount of
government spending to rectify the problem.
Through the public educational process and other forms of
government propaganda,
But they are not to be trusted. Not only because power corrupts, but also because they can never know how to do all of the things they promise to do. No mind or group of minds can ever have the ability or capacity to master all of the knowledge and information that is required to plan, direct or guide an economy.
The value of a market economy is that it leaves each individual free to plan his own affairs and to use his own knowledge as he sees fit. But if he is to benefit personally from that knowledge, he knows that he must use it in a way that serves the ends of society. He can earn a living only by using his knowledge to fulfill the wants and desires of others in the peaceful social order of voluntary exchange.
Competitively established market prices, both for resources and commodities, transmit across the entire economy information about the ever-changing supply-and-demand conditions to which each member of the society must adjust if he is to go about his business of earning a living. The market incorporates and encapsulates more knowledge and information than any economic planner or interventionist can ever hope to know or master.
But if the market is to fulfill its informational tasks, it is vital that we return to first principles. By protecting and respecting individual life and property, government can help to secure the conditions for prosperity; but government cannot create that prosperity. Prosperity comes only from men applying their minds and the means available to them for various desired ends. Prosperity, therefore, can only come from freedom, because only when men are free do they have the interest and the incentive to set their minds to work.
What does this mean in terms of economic policy? The exact opposite of what the economic planners and social engineers desire. Government's role in society must be reduced to the much ridiculed "night-watchman state." And government expenditures must be lowered to only those needed to protect individual liberty and private-property rights.
This means: no governmental subsidies; no governmental protectionist privileges; no governmentally sponsored monopolies or cartels; no governmental licensing of occupations or professions; no governmental regulation of industry or the workplace; no governmental setting or influencing of wages or prices; no public-works projects; no governmental "demand management" policies; no governmental control of money.
As we approach the end of the twentieth century, we are at a dead end with collectivist and interventionist economic policy. Something must be done! But not by the government! The place to start is to recognize that we are the intellectual victims of defunct economists and political philosophers of a bygone era and, more important, to recognize that governmental policies are the cause, not the cure, of our economic problems.