

Skolnick COMMENTARY #017 ========================

[CfD Editor -- I neither necessarily believe nor disbelieve either all or portions of the following.]

[The following is a transcript of a recorded phone message put out by a group in Chicago called "Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts." (312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.]

Hi! Sherman Skolnick, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts [CCCC], 9800 South Oglesby.

The Clinton scandal: So you think the center of it is in Little Rock, huh? *Wrong*. The center is in Chicago.

For several years, the primary lawyers for Resolution Trust Corporation [RTC] have been the Chicago-based Hopkins and Sutter. In fact, the S&L bailout agency's principal offices have been *inside* Hopkins and Sutter!

Prior efforts to show RTC is corrupt have been torpedoed. Hopkins [and Sutter] were the ones arranging on behalf of Federal Deposit Insurance and their step-sister RTC for the Rose law firm to be used to handle clean-up claims of defunct S&Ls in the Chicago area.

Rose partners Vincent Foster, jr., and Hillary Rodham Clinton were the "law fakers" helping friends escape paying millions. Foster was also the master "bagman" for tens of millions of dollars of illegal speculations in Chicken futures and "selling short" pharmaceutical stocks on inside information. This was done for a circle of law-license gangsters, like Hillary and her friends, dealing with the selected, criminally-inclined types on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. (By the way, Did they "rub elbows" with relatives of state and federal judges "washing" bribe money in the same markets!?)

Foster's vast dirty business in drug stocks overlapped the doings of Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, and her cousin, Michael R. Taylor, who went on to become a top honcho of the Food and Drug Administration. Gore, of course, became Vice-President.

Two federal agencies, the CFTC [Chicago Futures Trading Commission] and the SEC [Securities Exchange Commission] are supposed to investigate such events. *Oh, yeah?!* They and the press fakers all look the other way so that two *known* scoundrels could be elected to high office. The President and the Vice-President are blackmailed by *their patrons*, the ultra-rich.

Some $47 million is missing resulting from the Arkansas S&L mess and other fakery by the Clintons. To try to patch it up, some $50 million from an RTC contingency fund, *in Chicago*, was secretly transferred to Little Rock.

One of the lawyers arranging this is from Park Ridge, the Chicago suburb where the Rodhams are from. He is John E. Gearham(?), 708-xxx-xxxx. He is close to Hillary's family. In January '94, Gearham, in the presence of a former client, confessed to our chairman [CCCC] that Gearham was greatly concerned that his circle was prepared to "frame" him for the clandestine money transfer and send him to prison! The "fix" is so strong, he confessed further, that nothing could save him!

The RTC fund is the subject of some *eight* state and federal cases in the Chicago area, known as "the Joseph Androcetti(sp?) Affair."

Filed in federal court (and a copy served on Gearham and the RTC's attorneys) are the particulars of Gearham's confession. When it came up in court, they did not dispute it.

We remind you why Chicago is the best place for the "big fix" -- like used by the Clintons. Remember: The currency and commodity markets are here; preferred for "washing" bribery money by government officials worldwide. The news media here are the biggest liars in the land, with a *long* background of criminality -- like the [Chicago] Tribune Company with their links all the way back to Al Capone. *And* it's been documented for more than 30 years the state and federal judges here are moreso "for sale" than any other place in the land!

In Chicago, see us on cable tv, channel 21, 9 pm [cst] most Monday evenings.

Play it again: The Corruption of Al Gore. (312) 731-1505.

New message Friday; we change it several times a week.

Donations appreciated. Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, [Illinois] 60617. For the latest on courts, banks, espionage agencies, political assassinations, and the news media. On 24 hours a day.