<xml> <p>Skolnick COMMENTARY #003 ========================</p> <p>[The following is a transcript of a recorded phone message put out by a group in Chicago called "Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts." (312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.]</p> <p>Hi. Sherman Skolnik, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 Oglesby.</p> <p>The mass media cannot tell the truth on key issues. Why? Well, in part because of the financial hangups. Also because they are the propaganda horn of the ruling families, who cannot level with the American worker. So, you are not told the story behind the story.</p> <p>Examples:</p> <p>1) On the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] hangs the U.S. banking system. Large, money-center banks have loaned Mexico billions of dollars. Will they be able to pay back? (Such as Bank America, once owned principally by the Vatican and the Rothschilds, and large owners now being the Yakasa [sp?], the Japanese mafia.) Also loaning big to Mexico have been Chase Manhattan and Citicorp, both owned by the Rockefellers, *and* Chicago's Continental Bank, owned by a combination of the Vatican, the British royals and, since 1984, by the Yakasa. (Note: Financially interlocked with Continental Bank are multi, multi-millionaire judges on Chicago's Federal Court of Appeals, including judge Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, a man of trust for the Pope, and judge Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx head of a trust for the commodity gambling cartel.)</p> <p>To preserve profits, big business needs cheap labor.</p> <p>2) What is behind the strange death of White House aide Vincent Foster? German authorities are investigating a ring of assassins who reportedly murdered Foster. The autopsy has to be doctored up to conceal 2 bullet holes in the back of Foster's head. The press says he was, uh.... a suicide. *Oh, yeah?*</p> <p>As to the motives, Foster and his former law partner, first lady Hillary, were being scrutinized by the Federal Reserve -- no angels themselves. As part of the highly corrupt Rose [sp?] law firm of Little Rock, they are accused of money laundering work in the Mideast and Asia. Foster had an appointment with the President. He never went to it. Sources contend Foster knew about an earth-shaking situation involving the Mideast and previous presidents, like Bush. Supposedly, Clinton did not know, *but* once informed by Foster, "Sludge Willy" would have had to take action or be impeached. You can see why Foster was "suicided."</p> <p>Those on the cutting edge of White House information realize Clinton has more "skeletons" than George Bush *and* Clinton's scandals overlap those of Bush.</p> <p>3) The story behind the dope business is squelched. The ultra- rich profit from the dope traffic through money-center banks. The book *The Underground Empire* by Mills [C. Wright Mills (?)] documents how the dope enforcement authorities and the espionage agencies are the key players in promoting the dope business.</p> <p>4) The U.S. military is using Soviet helicopters, such as at Air Force bases. Uh, they claim it is just for "military exercises." *Oh, yeah?*</p> <p>In case of a financial emergency in America, will Russian mercenary troops be used to round up American political activists and drag them off to remote prisons? Huh?!? (Some call them concentration camps.)</p> <p>And what can *you* do? Well, call up your favorite news fakers and *demand* that they tell us the real stuff.</p> <p>(312) 731-1100 is our main message. Donations appreciated. Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, 60617.</p> <p>The latest on courts, banks, espionage agencies, political assassinations and the news media. </p></xml>