=* *=
... the recombinant virus from cattle and sheep AND ITS CALLED
AIDS. You don't have to be a genius to understand this. Any
properly instructed 10-year-old can understand it ....
But, some alert reader will say, we don't give smallpox
vaccinations in the U.S., so how do you explain the simultaneous
outbreak of AIDS in Africa, Brazil and Haiti, where they did indeed
give the vaccine, and in the U.S., where they didn't give the
Simple. The homosexual community was used as a large group of
experimental animals through the hepatitis-B program. It didn't
take many infected homosexuals among the I.V. drug users to quickly
spread the disease among a large percentage of the addicts due to
the near certainly of infection through direct intravenous insertion
of the virus.
To understand the seeding of AIDS among homosexuals (and
eventually to the rest of us through bisexuals unless drastic action
is taken), you must know about a character with the strange name of
Wolf Szmuness. His life story will seem bizarre to you unless, like
me, you have a conspiratorial turn of mind.
Dr. Szmuness was a Polish Jew who supposedly ended up in a
Siberian labor camp during World War II. But after the war he
somehow became a privileged person, was sent to medical school in
Tomsk, Russia, and married a Russian woman. Hardly typical
treatment of an enemy of the Soviet state [under Stalin.
Szmuness' biographer said that Wolf was always reluctant to
discuss "those dark years in Siberia." Maybe he wasn't in Siberia.
If he [actually] was, he certainly wasn't shoveling salt.
In 1959 the Soviet government "allowed" him to practice in
Poland in a public health capacity. Standard policy in all
Communist countries is never to allow all members of a family to
travel out of the country to the West at the same time.
This eliminates
98% of all defection attempts. I have
physician friends in Hungary, for example. He can go to a meeting
anywhere in the world if she stays home. She can go if he stays
home. They can both go if the children are left at home. But in
1969, the entire Szmuness family was allowed by communist Poland to
go to a medical meeting in Italy. At that time they "defected" and
moved to New York City.
Page 9
job as a "lab technician" at the New York City Blood Center. Within
a very few years this Polish immigrant was GIVEN HIS OWN LAB, a
separate department of epidemiology was created for him at the blood
bank and he, like the chrysalis turning into a butterfly, changed
In six years this "lab tech" became a full professor AND THEN
WENT BACK TO MOSCOW for a scientific presentation and was received
as a dignitary, not a defector.
We tell you this amazing story because in retrospect it is
obvious that Wolf Szmuness was a carefully groomed ... agent,
planted here after years of preparation, to instigate biological
warfare against the American people.
Szmuness, with the full cooperation and financial support of
the U.S. Center for Disease Control and the National Institutes of
Health,11 masterminded the hepatitis-B vaccine experimental program
used on homosexual men.
He insisted that only young, promiscuous homosexuals be allowed
to participate in the experiment. The experiment started in New
York at the blood bank in November 1978.
supervised laboratory.12 The study was completed in October 1979.
Within 10 years, most of these young men would be dead or dying from
In 1980 the program was expanded to major cities all across the
U.S. In the fall of 1980 the first AIDS case was reported in San
Francisco. Eight years later most of the homosexuals in San
Francisco are infected, dead or dying.
Szmuness did not live to see the fruition of this larger
experiment. He died of cancer in 1982.
In 1986 Dr. Cladd Stevens, one of Szmuness's collaborators,
penned an astonishing report that did not make your local newspaper.
She reported that the majority of the homosexuals in the
experimental program were infected with the AIDS virus.13 The AIDS-
laced vaccine, through the bridge of bisexual men, now infects as
many as three million Americans. Mission accomplished.
AIDS was not the first germ warfare attack against Americans.
In the early '60s, millions of unsuspecting Americans took
either Salk injected polio vaccine or the live Sabin polio vaccine,
which was taken by mouth.
With an incubation period of 20 years, we are only now seeing
the grim results of this bio-attack against Americans, largely in
the form of brain tumors and leukemia.
Page 10
Salk didn't like the Sabin vaccine and Sabin didn't like the
Salk vaccine. I think they are both right. It is interesting to
note that polio was rapidly disappearing WITHOUT a vaccine (J. Trop.
Pediat, env. Child. Health 21, 11) ....
Our Soviet enemies not only instigated the AIDS epidemic
through clandestine agents within our government, but they now
control, through the World Health Organization, the AIDS policies of
the free world.
You are probably not aware that the international AIDS
prevention program of the World Health Organization (WHO) is run by
the Soviets.
You don't believe it? Call WHO and ask them who is in charge
in Europe. If you want to save your nickel I'll tell you. He's a
Russian named Bysencho and he operates out of Copenhagen....
The Soviets control the response to AIDS of the entire free
world at many levels, including the top. Dr. Sergei Litvinov,
the coordinator of all task forces on AIDS at the WHO, is a high
official in the Soviet Ministry of Health. Allegedly Litvinov
gave out the order to our scientists and medical organizations in
the western world not to discuss the real cause of the epidemic.
At a secret meeting (information supplied the author from a
confidential source) between the editors of Lancet, the highly
respected British medical publication, and a group of the leading
retrovirologists of the world, it was decided not to publish any
academic discussion about the possible artificial creation of the
AIDS virus in a laboratory.
They particularly agreed not to make any mention of world-
renowned biologist Isaac Farlane Bernet's published remarks that
molecular biology may get out of hand like atomic physics and be
used for evil purposes and "practical applications of molecular
biology to cancer research might be sinister."
Other medical journals such as Science and JAMA have
lockstepped with Lancet and put all references to the man-made
origins of AIDS down the memory hole.
Did Comrade Litvinov have a little talk with the
retrovirologists? They, of course, wouldn't need any encouragement
from the Soviet [WHO] bosses to attempt a little coverup of their
own heinous crime, but Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and the
New England Journal of Medicine are another matter.
It took some powerful and sinister forces indeed to get these
respected publications to cover up the crime of the millennium.
The notable exception to this appalling censorship of mass
murder is Professor Harding Rains, Editor of the Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine. Rains refers to "a conspiracy of
silence" covering the allegation that AIDS was man-made. I hope
Dr. Rains is watching his backside.
Dr. Zhores Medvedev, unlike Bysencho and Litvinov, supposedly
is a Russian exile. Medvedev operates out of London at the National
Page 11
Institute for Medical Research. He's a senior research scientist
who continues to communicate freely with his supposed enemies in the
Soviet biowarfare laboratories, but we lack the space to catalog all
the details [here].
Medvedev is spreading the disinformation that AIDS is rampant
in Russia due to the escape of the virus from a laboratory, a sort
of biological Chernobyl.
This tends to divert suspicion away from Litvinov, Szmuness and
the other reds that President Nixon allowed to penetrate our
biological warfare laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Having the Soviets "control" the spread of AIDS in the West has
let to some interesting paradoxes. Our masters in the U.S. tell us
that there shall be absolutely no restrictions on travel between
various parts of the non-Communist world by persons who test
positive for AIDS.
Surgeon General C.E. Koop supports this Soviet policy of
biological suicide. (Are those the instructions he received when he
made his trip to Moscow, where the WHO has set up its main AIDS
research center?)
But, our Soviet masters in the WHO tell us, this open policy of
international travel does not apply to the communist bloc of
nations. If you or I were to visit Moscow and tested positive for
the AIDS virus, POW! -- out on the next plane!
If they stay clean through their immigration policies and we
die because of the immigration policies imposed on us through the
U.N.-controlled World "Health" Organization, who needs atomic bombs
for world conquest?
Cuba, Dr. John Seale informs me, has a strict asylum system for
the AIDS-infected. When their troops come back from "liberating"
Africans, they are tested as they get off the boat.
If tested positive the soldier goes directly to hell --
euphemistically called a sanitarium. He can visit his family
occasionally, but only in the presence of a commissar called a
"health official (no hanky-panky).
Unless the West gets its act together and closes down the U.N.
genocide division called the WHO, freedom and decency will disappear
from planet Earth for a thousand years. But the problem goes much
How do you close down the U.S. government laboratories such as
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute of
Health (NIH) and the Fort Detrick bio-warfare lab when the
perpetrators of the crime are in control at all levels?
I don't know the answer.
Page 12
1 Project Whitecoat, to be published in Health Freedom News,
P.O. Box 688, Monrovia CA 91016/Subscription $20.00 per year.
2 Bad Blood, J.H. Jones, MacMillan, NY, 1982.
3 Common Cause Magazine, Jan./Feb. 1988.
4 First aids Report, March/April 1988.
5 Private communication, John Seale, M.D., 1988
6 Ibid.
7 First International Conference on the Global Impact of aids,
London, March 8-10, 1988.
8 New Scientist, London, 5/19/88.
9 Science News, 133:100, 2/13/88.
10 Joklik, Virology, 2nd edition, pp. 36 ff.
11 AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Cantwell, Aries Rising Press,
Los Angeles,p.76.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 Salk/Sabin s.v.-40 Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci., vol. 77, #8,
p. 4861, and Atlantic Monthly, 2/76.
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