Article 638 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!!mintaka!mit-eddie!! lll-winken!sun-barr!newstop!sunaus.oz!softway!peg!nexus From: nexus@peg.UUCP Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Mafia Control of Aust and NZ 606300008@peg Date: 10 Jan 91 12:41:13 GMT Lines: 1294 Nf-ID: #N:peg:606300008:000:58868 Nf-From: peg.UUCP!nexus Jan 10 14:13:00 1991
Cc: agarton conf:alt.conspiracy csherman demtas fm2ser radio5uv rrosen Subject: Mafia Control of Aust and NZ
The following file was posted to our office recently. It is quite long, approx 56K and contains some very amazing information, such as Swiss Account Numbers of high profile people on Mafia Payrolls. You may be surprised at some of the names mentioned here.
It also contains references to CIA operations to place subliminal TV broadcasts throughout Australia and NZ, and other countries.
Happy reading. ***************************************************************************
The Opal File
The Round Table Financial Takeover of Australia and New Zealand
- A 20 Year History In Brief
"Fear them not, therefore; for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hidden, that shall shall not be known. "What I tell you in darkness, that espeak in light; and what ye hear in the ear, that proclaim upon the housetops." Matthew
18th May, 1967: Texas oil billionaire Nelson Bunker Hunt, using a sophisticated satellite technique to detect global deposits, discovers a huge oil source south of New Zealand in the Great South Basin.
10th June, 1967: Hunt and New Zealand Finance Minister reach an agreement: Hunt will receive sole drilling rights and Muldoon will receive a $US100000 non-repayable loan from the Placid Oil Co (Hunt's).
8th September, 1967: Placid Oil granted drilling rights to the Great South Basin.
10th May, 1968: Hawaiian meeting between Onassis and top lieutenants, William Colby and Gerald Parsky, to discuss establishment of a new front company in Australia - Australasian and Pacific Holdings Limited - to be managed by Michael Hand. Using Onassis-Rockefeller banks, Chase Manhattan and Shroders, Travelodge Management Ltd sets up another front to link the operations to the US.
Onassis crowned head of the Mafia; Colby (head of CIA covert operations in S.E. Asia) ran the Onassis heroin operations in the Golden Triangle (Laos, Burma, Thailand) with 200 Green Beret Mercenaries - ie the Phoenix Program.
Gerald Parsky deputy to ex-CIA/FBI Robert Maheu in the Howard Hughes organization, took orders from Onassis and was made responsible for laundering skim money from the Onassis casino operations in Las Vegas and the Bahamas.
Mid-July, 1968: Placid Oil Co and the Seven Sisters (major oil companies) begin Great South Basin oil exploration - Hunt Finances 45.5% of exploration costs, Gulf Oil 14.5%, Shell (US) 10%, B.P. Oil 10%, Standard Oil California 10%, Mobil 6.5% and Arco 6.5%.
12th October, 1968: Hunt and Seven Sisters announce confirmation of new oil source comparable to the Alaskan North Slope - gas reserves estimated at 150 times larger than the Kapuni Field.
Early 1969: Mafia consolidates its banking operations; David Rockefeller becomes Chairman of Chase Manhattan; Wriston at Citibank and Michele Sindona captures the Vatican Bank, Partnership Pacific launched by Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo and Bank of New South Wales.
24th February, 1969: Onassis calls Council meeting in Washington to discuss strategy to monopolise the Great South Basin discovery. Council members included Nelson Rockefeller and John McCloy, who managed the Seven Sisters, and David Rockefeller managed the Mafia's banking operations.
McCloy outlines the plan to capture all oil and mineral resources in Australia and N.Z.
10th March, 1969: Parsky and Colby use Australasian and Pacific Holdings to set up a 'front' company in Australia. Using old banks - Mellon Bank and Pittsburgh National Bank, they buy control of near-bankrupt Industrial Equity Ltd (I.E.L.) managed by New Zealander Ron Brierly.
A'Asian and Pacific Holdings' 'consultant' Bob Seldon helps Michael Hand set up the new organization. Seldon took orders from Mellon and Pittsburgh National Banks, while Hand was directly responsible to Gerald Parsky and William Colby. Ron Brierly would take orders from Hand.
24th July, 1969: New board established for I.E.L. includes Hand, Seldon, Ron Brierly, plus two Brierly associates - Frank Nugan and Bob Jones. Both are appointed consultants to A'asian and Pacific Holdings Ltd.
Jones will help Brierly launder funds into real estate (Brierly/Jones Investments) while Seldon and Nugan will channel funds into oil and mineral resources through I.E.L.
October 1969: Chase Manhattan begins new operation in Australia with National Bank Australasia and A.C. Goods Associates - Chase-NBA.
J.C. Fletcher appointed chairman of Seven Sisters' company - British Petroleum (N.Z.).
17th February 1970: Gerald Parsky sets up a new heroin-dollar laundry in Australia - Australian International Finance Corp. using the Irving Trust Co New York.
April 1970: Onassis, Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters begin setting up the shadow World Government using the Illuminati-controlled banks and the transnational corporations. In Melbourne they set up the Australian International Finance Corporation using:
* Irving Trust Co. N.Y. - linked to Shell Oil, Continental Oil, Phillips Petroleum.
* Crocker Citizens National - linked to Atlantic Richfield (Arco), Standard Oil of California which is Rockefeller-controlled.
* Bank of Montreal - Petro Canada, Penarctic Oils, Alberta Gas, Gulf Oil.
* Australia and New Zealand Bank (ANZ).
Meantime, Japanese members of One World Government move into New Zealand, helped by Finance Minister R. Muldoon; Mitsubishi and Mitsui make a profitable deal buying up rights to ironsands helped by Marcona Corp. (US) and Todd (Shell/BP/Todd). Todd rewarded with sole New Zealand franchise for Mitsubishi vehicles, Muldoon helps Mitsui (Oji Paper Co) obtain a lucrative 320 million cubic foot Kiangaroa Forestry contract with Carter Holt.
November, 1970: Fletchers extend the Rockefeller Travelodge operation by buying control of New Zealand's largest travel company - Atlantic and Pacific Travel.
Manufacturers' and Retailers' Acceptance Company (in 1970 changed to Marac): This firm specialises in leasing and factoring (buying debts at a discount). It also finances imports and exports. The major shareholders are the Fletcher Group (38.0%), the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd (24.7%), NIMU Insurance (7.7%), Phillips 7Electrical (3.8%), National Mutual Life Association (2.4%), New Zealand United Corporation (4.0%). The CBA is a partner in the supranational Euro-Pacific Corporation, the other partners being the Midland Bank (UK), the United California Bank (USA), Fuji (Japan) and Societe Generale de Banque (France).
Early 1971: Onassis and Rockefeller begin global operation to buy influence for the One World Government concept. They use Lockheed, Northrop and Litton Industries 'agent' Adnan Khashoggi, to organize operations in the Middle East, Iran and Indonesia. I.C.I. set up $2.5 million slush fund to Australia and N.Z.
Finance Minister Muldoon changes law to allow Mafia-controlled banks to begin operations in New Zealand. Links also made by N.Z.I. in preparation for Paxus control with Hong Kong and Shanghai; Wells Fargo with Broadbank; Chase Manhattan with General Finance; Bank of America and Barclays with Fletchers and Renouf in New Zealand United Corp. All members of the Business Round Table Organization.
Late 1971: Gulf Oil and their man Brierly begin organizing chains of Shell companies and dummy corporations to conceal their takeover operations of oil, gas and mineral resources and related industries such as vehicle franchises, vehicle spare parts and finance services - all part of the Seven Sisters' controlled car culture.
To extend links to the US banking operations they buy control of I.S.A.S. (NSW) and I.S.A.S. (Qld), which hold sole franchise for construction and mining equipment produced by International Harvester Credit Co, which is part of Chase Manhattan Bank and associated with First National Bank Chicago (Chairman Sullivan also Executive Vice-President of Chase Manhattan), Continental Illinois (linked with CIA and Mafia Michele Sindona of Vatican Bank) and Rockefeller's Standard Oil of Indiana (AMOCO).
I.S.A.S. (Qld) also has strategic holdings in North Flinders Mines, Flinders Petroleum, Apollo International Minerals.
February 1972: Onassis and Rockefeller help associate Adnan Khashoggi buy the Security Pacific National Bank in California and take control of the United California Bank through CIA-linked Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. Both banks used by Onassis and Khashoggi to funnel bribes and payoffs via the CIA's Deak Bank to captive Japanese and other crooked politicians. Security Pacific also used to 'launder' over $2 million for Nixon's re-election campaign. Khashoggi also buys 21% of Southern Pacific Properties, which is the major stockholder in Travelodge (Aust), thereby establishing direct links to New Zealand, and U.E.B. and Fletchers through its equity links with Travelodge (N.Z.).
April 1972: Mafia banking operations expanded through New Hebrides with establishment of Australian International Ltd to finance Pacific development by the oil companies (Seven Sisters). Banks involved include Irving Trust NY, Bank of Montreal, Crocker International, Australia & N.Z. Bank and the Mitsubishi Bank, whose president, Nakamaru, is appointed Chairman.
26th May, 1972: Gerald Parsky installs Michele Sindona as 'owner' of Franklin National Bank, helped by the Gambino Mafia family and David Kennedy - Chairman of Continental Illinois Bank and Nixon's Secretary of the Treasury.
Pacific Basin Economic Council Conference in Wellington, NZ. Vice-President Shigeo Nagano also chairman of Nippon Steel and member of Onassis and other World Government organisations. Chairman of NZ sub-committee, J. Mowbray is also General Manager of the National Bank.
Meanwhile, Michele Sindona, acting as the go-between for the Mafia and the CIA, was the conduit between US and European banks. Michele Sindona's Vatican Bank and associate Calvi's Abrosiano Bank was used to finance CIA neo-fascist Italian/Latin American operations through Licio Gelli's P2 Lodge, which helped to organise the 'death squads' of Argentina, Uruguay a nd Chile. This aided the P2 members such as Klaus Barbie ('The Butcher of Lyons') and Jose Rega - organizer of the A.A.A. in Argentina.
16th August, 1972: Gulf Oil associate Bob Seldon helps establish new banking operation, first NZ international banks include Bank of New Zealand, D.F.C. (Aust), N.Z.I., Morgan Guaranty Trust, Morgan Grenfel and S.F. Warburg.
Fletchers begins expansion overseas with deals signed in Indonesia, Fiji and New Guinea.
December 1972: Kirk elected Prime Minister of New Zealand.
February, 1973: Gerald Parsky, William Colby, Michael Hand, Frank Nugan and Bob Seldon move to further consolidate the Mafia banking operations. In NZ they acquire 20% Fletcher subsidiary Marac, using the Security Pacific National Bank helped by Marac Corporate secretary Alan Hawkins.
Frank Nugan and Michael Hand use Fletcher and Renouf and their NZ United Corporation to link with I.E.L. and Brierly Investments through cross-shareholding agreement.
In Australia, the Nugan Hand Bank begins operations with 30% of the stock held by A'asian and Pacific Holdings (100% Chase Manhattan Bank), 25% by CIA's Air America (known as 'Air Opium'), 25% by South Pacific Properties and 20% held by Seldon, Nugan and Hand.
The Irving Trust Bank's New York Branch establishes US links between the CIA and Nugan Hand, a worldwide network of 22 banks set up to:
a) 'launder' money from Onassis heroin operations in the Golden Triangle and Iran; b) as a CIA funnel to pro-US political parties in Europe and Latin America, including Colby's P2; c) a spying conduit for information from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand; d) finance arms smuggled to Libya, Indonesia, South America, Middle East and Rhodesia using the CIA's Edward Wilson.
Colby and Kissinger use key CIA and Naval Intelligence officers to oversee the operation, including Walter McDonald (former Deputy Director CIA), Dale Holmgren (Flight Service Manager CIA Civil Air Transport), Robert Jansen (former CIA Station Chief, Bangkok) etc.
Heroin flown into Australia by CIA's Air America and trans-shipped to Onassis lieutenant in Florida, Santos Trafficante Jr, assisted by Australian Federal Bureau of Narcotics officials and co-ordinated by CIA's Ray Cline.
14th June, 1973: Inauguration of the Onassis shadow World Government - the Trilateral Commission. Includes over 200 members from the US, Europe and Japan - bankers, government officials, transnational corporations' top executives, trade unionists, etc. Of the world's largest corporations, 24 directly represented and dozens more through interlocking directorships.
* Trilateralist strategy: monopolisation of the world's resources, production facilities, labour technology, markets, transport and finance. These aims backed up by the US military and industrial complexes that are already controlled and backed up by the CIA.
18th August, 1973: Ray Cline and Michael Hand meet in Adelaide to discuss CIA plan to establish spying operations in NZ.
September 1973: Seagrams, with strong links to Chase Manhattan Bank of Montreal and Toronto Dominion Bank, buys 2800 acres of prime land in Marlborough helped by Peter Maslen.
17th February, 1974: Mafia sets up New Hebrides Bank - Commercial Pacific Trust Co (COMPAC). Banks include CBA, Europacific Finance Corporation, Trustee Executors and Agency Co, Fuji Bank, Toronto Dominion Bank, European Asian Bank and United California Bank, COMPAC to be used as a cover for heroin dollar laundering operations.
26th February, 1974: Michael Hand meets Bob Jones in Wellington to implement plans for the CIA's new spying operation - countries targeted include France, Chile, West Germany and Israel.
Using the Brierly/Jones Investment funnel, Jones buys building in Willeston Street which will be rented to France and Chile, another at Plimmer Steps to house West Germany and Israel.
CIA will set up eavesdropping communications centre inside the Willeston Street building and another at 163 The Terrace which will link with equipment installed in the Plimmer Steps building. Four CIA technicians will run the whole operation.
April 1974: Finance Minister Rowling appoints Ron Trotter to the Overseas Investment Commission, whose chairman, G. Lau, is also a member of the Todd Foundation (Shell/BP/Todd) investment board.
Whitlam and Kirk
Mid-1974: Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk begin a series of moves absolutely against the Mafia Trilateralists. Whitlam refuses to waive restrictions on overseas borrowings to finance Alwest Aluminium Consortium of Rupert Murdoch, BHP and R.J. Reynolds. Whitlam had also ended Vietnam War support, blocked uranium mining and wanted more control over US secret spy bases - e.g. Pine Gap.
Kirk had introduced a new, tough Anti-Monopoly Bill and had tried to redistribute income from big companies to the labour force through price regulation and a wages policy.
Kirk had also rejected plans to build a second aluminium smelter near Dunedin and was preparing the Petroleum Amendment Bill to give more control over New Zealand oil resources.
Kirk had found out that Hunt Petroleum, drilling in the Great South Basin, had discovered a huge resource of oil comparable in size to the North Sea or Alaskan North Slope. Gas reserves alone now estimated at 30 times bigger than Kapuni and oil reserves of at least 20 billion barrels - enough for New Zealand to be self-sufficient for years. Oil companies completely hushed up these facts. To have announced a vast new oil source would probably mean a decline in world oil prices, which would not have allowed OPEC and Onassis plans for the Arabs to eventuate. N.Z. could be exploited at a later date, particularly since the North Sea operations were about to come on stream - Kirk was the last to hold out.
September, 1974: According to CIA sources, Kirk was killed by the Trilateralists using Sodium Morphate. Rowling's first act as NZ Prime Minister was to withdraw Kirk's Anti-Monopoly Bill and the Petroleum Amendment Bill.
Later, Rowling was to be rewarded with ambassadorship to Washington. Incidentally, the Shah of Iran was murdered the same way as Kirk on his arrival in the US.
6th October, 1974: Ray cline implements William Colby plan to oust Australian Prime Minister Whitlam. Nugan Hand Bank finances payoffs to Malcolm Fraser and other pro-US politicians. A joint bugging operation commences between CIA and ASIA.
Rupert Murdoch, playing his part, uses his newspapers and television network to spread lies and misinformation. Whitlam, as well as refusing to waive restrictions on overseas borrowing to finance the aluminium consortium, had plans to ensure that all corporations were at least 50% Australian-owned. This interfered with the Seven Sisters' plans to build three oil refineries at Cape Northumberland in South Australia to exploit the Great South Basin discovery.
December, 1974: Australian Governor-General John Kerr joins Ray Cline's payroll and received his first pay-off of $US200000 credited to his account number 767748 at the Singapore branch of the Nugan Hand Bank.
11th November, 1975: Governor-General Kerr sacks the Whitlam Government.
August 1975: Rowling re-introduces unrecognisable Commerce Bill, designed to aid monopolisation of the NZ economy and repeals the News Media Ownership Act, allowing more foreign ownership of NZ media. The new legislation does not define monopoly, competition or stipulate permissable maximum market share, or even ascertain what the public interest is - resulting in a sell-out to big business.
December, 1975: Election battle between Rowling and Muldoon. Oil companies pour thousands of dollars into Muldoon's campaign via National Bank (NZ), whose general manager Mowbray is also a member of Todd Foundations; Investment Board Director Tudhope also Managing Director Shell Oil and Chairman Shell/BP/Todd. Muldoon wins.
February, 1976: Muldoon implements pre-election secret agreement with the NZ Seven Sisters' oil representatives of Shell/BP/Todd for helping finance the National Party campaign.
Muldoon removes the $3 per barrel oil levy for the New Zealand Refining Company, which increases the oil companies' profits by 100% at the taxpayers' expense and with all future oil prospecting licenses, the Government has the option to take 51% of any discovery without meeting exploration costs. This is designed to discourage further exploration, thereby keeping the lid on the Great South Basin discovery.
Meanwhile, in Australia, new P.M. Malcolm Fraser reopens uranium mining and opens the way for takeover of mineral resources with big tax breaks for oil exploration, coal and mining.
Muldoon returns a favour to the oil companies by arranging $US200 million loan for Maui Gas Development for Shell/BP/Todd.
September, 1976: With captive politicians in place in both Australia and New Zealand, the Internationalists can now proceed with their strategy of takeover of the economy and exploitation of natural resources. "In New Zealand, the elimination of unnecessary competition is fundamental to a sound economy," Brierly says.
Parksy and Colby use Brierly/Jones Investments as a vehicle to buy into A.B. Consolidated Holdings in New Zealand.
Associate of R. Jones, Pat Goodman, is appointed 'consultant' of A'asian and Pacific Holdings.
November, 1976: The Internationalists (Mafia) set up a NZ money 'funnel' using Brierley's City Realties. National Insurance Co acquires 33% of the stock. Largest stockholders in National Insurance are the US Firemen's Fund - Chairman and President Myron Du Bain also Vice Chairman of American Express (Amex). Chairman of I.E.L. linked International Harvester, Archie McCardell, also Amex Director. Amex linked with Chase Manhattan and Seven Sisters' Texaco and Mobil. Du Bain also Director of CIA-linked United California Bank, which is a partner in Commercial Pacific Trust.
To complete the money funnel, National Insurance becomes a stockholder in Chase Manhattan's Chase-NBA. Brierley's declared assets reach $100 million, with shareholder's capital of only $2.5 million - all cash acquisitions.
3rd February, 1977: Parksy and Colby close down the Brierley/Jones Investment funnel and open up seperate channels for Brierley and Jones. Jones will be supplied with 'laundered' funds via Sydney branch of the Nugan Hand Bank, while for Ron Brierley, Gerald Parsky uses Myron Du Bain, Director of United California Bank and also chairman and president of the US Firemen's Fund, which are the largest stockholders in National Insurance (NZ). Funds to be 'laundered' via Chase Manhattan Bank through National Insurance to City Realty and via United California Bank through COMPAC (New Hebrides) to National Insurance and City Realties.
To expand the Bierley/I.E.L. 'front', Parsky establishes Industrial Equity Pacific (Hong Kong).
September 1977: Brierley's new holding company begins operations - A.B. Consolidated. H.W. Revell appointed Deputy Chairman and B. Hancox General Manager, while newly-appointed directors include S. Cushing, B. Judge, O. Gunn and P. Goodman, linked with Renouf, Fletcher and Papps through I.E.L./N.Z.U.C.
* Strategy: To target and divide key sectors of the economy for takeover, exploitation and monopolization. Operations to extend to use Hong Kong facility, I.E.P. Fletchers to extend the Khashoggi/Rockefeller Travelodge operation by taking holdings in Vacation Hotels and Intercontinental Properties (Renouf Chairman).
October, 1977: Muldoon and JOhn Todd - Shell/BP/Todd - sign an agreement. NZ Govt would take 24.5% holding in the Great South Basin for $1.65 Billion. Hunt would reduce his holding from 45.5% to 27.5% and Arco would sell its 6.5%.
* Reason: Hunt did not possess the technology to pump oil from deep water; Gulf possessed the technology but did not tell Hunt. Arco was not told anything and were swindled out of its 6.5% concession.
November, 1977: Muldoon introduces the S.I.S Amendment Bill, designed to keep the economy free of obstruction and to help uncover obstructive elements. Telephone taps, mail tampering and other surveillance methods approved after CIA input on contents of legislation.
Late 1977: Muldoon travels to the US to meet top Rockefeller officials, including Trilateralists' Deputy Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, and Richard Bolbrooke, who were in charge of the new "South Pacific Desk" at the State Department established by Rockefeller to target exploitation of both New Zealand and Australia. In Los Angeles, Muldoon meets top Rockefeller officials, Robert Anderson (Rockwell Chairman, also Director of Kashoggi's Security Pacific National Bank) and P. Larkin (Rockwell Director, also Chairman, Executive Committee Security Pacific National Bank and Director of Marac).
April, 1978: Muldoon sets up Petrocorp. New Zealand taxpayers pay for the exploration costs but the oil companies control all distribution outlets. Muldoon blocks development of Maui B as restructured supplies mean higher prices and bigger profits for Shell/BP/Todd. South Island gas market not developed as Great South Basin fields closer than Kapuni. Plans develop for re-opening of National Parks for mineral exploitation.
22nd July, 1978: Director of Australian Federal Bureau of Narcotics suspends his investigation into the Nugan Hand Bank after pressure from the CIA and Australian politicians controlled by Mafia, particularly Malcolm Fraser.
Brierly's declared assets reach $200 million, with shareholders' funds only $17 million.
May, 1979: Trilateral Commission secretary Zbignieu Brzezinski appoints Muldoon chairman of Board of Governors of IMF/World Bank on orders of David Rockefeller. Muldoon would head three-man administration committee which included Canadian Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp, key figure in the Mafia Council and the Trilateral Commission. Australian Treasurer McMahon also involved.
8th June, 1979: Michael Hand, Frank Nugan, Brierley and James Fetcher meet in Hand's Sydney penthouse to discuss the establishment of the New Zealand Mafia organization.
Mid-1979: Gulf Oil using its man Brierley, begins operations designed to capture key sectors of the economy. A.B Consolidated restructured into the Goodman Group and Goodman to run operations but with the majority of the stock held by IEL and Brierley using Shell companies plus dummy corporations.
* Strategy: To take over food and produce resources, Brierley and Fletcher restructured a small private company, H.W. Smith, using Cyril Smith as Chairman but with key executives Judge, Collins and McKenzie. Bob Jones helps.
Private company used, as no Commerce Commission control, accounts not published, no public disclosure of transactions. Bunting is established as a shell company and the South Island is targeted for asset-stripping and takeover, as well as key sectors of the automobile industry.
Unlimited funds channelled through City Realties, NZUC and Marac. UEB extends Travelodge operations by buying control of Transholdings, which has strategic holdings in Vacation Hotels and Tourist Corp. Fiji Holdings.
17th August, 1979: New Zealand Mafia inaugral meeting in Sydney including Hand, Brierley, Fletcher, Goodman, R.Trotter, Alan Hawkins and L.Papps.
Key sectors of the economy would be taken over - food, using Goodman; forestry and farming, using Fletcher and Trotter; property, using Brierley and Jones. Brierley, Hand and Papps would be responsible for banking, insurance and finance, while Hand and Hawkins would be responsible for setting up new "laundry" channels into New Zealand.
The economy would be taken over using cheap loans of less than 5%, while consumers would pay 28%.
October, 1979: BP Oil begis $100 million joint venture deal with Fletcher and Trotter at Tasman.
Muldoon makes secret deal with oil companies which effectively robs New Zealand taxpayers by giving Shell/BP/Todd the Maui Gas deal. Normally the granting of drilling rights on public land is done using a worldwide system which incorporates an auction tender system. Muldoon bypassed this. Also, Shell/BP/Todd pays no tax on Kapuni profits, while putting funds into Maui development.
19th November, 1979: Secret meeting in Auckland between Muldoon, Fletcher and Trotter to transfer 43% Tasman Pulp and Paper held by New Zealand Government to Challenge Corporation (Chairman Trotter) and Fletchers. Tasman has lucrative 75-year contract for cheap timber signed in 1955.
Muldoon paid off with a $1 million 'non-repayable' loan - $500000 to be paid into account number 8746665 at New Hebrides branch of the Australian International Bank.
November, 1979: Muldoon drops restrictions on foreign investment. AMAX (Stnadard Oil of California subsidiary) captures the Martha Hill goldmine.
Muldoon unveils the Government's plans (instructed by Rockefeller) to form New Zealand into an offshore production base for the multi-national corporations as benefits include government export incentives, stable government, cheap labour, and so on.
27th November, 1979: Gerald Parsky's lieutenant, David Kennedy, meets Muldoon to deliver $US100000 cash to Muldoon for implementing the Internationalists' Mafia Think Big plans.
These plans began with big contracts and guaranteed profits for the Seven Sisters, Bechtel, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Nippon Steel, Internationalists' Mafia banks.
With the experimental petroleum plant, the oil price has to be $50/barrel to be profitable, yet Mobil's profits are guaranteed.
New Zealand Steel is to be expanded 500%, even though there was a global steel glut of 50%.
Fletchers own 10% of New Zealand Steel and are majority stockholders in Pacific Steel and control monopoly over wire rod, reinforcing steel. Also, New Zealand taxpayers subsidize Fletchers' profits.
Muldoon introduces the National Development Bill with 'fast-track' legislation, to keep the economy 'free of obstruction' for long-term monopolization.
C.E.R. plan introduced, designed to integrate the economies of Australia and New Zealand with the Trilateral Commission for the purpose of exploiting the South Pacific countries and as a 'back-door' entrance into China - the world's largest untapped consumer market. New Zealand is also the closest country to Antarctica, which has a vast mineral resource for future exploitation.
"Think Big" projects begin, even though Muldoon aware of studies that show New Zealand could conserve up to 40% of energy consumption using existing technology, which would mean funds could be invested elsewhere to lower consumer prices, lower inflation rates, less demand for imported oil and increased employment by creating new industry to manufacture and install energy-saving technology. None of these options seriously considered as all would lessen profits for members of the Rockefeller organizations.
December 1979: Muldoon unveils 'stage two' of a four-stage plan to exploit the Great South Basin discovery. Plan prepared by Trilateralist 'Think Tank' - the Brookings Institute.
'Stage Two' includes methanol plant and synthetic petrol plant, which would initially use gas from the Maui field and later would link with underwater gas pipe from Campbell Island.
With the New Zealand Steel 500% expansion, 'stage three' of the project and Think Big contracts to go to Bechtel, Fluor Corp., Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Nippon Steel, etc. All investments would be financed by the New Zealand taxpayer.
17th January, 1980: $500000 deposited in Muldoon's account number 8746665 at the Australian International Bank, being the final payment for the Tasman deal.
Early 1980: Kashoggi Travelodge operations extended with affiliation agreement between Dominion Breweries and Western International Hotels (Seattle First National Bank).
May, 1980: Mafia's Nugan Hand banking operation crashes after Frank Nugan killed. Death ruled as suicide even though no fingerprints found on the rifle. Maloney, Houghton, Yates and Hand shred important documents, but miss some. CIA helps Hand and Bank President Donald Beasley escape to the U.S. The CIA and Australian Security Intelligence Organisation cover everything up. Beazley appointed President of Miami City National Bank, run by Alberto Dugue for 'laundering' profits from the CIA Colombian cocaine operation.
There is a probability that Michael Hand killed Frank Nugan because of his involvement with Hand's fiancee.
25th May, 1980: Colby arrived in Australia to discuss replacement of the Nugan Hand Bank with Hand, Brierley, and Seldon. Immediate funding available from Sydney branch of the Deak Bank, a separate CIA operation, and IEL would be used to buy NZI Corp., to prepare for future laundering operations.
Maloney, Houghton, Yates, and Hand would shred all documents leading back to the New Zealand Great South Basin connection, and the CIA would help Hand and Bank President Donald Beazley escape to the USA. The CIA and ASIO would also cover everything up.
Hand and Beazley turn up in Miami - Beazley appointed President and Hand 'consultant' to the Miami City National Bank, but also Hand turned up in El Salvador to help organize bankrolling of the Contras with other ex-members of Nugan-Hand.
23rd June, 1980: New Zealand Mafia, including Brierley, Fletcher, Trotter, Jones, Hawkins, Goodman, and Papps meet in Wellington to discuss merger of Fletcher Challenge and Tasman.
In order to replace Nugan Hand Bank's 22 world-wide branches, quick moves are made to buy control of NZI by New Zealand Mafia using Brierley, thereby capturing an established, world-wide organization through the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, which is also linked to the CIA through its subsidiary, World Finance Corporation.
Late 1980: Fletchers, with strong Rockefeller links, obtains lucrative contracts on US Bases in the Pacific and joint ventures in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
Control extended over New Zealand natural resources - Fletcher Challenge and Tasman Pulp and Paper merged. NZFP takes control of M.S.D. Spiers and Moore Le Messurier (Aust). Brierley begins joint venture with NZFP through Williamson and Jeffrey. I.E.L, through Goodman, buys 20% of Watties and begins cross-shareholding agreement. Goodman continues buying up control of NZ bakeries and flour-mills.
February, 1981: TNL., Brierley, AMOIL and MIM Holdings begin joint gold mining operation. MIM major shareholder is ASARCO (US), whose Chairman, Barber, is also Director of Chase Manhattan Bank.
New Zealand Insurance and South British merger.
Parliamentarians For World Order - Richard Prebble elected one of twelve councillors.
Fletcher and Papps (Chairman UEB) sell their hotel operations to Singaporian interest closely associated with the Pritzker family - owners of the Hyatt Hotel chain. Bueton Kanter, Pritzker family lawyer and Director of Hyatt Hotels, who helped arrange the deal, was an old family partner of Paul Helliwell (CIA paymaster for the Bay of Pigs' fiasco) and had helped the Pritzker family set up tax shelters using the CIA's Mercantile Bank and Trust and the Castle Bank, which had been set up by Helliwell for 'laundering' profits from the Onassis heroin operations as well as 'skim money' from the Hughes casino operations in Las Vegas.
Others who used these banks include Richard Nixon, Bebe Rozo, Robert Vesco, Teamsters Union, etc.
12th March, 1981: Brierley calls secret meeting in Auckland, which includes Jones, Fletcher, Hawkins, Papps and Burton Kanter, to discuss transfer of the Fletcher Challenge and UEB hotel operations to the Singapore front company controlled by the Pritzker family.
20th July, 1981: Parsky, Colby, Brierley and Seldon meet in Sydney with two new members, Kerry Packer and Alan Bond.
Chase Manhattan and Security Pacific National Bank will acquire 60% of Packer's company, with the stock being held in Australia, and 35% Bond's company, with the stock being held in Hong Kong.
August 1981: Gulf Oil, using Brierley, strengthens its hold over New Zealand natural resources. Cue Energy launched, starring Lawrey and Gunn. NZOG launched with strategic holdings by Jones, Renouf and Brierley with licenses in PPD 38206 and 38204 - both next to Hunt's Great South Basin discovery, NZOG also controls 80 million tons of coal through the Pike River Coal Company.
Brierley-controlled Wellington Gas, Christchurch Gas, Auckland and Hawkes Bay Gas and Dual Fuel Systems (A'Asia) which controls the vehicle gas conversion market.
Liquigas Limited set up to distribute LPG, controlled by Shell/BP/Todd and Fletcher Challenge.
15th February, 1982: Brierley calls New Zealand meeting - Jones, Fletcher, Trotter, Hawkins, Goodman and Papps. New members include Bruce Judge, J. Fernyhough, and Frank Renouf.
With Muldoon about to deregulate the liquor industry, Brierley and Fernyhough plan to buy up the New Zealand liquor industry, along with its outlets, Lion Breweries and Rothmans to help.
Brierley will do the same in Australia. J.R. Fletcher becomes Managing Director of Brierley's Dominion Breweries to oversee operations. Rothmans and Brierley (through Goodman) have equal holdings in Saudicapital Corp. Lion Directors Myers and Fernyhough also stockholders in NZOG.
Fletcher and Brierley begin their takeover of the freezing works industry. FCL buys into South Island works while Brierley begins takeover of Waitaki NZR through Watties with the help of Athol Hutton.
With Think Big projects beginning, Fletcher and Trotter plan to take strategic holdings in NZ Cement, Wilkins Davies, Steel & Tube etc., and Brierley would use Renouf to take 3% stake of the Martha Hill gold-mine.
Also targetted are clothing, footwear, carpet manufacture and more of the auto industry for takeover and monopolization.
June, 1982: Meantime, in Australia, a new money funnel begins. H.W Smith buys obscure South Pine Quarries, which is renamed Ariadne (Aust). South Pine Quarries owns 50% of Coal-Liquid Inc., with the other half owned by US Defence contractors McDonnell Douglas. Coal-Liquid renamed Impala Securities.
The common link between Gulf Oil and McDonnell Douglas is the CIA's Mercantile Bank and Trust, which both companies use for world-wide bribery and payoff operations. McDonnell Douglas officials McKeough and G.T. Hawkins later appointed directors of Impala Securities.
US links strengthened through Industrial Equity Pacific, which acquires part of Higbee Company in Cleveland, which in turn is closely linked to the National City Bank of Cleveland. This bank is closely associated with Gulf Oil's bank, Pittsburgh National and Mellon Bank.
Bruce Judge installed as Ariadne manager.
July, 1982: Media takeover begins. Brierley takes 24% NZ News Ltd and begins buying up private radio. Rupert Murdoch helps.
27th July, 1982. Brierley, Jones and Goodman meet in Auckland with two Japanese members of the Trilateral Commission to discuss integration of the New Zealand economy into the Pacific Rim economy. Trilateralists include: Takeshi Watanabe (Japanese Chairman of Trilateral Commission) and Daigo Miyado (Chairman Sanwa Bank).
The Japan/New Zealand Business Council would be established to coordinate policy with Goodman appointed as Chairman.
17th August, 1982: Inauguration of restructured US Mafia Council - rulers include David Rockefeller, responsible for Banking; John McCloy; Redman Rockefeller and J.D. Rockefeller, who would run the Seven Sisters.
Second-tier Council includes:
* Gerald Parsky - responsible for heroin and cocaine operations * William Simon - responsible for running the Presidency, Cabinet, etc * Katherine Graham - link to arms manufacturers * Zbigniew Brzezinski - link to National Security Council and CIA * George S. Franklin - link to FBI
Third-tier Council includes:
* Zbigniew Brzezinski - Secretary * Gerald Parsky - Heroin Cocaine operations * William Colby - crack operations, assassinations * John N. Perkins - banking, laundering * Leonard Woodcock - labour, unions * Mitchell Sharp - banking * William Simon - presidency, Cabinet * Ernest C. Arbuckly - arms manufacturers * George W. Bull - Bildrberg and Council of Foreign Relations * Katherine Graham - arms manufacturers * Alden W. Clausen - World Bank, IMF * Willam T. Coleman - CIA * Archibald K. Davis - media, radio, television, and newspapers * George S. Franklin - FBI, and Trilateral Commission co-ordinator * J.D. Rockefeller - to "spy" on the 15 man council.
September, 1982: Goodman now helps establish the Japan/New Zealand Council with the Bank of Tokyo and the Industrial Bank of Japan. Tokai Pulp Co. buys shareholding in NZFP, which also begins joint venture with Shell Oil.
Fletcher Challenge strengthens links with the Rockefeller organization by acquiring the Canadian operations of Crown Zellerbach, whose chairman is also director of Gulf Oil. Crown Zellerbach Corp. has direct connections to Rockefeller through directors Mumford, Hendrickson and Granville, to United California Bank through Roth and to the Bank of America through Chairman C.R. Dahl.
Meanwhile, Robert Jones Investments floated to extend operations of City Realties, Ilmond Properties, Chase Corp., etc.
The Commerce Building in Auckland sold to Robert Jones Investments by Robert Jones Holdings for $950000 when recently it was offered on the market for $200000. A quick $750000 for Jones. Robert Jones Investments was set up by Brierley, Jones and Hawkins.
8th December, 1982: Mitchell Sharp heads top-level Mafia meeting in San Francisco. Others include Parsky, Perkins, Woodcock and C.R. Dahl - Chairman of Crown Zellermach.
Also present are - Brierley, Trotter, Fletcher and Seldon. Meeting to discuss Great South Basin exploitation strategy with first priority being monopolization of the economy; second priority to establish oil refineries and related industries; third to integrate New Zealand economy into Trilateral economy and, fourth, to concentrate power back to the U.S through the Seven Sisters, Chase Manhattan and Security Pacific National Bank.
Fletcher Challenge will link New Zealand economy directly to the U.S by merging with Canadian subsidiary of Crown Zellerbach with funds provided by Security Pacific National Bank and United Californian Bank.
Brierley, Fletcher, Trotter and Seldon will be New Zealand Ruling Council, headed by Brierley, who would take orders from Gerald Parsky.
Mid-1983: Brierley's Ariadne (Aust) takes control of Repco (NZ) through Repco (Aust), thereby taking control of key auto-related industry, helped by Borg Warner and Honeywell - which are closely associated with IEL through International Harvester, Continental Illinois Bank and the First National Bank of Chicago. Toyota and Nissan also help so that Brierley now largest distributor of auto and industrial parts, largest manufacturer of pistons, filters and engine bearings, as well as biggest supplier of forklifts, tractors and agricultural equipment.
Meantime, control is extended over the Great South Basin oil source with Hunt, after big losses resulting from trying to corner the world's silver market, being forced to sell out some of his concession to Gulf Oil, which uses Brierley to set up a new company - Southern Petroleum - which takes a 14.5% interest. Hunt retains overall control with 45.5%, Petro-Corp has 40% and Chairman F. Orr, also a Director of Brierley - controlled Watties.
Brierley, through Goodman, takes control of TNL Group and its subsidiaries NZ Motor Bodies and L & M Mining, which has 15% interest in the Chatham Rise, right next to the Hunt concession.
Southern Petroleum set up by Brierley in New Zealand was spearheaded by the Seven Sisters' companies with Gerald Parsky and William Colby initiators. Southern Petroleum to include 21% of the Great South Basin held by gulf and Mobil Oil. 90% of this stock held in Australia through IEL (ie Brierley's).
11-12th May, 1983: New Zealand Mafia meet in Cook Islands. Includes Brierley, Trotter, Fletcher, Jones, Hawkins, Goodman, Pappas, Judge, Renouf, and Fernyhough. New members include A. Gibbs, McConnell, H. Fletcher and O. Gunn. Japanese Trilateralists Takeshi Wataneve and Daigo Miyado discuss 'integration' of New Zealand into the Pacific Rim economies.
A new political party would be established using Jones and financed by the New Zealand Mafia Council.
* Reason: Parsky and Colby wanted Muldoon out because he had 'welched' on a deal to set up two US military deep-water submarine bases planned for Dusky Sound and Guards Bay in the South Island. Parsky, Brierley and Ray Cline hold a separate meeting to discuss the purchase of New Zealand politicians, including Lange, Douglas and Bolger.
Cline was 'consultant' to the CIA's Deak Bank, took orders from Colby, and was responsible for the 10 Australian politicians on the CIA's payroll, including Bjelke Petersen, I. Sinclair, Keating, McMullen, M.Fraser, D. Anthony, K. Newman, J Carrick, B. Cowan and R. Connor.
Cline outlines CIA plan to begin subliminal television advertising.
22nd June, 1983: New Zealand politician J. Bolger meets Ray Cline in Sydney and agrees to join the organization for a monthly fee of $US20000 to be paid into account number GA1282117 at Geneva branch of Credit Swisse.
20th July, 1983: New Zealand politician R. Douglas meets Ray Cline in Wellington and agrees to join the organization for a monthly fee of $US10000 to be paid into account number 3791686 at the Sydney Branch of the Deak Bank.
July 1983: Parsky launches a new front company, Chase Corporation, with 25% of the stock being held through Security Pacific National Bank in Australia and 25% held in Hong Kong by Chase Manhattan. Brierley and Hawkins set up a 'back-door' listing to cover up true-ownership.
August, 1983: Muldoon imposes withholding tax on all offshore borrowing.
Chase Manhattan, United California Bank and Brierley begin new banking operation in New Zealand to take over the International Harvester Credit Co (NZ), Australasian Investment Company. Participants include Chase Manhattan's Kuwait Asia Bank, D.F.C., Saudicorp (Brierley has 12% through Goodman) and United California, represented by National Insurance which is part of Equus Holdings.
Renouf sells 20% NZUC to Barclays and prepared for expanding of operations with Brierley.
Meantime, Murdoch and Brierley expand their close ties by each taking a piece of New Zealand Maritime Holdings and with the election imminent, divide up New Zealand media for takeover to increase Mafia control. NZ News buys Hawkes Bay News, Nelson Tribune, Timaru Herald, etc. Brierley increases holding in Hauraki Enterprises and other private radio stations. Brierley and Murdoch have majority stockholding in NZPA with 48.5%, while in the UK, Murdoch has large stockholding in Reuters.
The phoney news becomes THE news.
Head of the Murdoch operation is Burnett, who is also on the board of Winstones - a Brierley company.
September, 1983: With global heroin epidemic, Rockefeller expands operations to recycle profits.
New Zealand South British sets up the IDAPS computer bureau to establish international holding companies, dummy corporations, etc and to pursue aggressive global acquisition program. IDAPS linked to satellite bureau in Australia, Far East, UK and the US, where the global network is completed through links with the Rockefeller organization computer network.
General Manager of the operation, George Wheller, previously director of the international operators of Firemen's Fund (US), Chairman Du Bain, director of the United California Bank, and Vice-Chairman of Amex.
As part of the expanded laundry operation, Rockefeller associate Adnan Kashoggi establishes new Australian bank - Security Pacific National Bank (Aust). Brierley's part of this operation is to buy up computer companies such as Andas, CID Distributors (NZ Apple computer franchise,etc).
Investment companies begin operations in Australia and New Zealand to assist recycle Mafia profits.
October 1983: Brierley takes over NZFP through Watties, helped by newly-appointed chairman Papps. Papps also chairman of NZ Railways and presided over transport deregulation, the major beneficiaries of which include Watties and Freightways - Managing Director Pettigrew and Director Lang also both on the NZFP board with Papps.
Papps also responsible for the railways' electrification program with big contracts for Cory Wright & Slamon, whose directors include I.I McKay, also on the board of NZFP.
Late 1983: AMAX (Social) gives Gulf Oil a share in the Martha Hill gold bonanza by selling 15% of its holdings to Briereley through Goodmans. Oil companies say that only $870 million worth of minerals in Martha Hill, while true figure is closer to $3 billion.
21st January, 1984: Australian Mafia Council meets in Sydney. Includes - Brierley, Seldon, Fletcher, Jones, Goodman, Hawkins, Papps, Packer, Bond and Japanese Trilaterist Daigo Miyado. New members include J. Elliott, L. Adler, and Holme's A'Court. Seldon outlines strategy of merging Australian economy with the Trilateralist economy through Europe and the US.
In Australia, the Mafia Council will monopolize the economy with company takeovers through the use of loans at less than 5%.
Holme's A'Court's company would be taken over using Security Pacific National Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank, with some of the stock being held in London.
Equiticorp will be launched using Hawkins, with 50% of the stock held by Security Pacific National Bank and Chase Manhattan in the US Equiticorp to registered in Hong Kong to cover up true ownership, and will use the same laundry as Chase Corporation - Hawkins will set up a maze of shell companies and dummy organizations to disguise operations.
Hawkins previously associated with Kashoggi when Corporate Secretary of Marac, and linked with Renouf through their stockholding in CBA Finance, which is a partner in Commercial Pacific Trust with United California Bank, Hawkins forms umbrella company with Chase Corpl, Jedi Investments and Teltherm and begins setting up a maze of cross holding companies. Brierley retains his connection through his Charter Corporation's holding in Teltherm.
January 1984: Brierley and Elliott begin moves to monopolize the food industry in Australasia by merging Goodman and the Elders Group, while Brierley sells 10% of Watties to the NZ Dairy Board - setting the stage for land takeover and establishment of the Corporate Farm.
February 1984: New Zealand politician D. Lange meets Ray Cline in Wellington and agrees to go on the Mafia payroll for monthly fee of $UA40000 paid into account number 5263161 at Commercial Pacific Trust, New Hebrides.
March 1984: Muldoon knighted with GCMG for keeping the economy free of obstructions for easier takeover and exploitation.
24th May, 1984: Four-man CIA team co-ordinated by Ray Cline arrive in New Zealand to begin installation of equipment for subliminal television advertising at five sites - Waiatarua, Mt Erin, Kaukau, Sugarloaf and Obelisk.
Sophisticated equipment can be installed within one kilometer of TV relay aerials and all linked to one IDAPS computer bureau in Auckland.
Same equipment installed in Australia August 1985; Japan September 1986; UK February 1987: New York 1987. Also, Amax geoligists now estimate Martha Hill gold source could be worth up to $30 billion on strength of high gold/ton ore assay.
17th July, 1984: In New Zealand, subliminal advertising begins on Channel Two between 6pm and midnight - hours later extended to begin at noon. Subliminal messages prepared in the US by the CIA and with New Zealand election imminent, tell voters to support the Labour Party, the New Zealand Party and to buy Mafia company products.
New Zealand Party was formed to ensure that Muldoon would lose, as Big Business unhappy with controls over economy. Big campaign contributions from Brierley, the oil companies and the Business Round Table ensure a Labour victory.
Later, Lange agrees to repay the favour to Brierley by selling the Government holding in the Kariori Pulp Mill to Winstones. New Zealand taxpayer loses $100 million.
Government then becomes the arm of big business, using economic policies provided by the Business Round Table, implemented by Finance Minister Roger Douglas and the package being sold by David Lange, who also keeps up a noisy CIA directed ANZUS withdrawal campaign.
* Reason: 1) ANZUS Treaty did not cover Mafia requirements over the Great South Basin discovery; 2) To identify any oppositin or threats within New Zealand who align themselves with supposed Government policy, Lange increases the SIS budget and strangthens links with the CIA.
Brookings Institute are the actual designers of the New Zealand Government econmomic policies provided by the Business Round Table (NZ Mafia front) and implented by the Government.
Douglas devalues the dollar and deregulates interest rates, which means cheaper labor, cheaper capital assets and high mortgage rates, thereby implementing Big Business policy of driving farmers off the land, establishment of the corporate farm and eventually remove viability of small business sector, etc.
27th September, 1984: New Zealand Mafia meets at new 'safe house' registered under Fernyhough's name, in Auckland. Those present include Brierley, J. Fletcher, Trotter, Jones, Goodman, Gunn, Papps, Hawkins, Judge, Renouf, Fernyhough, Gibbs and McConnell. Daigo Miyado announces appointment of Trotter as International Vice President of the Trilateral Commission Pacific Basin Economic Council.
Brierley outlines strategy of privatization of the New Zealand Government and the establishment of the New Zealand Centre for Independent Studies which will be chaired by Gibbs, aided by Fernyhough and controlled by Cline, which will 'advise' Treasury on privatization.
Parsky, Brierley and Seldon hold a separate meeting with Parsky, outlining plans for an expanded laundry operation which will coincide with the launch of 'Crack' - a new addictive product developed by CIA chemists for the world market.
Equiticorp (Aust) will be launched with Adler as Manager and a new merchant bank using Eldrs, Goodman and Jarden.
IEI will merge with Armco Bank, which has 20 branches in South East Asia; Ariadne will acquire the Bank of Queensland, and Brierley Investments will form a cross-shareholding with NZI Corp to further increase control by their Mafia organization. Other plans include the laundering of funds directly to the New Zealand and Australian Governments and the establishment of key companies within the economies of New Zealand, Australia and Hong Kong.
The first key company will control the food industry in Australasia through merger of Elders, Goodmans, Allied Mills, Fielder Gillespie and Watties. Allied Mills will control 30% Goodmans, 30% Fielder, 20% Watties and will expand into Europe via acquisition of Rank, Hovis McDougall (UK). Allied Mills will be controlled through IEL.
26th October, 1984: Trotter, Hawkins, Lange and Douglas meet in Wellington to implement Mafia plans to privatise the Government and to deregulate the banking system.
Late 1984: As part of the IDAPS computer-controlled 'laundry' operation, Trotter and Fletcher help establish the 'Pacific Investment Fund' with Australian and New Zealand investments to be managed by Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank subsidiary, Wardley and the Japanese operation controlled by Tokyo Trust and Banking Company - owned by Sanwa Bank, Taiyo-Kobe Bank and Nomura Securities. All are members of the Rockefeller World Government organization.
18th July, 1985: Australian Mafia meet in Sydney to discuss privatization of the Australian Government. Those present include - Brierley, Trotter, Fletcher, Seldon, Goodman, Papps, Packer, Bond, Elliott, Adler, and Japanese Trilateralist Daigo Miyado.
Cline will set up Australian Centre for Independent Studies to 'advise' the Treasurer on the takeover of the economy.
Impala Pacific will be set up in Hong Kong through Ariadne with 60% of the company stock held by Chase Manhattan and Security Pacific National Bank in Australia. In the UK, Tozer, Kemsly & MIllbourn would be taken over using IEP, while in Australia, the Holme's A'Court Bell Group would be used to merge with Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, through Standard & Chartered Bank (Hong Kong), and Marae (NZ) Broadlands (Aust) would merge with NZI Corporation.
18th August, 1985: Cline and 6-man CIA team begin installation of subliminal television equipment in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.
8th November1985: Parsky, Colby and J.D Rockefeller meet in New York to discuss their plans to assassinate McCloy and the Rockefellers and to take control of the Mafia organization.
Colby would organise an 8-man 'hit squad' to be headed by Gordon Liddy who had worked for Colby in the 1960's as a CIA contract killer, and was responsible for over 10 murders including:
* 8/17/61 - two members of the Gambino Mafia family in New York * 11/24/63 - Officer Tippitt after the Kennedy assassination in Dallas * 12/18/63 - witness to the Kennedy assassination in Dallas * 4/19/65 - Politician in Chicago * 7/27/65 - Politician in Washington * 9/8/65 - Politician in Washington * 11/27/66 - US 'independent' cocaine importer, in Mexico. * 11/25/67 - 'Independent' heroin importer, in Los Angeles * 2/9/69 - Politician in Washington
28th November 1985: Australian Mafia meet in Sydney - includes: Trotter, Fletcher, Hawkins, Bond, Elliott, Adler and Holme's A'Court - discussed strategy for merger of Goodman, Allied Mills, Fielde Gillespie Davis, Watties and Elders with Chase Manhattan Bank taking 20%, Elders and IEL 10%, with stock being held through Chase-AMP Bank.
Elders woul be used as major 'vehicle' in the global liquor economy with Courage Brewery in the UK to be used as entry into Europe.
Strategy finalized to take over BHP, Australia's largest company, using H olme's A'Court, Brierley, Elliott and Hawkins.
In London, Chase Manhattan would takeover stockbrokers Simon & Coates who specialize in A'Asia Mafia owned companies such as Fletcher Challenge, Brierley, NZI Corp, Elders, Bell Group and BHP. Chase Manhattan could then issue and buy stock to manipulate the Australasian economy by increasing price, paying no taxes, creating inflation, and enslaving the people through debt to Mafia controlled banks.
Parsky would oversee the 'launder' of further loans to the NZ Government and would begin to channel 'loans' through the Australian Treasury using captive politician Keating. Also NZ Government building would be sold to Jones and Australia Government buildings would be sold to Adler which would then be rented back to the respective Governments at inflated prices.
17th November 1986: Brierley, Seldon, Packer, Bond, Elliott, Holmes A'Court and Adler meet in Sydney. Also present is Rupert Murdoch to assist in Parsky strategy of media takeover in Australasia and the Pacific using Packer and Bond (TV and Radio) Brierley and Holmes A'Court (newspapers).
Murdoch takes orders from Brzezinski since his News Corp was taken over in 1982 by Chase Manhattan and Security Pacific National Bank.
At a separate meeting with Brierley, Seldon and Cline, Parsky outlines plan for 'key' Media Australasian Holding company using the Bell Group which would be taken over by with Chase Manhattan holding 27.5% in London and the US. Another 10% of the stock would be held through Security Pacific National Bank (US).
8th February 1987: US Mafia Council meet in Washington - including David Rockefeller, John McCloy, Brzezinski, Parsky, Simon, Katherine Graham, and George Franklin.
Brzezinski outlines plans to invade Iran using 75000 strong mercenary army supported by US Air Force and Navy with starting date of 8th February, 1988. An integral part of the plan Saudi and Kuwaiti oil tankers would fly the US flag to provoke an Iranian attack so that US invasion of Iran would be 'justified'.
* Reason: The Seven Sisters wanted to exploit a secret oil field near Bandar Abbas discovered in 1976 with estimate 150 billion barrels and also a huge gold source at Neyshabur discovered in 1977.
The Iranian invasion would begin after the World economic system was collapsed by the Mafia controlled banks - target date 17th January 1988. Other countries on the takeover list include: * Mexico - for oil at Baisas * Nicaragua - for oil at Connto * Colombia - for gold at Papayan * South Korea - for gold at Chunchon * New Zealand - for oil in the Great South Basin.
(Obviously this part of the plan failed to happen)
Article 639 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!!decwrl!!!hplabs!!otter!tgg From: (Tom Gardner) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Re: Re: Novus Ordo Seclorum Date: 8 Jan 91 09:09:24 GMT References: Organization: Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK. Lines: 18
|There is nothing dangerous about Freemasonry. As an |erisian Freemason, I should know. It is mainly a |club, like the Elks or the Rotary, but one that has |a far more noble and glorious history, as well as |one that keeps alive ancient knowledge under |"secret" veils.
If you believe that then run and read "The Brotherhood" by Stephen Knight. In it he points out why many of the legends/stories/rumours about the Freemasons are nonsense.
He also describes, with examples, the mechanisms by which Freemasonry can be a corrupting influence with deleterious effects on the public at large.
There are serious resons to believe that membership of Masonic Lodges and Christian churches is mutually incompatible. (BTW, I belong to neither).
A book that is worth reading...
Article 645 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!know!!samsung!!uunet!sam!khan From: Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: FREEMASONS ARE ALIVE AND WELL! Date: 9 Jan 91 18:49:02 GMT Organization: DAVID Systems Inc, Sunnyvale CA Lines: 59
Re: Novus Ordo Seclorum.
This phrase is from the FREEMASONS 100%!
I will post more details later.
The Freemasons are alive and well in the USA. There are 33 degrees of membership. On the top level are the leaders of various countries. On the basic level there are people like you and me (ordinary Joes). I do not mean to say I am a Freemason, by the way.
They are NOT known as Freemasons over here; they are known as "lodges". Thus, the Shriners, the Elks, etc. are all the same group.
They are existing from the time of Moses, or maybe even from before that. It used to be Greek and Roman influenced fraternity. They were outlawed in Pakistan in the late 70's because of their involvement in some questionable things. It is said that the Freemasons want to protect and maintain a certain status quo in the world (make it safe for the extremely r ich), but God knows best as to their real aims.
The Lodges are very active in doing some good things for the common man. The Shriners have adopted a pseudo-Islamic pose, without having anything to do with Islam as presented in the Quran. The Shriners have their own "prophets" etc.
It is easy to join the Freemason fraternity on the basic level. You are told that it is for uniting all the different nations and religions of the world. You can only progress (up the 33 degrees) if you are of any use in your social position to the Freemasons. You may join as a basic Freemason, and remain so all your life, and it would look like you just joined a harmless social club.
On the top level, their aims are quite different. They do not like any organization (in the name of religion or anything else) to endanger their financial assets and interests. Some believe that the Freemasons have been successful in completely destroying the faith of ordinary Christian by influencing and introducing corruption in the Christian church, and distorting religious concepts. The big challenge before the Freemasons now is to destroy the organizing power of Islam, which they view as the final threat.
There has been some research done on the Freemasons, their introduction methods, their activities (open and hidden), in Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. If anyone is interested, I can detail everything in my following posts.
Article 642 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!!samsung!!wuarchive!uunet!isis!jsanders From: (Jim Sanders) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Re: Novus Ordo Seclorum (Illuminati=Lawyers=Politicians/IRS/CIA) Date: 9 Jan 91 18:51:43 GMT Reply-To: jsanders@isis.UUCP (Jim Sanders) Organization: Math/CS, University of Denver Lines: 46
This symbol is one of the Mystic Society of the Illuminati. The Illuminati was formed by the creme de la creme of Europe's most powerful aristocrats to perpetuate its iron grip on the peasants, to maintain the status quo, to keep the rich rich, and the poor masses poor.
J.Jaynes book, "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown Of the Bicameral Mind," explains how for thousands of years, the masses have been hypnotized into not thinking for themselves by Illuminati like leaders who use mysticism, religion, music and propaganda to accomplish this. A person can still do very hard organized work for these manipulators and actually still not ever think in a non-bicameral or enlightened state of mind. This has allowed the world's sadistic, oppressive leaders to screw us for 1000's of years.
It appears that the illuminati had penetrated U.S. government from the beginning. The Illuminatus was formed in 1776 by a lawyer in Bavaria. These esquires snaked their way into the womb of Amerika from the getgo! I find it revolting and an infinite slap in the face to see lawyers own symbol of economic repression on the very money we get shafted for by these leach lawyers daily.
(In 1776 The European Economic Community (the aristocracy) worried quite a bit when WE told England to get the Hell outta here, so naturally they regrouped and formed the Illuminati to deal with US and prevent future colonies from being so eager to toss the king's tea taxes overboard!)
Write to me and I will mail you a that documents my words on how lawyers (and now Bush/CIA/Heavy Industry) raping Amerika! (WRITE ME + READ IT!)
"Don't tread on me!" /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /* Hell even their motto reverberated with snakes */ /* (as this was written on a 1776 Amerikan Colonial */ /* Revolutionary flag next to a picture of a snake) */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ (But I agree with it!)
______________________________________________________________ :-) jim oversees the fate of the world from high atop Boulder |______________________________________________________________| | | Vote em out! | | (jim sanders) |______________|___________________________|___________________|
Article 641 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!!samsung!!uunet!isis!jsanders From: (Jim Sanders) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Re: Novus Ordo...(Illuminati=Lawyers=Amerikarapers=cia/dea/irs) Date: 9 Jan 91 18:57:46 GMT Reply-To: jsanders@isis.UUCP (Jim Sanders) Organization: Math/CS, University of Denver Lines: 46
This symbol is one of the Mystic Society of the Illuminati. The Illuminati was formed by the creme de la creme of Europe's most powerful aristocrats to perpetuate its iron grip on the peasants, to maintain the status quo, to keep the rich rich, and the poor masses poor.
J.Jaynes book, "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown Of the Bicameral Mind," explains how for thousands of years, the masses have been hypnotized into not thinking for themselves by Illuminati like leaders who use mysticism, religion, music and propaganda to accomplish this. A person can still do very hard organized work for these manipulators and actually still not ever think in a non-bicameral or enlightened state of mind. This has allowed the world's sadistic, oppressive leaders to screw us for 1000's of years.
It appears that the illuminati had penetrated U.S. government from the beginning. The Illuminatus was formed in 1776 by a lawyer in Bavaria. These esquires snaked their way into the womb of Amerika from the getgo! I find it revolting and an infinite slap in the face to see lawyers own symbol of economic repression on the very money we get shafted for by these leach lawyers daily.
(In 1776 The European Economic Community (the aristocracy) worried quite a bit when WE told England to get the Hell outta here, so naturally they regrouped and formed the Illuminati to deal with US and prevent future colonies from being so eager to toss the king's tea taxes overboard!)
Write to me and I will mail you a that documents my words on how lawyers (and now Bush/CIA/Heavy Industry) raping Amerika! (WRITE ME + READ IT!)
"Don't tread on me!" /*--------------------------------------------------*/ /* Hell even their motto reverberated with snakes */ /* (as this was written on a 1776 Amerikan Colonial */ /* Revolutionary flag next to a picture of a snake) */ /*--------------------------------------------------*/ (But I agree with it!)
______________________________________________________________ :-) jim oversees the fate of the world from high atop Boulder |______________________________________________________________| | | Vote em out! | | (jim sanders) |______________|___________________________|___________________|
Article 647 of alt.conspiracy: Xref: bilver alt.conspiracy:647 rec.arts.books:2999 Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!rpi!!usc!!decwrl!world!eff!mnemonic From: (Mike Godwin) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,rec.arts.books Subject: Re: Novus Ordo...(Illuminati=Lawyers=Amerikarapers=cia/dea/irs) Summary: How silly. Date: 9 Jan 91 23:10:09 GMT References: Organization: The Electronic Frontier Foundation Lines: 29
In article jsanders@isis.UUCP (Jim Sanders) writes: > >J.Jaynes book, "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown Of the >Bicameral Mind," explains how for thousands of years, the masses have been >hypnotized into not thinking for themselves by Illuminati like leaders who >use mysticism, religion, music and propaganda to accomplish this. A person >can still do very hard organized work for these manipulators and actually >still not ever think in a non-bicameral or enlightened state of mind. This >has allowed the world's sadistic, oppressive leaders to screw us for >1000's of years.
This is nonsense; Jaynes's book says no such thing. Not only does it not mention the Illuminati or "Illuminati-like leaders," but its thesis is that the bicamerality of the brain is the ground of true self-consciousness. It is not the case that "non-bicameral" is the equivalent of "enlightened"--just the opposite, really.
Of course, I'm a lawyer, so feel free to ignore me as I get back to raping Amerika.
-- Mike Godwin, (617) 864-0665 |"If the doors of perception were cleansed | every thing would appear to man as it is, Electronic Frontier | infinite." Foundation | --Blake
Article 654 of alt.conspiracy: Xref: bilver alt.conspiracy:654 rec.arts.books:3018 Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!know!!att!linac!!!uiucdcs!carroll From: (Alan M. Carroll) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,rec.arts.books Subject: Re: Novus Ordo...(Illuminati=Lawyers=Amerikarapers=cia/dea/irs) Date: 10 Jan 91 22:15:53 GMT References: Sender: (News) Reply-To: (Alan M. Carroll) Organization: Technophiles Inc. - Engineers with Attitude Lines: 12
In article, (Mike Godwin) writes: > > Of course, I'm a lawyer, so feel free to ignore me as I get back to > raping Amerika. >
A lawyer! Ignore you nothin'! Go 'n git the dawgs, boy. We're goin huntin'.
-- Alan M. Carroll "It's psychosomatic. You need a lobotomy. Epoch Development Team I'll get a saw." CS Grad / U of Ill @ Urbana ...{ucbvax,pur-ee,convex}!! carroll
Article 643 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!know!!cica!!!uunet!isis!jsanders From: (Jim Sanders) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: The Illuminati are an original world "old boy" conspiracy! Date: 10 Jan 91 05:16:20 GMT Reply-To: jsanders@isis.UUCP (Jim Sanders) Organization: Math/CS, University of Denver Lines: 77
Jack, I forgot to give you the beta on the Illuminati: These folks are more secret than Moussad(the Israeli SS) who is the undisputed ultimate "secret agent men/women" experts of the world. Therefore, you will find no reliable sources of information on them. They like to frequent Swiss chalets and spend their loot on good spirits and women. Oh, they do not have women for members. Their associates are in international banking and are world leaders of organized crime. But they are not ever necessarily top world leaders or top CEO's, but they completely influence the major decisions of most multinational companies and world leaders. They are always there but you never see them: Once, at a coffee shop in an affluent Denver 'burb in the foothills, I ran across a man of this general authority. With a German accent, he had told me that if I were to sit at a table, I was to buy coffee, but he did not work there. He wore a $2000 Swiss pilot's chronometer on one wrist. His clothes cost at least half of the watch and he wasn't wearing a suit! We were just waiting for the rain to stop and I could not believe my ears when he tried to shoo me away from my dry spot under the curbside table's canvas awning. I thought carefully and then replied something to the likes of "The Illuminati would always like for me to be recirculating my money back into their economic system of manipulation." As soon as I said this, never mind the weather, he took off. He was a strong 50 year old Aryan, about 6'1", 200lbs, to my 5'11", 150lbs but he looked extremely agitated before he left. I could tell he was not physically scared of me. In fact, he knew all too well what I was saying about the globally economic policies of his "associates" in the Illuminati. You see, they have effectively cut off information about even their existence, that it will damn near give one of them vapor lock if you call their hand! (Notice that Europe houses the ultimate banks next to Bavaria on Swiss soil, and note how the Swiss are given International Neutrality to boot so that the Secret accounts will be safe and stable! I would wager a month of Sundays that money in a Swiss account is backed by real gold too!) Conclusion: Bush belongs to the "Skull and Crossbones Club" which is the American Equivalent of the Illuninati. You have to study at Yale and be in a family that is part of the old boy system and then you might get in. It is highly secret, but really is much more well known than the Illuminati. It exists to perpetuate the existence of the old boys in Amerika, much as the Illuminati does the same in Europe. Amazingly, the only reference to the Illuminati that I have ever seen other than in a few paper back books on mysticism called the Trilogy which actually are probably right 50% of the time, was in the Unabridged Webster's Dictionary, where all it dares say is that they were "the members of an anticlerical, deistic, republican society founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of law at Ingolstadt in Bavaria. It was suppressed by the Bavarian government in 1785: called also the Order of the Illuminati." I suppose they had to go deep undercover, much more so than even the Mafia. This might explain the agitation I evoked in the fellow! It might be fun to know more about these fellow, but you now know all you need to know, except their names. Search and destroy! --- expose a gangster and save money today! ______________________________________________________________ :-) | jim oversees the fate of the world from high atop Boulder | |______________________________________________________________| | | | Vote em out! | | (jim sanders) | |______________|___________________________|___________________| "Don't Tread On Me" ? 177x "This is Jimmy's road, where Jimmy liked to play." (Mark Twain) >---------------------------------------------> Hi Ho Pegasus, and away!>---------------------------------------------> >--------------------------------------------->
Article 656 of alt.conspiracy: Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!know!!!!!pwh From: (Pete Hartman) Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Re: The Illuminati are an original world "old boy" conspiracy! Date: 10 Jan 91 22:45:45 GMT References: Distribution: usa Organization: Bradley University Lines: 9
In (Jim Sanders) writes: >These folks are more secret than Moussad(the Israeli SS) who is the >undisputed ultimate "secret agent men/women" experts of the world. >Therefore, you will find no reliable sources of information on them.
That includes you, I suppose.... -- ----- Pete Hartmanpwh@bradley.bradley.eduHaazavaa?
Article 1809 of alt.activism: Xref: bilver alt.activism:1809 alt.conspiracy:652 talk.politics.misc:7767 Path: bilver!tarpit!peora!masscomp!rpi!!samsung! uunet!!dartvax!cabot!harelb From: (Harel Barzilai) Newsgroups: alt.activism,alt.conspiracy,talk.politics.misc Subject: The S&L - Contra/drug Connection -- will Congress investigate? Date: 10 Jan 91 05:17:39 GMT Sender: (The News Manager) Distribution: na Organization: Dartmouth College Lines: 105 Followup: alt.conspiracy
HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE BLOCKS S&L INVESTIGATION ===================================================== Convergence Magazine, Christic Institute, Winter 1991, p. 16
As Convergence went to press we learned that the House Intelligence Committee will refuse to investigate the reported use of failed savings and loan institutions to launder funds for the Reagan Administration's secret war in Nicaragua.
The last issue of Convergence (Fall 1990) reported that an investigation by the Christic Institute had found new evidence that drug traffickers may have taken advantage of S&L deregulation to launder cocaine profits destined for the contras. In a separate investigation, the Houston Post has concluded that several failed S&Ls were looted by businessmen connected with both organized crime and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Last summer the House Banking subcommittee on financial institutions attempted to investigate the reports, but abandoned the effort when C.I.A. Director William Webster refused to testify. But the subcommittee's chair, Illinois Democrat Frank Annunzio, referred the allegations to the House Intelligence Committee, which has jurisdiction over America's spy agencies.
On Nov. 15 the Christic Institute delivered 30000 petitions to Rep. Anthony Beilenson, the California Democrat who chairs the Intelligence Committee, asking for a full investigation of the reports. The signatures were gathered in 22 cities in one day of canvassing by volunteers from the Christic Institute's local action networks and the Citizen/Labor Energy Coalition.
A spokesman for the intelligence committee said the staff had conducted dozens of interviews to determine whether the reports should be investigated. But in November investigative journalist Pete Brewton reported in the Houston Post that "the committee has not attempted to trace any of the S&L money looted by C.I.A. operatives.''
The committee staff also failed to contact a former C.I.A. contract agent who told a Federal court in 1988 that the agency used funds from failed banks and thrift institutions to finance covert operations.
When asked by Brewton why the committee made no attempt to trace any S&L money to discover if it had been used for covert operations, staff director Dan Childs said "we have only three attorneys to do this.''
Childs was the chief financial officer for the C.I.A. during the period when the alleged transfer of funds occurred.
The Christic Institute's probe of S&L fraud goes back to 1988, when Christic investigators found evidence that C.I.A.-sponsored drug traffickers may have used dozens of thrifts in several states to launder cocaine profits destined for the contra war effort.
"The Christic Institute has uncovered evidence that covert operatives and drug traffickers exploited dozens of S&Ls to launder funds destined for the illegal contra war,'' said Daniel P. Sheehan, the Institute's general counsel. "This evidence suggests that the links among S&Ls, covert operatives and organized crime can be traced to the 'off-the-shelf enterprise' described by Oliver North before the Iran-contra investigating committees.
"It appears that S&Ls may have made fraudulent loans in order to siphon money to the contras at a time when Congress had cut off aid to the rebels.''
Brewton's investigative series in Post has concluded that "at least 27 failed financial institutions (25 S&Ls and two banks) had links to C.I.A. operatives or to organized crime figures with links to the C.I.A..''
"The savings and loan collapse will cost taxpayers over $500 billion,'' said Sara Nelson, the Institute's executive director. "If it is true that S&L money went to the contras, then the U.S. public was duped into paying the bill for the contra war after Congress had outlawed contra aid. The evidence pointing to a systematic fraud on
"The response to this petition has been enormous,'' said Nelson, "and shows just how upset people are that Congress has failed to investigate the intelligence connection to the S&L collapse. We hope that Congressman Beilenson will take this message very seriously.''
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