valid and well-formed xml collection

This commit is contained in:
ebeshero 2023-03-25 21:39:22 -04:00
parent 8f604245a0
commit d00927e00c
15 changed files with 1108 additions and 1270 deletions

View File

@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ president-elect of the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers. // The near-obsession with forfeiture continues without any
proof that it curbs drug crime -- its original target. // ``The reality
is, it's very difficult to tell what the impact of drug seizure is,''
says Stanley Morris, deputy director of the federal drug czar's office.
says Stanley Morris, deputy director of the federal drug czar's office.</p>
<p>--- Renegade v6-27 Beta
<p>* Origin: Shark's Mouth 313-658-1110 750 MEGS Dual Amiga/IBM (23:313/108)

View File

@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ an empty apartment, with the following caption:
insurance settlement. The Mulfords have divorced, and she has
sold most of her belongings to cover legal bills. She's asked
for a new trial and lives in the near-empty house pending a
decision. }
decision. }</p>
<p>--- Renegade v6-27 Beta
<p>* Origin: Shark's Mouth 313-658-1110 750 MEGS Dual Amiga/IBM (23:313/108)</p></xml>

View File

@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
-----------------by Al Muick for P-80 Systems, OCT 86----------
Let me begin by a brief history of myself. I spent the better part of six years in Uncle Sam's Country Club (better known as the US Army) working in the Intelligence and Security Command (better known as the ASA--Army Security Agency). During that time, my primary duties were Cryptology, Cryptologic Intercept, Counterintelligence, and Field First Sergeant (whatta drag!).
What I'm about to tell you comes under the heading of Cryptologic Intercept. Incidently, for those of you in the know, I was stationed at Field Station Augsburg in West Germany (if you're not in the know, read the book, THE PUZZLE PALACE).
The interception of radiated data from computers and computer terminals is known in the world of the ASA as "TEMPEST." TEMPEST intercept may be accomplished in several ways. One, is via a mobile van with the commo equipment on board, two is via strategicly stationed intercept sites (Field Station Augsburg) and the third, rarely used, is relay from one site to another.
To run a TEMPEST operation, you will need a good communications receiver, both high frequency and very high frequency with adjustable bandwidths and a VFO. If you plan to just intercept and leave the exploitation of the collected intelligence for later, you will need a HIGH-QUALITY tape deck; not one of those cheap-assed portables, but a high quality deck. If you plan to do the exploitation now or later, you will still need to convert the IF of your communications receiver to a recordable frequency. To do this, simply patch the output of your 1 MHz or below IF to the input plug on your tape deck. If your IF is something above 1 MHz you're S.O.L unless you have an IF downconverter around or have the ability to construct one. You will, in effect, be recording an RF frequency on your tape deck, vice an audio frequency.
Your tape deck MUST run at either 7 1/2 or 15 i.p.s in order for it to record this signal. You will later play that signal back into your IF for exploitation.
As soon as you have your intercept station (it is best to use a van) set up with receiver, antenna, and recorder, you are ready to engage your intercept target. Most computers are RF shielded these days, so your receiver had better be damn sensitive and have a very selective bandwidth. If you are planning to intercept such a computer, you will need to be outside its building location (if possible). Since we know, most microprocessors operate at frequencies between 2-12 MHz, we will look for the radiated data here in that frequency range. It is here that a spectrum analyzer, connected to your IF output will aid in discerning the signals and binary emissions of your target computer. If you know how to use a spectrum analyzer, it will prove invaluable, but since they are so complicated, I will not attempt to explain their proper use here.
You will simply scan the bands between 2-12 MHz until you find the radiated signal (if you must, go for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. harmonics if local interference on the primary frequency is too high) and then tune to the spot where it comes in best. Next adjust your bandwidth until you can just hear the signal as pure as day, with very little to no outside interference.
Once you have your target tuned in, you may want to drive around the block or further away, to avoid detection. Remember, not to go too far or you will lose the signal. Mainframe computers (when unprotected) sometimes radiate a signal for 3 to four miles! A typical PC computer will radiate a signal for at least 1/2 mile if unprotected!
You should, by now, have picked your intercept site, have parked the van, and have made sure that you still have your signal coming in at good strength. The next step is easy! Simply connect the output of your low frequency IF to the input of your deck and let 'er rip! I find that 10" reels suit this purpose just fine, and you should be able to get at least one or two UIDs or PWs in the amount of time you will have at 7 1/2 or 15 i.p.s. After the tape is done (you may want to record both sides) pack up your gear and head for home!
Once home, you will need another piece of equipment, possibly two. In various surplus magazines, you will see a machine called a "visi-corder" advertised. This is a machine that burns a copy of binary code onto light-sensitive paper. They cost some money, but are basically invaluable. You are now ready for signal exploitation.
You now need to play your recorded tape into the IF input of your communications receiver. The output of your IF will be connected to the IF input on the visi-corder. This will give your the truest binary representation on the paper. If you so desire, you may connect the audio out of your communications receiver to the audio input of the visi-corder. The audio is rectified into DC and then you get a crisp, clear presentation on the paper. But remember this....DC LIES!!! While the representation may be clear, the binary spacing will be off slightly, increasing in error as you continue, until you finally wind up with continuous error.
Assuming you have made the proper connections, get some beer for your relaxation (or them funny l'il pills, or whatever makes you comes the hair-pulling part). Begin playback of the deck into your receiver and initiate the visi-corder's print mode. I recommend a medium-fast speed, because if you use slow speed to conserve paper (you cheap fucker!), the bauds will be so close together as to render the paper useless and wou wind up wasting the paper anyway!
At this point, print out about 2 minutes worth of paper. Once the paper is printed, expose it to light so it develops and have several 3x5" cards handy. As soon as it develops, scan the paper and the binary stream on it for a section that has three or four of the smallest (closest together) bits. This is ASCII. Once you have found the section, place one 3x5" card at the base of the section and mark off tick marks where each bit stops and ends (on the smallest bits only!!). You are now ready to do what we in the ASA call "bustin' bauds."
As you know, one ASCII byte consists of 8 bits. simply start at a reasonable point at the beginning of your interception and begin to mark off tick marks along the binary stream. Even if you come across 1s and 0s that are very wide, mark as many thin ticks from your 3x5" card on them. This is necessary to break the ASCII code.
The complete 8 bit ASCII code is at the end of this tutorial for your convenience.
Once you have marked off the paper, count off the first eight bits, e.g. 10011101 and refer to the ASCII chart to find a character that fits it. If you can't find one immediately, don't despair! Try using the complement of the 8-bit code in front of you (i.e. the reverse of what you've decoded. Instead of 10011101, try 01100010.). If you still have not found anything, slide your card over one bit and try to get another byte of ASCII. This time you may come up with 00111010 (complement 11000101). Check it with the table. Remeber, you may have to do this eight times (that is, shift a bit over eight times) before you make any sense out of it. It is long and tedious, but it will pay off in the end.
Note: this is illegal and is punishable under federal law. I assume no responsibility for your actions, and neither does the operator of P-80. This is presented for your information only. If you have any questions, please leave me mail!......happy hacking!....Al Muick.
The 8 bit ASCII code:
(for 7 bit ASCII, simply delete the last's not always there...something to keep in
<p>-----------------by Al Muick for P-80 Systems, OCT 86----------</p>
Let me begin by a brief history of myself. I spent the better part of six years in Uncle Sam's Country Club (better known as the US Army) working in the Intelligence and Security Command (better known as the ASA--Army Security Agency). During that time, my primary duties were Cryptology, Cryptologic Intercept, Counterintelligence, and Field First Sergeant (whatta drag!).</p>
<p> What I'm about to tell you comes under the heading of Cryptologic Intercept. Incidently, for those of you in the know, I was stationed at Field Station Augsburg in West Germany (if you're not in the know, read the book, THE PUZZLE PALACE).</p>
<p> The interception of radiated data from computers and computer terminals is known in the world of the ASA as "TEMPEST." TEMPEST intercept may be accomplished in several ways. One, is via a mobile van with the commo equipment on board, two is via strategicly stationed intercept sites (Field Station Augsburg) and the third, rarely used, is relay from one site to another.</p>
<p> To run a TEMPEST operation, you will need a good communications receiver, both high frequency and very high frequency with adjustable bandwidths and a VFO. If you plan to just intercept and leave the exploitation of the collected intelligence for later, you will need a HIGH-QUALITY tape deck; not one of those cheap-assed portables, but a high quality deck. If you plan to do the exploitation now or later, you will still need to convert the IF of your communications receiver to a recordable frequency. To do this, simply patch the output of your 1 MHz or below IF to the input plug on your tape deck. If your IF is something above 1 MHz you're S.O.L unless you have an IF downconverter around or have the ability to construct one. You will, in effect, be recording an RF frequency on your tape deck, vice an audio frequency.</p>
<p> Your tape deck MUST run at either 7 1/2 or 15 i.p.s in order for it to record this signal. You will later play that signal back into your IF for exploitation.</p>
<p> As soon as you have your intercept station (it is best to use a van) set up with receiver, antenna, and recorder, you are ready to engage your intercept target. Most computers are RF shielded these days, so your receiver had better be damn sensitive and have a very selective bandwidth. If you are planning to intercept such a computer, you will need to be outside its building location (if possible). Since we know, most microprocessors operate at frequencies between 2-12 MHz, we will look for the radiated data here in that frequency range. It is here that a spectrum analyzer, connected to your IF output will aid in discerning the signals and binary emissions of your target computer. If you know how to use a spectrum analyzer, it will prove invaluable, but since they are so complicated, I will not attempt to explain their proper use here.</p>
<p> You will simply scan the bands between 2-12 MHz until you find the radiated signal (if you must, go for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. harmonics if local interference on the primary frequency is too high) and then tune to the spot where it comes in best. Next adjust your bandwidth until you can just hear the signal as pure as day, with very little to no outside interference.</p>
<p> Once you have your target tuned in, you may want to drive around the block or further away, to avoid detection. Remember, not to go too far or you will lose the signal. Mainframe computers (when unprotected) sometimes radiate a signal for 3 to four miles! A typical PC computer will radiate a signal for at least 1/2 mile if unprotected!</p>
<p> You should, by now, have picked your intercept site, have parked the van, and have made sure that you still have your signal coming in at good strength. The next step is easy! Simply connect the output of your low frequency IF to the input of your deck and let 'er rip! I find that 10" reels suit this purpose just fine, and you should be able to get at least one or two UIDs or PWs in the amount of time you will have at 7 1/2 or 15 i.p.s. After the tape is done (you may want to record both sides) pack up your gear and head for home!</p>
<p> Once home, you will need another piece of equipment, possibly two. In various surplus magazines, you will see a machine called a "visi-corder" advertised. This is a machine that burns a copy of binary code onto light-sensitive paper. They cost some money, but are basically invaluable. You are now ready for signal exploitation.</p>
<p> You now need to play your recorded tape into the IF input of your communications receiver. The output of your IF will be connected to the IF input on the visi-corder. This will give your the truest binary representation on the paper. If you so desire, you may connect the audio out of your communications receiver to the audio input of the visi-corder. The audio is rectified into DC and then you get a crisp, clear presentation on the paper. But remember this....DC LIES!!! While the representation may be clear, the binary spacing will be off slightly, increasing in error as you continue, until you finally wind up with continuous error.</p>
<p> Assuming you have made the proper connections, get some beer for your relaxation (or them funny l'il pills, or whatever makes you comes the hair-pulling part). Begin playback of the deck into your receiver and initiate the visi-corder's print mode. I recommend a medium-fast speed, because if you use slow speed to conserve paper (you cheap fucker!), the bauds will be so close together as to render the paper useless and wou wind up wasting the paper anyway!</p>
<p> At this point, print out about 2 minutes worth of paper. Once the paper is printed, expose it to light so it develops and have several 3x5" cards handy. As soon as it develops, scan the paper and the binary stream on it for a section that has three or four of the smallest (closest together) bits. This is ASCII. Once you have found the section, place one 3x5" card at the base of the section and mark off tick marks where each bit stops and ends (on the smallest bits only!!). You are now ready to do what we in the ASA call "bustin' bauds."</p>
<p> As you know, one ASCII byte consists of 8 bits. simply start at a reasonable point at the beginning of your interception and begin to mark off tick marks along the binary stream. Even if you come across 1s and 0s that are very wide, mark as many thin ticks from your 3x5" card on them. This is necessary to break the ASCII code.</p>
<p> The complete 8 bit ASCII code is at the end of this tutorial for your convenience.</p>
<p> Once you have marked off the paper, count off the first eight bits, e.g. 10011101 and refer to the ASCII chart to find a character that fits it. If you can't find one immediately, don't despair! Try using the complement of the 8-bit code in front of you (i.e. the reverse of what you've decoded. Instead of 10011101, try 01100010.). If you still have not found anything, slide your card over one bit and try to get another byte of ASCII. This time you may come up with 00111010 (complement 11000101). Check it with the table. Remeber, you may have to do this eight times (that is, shift a bit over eight times) before you make any sense out of it. It is long and tedious, but it will pay off in the end.</p>
<p> Note: this is illegal and is punishable under federal law. I assume no responsibility for your actions, and neither does the operator of P-80. This is presented for your information only. If you have any questions, please leave me mail!......happy hacking!....Al Muick.</p>
The 8 bit ASCII code:</p>
(for 7 bit ASCII, simply delete the last's not always there...something to keep in</p>
00000000 Null
10000000 Start of message
01000000 End of address
@ -155,4 +156,5 @@ BINARY MEANING
10111110 Unassigned control
01111110 Escape
11111110 Delete/Idle

View File

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
<p>Tom Bearden</p>
Tom Bearden
John Bedini has a prototype free energy motor.
<p>John Bedini has a prototype free energy motor.
Imagine having a small D.C. electrical motor sitting on your laboratory bench
powered by a common 12 volt battery. Imagine starting with a fully charged
@ -517,8 +517,8 @@ the battery to the converter output. We did not use this factor in both other
cases when we used resistors in the output circuit.
The above test results show that the efficiency of the Kromery Converter is
well above 100%.
well above 100%.</p>
The end. Typed by (_&gt;Shadow Hawk 1&lt;_). May be distributed anywhere as long as
you keep the credits. I dont give a shit what you do with it either. DOWNLOADED FROM P-80 SYSTEMS..... </p></xml>
<p>The end. Typed by (_&gt;Shadow Hawk 1&lt;_).
May be distributed anywhere as long as you keep the credits. I dont give a shit what you do with it either.</p></xml>

View File

@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
Comments on the New Tesla Electromagnetics
<p>Comments on the New Tesla Electromagnetics
A:Discrepancies in Present EM Theory
A:Discrepancies in Present EM Theory</p>
There are at least twenty-two major discrepancies presently existing in
<p> There are at least twenty-two major discrepancies presently existing in
conventional electromagnetics theory. This paper presends a summary of those
flaws, and is a further commentary on my discussion of scalar longitudinal
waves in a previous paper, "Solutions to Tesla's Secrets and the Soviet Tesla
@ -637,11 +637,11 @@ very feet.
Electromagnetically, we have been rather like one of the five blind men who
touched an elephant. We have only touched one small portion of the
electromagnetism "elephant," yet we thought we had grasped the entire beast.
electromagnetism "elephant," yet we thought we had grasped the entire beast.</p>
Use this information in any way that you wish; I take no responsibility for
the results of your actions. This file was presented for "informational use"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<xml><p>@ \RBBS\DL\MSNSCRTS.TXT  From BIG SECRETS, by William Poundstone
<xml><p>From BIG SECRETS, by William Poundstone

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<xml><p> </p>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<xml><p> </p>
<p>1917 -- United States enters World War I. Russian Revolution
begins; Cheka, secret police of Bolsheviks, founded.
@ -384,4 +384,4 @@
disappears in South America. Film version of "The Manchurian
Candidate" released.</p>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<p>Comments Concerning the Philadelphia Experiment</p>
@ -110,7 +110,4 @@ TAKING what is called PHYSICS in college, talk him into taking BUSINESS
or POLITICAL SCIENCE instead. He will be MUCH happier and his SEX LIFE
will be FULFILLING. Only the CIA teaches REAL PHYSICS; what is TAUGHT
in COLLEGE is a LIE) with the HELP of ALIEN VISITORS since 1922. 1943
Was JUST another YEAR in the advancement of OUR unified FIELD theory.
Was JUST another YEAR in the advancement of OUR unified FIELD theory.</p></xml>

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<xml><p>OUR SENATE?</p>
"This has been a tough election and I'm happy it's
over. And we finally upset that conservative who has been
holding up all the progressive legislation for so many
@ -53,7 +52,6 @@
balances as protections which our Founding Fathers estab-
lished at the Convention.
Two branches of the Congress were established to
protect the sovereignty of the states. This was a major
stumbling block in the writing of our Constitution. The
first branch, the House of Representatives, were to be
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@
fear of the smaller states of domination by the larger
nearly wrecked the Constitutional Convention. They demanded
a Bill of Rights be added to the new constitution after
The entire Bill of Rights will get a thorough examina-
tion in a later paper. For now, let's concern ourselves
@ -163,7 +161,7 @@
protection of no ex post facto law is still the basic law of
the land.
Another problem surfaces under this Public Law. They
used a resolution to make a law when the intent of the
Founders was for only bills to become law. Resolutions are
to express an opinion or to censure some person or action
@ -218,7 +216,7 @@
No. 78: "There is no position which depends on clearer
principles than that every act of a delegated authority,
contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is
exercised, is void." What they did is no good . . . they
broke the law. (All references to 'paper no.' are from this
@ -273,7 +271,6 @@
The states were duped into accepting the 17th Amend-
ment. The states who did not act on the ratification would
be the logical ones to initiate the action. They should
force the federales to have the amendment set aside. They
easily repealed the 18th amendment (Prohibition) by Conven-
tions in the States. We have to start the action and get
@ -300,10 +297,5 @@
Care to check on how many treaties ratified since 1914
are not constitutionally binding? How about the United
Nations or the giveaway of the Panama Canal? </p>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<xml><p>  \RBBS\DL\SSAN.TXT  </p>
<p>FROM: Barbara Bennett
SUBJECT: The Social Security Number</p>
@ -89,5 +88,4 @@ manual assignment such as a person refusing a number with 666 in it!</p>
<p>A pamphlet entitled "The Social Security Number" (Pub. No.
05-10633) provides an explanation of the SSN's structure and
the method of assigning and validating Social Security numbers.</p>
<p> 0633) provide</p></xml>

View File

@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
<xml><p>TESLA HOWITZER</p>
Written by
T. E. Bearden
@ -22,10 +8,10 @@
. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
The Tesla Howitzer</p>
Before the turn of the century, Nikola Tesla had discovered and
<p>Before the turn of the century, Nikola Tesla had discovered and
was utilizing a new type of electric wave. Tesla repeatedly
stated his waves were non-Hertzian, and his wireless
transmissions did not fall off as the square of the distance.
@ -33,9 +19,9 @@
provide free energy to all humankind was so clear) that it was
responsible for the withdrawal of his financial backing, his
deliberate isolation, and the gradual removal of his name from
the history books.
the history books.</p>
By 1914 or so, Tesla had been successfully isolated and was
<p>By 1914 or so, Tesla had been successfully isolated and was
already nearly a "nonperson." Thereafter Tesla lived in nearly
total seclusion, occasionally surfacing (at his annual birthday
party for members of the press) to announce the discovery of an
@ -44,16 +30,16 @@
destroy whole armies and thousands of airplanes at hundreds of
miles distance, and a weapon (the "Tesla Shield," I've dubbed
it) that could provide an impenetrable defense and thus render
war obsolete.
war obsolete.</p>
In my pursuit of Tesla's secret, it gradually became apparent to
<p>In my pursuit of Tesla's secret, it gradually became apparent to
me that present orthodox electromagnetic theory is seriously
flawed in some fundamental respects. One of these is in the
definition and use of THETA, the scalar electrostatic
potential. It is this error which has hidden the long- sought
Unified Field Theory from the theorists.
Unified Field Theory from the theorists.</p>
In the theory of the scalar electrostatic potential (SEP), the
<p>In the theory of the scalar electrostatic potential (SEP), the
idea is introduced of work accomplished on a charge brought in
from a distance against the scalar field. The SEP is not a
vector field, but is a scalar field. Indeed, scalar potential
@ -62,9 +48,9 @@
SEP between two spatial points can produce force or accomplish
work. (Rigorously, a differential of scalar potential between
two spatial points constitutes a vector. Only a vector can
produce force and do work.)
produce force and do work.)</p>
Also, work can only be done on a mass. Further, it takes TIME
<p>Also, work can only be done on a mass. Further, it takes TIME
to move an electron or other charged mass between two spatial
points, and so the work performed by a spatial differential of
the THETA-FIELD requires TIME. Rigorously, the delta SEP is
@ -77,22 +63,13 @@
actual mass having occurred. SEP, on the one hand, is always a
single-point function; on the other hand, difference in
potential (i.e., V) is always a two point function, as is any
-- Page 1 --
. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
Yet many graduate level physics and electromagnetics papers and
<p>Yet many graduate level physics and electromagnetics papers and
texts erroneously confuse THETA and V in the static case! Such
an interpretation is of course quite incorrect.
an interpretation is of course quite incorrect.</p>
Another common assumption in present EM theory -- that the
<p>Another common assumption in present EM theory -- that the
electrostatic potential (0,O) of the normal vacuum is zero --has
no legitimate basis. In fact, we know (0,O) is nonzero because
the vacuum is filled with enormous amounts of fluctuating
@ -100,9 +77,9 @@
fluctuations. And by virtue of its point definition, (0,O) must
be the "instantaneous stress" on spacetime itself, and a measure
of the intensity of the virtual state flux through a 4-
dimensional spacetime point.
dimensional spacetime point.</p>
Potential theory was largely developed in the 1800's before the
<p>Potential theory was largely developed in the 1800's before the
theory of relativity. Time flowrate was then regarded as
immutable. Accordingly, electrostatic "intensity" was chosen as
"spatial intensity," with the connotation of "spatial flux
@ -114,27 +91,27 @@
spacetime potential --0,4, or charge -- and electromagnetic
theory today is accordingly a special case of the real 4-space
electromagnetism that actually exists! Note also that charge is
a 4- dimensional concept.
a 4- dimensional concept.</p>
Now mass is a spatial, 3-dimensional concept. Rigorously, mass
<p>Now mass is a spatial, 3-dimensional concept. Rigorously, mass
does not exist in time -- masstime exists in time. Mass and
charge are thus of differing dimensionalities!
charge are thus of differing dimensionalities!</p>
Also, according to quantum mechanics, the charge of a particle --
<p>Also, according to quantum mechanics, the charge of a particle --
e.g., of an electron -- is due to the continual flux of virtual
particles given off and absorbed by the observable particle of
mass. Thus charge also is conceptually a measure of the virtual
flux density, and directly related to THETA. Further, since the
charge exists in time, it is the charge of a particle of spatial
mass that gives it the property of masstime, or existing in
Here a great confusion and fundamental error has been thrown
<p>Here a great confusion and fundamental error has been thrown
into the present EM theory by the equating of "charge" and
"charged mass." As we have seen, the two things are really very
different indeed.
different indeed.</p>
To speak of a spatial "amount" of charge erroneously limits the
<p>To speak of a spatial "amount" of charge erroneously limits the
basic EM theory to a fixed time flowrate condition (which of
course it was considered to be, prior to Einstein's development
of relativity). Thus when the limited present theory encounters
@ -142,39 +119,31 @@
sorts of extraordinary corrections must be introduced. The real
problem, of course, is with the fundamental definitions of
electrostatic potential and charge. The spatial "amount" of
-- Page 2 --
. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
charge (i.e., the coulomb), as we presently erroneously use the
term, is actually the spatial amount of observable "charged
mass." To correct the theory, one must introduce the true 4-
space SEP and separate the definitions of charge and charged
Only when a mass is moved does one have work -- and voltage or
<p>Only when a mass is moved does one have work -- and voltage or
vector fields. (The reason one has voltage and E field
connected to a normal electrostatically charged object in the
laboratory is because an excess of charged-particle masses are
assembled on the object, and these masses are in violent
motion! A true static charge would have no E field at all.)
motion! A true static charge would have no E field at all.)</p>
The THETA field need not involve observable mass accumulation,
<p>The THETA field need not involve observable mass accumulation,
but only charge (virtual flowrate intensity) accumulation.
Accumulated masses are like so many gallons of water;
accumulated charge is like so much pressure on both the water
(space) and the time in which the water is existing.
(space) and the time in which the water is existing.</p>
Now, if one varies the SEP solely as a point function, one would
<p> Now, if one varies the SEP solely as a point function, one would
have a purely scalar complex longitudinal wave, and not a vector
wave at all. This is the fundamentally new electrical wave that
Tesla discovered in 1899.
Tesla discovered in 1899.</p>
Rigorously, all vector fields are two-point functions and thus
<p>Rigorously, all vector fields are two-point functions and thus
decomposable into two scalar fields, as Whittaker showed in
1903. It follows that any vector wave can be decomposed into
two scalar waves. By implication, therefore, a normal
@ -183,9 +152,9 @@
longitudinal if uncoupled. An ordinary transverse EM vector
wave is thus two pair-coupled Tesla scalar longitudinal waves,
and only a single special case of the much more fundamental
electromagnetics discovered by Nikola Tesla.
electromagnetics discovered by Nikola Tesla.</p>
A Tesla (scalar potential) wave -- i.e., a massless wave in pure
<p> A Tesla (scalar potential) wave -- i.e., a massless wave in pure
0,O, the stress of the spacetime medium -- would have very
strange characteristics indeed. For one thing, since it moves
in a complex 4-space, it has many more modes of movement than
@ -196,22 +165,14 @@
Therefore presently the THETA- field is considered to have no
drag limitation at all, hence infinite velocity. (E.g., as
stated in Jackson's, (Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd edition,
page 223.)
page 223.)</p>
Actually, a 0,4-wave can and will interact with some of the
<p>Actually, a 0,4-wave can and will interact with some of the
other existing 0,4-waves in the medium transversed, and this
interaction can involve pair-coupling into EM vector fields and
waves, an interaction not presently in the electrodynamics
theory. The result of scalar pair-coupling creates a finite
amount of vector "drag" on the 0,4-wave, so it then has less
-- Page 3 --
. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
than infinite velocity. However, is this drag is small due to
limited pair coupling, the scalar wave's velocity through the
slightly dragging medium still may be far greater than the speed
@ -223,16 +184,16 @@
amplitude which through a given medium changes the percentage of
pair-coupling and hence the degree of drag on the scalar wave.)
The Tesla scalar wave thus can have either subluminal or
superluminal velocity, in contradiction to present theory.
superluminal velocity, in contradiction to present theory.</p>
Note that the scalar wave also violates one of Einstein's
<p>Note that the scalar wave also violates one of Einstein's
fundamental postulates -- for the speed of our "new kind of
light" wave is not limited to c, and need not be the same to
every observer. Thus Tesla scalar waves lead to a new "super-
relativity" of which the present Einstein relativity is only a
highly special case!
highly special case!</p>
But let us now look for some subtle but real examples of scalar
<p>But let us now look for some subtle but real examples of scalar
waves and scalar pair-coupling in nature. As is well known, a
tectonic fault zone can provide anomalous lights, sounds, etc
from stresses, piezoelectrical activity, and telluric currents
@ -250,15 +211,15 @@
coupling forms additional EM vector waves 180 degrees out of
phase, the ordinary EM wave is diminished or extinguished. If
the scalar triplex coupling occurs so as to create vector EM
waves, the amplitude of the ordinary vector wave is increased.
waves, the amplitude of the ordinary vector wave is increased.</p>
Scalar potential waves can thus augment or diminish, or create
<p>Scalar potential waves can thus augment or diminish, or create
or destroy, ordinary EM waves at a distance by pair-coupling
interference under appropriate conditions, and this is in
consonance with the implications of Whittaker's fundamental 1903
An earthquake fault zone is such a scalar interferometer.
<p>An earthquake fault zone is such a scalar interferometer.
Stresses and charge pileups exist in the plates on each side
adjacent to the fault, with stress relief existing in the middle
in the fault fracture itself. Since the rock is locally
@ -266,14 +227,6 @@
are also locally nonlinear. This results in the generation of
multiple frequencies of THETA-4-waves from each side of the
fault interferometer, yielding two complex Fourier expansion
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
patterns of scalar potential waves. On occasion these two
Fourier-transformed scalar wave patterns couple at a distance to
produce stable ordinary electromagnetic fields in a 3-
@ -282,9 +235,9 @@
Driven by the erratic two scalar Fourier expansion patterns of
the scalar interferometer (whose input stresses normally slowly
change), an erratic, darting, hovering "spooklight" of the
variety studied by Vestigia produced.
variety studied by Vestigia produced.</p>
As the stresses change in each side of the interferometer, the
<p>As the stresses change in each side of the interferometer, the
distant scalar coupling zone is affected. Thus the stresslight
moves and its form changes, but it may be relatively stable in
form for seconds or minutes. Since the stresses in the rock may
@ -292,9 +245,9 @@
THETA-patterns coupling into the sphere or ball of vector EM
energy. The atoms and molecules of the air in the region of the
coupled stresslight ball thus become highly excited, giving off
radiant energy as the excited states decay.
radiant energy as the excited states decay.</p>
Since much of the piezoelectric material in the stressed rocks
<p>Since much of the piezoelectric material in the stressed rocks
is quartz, the features of quartz are of particular interest.
Each little quartz is itself highly stressed, and has stress
cracks. It is therefore a little scalar interferometer.
@ -304,9 +257,9 @@
equilibrium. If so, this system can tap into highly energetic
microscopic electromagnetic fluctuations to produce large-scale,
ordered, relatively stable patterns of electromagnetic energy at
a distance.
a distance.</p>
In short, all of this lends support to the formation of
<p>In short, all of this lends support to the formation of
relatively stable but somewhat erratic patterns of
electromagnetic energy at a distance from the fault itself. In
the atmosphere, such scalar interferometers could form in clouds
@ -318,27 +271,18 @@
electrical charges between clouds or between cloud and earth,
available to fuel the scalar interferometer. Very probably it
is this phenomenon which gave Tesla the clue to scalar wave
Thus such phenomena as earth stress lights, ball lightening, and
<p>Thus such phenomena as earth stress lights, ball lightening, and
the Tesla system of wireless transmission of energy at a
distance with negligible lasses and at speeds exceeding the
speed of light may be explained. They are complex, however, and
involve fundamental changes to present electromagnetic theory.
These changes include utilizing 4-space scalar electrostatic
potentials, scalar waves, pair coupling, ordinary 3-dimensional
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
Fourier expansion, the Prigogine effect, and the properties of
piezoelectric materials in rocks.
potentials, scalar waves, pair coupling, ordinary 3-dimensional Fourier expansion, the Prigogine effect, and the properties of
piezoelectric materials in rocks.</p>
Since the scalar potential also stresses time, it can change the
<p>Since the scalar potential also stresses time, it can change the
rate of flow of time itself. Thus it affects anything which
exists in time -- including the mind, both of the individual and
at various levels of unconsciousness. Therefore the same
@ -348,16 +292,16 @@
correlated with, and a result of, fault zones and earth
stresses. While Persinger seems to feel this is a "normal
physics" explanation, it indeed involves a paranormal
The time-stressing ability of the true THETA scalar wave also
<p>The time-stressing ability of the true THETA scalar wave also
explains the interaction of such earth stress lights with humans
and human intent, as noted by other researchers. (E.g., the
lights that repeatedly seemed to react to the observers, as
detailed by Dr. Harley Rutledge in his epoch-making Project
Identification, Prentice-Hall, 1981.)
Identification, Prentice-Hall, 1981.)</p>
These ideas in condensed form comprise the concepts required to
<p>These ideas in condensed form comprise the concepts required to
violate the speed of light and produce an ordinary
electromagnetic field at a distance, using scalar
interferometry, without losses -- as Tesla had done in his
@ -370,9 +314,9 @@
the scalar potential interferometer effect. Exophoton and
exoelectron emission -- poorly understood but already known in
fatiguing of materials -- must be at least partly due to the
scalar interferometer effect.
scalar interferometer effect.</p>
However, one additional caution should be advanced. Normal
<p>However, one additional caution should be advanced. Normal
movement of electrons allows so much "sideplay" movement of the
electrons -- and there is so much such sideplay electron motion
in the surrounding vicinity -- that pair coupling is almost
@ -388,23 +332,14 @@
strong. In that case sufficient triplex coupling with the
ionized gas occurs to produce additional ionization or charge,
breaching the tube's cutoff threshold and producing a cascade
discharge of electrons and voltage which is detected. But weak
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
scalar waves are presently indetectable by ordinary
discharge of electrons and voltage which is detected. But weak scalar waves are presently indetectable by ordinary
instruments. However, these small scalar waves are detectable
by sensitive interferometry techniques -- e.g., such as an
electron interferometer. Since the use of such instruments is
quite rare, then indeed we have been living immersed in a sea of
scalar waves without knowing it.
Finally, the percentage of scalar waves produced by changes in
scalar waves without knowing it.</p>
<p>Finally, the percentage of scalar waves produced by changes in
charged mass pileups can be increased by utilizing charged mass
streaming. Essentially the charged masses must be moved
suddenly, as quickly as possible, at or near the complete
@ -422,9 +357,9 @@
"streaming" of the charged masses and thus high percentages of
THETA-4 waves. This suggests that the breakdown of dielectrics
is a much richer phenomenon than is presently allowed for in the
conventional theory.
conventional theory.</p>
To summarize, electrostatic potential -- THETA field --is stress
<p>To summarize, electrostatic potential -- THETA field --is stress
on the spacetime medium at a four-dimensional point. I.e., it
is a sort of pressure on the medium, but pressure on all four
dimensions, not just on the three spatial dimensions. Thus in
@ -434,9 +369,9 @@
the normal average 4-space stress itself. And charge and
charged mass must be recognized as two separate concepts. This
is the gist of what I finally recognized about Nikola Tesla's
work and fundamental discovery.
work and fundamental discovery.</p>
This is exciting, for it means that Tesla stress waves can
<p>This is exciting, for it means that Tesla stress waves can
affect either space or time individually, or both space and time
simultaneously, or even oscillate back and forth between
primarily affecting time and primarily affecting space. Tesla's
@ -450,23 +385,14 @@
field, fundamental constants of nature, etc.), or move in a
combination of the two modes. In the latter case, the Tesla
wave moves in space with a very strange motion -- it oscillates
between (1) spatially standing still and flexing time, and (2)
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
moving smoothly in space while time flows smoothly and evenly.
between (1) spatially standing still and flexing time, and (2) moving smoothly in space while time flows smoothly and evenly.
I.e., it stands at one point (or at one columnar region),
flexing for a moment; then slowly picks up spatial velocity
until it is moving smoothly through space; then slows down again
to a "standing column," etc. This is Tesla's fabulous "standing
columnar wave."
columnar wave."</p>
Another wild characteristic of the Tesla wave is that it can
<p>Another wild characteristic of the Tesla wave is that it can
affect the rate of flow of time itself; hence it can affect or
change every other field -- including the gravitational field --
that exists in time flow. It can also affect all universal
@ -476,9 +402,9 @@
exist is affected. This was the awful secret that Tesla
partially discovered by 1900, and which he came more and more
to fully realize as he pursued it nature and its ramifications
into the 1920's and 1930's.
into the 1920's and 1930's.</p>
Tesla also found he could set up standing THETA-field waves
<p>Tesla also found he could set up standing THETA-field waves
through the earth. He in fact intended to do so, for he had
also discovered that all charges in the highly stressed earth
regions in which such a standing wave existed produced THETA-
@ -490,9 +416,9 @@
core of the planet itself, turning them into ordinary
electromagnetic energy. In such case, a single generator would
enable anyone to put up a simple antenna and extract all the
free energy they desired.
free energy they desired.</p>
When Tesla's alarmed financial backers discovered this was his
<p>When Tesla's alarmed financial backers discovered this was his
real intent, they considered him a dangerous madman and found it
necessary to ruthlessly stop his at all costs. And so his
financial support was withdrawn, he was harassed in his more
@ -500,9 +426,9 @@
adulterated), and his name gradually was removed from all the
electrical textbooks. By 1914 Tesla, who had been the greatest
inventor and scientist in the world, had become essentially a
A few other persons in the early 1900's also were aware that
<p>A few other persons in the early 1900's also were aware that
potential and voltage are different. And some of them even
learned to utilize Tesla's PHI-field, even though they only
vaguely understood they were utilizing a fundamentally different
@ -512,20 +438,11 @@
used the Rogers communications system in World War I to
communicate with U. S. submarines underwater, and to communicate
through the earth to the American Expeditionary Force
Headquarters in Europe. The Rogers system was declassified
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
after the War --and very shortly after that, it had mysteriously
Headquarters in Europe. The Rogers system was declassified after the War --and very shortly after that, it had mysteriously
been scrubbed off the face of the earth. Again, potential
stress waves -- Tesla waves -- were eliminated and "buried."
stress waves -- Tesla waves -- were eliminated and "buried."</p>
Probably the most brilliant inventor and researcher into Tesla's
<p> Probably the most brilliant inventor and researcher into Tesla's
electromagnetics was T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Dr. Moray actually succeeded in tapping the limitless zero-point
energy of vacuum (spacetime) itself. By 1939, Dr. Moray`s
@ -540,9 +457,9 @@
the agent had obtained the drawing for building the tubes and
the device itself. Today the Moray amplifier is a standard
component of many of the Soviet secret superweapons and Tesla
In the 20`s and 30`s, Tesla announced the final perfection of
<p>In the 20`s and 30`s, Tesla announced the final perfection of
his wireless transmission of energy without losses -- even to
interplanetary distances. In several articles (e.g., H.
Winfield Secor, "Tesla Maps Our Electrical Future," Science and
@ -560,39 +477,30 @@
not reveal, of course, that such scalar waves nearly always
immediately pair-coupled into vector waves when produced by
normal means. Tesla himself was working with longitudinal
scalar waves.
scalar waves.</p>
In the 1930`s Tesla announced other bizarre and terrible
<p>In the 1930`s Tesla announced other bizarre and terrible
weapons: a death ray, a weapon to destroy hundreds or even
thousands of aircraft at hundreds of miles range, and his
ultimate weapon to end all war -- the Tesla shield, which
nothing could penetrate. However, by this time no one any
longer paid any real attention to the forgotten great genius.
Tesla died in 1943 without ever revealing the secret of these
great weapons.
great weapons.</p>
Unfortunately, today in 1981 the Soviet Union has long since
<p>Unfortunately, today in 1981 the Soviet Union has long since
discovered and weaponized the Tesla scalar wave effects. Here
we only have time to detail the most powerful of these
frightening Tesla weapons -- which Brezhnev undoubtedly was
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
referring to in 1975 when the Soviet side at the SALT talks
frightening Tesla weapons -- which Brezhnev undoubtedly was referring to in 1975 when the Soviet side at the SALT talks
suddenly suggested limiting the development of new weapons "more
frightening than the mind of man had imagined." One of these
weapons is the Tesla howitzer recently completed at the
Saryshagan missile range and presently considered to be either a
high energy laser or a particle beam weapon. (See Aviation Week
&amp; Space Technology, July 28, 1980, p. 48 for an artist's
The Saryshagan howitzer actually is a huge Tesla scalar
<p>The Saryshagan howitzer actually is a huge Tesla scalar
interferometer with four modes of operation. One continuous
mode is the Tesla shield, which places a thin, impenetrable
hemispherical shell of energy over a large defended area. The 3-
@ -604,21 +512,21 @@
intense, glowing light. Anything physical which hits the shell
receives an enormous discharge of electrical energy and is
instantly vaporized -- it goes pfft! like a bug hitting one of
the electrical bug killers now so much in vogue.
the electrical bug killers now so much in vogue.</p>
If several of these hemispherical shells are concentrically
<p>If several of these hemispherical shells are concentrically
stacked, even the gamma radiation and EMP from a high altitude
nuclear explosion above the stack cannot penetrate all the
shells due to repetitive absorption and re-radiation, and
scattering in the layered plasmas.
scattering in the layered plasmas.</p>
In the continuous shield mode, the Tesla interferometer is fed
<p> In the continuous shield mode, the Tesla interferometer is fed
by a bank of Moray free energy generators, so that enormous
energy is available in the shield. A diagram of the Saryshagan-
type Tesla howitzer can be seen in drawing TESLA-1. TESLA-2
shows the Tesla shield produced by the howitzer.
shows the Tesla shield produced by the howitzer.</p>
In the pulse mode, a single intense 3-dimensional scalar Theta-
<p> In the pulse mode, a single intense 3-dimensional scalar Theta-
field pulse form is fired, using two truncated Fourier
transforms, each involving several frequencies, to provide the
proper 3-dimensional shape (TESLA-3). This is why two scalar
@ -636,28 +544,19 @@
flashes off the southwest coast of Africa, picked up in 1979 and
1980 by Vela satellites. The second flash, e.g., was in the
infrared only, with no visible spectrum. Nuclear flashes do not
do that, and neither does super-lightening, meteorite strikes,
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
meteors, etc. In addition, one of the scientists at the Arecibo
do that, and neither does super-lightening, meteorite strikes, meteors, etc. In addition, one of the scientists at the Arecibo
Ionospheric Observatory observed a gravitational wave
disturbance -- signature of the truncated Fourier pattern and
the time-squeezing effect of the Tesla potential wave --
traveling toward the vicinity of the explosion.
traveling toward the vicinity of the explosion.</p>
The pulse mode may be fed from either Moray generators or -- if
<p> The pulse mode may be fed from either Moray generators or -- if
the Moray generators have suffered their anomalous "all fail"
malfunction -- ordinary explosive generators. Thus the Tesla
howitzer can always function in the pulse mode, but it will be
limited in power if the Moray generators fail.
limited in power if the Moray generators fail.</p>
In the continuous mode, two continuous scalar waves are emitted -
<p> In the continuous mode, two continuous scalar waves are emitted -
- one faster than the other -- and they pair-couple into vector
energy at the region where they approach an in-phase condition.
In this mode, the energy in the distant "ball" or geometric
@ -665,48 +564,39 @@
Tesla's secret of wireless transmission of energy at a distance
without losses. It is also the secret of a "continuous
fireball" weapon capable of destroying hundreds of aircraft or
missiles at a distance.
missiles at a distance.</p>
The volume of the Tesla fireball can be vastly expanded to yield
<p>The volume of the Tesla fireball can be vastly expanded to yield
a globe which will not vaporize physical vehicles but will
deliver and EMP to them to dud their electronics. A test of
this mode has already been witnessed, See Gwyne Roberts,
"Witness to a Super Weapon?, the London Sunday Times, 17 August
1980 for several tests of this mode at Saryshagan, seen from
Afghanistan by British TV cameraman and former War Correspondent
Nick Downie.
Nick Downie.</p>
If the Moray generators fail anomalously, then a continuous mode
<p>If the Moray generators fail anomalously, then a continuous mode
limited in power and range could conceivably be sustained by
powering the interferometer from more conventional power sources
such as advanced magneto-hydrodynamic generators.
such as advanced magneto-hydrodynamic generators.</p>
Typical strategic ABM uses of Tesla weapons are shown in Tesla-
<p>Typical strategic ABM uses of Tesla weapons are shown in Tesla-
4. In addition, of course, smaller Tesla howitzer systems for
anti-tactical ballistic missile defense of tactical troops and
installations could be constituted of more conventional field
missile systems using paired or triplet radars, of conventional
external appearance, in a scalar interferometer mode.
external appearance, in a scalar interferometer mode.</p>
With Moray generators as power sources and multiply deployed
<p>With Moray generators as power sources and multiply deployed
reentry vehicles with scalar antennas and transmitters, ICBM
reentry systems now can become long range "blasters" of the
target areas, from thousands of kilometers distance (TESLA-5).
Literally, "Star Wars" is liberated by the Tesla technology.
And in air attack, jammers and ECM aircraft now become "Tesla
blasters." With the Tesla technology, emitters become primary
fighting components of stunning power.
fighting components of stunning power.</p>
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
The potential peaceful implications of Tesla waves are also
<p>The potential peaceful implications of Tesla waves are also
enormous. By utilizing the "time squeeze" effect, one can get
antigravity, materialization and dematerialization,
transmutation, and mind boggling medical benefits. One can also
@ -714,9 +604,9 @@
earth and through the ocean, etc. The new view of Theta-field
also provides a unified field theory, higher orders of reality,
and a new super-relativity, but detailing these possibilities
must wait for another book.
must wait for another book.</p>
With two cerebral brain halves, the human being also has a Tesla
<p>With two cerebral brain halves, the human being also has a Tesla
scalar interferometer between his ears. And since the brain and
nervous system processes avalanche discharges, it can produce
(and detect) scalar Tesla waves to at least a limited degree.
@ -730,9 +620,9 @@
there is not room to develop the implications of this human
Tesla interferometry in detail, for that must wait for yet
another book, presently in its initial stages, that Hal Crawford
and I are writing.
and I are writing.</p>
At the July 1981 U.S. Psychotronics Association's Annual
<p> At the July 1981 U.S. Psychotronics Association's Annual
Conference in Dayton, Ohio, I presented the first rough paper on
the Tesla secret and scalar interferometry. A videotape of the
presentation was made and will shortly be available. I am also
@ -742,9 +632,9 @@
is also being prepared. Wide distribution of the material
through the international underground physics and technology
network has already been made. This time, God willing, Tesla's
secret will not be suppresses for another 80 years!
secret will not be suppresses for another 80 years!</p>
And perhaps it is not yet too late. The material has cost me
<p>And perhaps it is not yet too late. The material has cost me
(now) some 16 years of agonizing labor and nearly $100,000 of my
own personal funds. No orthodox university, scientific group,
foundation, or governmental agency would support such an effort,
@ -752,23 +642,14 @@
will not even accept material on such matters. Nonetheless, the
area is of overwhelming importance -- and I truly believe
Tesla's lost secret will shortly affect the lives of every human
being on earth.
being on earth.</p>
Perhaps with the free and open release of Tesla`s secret, the
<p>Perhaps with the free and open release of Tesla`s secret, the
scientific and governmental bureaucracies will be shocked awake
from their slumber, and we can develop defense before Armageddon
occurs. Perhaps there is hope after all -- for even Brezhnev,
in his strange July, 1975 proposal to the SALT talks, seemed to
reveal a perception that a turning point in wear and weaponry
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. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
may have been reached, and that human imagination is incapable
reveal a perception that a turning point in wear and weaponry may have been reached, and that human imagination is incapable
of dealing with the ability to totally engineer reality itself.
Having tested the weapons, the Soviets must be aware that the
ill-provoked oscillation of time flow affects the minds and
@ -776,9 +657,9 @@
species unconsciousness -- of all life forms on earth. They
must know that these weapons are two-edged swords, and that the
backlash from their use can be far more terrible to the user
than was the original effect to his victim.
than was the original effect to his victim.</p>
If we can avoid the Apocalypse, the fantastic secret of Nikola
<p>If we can avoid the Apocalypse, the fantastic secret of Nikola
Tesla can be employed to cure and elevate man, not kill him.
Tesla's discovery can eventually remove every conceivable
external human limitation. If we humans ourselves can elevate
@ -786,22 +667,21 @@
electromagnetics, then Nikola Tesla -- who gave us the
electrical twentieth century in the first place -- may yet give
us a fantastic new future more shining and glorious than all the
great scientists and sages have imagined.
great scientists and sages have imagined.</p>
For references, refer to files
Part II
<p> Part II
Reference Articles for Solutions to Tesla's Secrets
The Electrical Engineer - London
Dec. 24, 1909, p. 893
Dec. 24, 1909, p. 893</p>
Mr. Nikola Tesla has announced that as the result of experiments
Mr. Nikola Tesla has announced that as the result of experiments
conducted at Shoreham, Long Island, he has perfected a new
system of wireless telegraphy and telephony in which the
principles of transmission are the direct opposite of Hertzian
@ -822,16 +702,7 @@
Dec. 8, 1915, p. 8, col. 3
-- Page 13 --
. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
He Seeks to Patent Wireless Engine for Destroying Navies by
Pulling a Lever.
@ -885,16 +756,7 @@
depend upon it, its withdrawal or supply will bring about the
same results as those now accomplished by force of arms.
-- Page 14 --
. Nikola Tesla
The Tesla Howitzer
Dr. Tesla then said that it would be possible with his wireless
Dr. Tesla then said that it would be possible with his wireless
mechanism to direct an ordinary aeroplane, manless, to any point
over a ship or an army, and to discharge explosives of great
strength from the base of operations.
@ -905,7 +767,7 @@
wall of fire in time of war, Dr. Tesla gave it as his opinion
that Mr. Harris was not practical.
"It is hard to stamp as impossible such results as those
"It is hard to stamp as impossible such results as those
described in the press dispatches to which you refer. Granted,
however, that the project is feasible, it would take more than
all the motive power obtainable in the United States to throw a
@ -915,10 +777,5 @@
required. So, for instance, in lightening discharges, energy
may be delivered at the rated of billions of horsepower, though
the currents are of smaller volume than those developed by
electrical generators in our power houses."
electrical generators in our power houses."</p>
<p>END OF REPORT</p></xml>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by
<p>"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by
a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea
is not novel... We find it in the delightful myth of
Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
Nikola Tesla addressing the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers, 1891.
Engineers, 1891.</p>
"There manifests itself in the fully developed being - Man
<p>"There manifests itself in the fully developed being - Man
- a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to
imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he
perceives.... Long ago he recognized that all
@ -32,32 +32,26 @@
subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears,
reverting to the primary substance."
Nikola Tesla, Man's Greatest Achievement, May 13, 1907.
Nikola Tesla, Man's Greatest Achievement, May 13, 1907.</p>
"The first thing to realize about the ether is its absolute
<p>"The first thing to realize about the ether is its absolute
continuity. A deep sea fish has probably no means of
apprehending the existence of water; it is too uniformly
immersed in it: and that is our condition in regard to the
Sir Oliver Lodge, Ether and Reality.
Sir Oliver Lodge, Ether and Reality.</p>
"So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it
<p>"So astounding are the facts in this connection, that it
would seem as though the Creator, himself had electrically
designed this planet...."
Nikola Tesla describing what is now known as Schumann
Resonance (7.8Hz) in "The Transmission of Electrical Energy
Without Wires As A Means Of Furthering World Peace",
Electrical World And Engineer, January 7, 1905, PP 21-24.
@ </p></xml>
Electrical World And Engineer, January 7, 1905, PP 21-24.</p>