Title: The Proven existance of 9 dimensional planes
Intro: In order to understand these files, one must assume the following is completely true. If not assumed, one will be completely lost in the text of the following files. You may laugh if you wish, but if you want to understand the theory you must make compensations on your part. Ok, on with the file...
Volume I: Defining the 9 planes
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1st dimensional plane: This plane consists of only the single dimension of length. It is not advised to try to envision this dimension for it may cause insanity, seriously.
2nd dimensional plane: This plane consists of both length and width. It is not adviable to envision this either. The first and second planes are not the same as the fourth dimension and are uncomprehendable except by entities "living" in that plane of thought and sight.
3rd dimensional plane: This is the plane of depth. This one is easily imagined by 4th dimensional entities, because they are so close to it, and had just passed out of it.
4th dimensional plane: This is the plane that the entities that we call beings "live" on. It consists of the forward movement of time. It is the one we are on right now.
The cross-over: This is a place where the 4th dimensional entities make their way into the 5th and above. It is often refered to as death, yet it is only a cross-over point. At this point, all knowledge of the 4th and below dimensions is lost.
5th dimensional plane: This plane consists of the backwards movement of time. Although considered impossible by 4th dimensional entities, those entities are only thinking in the 4th dimensional phase. Remember everything else from here on out is done in metaphysical thinking.
6th dimensional plane: This is the plane of clairvoyance. Remember, all of this you must assume, or no comprehension of the later explanations will be understood. Not much is known about this plane, except you "inhabit" the sense of clairvoyance.
7th dimensional plane: This is the plane of telekinesis. This is even less understood than the plane of clairvoyance, yet it does exist. This often thought of as "supernatural", when in fact it a real thing.
8th dimensional plane: This is the plane of perception. It is the highest any entity can evolve to. It consists of all the planes from five and up.
9th dimensional plane: God. Refered to by many, but understood by few. All cultures and beings, be it from our world or others, have this vision. God created all life, so all life lives by him.
These are the explanations of all the dimensional planes. Dimensional planes are achieved by the evolution of the mind/soul/entity, which are all the same thing. Evolution is a continual learning process. As we evolve we understand more, yet raise more questions. This theory is to help those understand the answers to many questions concerning God and the "supernatural". One thing is assumed. We are not the only lifeforms in this universe. All lifeforms were created by God, and will evolve through the process God laid forth unto us. The universe is infinitely large, which shows God's power is also infinitely large.
Volume II: Explanation of the Planes and their signifigance to the supernatural
Intro: This is the second part to the previous file on the proven existance of 9 dimensional planes. As stated in the last phile, one must assume all things true in order to understand and comprehend the intensity of this phile. This one will deal with the questions brought about by the theory itself.
One thing must be understood in this file. All the entities, in all the dimensional planes, co-exist with one another in this one universe. There is but one universe, in which all entities live in. There are no "outside" universes. Everything co-exists in this one universe.
Explanation of "Insane Persons":
An insane person is thought of as a person without the ability to think clearly and comprehend things on a 4th dimensional basis. They are not "insane". That is a term 4th dimensional entities give to those entities which are not on the the same thought plane that the other entities are on. Every plane is just a level of thought process. In the past file I stated that evolution is a continuing process of learning. The "insane" persons of a 4th dimensional community are not on the same thought plane we consider ourselves on.
Explanation of "supernatural" powers
This deals with the idea of persons who are able to channel their psychic
powers to do physical things. This also deals with fortune tellers and People
who can see the future, i.e.
Explanation of "Ghosts, Spirits, and
This is about the simplest thing to explain. As I stated above, all entities co-exist in the same universe, for there is only one, which is infinite. Sometimes, 4th dimensional beings see things they aren't "supposed" to see. People are brought up with the idea ghosts are science-fiction, when in fact they are a real thing. Sometimes these entities are accidently crossed back for a few seconds, years, or minutes.
Explanation of Heaven or
This is fairly easily comprehended, if one thinks beyond the 4th dimension. It is but the enternity at the other side of the cross-over. What do you think the "light at the end of the tunnel" is? It is the "other side" or 5th dimension. People lose their physical bodies and are "able to fly" around. This also explains the angels 4th dimensional beings continually say are immortal.
Explanation of Immortality
Immortality is an easily comprehendable concept, if one thinks of a positive charge and a negative charge. When thrown together, they cancel each other out. This is the same priciple when you combine forward and reverse time together. After you make the cross-over, your mind adapts to backwards time, yet when backwards time collides with forward time it cancels it out. Therefore the state of immortality is reached.
The one constant
There is but one constant in all the dimensions.
That about does it for this file. That pretty much explains everything that I
can think of dealing with the unexplainable. If you can think of any more,
leave mail on
Greets to all metaphysical thinkers. This should answer some of your questions.