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I scanned this excerpt in from the book, "The Delicate Balance" ,
written by John Zajac. 1989-1990 . ISBN Number 0-910311-57-9 .
** Begin Excerpt **
To understand how 666 relates to this discussion, one needs to explore
technology. One pertinent contributor to this technology is the
International Business Machines Corporation. IBM developed a laser method
of information transfer that has now become universally accepted. Lasers are
used for many different applications in society today, such as measuring
distances, detecting structural flaws, determining straightness, and so
forth. You can see the IBM system at your local supermarket quickly reading
prices and controlling inventory as it prints out a list of all purchased
items. Since checkers no longer have to punch keys on a register, check-out
time and errors are reduced. This system also provides the shopper with an
itemized receipt. That receipt information is stored in a central computer,
which keeps inventory and indicates what products the store should order, as
well as which products should no longer be carried.
But the use of automation is going considerably further. In fact, in Fresno,
California, one of eight regional test cities, a new computer system called
Behavior Scan gives shoppers a bar code card that is read at each purchase.
The computer then keeps a detailed list of all purchases made by a family,
including brands and quantity of each product. This same computer is also
attached to the user's home television set to monitor what is being watched.
It then selects commercials to be shown to that customer to affect his
specific buying habits. While most customers claim that they are not
affected by these commercials, the advertising companies have spent a lot of
money on research proving otherwise. Is this the start of a more modern
version of George Orwell's "1984," the complete control depicted in Vance
Packard's 'The Hidden Persuaders' ? Certainly, computers are powerful and
indispensable tools. Thanks to computers, paychecks are deposited
automatically into checking and savings accounts at predefined rates while
many bills and loans are automatically paid on time every month. The system
works so well that many institutions give a discount on loans and insurance
payments if automatic payment is used (they are more confident that they
will be paid and on time). This can convenientiy save time, postage, and
worry. The world is positioned to facilitate the ever growing requirements
for increased automation and convenience.
The convenience of computers is everywhere. Even a simple inexpensive $3
watch contains a computer. No longer does it merely tell time; it also can
add and subtract, keep time in three different zones, give the day and the
date, and beep at predetermined intervals. Computerized voices in fancy cars
warn you if you have not fastened your seat belt, that your oil is low, or
that you are almost out of fuel. The proliferation of computers has created
a strong dependence on them, for real need and pure convenience. The average
American's name is accessed 35 times a day by computer, and this is only the
beginning as we become plugged into the ever-growing system.
Our credit card system is also very convenient. Carrying cash is unnecessary
and sometimes useless, for example, when renting a car or cashing a check.
With a credit card, transactions are easier, and banks are now able (and
more then willing), to deduct payment of your credit card bill automatically
from your main account.
In fact, paper money soon may become a thing af the past for three reasons:
1. The government is concerned about the advances being made in color
xerographic technology. Advanced copy machines will soon be able to produce
counterfeit bills that are indistinguishable from government issues. The
FBI reported that up to 20 percent of people having access to advanced color
copiers will produce some counterfeit bills.
2. The successful introduction of the Smart Card in France and U.S. test
cities such as Washington, D.C., and Norfolk, Virginia, may render cash
obsolete. This Smart Card, manufactured by Motorola and Toshiba carries a
complete history of the user, including a physical description and health
record. The card allows direct payment to the seller by instantaneously
deducting the purchase amount and any service charges directly from the
cardholder's account. Thus, not only is the seller paid immediately but,
also, the card companies save millions of dollars by eliminating bad
payments and personal bankruptcy debts. Reducing credit card fraud should
also save card companies large sums of money. For example, MasterCard could
save $25 million annually by eliminating fraudulent cards. By the end of
1990, 20 million fraud-resistant cards will be in use in France. Seventeen
other countries have agreed to a standard card for all bank machines. Visa,
Eurocheque, Eurocard and MasterCard have already agreed to a method to make
their cards, systems, and money access interchangeable. Thus, by eliminating
checks and voluntary payments, the credit card industry would save 3.2
billion dollars per year.
3. The Federal Government is paying close attention to methods for taxing
the $300 billion underground economy in the United States. Unreported income
costs the U.S. Treasury $90 billion per year. If cash were eliminated,
computers could keep track of all income.
Evidence that cards may soon replace cash (and checks) was provided by Arco
service stations and Lucky supermarkets, which announced in September 1986
that their pumps and check-out stands now accept automatic teller bank
cards. With this system, payment is deducted electronically from the user's
bank account before the user received his purchase. Within one month, 6,400
service stations and supermarkets in 23 states were fitted with the system.
The gentlemen who came up with the laser reader in supermarkets for IBM
also invented the means of placing the same kind of bar code beneath living
tissue in one-billionth of a second. This marking is totally invisible to
the naked eye, and it can be read only by a certain type of laser. The
writing and reading is totally harmless and painless. The inventor
demonstrated this system in 1979 by marking salmon as they swam downstream.
The fish were totally unaware of the process as the laser burned a code into
their flesh. The computer then keeps track of the codes. Years later, these
fish will be detected by the same system as they swim back upstream and are
forced through fish ladders and chutes. *
Just as impressive is what Walter Wriston, the chairman of CitiCorp did in
1983. He passed a rule within the bank that was later withdrawn as a result
of public outcry. His rule stated that unless you were a depositor of $5,000
or more, you were not entitled to a teller. This meant that the vast
majority of depositors would have to stand in line outside the bank and
"talk" to machines. This was an economic move, of course, because banks have
had some problems of late. But its message was that people would no longer
talk to people. If banks could establish such a policy, then they could make
the minimum deposit higher and higher. Finally everything for everyone would
be done by machines. The concern is that we are reaching a highly automated
state, which if followed to the next logical step might have profound
impacts on how we rate life.
Even more startling was an "off the cuff"' statement made by an other
chairman of an eastern megabank: He announced that a method is in place that
can imprint in human hands a silicon chip the size of the head of a pin.
That chip will include not only the person's identification number, Social
Security number, name and birthplace, but also his criminal background,
educational level financial worth in the community, and his political
* Such a system is currently manufactured by Taymar, Inc., Westminster, CO
The U.S. Agriculture Department uses the product for cattle. Will it be
used for people in the future?
With such a system, the minute someone walked through the door of the bank,
he would be sensed and the bank would know who he was, where he came from,
what he did, and how much he was worth. All this would occur before a person
could reach the counter.
Now this was one step further than even progressive thinkers envisioned.
There had been discussions about placing codes on the hand to be used as
identification marks, like fingerprints, similar to package bar codes in
supermarkets. With such a system you would not need cash or a validated
check or even a Smart Card. You could put your hand through a laser and be
read by the computer. The store would automatically deduct the amount of the
purchase from your account. The method would be efficient in terms of cost,
speed, thoroughness, and elimination of bad checks. * But the price of all
this automation is individual independence from nameless bureaucrats looking
over your shoulder and approving (allowing) every transaction.
The amount of control would be unprecedented: however, the government would
immediately know how to put this control to use. People would no longer be
able to cheat the government because every time anyone had any money, the
government would know about it. The government could collect taxes each time
you spent your money, and, thus, there would be no more filing on April
15th. It also means that advanced printing and photocopying machines could
not be used for counterfeiting. Even a law breaker who traded with stolen
goods would have his purchase and sale traced by computer as he tried to
move or "spend" funds. The government would monitor every transaction,
knowing precisely everyone's location, actions, and worth. Instant
evaluations, approval or disapproval, and tax deductions on every individual
would be made.
* Such systems are not in the distant future. Six thousand people in Sweden
have accepted a mark on their right hands in a test of a totally cashless
society. Tests also have been conducted in Japan and the Dominican Republic
in Latin America.
Small wonder that the government likes this idea.
Governments have always liked control. They would like to control
everything, even the areas they say they do not want to control, such as
business, transportation, education, religion, entertainment, and other
governments. If this sounds the least bit exaggerated just look at our
government's actions regarding the restrictions of business concerning tax
credit, labor laws, advertising, antitrust, and corporate subsidies. Even in
deregulation, transportation requires licensing, registration, inspection,
subsidies, price controls, flight approval, and government flight
controllers. Although there may be talk of eliminating the Federal
Department of Education there is no attempt to reduce control of school
curriculum, subsidies, and even school lunches. Most universities are
dependent on federal aid and research grants.
The government controls religion by granting tax exemption to "desired
religions" and by making it illegal to pray in school. The government
exercises control of entertainment by licensing and or censoring television,
radio, movies, and books. The Federal Government also seeks to control other
governments by rewarding or threatening them with trade concessions,
military or econonic aid, sanctions, or war. The highest people in
government, it would seem, want the government to have total control of
In Orwell's 1984, the government "took over," and everyone was controlled by
"Big Brother." In reality, government may take over, not through control of
transportation and censorship, but through the economy, the lending
institutions, and every financial transaction. Is it too far-fetched to
imagine that you may have to take a mark on your hand to be able to buy and
sell and exist in a modern society? The technology exists. The chairman of
the megabank was asked what it would take to motivate people to put little
pieces of silicon under their skin. He answered, "a major catastrophe." He
knew people would not do it voluntarily.
Of course if there was a financial or national emergency (catastrophe), the
government would exercise unprecedented control, and compliance of citizens
would be anything but voluntary.
Central Computing
As mentioned earlier, the impact of computers on society has been enormous.
However, their likely future role may be overwhelming. As powerful as
computers are, their effectiveness is greatly multiplied when they can
communicate with other computers. For example, missile launch command
computers talk to U.S. Weather Bureau computers to update the possible
flight paths of thousands of Minuteman missiles every hour. Thus, to enhance
a system's capabilities, computers need to talk to computers. To sort out
the enormous amount of cross-references, a central computer is needed.
The central computer for America is in Texas, and the international computer
that ties all the national central computers together is situated in
Brussels, Belgium. The Brussels computer is housed in a 13 story building,
the first three floors of which are occupied totally by this system's
hardware. Because of its size. the Brussels computer is referred to
affectionately as "the Beast."
This immense computer has enough capacity to store every detail about the
lives of every human being on Earth, the information contained in the
Library of Congress, and every book ever printed. Having operated for years,
it stores a growing volume of information as additional countries tie into
it ever more heavily. This allows international banking, interstate banking,
and quick credit references. Money can be moved from New York to California
or London in minutes. If a deposit is made in a bank other than where the
check was drawn, banks usually impose a 5 to 10-day holding period.
Actually, this practice is just a means for banks to increase their "float"
and thus to increase their profits, since the money is transferred within
one day. What happens to the money for the other days? The bank uses it to
float shorter loans by which the bank earns interest. Banks typically wait
longer to issue credit because they want to use the money for as many days
as possible.
Daily manipulation of funds by banks is common. Many banks are forced to
move their funds around the globe with the sun to have their reserves where
they are needed-in the banks that are open. Even the CIA likes the
capability of the central computer because it can check on personnel
mobility, foreign trading, and all financial transactions.
Many advanced computers are available with many designations, but one is
especially interesting. NCR produced a six-core memory computer with 60
bytes per word in conjunction with six bits to the character. It is named
and advertised as the 6-60-6 which defines the size and shape of the
computer. The only way this can be pronounced is six sixty-six (666). In
computer language, 666 has a unique significance.
A computer is an information retrieval system, and all of its information is
stored as numbers. A computer's memory cell has only two states-on and off,
or mathematically 1 and 0. Thus, every number must be represented in 1's and
0's. We use a decimal system based on 10; thus, it has 10 symbols: 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Computers use a binary system using two symbols (0
and 1). To manage large numbers, computers use a binary coded decimal system
(BCD) which consists of groups of four digits, to make up all numbers. By
comparing the groups of number listed below one can find each system's
equivalent symbol. Thus, 0011, 0111, 0101 in the binary coded decimal system
is equal to our decimal system number 1,375.
Decimal System Binary System
0 - 0000
1 - 0001
2 - 0010
3 - 0011
4 - 0100
5 - 0101
6 - 0110
7 - 0111
8 - 1000
9 - 1001
(For various reasons, some computers use Base 8 (0-7) and therefore do not
use the last two symbols shown.)
As shown in the BCD system, the number 6 is represented by 0110. This is
unique because 0110 written backwards or upside-down is still 0110. The
only other number in the BCD system with the same property is its complement
1001, or 9. (However, not every computer counts past 7.) This consistency is
the same in every country in the world, unaffected by language because every
computer speaks the same language of "1's" and "0's." Thus, 0110,0110,0110
is 666 universally.
In the Book of Revelation; John said that 666 is the mark of the beast. This
number also represents the universal consistency of the computers that will
be required to control the world's finances and thus the world's people.
When John wrote 1,900 years ago, he did not know anything about the binary
number system, computers, or why computers would require binary coded
decimals. Yet, he stated emphatically that the mark of the beast is 666.
Is this to say that the endtime beast is merely a building located in
Belgium? No! The Brussels computer is no more the beast than a general is
an army. The significance is that computerization for financial dominance is
the financial beast. The beast is a false god and the worship of that false
god. Worship means "worth respect." A false god does not have to assume the
figure of a man: It is the physical representation of that which controls,
that which is worshipped. So, if people worship the "$" symbol too much for
what it can acquire, influence, or accomplish, then that can qualify it as
the false god. The Brussels computer is only the figurehead of a vast,
soon-to-be indispensable financial network that will control all financial
transactions and thus all business and people.
He who controls the system controls all. What is feared by some is that
whoever is in control wiil demand that all take the code (mark) on their
hand to be able to buy and sell. Money, credit cards, and checkbooks would
be totally eliminated. Everything would be done through the government,
through the computer, giving the government total control. The greatest fear
is that when receiving the mark, you also may be forced to pledge allegiance
to your flag and (as in the days of kings) to your ruler, but in this case
the world leader would be the Antichrist. Of course, to have allegiance with
the Antichrist is to make a pact with the Devil. If you think that this
unified system is very far away, then you have missed some intriguing news
As you probably are aware, the government has been talking about a national
identification number for some time. It is supposed to make record keeping
easier and to provide a means of crosschecking. It will help find deserting
husbands who owe child support as well as locate tax evaders. Most people
anticipate that the Social Security number will play a part in this national
identification code.
The government's system for identification uses 18 digits, the last nine of
which are the Social Security number. Virtually every citizen in the country
over the age of 1 will be forced to have a Social Security number. At
present, a Social Security number is necessary to have a job or a
savings/checking account. Starting 1990, every child over one year old must
have a Sociai Security number to qualify as a dependent on tax returns.
Preceding this 9-digit Social Security number are 3 digits corresponding to
one's telephone area code. Obviously, the whole world is tied by phone; even
barren deserts with no inhabitants have area codes. In front of these
numbers is a country code; for America it is 110. From this single
universally consistent number, the government will instantly know a person's
country, region, and identity. Does that seem logical so far? But that
accounts for only 15 digits, and the system is based on 18. The missing
3-digit code specifes that you are in the system: 666.
All computerized companies are going to 18-digit identification codes.
According to the report '666 Is Here,' Sears Roebuck is going on this system
and is committed to changing over all its credit cards. J.C. Penney's is
reported to be switching over, as well as New York Telephone. The U.S.
Government used to prefix all the serial numbers of everything it owned with
the code 451. But that also is changing; the dog tags on every soldier in
America are to be converted to 666.
Is that enough to concern you? The point is that 666 is a significant and
important part of what the future is going to hold. The Bible prophesied it.
Nostradamus explained it, and we are presently at the very edge of seeing it
become enacted. Rumors abound about people receiving checks with these
marks, governments admit they need better financial control, and the
chairman of one of the largest banks says, "It's ready; we just need a major
** End Excerpt **
@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
Title: The Proven existance of 9 dimensional planes
Intro: In order to understand these files, one must assume the following is
completely true. If not assumed, one will be completely lost in the text of
the following files. You may laugh if you wish, but if you want to understand
the theory you must make compensations on your part. Ok, on with the file...
Volume I: Defining the 9 planes
Written by: Starmaster and Locust
1st dimensional plane: This plane consists of only the single dimension
of length. It is not advised to try to envision this dimension for it may
cause insanity, seriously.
2nd dimensional plane: This plane consists of both length and width. It
is not adviable to envision this either. The first and second planes are
not the same as the fourth dimension and are uncomprehendable except by
entities "living" in that plane of thought and sight.
3rd dimensional plane: This is the plane of depth. This one is easily
imagined by 4th dimensional entities, because they are so close to it, and
had just passed out of it.
4th dimensional plane: This is the plane that the entities that we call
beings "live" on. It consists of the forward movement of time. It is the one
we are on right now.
The cross-over: This is a place where the 4th dimensional entities make their
way into the 5th and above. It is often refered to as death, yet it is only a
cross-over point. At this point, all knowledge of the 4th and below
dimensions is lost.
5th dimensional plane: This plane consists of the backwards movement of
time. Although considered impossible by 4th dimensional entities, those
entities are only thinking in the 4th dimensional phase. Remember everything
else from here on out is done in metaphysical thinking.
6th dimensional plane: This is the plane of clairvoyance. Remember, all of
this you must assume, or no comprehension of the later explanations
will be understood. Not much is known about this plane, except you "inhabit"
the sense of clairvoyance.
7th dimensional plane: This is the plane of telekinesis. This is even less
understood than the plane of clairvoyance, yet it does exist. This
often thought of as "supernatural", when in fact it a real thing.
8th dimensional plane: This is the plane of perception. It is the highest any
entity can evolve to. It consists of all the planes from five and up.
9th dimensional plane: God. Refered to by many, but understood by few. All
cultures and beings, be it from our world or others, have this vision. God
created all life, so all life lives by him.
These are the explanations of all the dimensional planes. Dimensional planes
are achieved by the evolution of the mind/soul/entity, which are all the
same thing. Evolution is a continual learning process. As we evolve we
understand more, yet raise more questions. This theory is to help those
understand the answers to many questions concerning God and the
"supernatural". One thing is assumed. We are not the only lifeforms in this
universe. All lifeforms were created by God, and will evolve through the
process God laid forth unto us. The universe is infinitely large, which
shows God's power is also infinitely large.
Volume II: Explanation of the Planes and their signifigance to the supernatural
Intro: This is the second part to the previous file on the proven existance of
9 dimensional planes. As stated in the last phile, one must assume all things
true in order to understand and comprehend the intensity of this phile. This
one will deal with the questions brought about by the theory itself.
One thing must be understood in this file. All the entities, in all the
dimensional planes, co-exist with one another in this one universe. There is
but one universe, in which all entities live in. There are no "outside"
universes. Everything co-exists in this one universe.
Explanation of "Insane Persons":
An insane person is thought of as a person without the ability to think clearly
and comprehend things on a 4th dimensional basis. They are not "insane". That
is a term 4th dimensional entities give to those entities which are not on the
the same thought plane that the other entities are on. Every plane is just a
level of thought process. In the past file I stated that evolution is a
continuing process of learning. The "insane" persons of a 4th dimensional
community are not on the same thought plane we consider ourselves on.
Explanation of "supernatural" powers
This deals with the idea of persons who are able to channel their psychic
powers to do physical things. This also deals with fortune tellers and People
who can see the future, i.e. Nostradameus. These occurances are also explained
by the thought level that these entities are on. They are actually 6th or 7th
dimensional beings stuck in a 4th deminsional body. Because 99.8% of the
population of the 4th dimension only thinks in 4 dimensions, they are often
considered "supernatural", "witches", "prophets", ect. You then will ask, if I
came up with this, how come I can't bend spoons with a thought. The answer is
simple. I am now just discovering this phenomenon. I have an upbringing of this
not really happening, but being a science-fiction thing. The people who do know
how to do these things have been concentrating all their lives to use this
"super" power givin to them by God. If everone thought on the 8th dimension,
there would be no use for a God. It is all a process of learning and
Explanation of "Ghosts, Spirits, and Poltergeists"
This is about the simplest thing to explain. As I stated above, all entities
co-exist in the same universe, for there is only one, which is infinite.
Sometimes, 4th dimensional beings see things they aren't "supposed" to see.
People are brought up with the idea ghosts are science-fiction, when in fact
they are a real thing. Sometimes these entities are accidently crossed back for
a few seconds, years, or minutes.
Explanation of Heaven or the Kingdom of God
This is fairly easily comprehended, if one thinks beyond the 4th dimension. It
is but the enternity at the other side of the cross-over. What do you think the
"light at the end of the tunnel" is? It is the "other side" or 5th dimension.
People lose their physical bodies and are "able to fly" around. This also
explains the angels 4th dimensional beings continually say are immortal.
Explanation of Immortality
Immortality is an easily comprehendable concept, if one thinks of a positive
charge and a negative charge. When thrown together, they cancel each other out.
This is the same priciple when you combine forward and reverse time together.
After you make the cross-over, your mind adapts to backwards time, yet when
backwards time collides with forward time it cancels it out. Therefore the
state of immortality is reached.
The one constant
There is but one constant in all the dimensions. Plank's constant is only
valuable in 4th dimensional science and so is the speed of light. There is only
one constant in all of the 9 dimensions. It is the emotions. No one can explain
emotions except this phile. Emotions are the only constant of the co-existant
universe. Think about it. Why do you think the "ghosts" are happy, sad, angry,
ect., ect., when you see them. It is because of the power and intensity of the
emotional constant. When emotions of the 5th and above dimensional entities
gains great intensity, it then is transfered to all other dimensions.
That about does it for this file. That pretty much explains everything that I
can think of dealing with the unexplainable. If you can think of any more,
leave mail on Centre of Eternity for Starmaster (#75). I will ponder for the
answer, until I can get a suitable one using this theory. None will be turned
away. Who knows, maybe I'll get enough quetions to write another phile. Slatez
Greets to all metaphysical thinkers. This should answer some of your questions.
Call Centre of Eternity-(615)552-5747/ 40 megs on-line/ 12/2400 baud.
HQ of The Esoteric Society and Toxic Shock
Call Ripco-(312)528-5020/ 12-9600 baud/ 60+ megs on-line
@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
The A-Z of Conspiracy
As everyone knows, we are never allowed to know who is really
controlling our lives/the country/the world. But is this knowledge a
dangerous thing? To clear up this question beyond reasonable doubt
Life provides a comprehensive guide to the theoretical corridors and
sinister back offices in which true power (and general paranoia) may
(or may not) lie
Conspiracy theories are the will-o'-the-wisps of the modern
world. They provide an alternative history to the authorised
version of events, a coherent demonology in a godless, devil-less
Conspiracy theories fill a human need. They make some sense of
the cruel narrative that is the 20th century. They turn the random
violence of a lone madman into an act of orchestrated malice. In
this way the loss of a figure like Kennedy becomes somehow more
comprehensible. To be angry is more bearable than to be uncertain.
This soothing function can be at odds with truth, however.
Alternative conspiracist history is as flawed as the `authorised'
version. Worse, a conspiracist view can suppress awkward pieces of
information by toying with the notion that events have been covered
up by the authorities to suit their own ends: encounters with alien
space ships, the real makers of the Lockerbie bomb and the truth
about Rudolf Hess have all been hidden from the public but the
higher officers of the state are in the know.
Some of the conspiracy theories which date from earlier this
century have more ignoble, murkier origins. Anti-semites were
behind the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jewish Conspiracy
and countless others. Their modern equivalents are put about by
neo-Nazi cliques. Again, these conspiracy theories have a human
function. Failure in life is more bearable if `the truth' is that
the Jews/the blacks/the Illuminati have conspired against you, it
allows you to ignore the fact that you are a spotty social
inadequate with bad breath and too-tight lederhosen.
The conspiracy theorist is the bane of the working journalist.
The need for some sliver of evidence to support assertions is
secondary to the spell of the theory: that, for the conspiracy
theorist, is its charm. This difficulty is compounded by the fact
that not all conspiracy theories are untrue. Those in power across
the world do prefer to keep embarrassing truths secret; they do
cover up; they do, from time to time, kill people who get in the
True or not, a rattling good conspiracy theory requires the
following qualities:
1 it must be difficult, better still, impossible, to understand
at first glance.
2 it must contain a spaghetti-heap of leads, all of which cannot
be followed up. There must always be one more lead left to chase.
3 The story should speak to a `wider' truth about our society,
through a series of disconnected or unconnected or unfalsifiable
4 There should be no easy way of verifying it.
The theories below demonstrate all of these qualities to a
greater or lesser degree. To savour our A-Z properly, we suggest
readers mull over it with deadpan credulousness in the small hours
of the morning listening to the theme music from The X-Files and
drinking black coffee.
A IS FOR ALIEN ENCOUNTERS that are being covered up by the
authorities. Perhaps the best-documented close encounter of the
third kind took place on 27 December 1980, when airmen at two RAF
stations in East Anglia witnessed something extraordinary. First
radar operators at RAF Watton in Norfolk picked up an oddity on
their screens. Then RAF Phantom pilots reported seeing intense
bright lights in the sky. Former radar operator Mal Scurrah said:
`As the Phantoms got close the hovering object shot upwards at
phenomenal speed " monitored at more than 1,000 mph.' Later, airmen
stationed at RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk investigated a mystery fire
in Rendlesham Forest. Sergeant Jim Penniston witnessed the
encounter with airman John Burroughs. Penniston said: `The air was
filled with electricity and we saw an object about the size of a
tank. It was triangular, moulded of black glass and had symbols on
it. Suddenly it shot off faster than any aircraft I have ever
observed.' The next day the object returned. Base commander Lt Col
Charles Halt saw the flying saucer himself: `I couldn't believe
what I was seeing. It looked like the rising sun with a black
pulsating centre. It appeared to be dripping molten metal.' Hall
acted coolly, taping and photographing the object engineered by `an
intelligence which didn't originate on Earth'. His tape and film
were confiscated by visiting US defence officials. Former British
Chief of Defence Staff Lord Hill-Norton has claimed: `Someone is
sitting on information that should be in the public domain.'
Believability: 9/10 (Possible explanation: what the airmen saw may
not have been a UFO, but a prototype of the Stealth bomber, which
has a black triangular shape, a strange radar print and was, in
1980, ultra-secret. Project Aurora, a new ultra-ultra-secret
Pentagon Black Budget reconnaissance aircraft, is probably
responsible for all subsequent UFO sightings.)
B IS FOR THE BILDERBERG GROUP, which organises semi-secret
annual three-day meetings of the European-Atlantic great and good
from the worlds of business, diplomacy and politics. The first
meetings were organised in 1954 by eminence grise Joseph Retinger,
the then secretary general of the newly fledged, CIA-funded
European Movement. Karl Otto Pohl, then president of Deutsche
Bundesbank, David Rockefeller, Lord Carrington and Governor Bill
Clinton of Arkansaswere among recent delegates. Denis Healey was at
that first meeting and, having retired, discusses Bilderberg in his
autobiography, The Time Of My Life. Bilderberg is one of the
transnational groups suspected by the European-American far Right
of being part of the secret elite power structure. Even the
Financial Times column `Lombard' has noted: `If the Bilderberg
group is not a conspiracy of some sort, it is conducted in such a
way as to give a remarkably good imitation of one.' Believability:
C IS FOR CEAUSESCU, who was tried and executed on Christmas Day
to hush up the complicity of Romania's new leaders in his crimes.
The videotape of the Christmas Day show trial of Nicolae and Elena
Ceausescu is an absorbing spectacle. Time and again, Ceausescu and
his wife turn on their interrogators and accuse them of knowing the
answers to the questions they have posed. Prosecutor: `What do you
know about the Securitate?' Elena: `They are sitting across from us
here.' The old witch was right, of course, because sitting in the
courtroom were secret police chiefs like Colonel Magureanu, who had
been party to the attack on civilians in Timisoara which had
triggered the revolution. He was later promoted by the leader of
the conspirators, Ion Iliescu " a former Ceausescu crony " to head
the renamed secret police, the `Romanian Information Service'.
Iliescu became and remains president, the tainted hero of a tainted
Believability: 10/10
D IS FOR `DEEP THROAT', the mole in the Nixon administration
guiding the Washington Post journalists, Woodward and Bernstein, to
the Watergate story. `Throat' remains unidentified. In his book
Hidden Agenda (1984) Jim Hougan nominated both Nixon's chief of
staff, Alexander Haig, and National Security Agency boss, Admiral
Bobby Ray Inman, as candidates; Colodny and Gettlin also fingered
Haig in their book Silent Coup (1991). Barbara Newman, for Channel
4's Dispatches, came up with the head of the FBI field office in
Washington, the late Bob Kunkle. He was allegedly leaking for the
FBI, which was disgruntled by the Nixon cover-up.
Believability: 10/10 (Cynics suspect `Deep Throat' was merely a
dramatic device or a ploy to keep newspaper lawyers quiet.)
E IS FOR ELECTRICITY PYLONS, which fry our brains. A number of
protesters have complained that electro-magnetic waves in overhead
electricity pylons have led to depression, headaches, mental and
physical ill-health. No government ministry has placed much
credence on these complaints. The epidemiology of environmental
effect is notoriously hard to prove, but all good conspiracists
believe there is no smoke without a secret ray.
Believability: 7/10
F IS FOR FREEMASONS, who club together to better themselves in
the world. The majority of active freemasons have sworn not to
divulge the secrets of the craft, on pain of having their tongues
`cut out by the root and buried in the sand below low-water mark'.
Other masons who have tried to break ranks have come to sticky
ends, like `God's Banker' Roberto Calvi, found hanging from
Blackfriars Bridge in 1982. So it is hard to determine just how
much influence is wielded by the grown men who like to dress in
black suits, wear aprons, bare their breasts and roll up their
trouser legs. Not very much, say some sceptics, who suspect that
the masons have more control over, say, haberdashery in
Herefordshire than the British state. But freemasons still hold
some sway in the corridors of power. The Rt Hon the Lord Templeman
and Rt Hon Lord Justice Balcombe, both freemasons, are two of the
most senior judges in the land; junior Foreign Office minister Tony
Baldry, former Tory MP David Trippier and back bench MPs Sir Peter
Emery and Sir Gerard Vaughan are all on the square.
Many police officers, too, remain true to their masonic oaths of
secrecy. In 1993 at a Police Federation conference a motion urging
police officers to reveal membership of the masonic brotherhood was
debated. An officer from Merseyside said it did not matter if
officers `wore a goatskin or rolled up their trouser leg'. Another
said that freemasonry was `not all mumbo-jumbo'.
A third police officer, mocking the calls for more openness
about freemasonry in the ranks, put a paper bag over his head.
Finally a member of the Metropolitan branch came to the rostrum to
announce the vote. `I'm not telling,' he said to laughter. `It's a
secret.' The opponents of freemasonry lost the vote.
Believability: 8/10
G IS FOR THE GEMSTONE FILE, the conspiracy theory which first
surfaced in 1975. Originally a precis by American journalist
Stephania Caruana of allegations made in letters by American
chemist Bruce Roberts, now deceased, Gemstone attributes much of
post-war America's ills to the power of Aristotle Onassis, who had
the Kennedys and Dr King assassinated, seized the Howard Hughes
empire, did a deal with the Mafia, etc. The subject of a couple of
book-length studies to date, Gemstone has appeared in five or six
different versions, each one containing new material. Most striking
is the `Kiwi Gemstone' in which specifically New Zealand incidents
have been embedded in the original American narrative. Authorless,
floating round the world in samizdat form, Gemstone is a perfect,
small-scale disinformation vehicle for anyone who cares to use it.
Believability: 0/10
H IS FOR HESS, locked up in Spandau prison because he knew all
about the secret 1941 negotiations between Britain and Nazi
Germany. Rudolf Hess's flight in May 1941 remains one of the most
bizarre episodes of the Second World War. Lord James
Douglas-Hamilton, son of the Duke of Hamilton, the Scottish
landowner to whom Hess presented his plans, said: `Hess's proposals
consisted of a limited peace deal under which Germany would have
allowed Britain a free hand in her empire in return for Britain
allowing Germany a free hand in Europe and Russia. His so-called
peace plans would have meant the enslavement of Europe.' Hess was
arrested, tried to commit suicide, went mad, was sentenced to life
imprisonment and, at the age of 93, hanged himself in Spandau
prison. Or not, as the case may be.
One theory has it that the Churchill government, in a hideously
clever propaganda campaign against the Nazis, ran a double, `Hess
Two'. Evidence supporting the double theory emerged when a Dutch TV
journalist, Karel Hille, disclosed that he had got the Most Secret
file on Hess via an unnamed British historian who had been given it
by the late MI6 spymaster Sir Maurice Oldfield. Oldfield had,
allegedly, stolen the file from the MI6 archive. That the man,
`Hess Two', who killed himself in prison was not the real Hess is
backed by Hugh Thomas, a Welsh surgeon, who, in the early 1970s,
was consultant to the British Military Hospital in West Berlin.
Thomas examined `Hess Two' and found him to lack the scars the real
Hess should have had after a wound he received in 1917. MI6 had
`Hess Two' hanged because they didn't want the truth to come out.
Then the killers burnt the evidence, including an electrical flex,
with which he was murdered.
Believability: 5/10 (Hess was mad. His 1917 wound was
I IS FOR THE ILLUMINATI, the secret society controlling all the
other secret societies. An 18th-century masonic splinter group
begun by Adam Weishaupt, the Illimunati were said to be the hidden
force behind the French Revolution. After the First World War they
were re-launched into the English-speaking world by one Nesta
Webster who credited them with organising the Russian October
Revolution too. In 1921 the Spectator described Weishaupt as a
`Prussian with criminal instincts and lunatic perversions . . .
{who} shunted continental freemasonry on to Antinomian and
revolutionary lines.' In the demonology of the Anglo-American far
Right, the Illuminati largely replaced the Jews as the spider at
the centre of the web. These theories were brilliantly parodied in
the Illuminatus! trilogy (1976) by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert
Believability: 0/10
J IS FOR JAMES JESUS ANGLETON, the orchid-growing,
poetry-writing, paranoid head of CIA counter intelligence
throughout much of the Cold War. Angleton believed the CIA and all
other spy networks to be so much gorgonzola, riddled with KGB
moles. In his search for these moles Angleton paralysed large
chunks of the CIA for years at a stretch and blighted the careers
of many senior officers.
It was Angleton who insisted in the 1960s that MI5 investigate
Harold Wilson, a task taken up enthusiastically by Peter Wright and
his circle in MI5. Angleton's overarching idiocy was to believe the
KGB defector Golitsyn, who claimed that the friction between the
Soviet Union and Mao's China in the late 1960s was a fake to
deceive the West. Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union,
Golitsyn remains convinced that it is all a black propaganda ploy.
However, the confession of top CIA man Aldrich Ames that he was a
KGB mole have proved some of Angleton's fears correct.
Believability: 6/10
K IS FOR KENNEDY, killed by almost anyone you care to mention.
According to Captain James T Kirk of the Starship Enterprise, the
`first rule of assassination is kill the assassins'. The killing of
Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby set a hare running that has never
stopped. Instead of Oswald's courtroom confession or denial of
guilt providing some explanation of the killing of the president,
the assassination of the assassin let conjecture reign.
So many had a hand in his murder it is too tedious to name them
all. Oliver Stone argued in his film JFK that Lyndon Baines Johnson
was the man behind the conspiracy. The KGB, the Mafia, the Cubans,
the FBI and the masons are all contenders. Perhaps the best JFK
conspiracy theory is that he is, after all, still alive, but kept a
permanent prisoner by the National Security Council.
Believability: 1/10
L IS FOR LOCKERBIE. On 21 December 1988, 270 people were
murdered when Pan Am 103 exploded over Scotland.
Six years later no one has been convicted of the crime, although
investigators on both sides of the Atlantic have consistently
pointed the finger at two Libyan intelligence officers who they
believe planted the bomb on a plane from Malta before it was
transferred at Frankfurt on to the fatal flight. UN sanctions are
enforced against Tripoli until Colonel Gadaffi agrees to hand over
the two for trial.
Others are not convinced by the official line. Tales of
suitcases of heroin recovered at the crash site by mysterious
American intelligence officers point to a joint CIA/Drug
Enforcement Administration operation that was fatally compromised
by Syrian and Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorists. American
spooks were running `controlled' deliveries of Lebanese heroin
through Frankfurt airport in return for information about the
whereabouts of the hostages in Beirut. The terrorists were aware of
this and switched the dope-filled Samsonite case with one
containing the bomb. Among those killed were Matthew Gannon, the
CIA's deputy head of station in Beirut, and Major Charles McKee, a
Defence Intelligence Agency officer allegedly in charge of a
hostage rescue team. Some students of the tragedy have gone so far
as to suggest that McKee was flying home to blow the whistle,
disgusted that deals were being struck with dope dealers in order
to gain intelligence on the kidnap victims.
Believability: 8/10
M IS FOR DAVID MELLOR, got at by Mossad after his
pro-Palestinian outburst in 1988 on the West Bank. The Israelis
were out to topple Mellor after he became the most prominent critic
in the British Government of their conduct in the Occupied
First, they managed to secure his removal as junior Foreign
Office minister, threatening to stop passing on intelligence
information about the hostages in Beirut unless Mellor was moved.
Second, they arranged for the clandestine phone-tapping
operation which led to the highly embarrassing `toe-sucking'
The result: Mellor was forced to quit the Cabinet.
Believability: 5/10
N IS FOR NOSTRADAMUS, the 16th- century psychic seer who
predicted Napoleon, Hitler and the killing of John Kennedy. The
seer's muddily-written quatrains have spawned more than 200 books,
a propaganda war between the Nazis and the Allies during the Second
World War, a movie, an American TV spin-off show, Monopoly-style
board games, a virtual reality game and even a watch, which ticks
down the seconds from 1 January 1995 to the millennium.
Whitstable housewife Valerie Hewitt, author of Nostradamus: His
Key To The Centuries (Heinemann, 1994), predicts that Prince
Charles will be crowned this year. `It will be something sudden
that will affect the Queen, an illness " whether it is political or
genuine it doesn't matter. And Diana will be offered the chance to
become Queen. But Charles's reign will be short and William could
be king before he's 18.' In 1993 she predicted that George Bush
would stay as president.
Rival Nostradamus buff John Hogue is more apocalyptic. He plumps
for nuclear disaster or terrorism in 1996, World War III before the
millennium and Aids " `a very great plague . . . with a great scab'
" and the ozone hole killing off two-thirds of the world population.
He quotes the prophet's vision of the future: `So many {die}
that no one will know the true owners of fields and houses. The
weeds in the city streets will rise higher than the knees, and
there shall be a total desolation of the clergy.' Believability:
0/10 (The verses of Nostradamus clearly refer to events and places
in the 16th century. For example, nowhere does he mention `Hitler',
only `Hister', the contemporary name for the Lower Danube.)
P IS FOR PROMIS SOFTWARE, stolen from a Washington law firm. In
1982 a Washington DC computer firm, Inslaw, developed a programme
called Promis (Prosecutors' Management Information System) which it
supplied to the US Justice Department for $10 million. A year
later, Justice stopped all payments and Inslaw went bankrupt. A
ruling in 1987 at a bankruptcy court concluded that the Justice
Department `took, converted and stole Promis software through
trickery, fraud and deceit', which is a little embarrassing for the
department charged with upholding the rule of law.
So far, so what? It is only when people started to probe into
why Justice had acted in such a way that it gets interesting,
prompting one investigator to claim that the case `was a lot
dirtier for the department than Watergate had been, both in its
breadth and depth'.
It turns out that (allegedly) the men behind the theft of the
software were all Reagan appointees who helped engineer the 1980
`October Surprise', whereby the Republicans struck a deal with the
Iranians not to release American Embassy hostages from Tehran until
after Reagan was safely in the White House. The software was then
sold on to foreign intelligence agencies across the globe, (a) to
generate revenue for covert operations not authorised by Congress;
and (b) to make it easier for US operatives to hack into the
The story was chased by US freelance Danny Casolaro. A year
after making himself known to the Inslaw people he was found dead
in a motel room in West Virginia. The official verdict was suicide,
but Elliott Richardson, the Attorney General under Nixon, hired by
Inslaw to investigate the case, concluded: `It's hard to come up
with any reason for Casolaro's death other than he was deliberately
murdered because he was so close to uncovering sinister elements in
what he called `the Octopus'.' Believability: 7/10
Q IS FOR CARROLL QUIGLEY, the granddaddy of all modern American
conspiracists. Quigley's 1,340-page volume Tragedy And Hope "
History Of The World In Our Time (1966) included a dozen pages on
the existence of a hitherto unknown secret society, run by Alfred,
Lord Milner, Lloyd George's Chef de Cabinet, funded by Cecil
Rhodes's estate. The group, said Quigley, who claimed to have
access to its papers, organised the Round Table groups in the
Commonwealth, the Royal Institute For International Affairs in
London and its counterpart in the US betwen the wars.
For far-Right groups such as the John Birch Society these pages
were proof, from an `insider', of the great conspiracy they had
always suspected. Not the communists, not the Jews, not even the
Illuminati, but the Perpetual Hidden Government " the PHG!
Quigley's revelations are behind much of the recent talk of One
Worlders and New World Orders and are part of Republican
presidential hopeful Pat Robertson's world view. Among Quigley's
students at Georgetown University was Bill Clinton, and the
conspiracists got quite excited when President Clinton referred to
the impact Quigley made on him in his inauguration speech.
Believability: 4/10
R IS FOR JAMES RUSBRIDGER, killed and framed as a sex pervert by
MI5. Rusbridger was a tremendous irritant to the security services.
His letters to newspapers poured scorn on the Official Secrets Act;
his books, such as The Intelligence Game, cast doubt on the
official version of events. But where Rusbridger, aged 65 at the
time of his death, really annoyed the spooks was when he unearthed
Britain's code-cracking secrets, in particular the story that the
British had cracked Japanese naval codes in advance of the attack
on Pearl Harbour.
He was bright, hale and hearty for his age when he was
discovered in February 1994 at his home, dressed in a green
protective suit for use in nuclear, biological or chemical warfare,
green overalls, a black plastic mackintosh and thick rubber gloves.
His face was covered by a gas mask and he was also wearing a
sou'wester. His body was suspended from two ropes, attached to
shackles fastened to a piece of wood across the open loft hatch,
and was surrounded by pictures of men and mainly black women in
bondage. Consultant pathologist Dr Yasai Sivathondan said he died
from asphyxia due to hanging `in keeping with a form of sexual
His death occasioned a piece by Sunday Times reporter James
Adams, whose own books boast of contacts with British intelligence.
Adams quoted senior intelligence officials as saying Rusbridger
never had any connection with any branch of British intelligence:
"His death was as much a fantasy as his life,' said one source . .
. Rusbridger's interest in intelligence seems to have coincided
with his conviction for theft in 1977.' Such an extensive
posthumous demolition job by intelligence officials would perhaps
only be merited by someone who had been a serious thorn in their
Believability: 7/10
In 1988 a host of brilliant researchers working for the defence
giant killed themselves in a variety of ways: one drove his
petrol-laden car into a disused Little Chef, another jumped off the
Clifton suspension bridge, a third electrocuted himself.
The deaths appeared to be a case of life imitating art " in this
case, an episode of the 1960s Avengers series which features a
number of brilliant scientists killing themselves. The first
problem is that there was no linkage between the deaths. Second,
suicide is 10 times more common than murder in Britain. Third, men
kill themselves more violently than women. Fourth, scientists are
more ingenious than the rest of the population, so one would expect
them to kill themselves violently and bizarrely. Fifth, the defence
business employs huge numbers of scientists, and Marconi is a big
When the numbers are crunched, there is no statistical
aberration in the number of suicides by Marconi scientists. It is
too good a story for a newspaper to kill, however.
Believability: 0/10
Conspiracy Theory, which knits all the other conspiracy theories
into a coherent tapestry.
Believability: 1/10
V IS FOR VATICAN, which knocks off the popes it doesn't like.
The markedly short reign of John Paul I has given rise to this
particular crock of conjecture.
Old men can die quite quickly, even if they are popes. However,
rumours persist in the Vatican than John Paul I was going to clean
out the Augean stables of the pontiff's finances and expose the
scandalous links between the Mafia, the freemasons and senior
cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church.
Believability: 2/10
W IS FOR COLIN WALLACE, who was forced to resign from the
Ministry of Defence in 1975 when he leaked information about a
covert MI5 operation, `Clockwork Orange'. Wallace, an Ulsterman,
claimed he had been involved in the operation, which had been
designed to destabilise paramilitary organisations in the Province
through disinformation. Wallace alleged that the scope of the
operation had been extended to include mainland politicians viewed
as `politically soft or leftist', a list which included Harold
Wilson, Edward Heath and Jeremy Thorpe. Wallace claims it was in
his remit to discredit these `targets' using unfounded smear
stories about sexual impropriety.
He also alleged, in a memo to army chiefs, that a Belfast boys'
home named Kincora was being used as a homosexual trap for
intelligence gathering against prominent Unionist politicians. In
1990 an inquiry conducted by James Calcutt QC found Wallace's
dismissal to be unsafe and ordered the Ministry to award him
pounds 30,000 in compensation. The inquiry was not, however,
empowered to make any judgment on Wallace's allegations.
Believability: 7/10
X IS FOR MR X, the third man who allegedly went to bed with two
senior Conservative politicians, now in the Cabinet, all at the
same time. This is a conspiracy theory never to be told.
Believability: 10/10
Y IS FOR YAKUZA, the Japanese mafia who run the world. The
Yakuza are the world's richest and most powerful gangsters. They
control many of the big-name Japanese corporations that now have
huge leverage in the major western economies. Nothing can be done
to loosen the grip of the Yakuza on the world economy.
Believability: 8/10
Z IS FOR THE ZAGREB OPERATION, when the NKVD inducted Robert
Maxwell as a Soviet double agent. Maxwell was never clear about how
he escaped from Nazi-occupied Germany. In fact, he was given secret
passage through Nazi-allied Croatia by Communist partisans, then
loyal to the Soviet Union, in return for a lifetime as a spy.
While passing through Zagreb Maxwell was recruited by an officer
of the NKVD " the forerunner to the KGB " and was told to travel to
Britain and ingratiate himself with the British Establishment.
Maxwell did brilliantly, becoming first a war hero then a respected
publisher. The NKVD and KGB helped Maxwell out from time to time,
smoothing his path in arranging deals with Eastern Bloc scientific
publishers and the like. Maxwell prospered.
It was only in 1991 that the Israeli secret service, Mossad,
came across the truth when they bought up a senior KGB archivist
who sold them the Operation Zagreb file. Maxwell " who Mossad
thought had been working for them " was terminated by a crack unit
of Israeli frogmen.
Believability: 6/10
@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
WHO Murdered Africa
The Greatest Murder Mystery of all Time
There is no question mark after the title of this article because
the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement. WHO, the
World Health Organization, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus. Thats
a provocative statement, isn't it?
The answers to this little mystery, Murder on the WHO Express will
be quite clear to you by the end of this report. You will also
understand why the other suspects, the homosexuals, the green monkey
and the Haitians, were only pawns in this virocidal attack on the
non-Communist world.
If you believe the government propaganda that AIDS is hard to catch
then you are going to die even sooner than the rest of us. The common
cold is a virus. Have you ever had a cold? How did you catch it?
You don't really know, do you? If the cold virus was fatal, How many
people would be left in the world?
Yellow fever is a virus. You catch it from mosquito bites. Malaria
is a parasite also carried by mosquitoes. It is many times larger than
the AIDS virus ( like comparing a pinhead to a moose head ) yet the
mosquito easily carries this large organism to man.
The tuberculosis germ, also larger than that AIDS virus, can be
transmitted by formites ( inanimate objects such as towels ). The
AIDS virus can live for as long as 10 days on a dry plate. You can't
understand this murder mystery unless you learn a little virology.
Many viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans, but most of
the viruses that affect animals don't affect humans. There are exceptions,
of course, such as yellow fever and small pox.
There are some viruses in animals that can cause very lethal cancer
in those animals, but do not affect man or other animals. The Bovine
Leukemia Virus ( BLV ), for example, is lethal to cows but not humans.
There is also another virus that occurs in sheep called Sheep Visna Virus
which is also non-reactive in man. These Deadly viruses are " Retro -
Viruses ", meaning that they can change the genetic composition of the
cells that they enter.
The World Health Organization, in published articles, called for
scientists to work these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid
virus that would be deadly to humans. " An attempt should be made to
see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function.
The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the
virus itself maybe impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or
less selectively, the cell responding to the virus."
Thats AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain english is " Let's cook
up a virus that selectively destroys the T-Cell system of man, an
acquired immune deficiency. Why would anyone want to do this? If you
destroy the T-Cell system of man then you destroy man. Is it even
remotely possible that the WHO would want to develop a virus that would
wipe out the human race?
If there new creation worked, the WHO stated, then many terrible
and fatal infectious viruses could be made even more terrible and more
malignant. Does this strike you as being a peculiar goal for a health
Sometimes Americans believe in conspiracies and sometimes the don't.
Was there a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy? Twenty five years later
the debate still continues, and people keep changing there minds. One day
it's yes and the next it's no - depending upon what was served for lunch,
or how the stock market did the day before.
But it doesn't take a bad lunch to see an amazing concatenation of
events involving Russian and Chinesse communist nationals, The WHO, The
National Cancer Institute, and the AIDS epidemic.
But what about the green monkey? Some of the best virologist in the
world and many of those directly involved in AIDS research, such as
Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, have said that the green monkey may be
the culprit. You know the story: A green monkey bit a native on the ass
and, bam - AIDS all over central Africa.
There is a fatal flaw here. It is very strange. Because Gallo,
Montagnier and these other virologist know that the AIDS virus doesn't
occur naturally in monkeys. In fact it doesn't occur naturally in any
AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti,
Brazil, and Central Africa. ( Was the green monkey a jet pilot? )
Examination for the gene structure of the green monkey cells prove that
it is not genetically possible to transfer the AIDS virus from monkeys
to man by natural means.
Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily
transfer from man to man unless it has become very concentrated in the
body fluids through repeated injections from person to person, such as
drug addicts, and through high multiple partner sexual activity such as
takes place in Africa and among homosexuals. After repeated transfer it
can become a " natural " infection for man, which it has.
Dr. Theodore Strecker's research of the literature indicates that
the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) in collaboration with the WHO,
made the AIDS virus in there laboratories at Fort Detrick ( now NCI ).
They combined the deadly retro-viruses Bovine-Leukemia Virus and Sheep
Visna Virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures. The result
was the AIDS virus, the first human retro-virus known to man and now
believed to be 100% fatal to those infected.
The momentous plague that we now face was anticipated by the National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1974 when they recommended that "Scientists
throughout the world join with the members of this committee in voluntarily
deferring experiments linking animal viruses". What the NAS is saying in
carefully guarded english is: "For God's sake. Stop this madness!" The
green monkey is off the hook. How about the Communists?
Communist are in the process of conducting germ warfare from Fort
Detrick, Maryland against the free world, expecially the United States,
even using foreign communist agents within the US Army's germ warfare
unit euphamistically called the Army Infectious Disease Unit.
You don't believe it? Carlton Gajdusek, an NIH bigshot at Detrick
Can you imagine that? A UN-WHO communist trogan horse in our
biological warfare center with the full blessing of the US government?
The creation of the AIDS virus by the WHO was not just a diabolical
scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blooded
successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a
successful experiment in Africa. So successful in fact that most of
Central Africa may be wiped out, 75,000,000 dead within 3-5 years.
It was not an accident, it was deliberate. In the Federation
Proceedings of the United States in 1972, WHO said : " In relation
to the immune response a number of useful experimental approaches can
be visualized ". They suggested a neat way to do this would be to put
their new killer virus ( AIDS ) into a vaccination program, sit back and
observe the results. " This would be particularly informative in
sibships," they said. That is, give AIDS to brothers and sisters and
see if they die, who dies first, and of what, just like rats in a
They used the smallpox vaccine for their vehicle and the geographical
sites chosen in 1972 were Ugunda and other African sites, Haiti, Brazil
and Japan. The present and recent past of AIDS epidemiology coincides
with these geographical areas.
Dr. Strecker points out that even if the African green monkey could
transmit AIDS to humans, the present known amount of infection in Africa
makes it statistically impossible for a single episode, such as a monkey
biting someone, to have brought this epidemic to this point. The doubling
time of the number of people infected, about every 14 months, when
correlated with the first known cases, and the present known number of
cases, prove beyond a doubt that a large number of people had to be
infected at the same time. Starting in 1972 with the first case from our
mythical monkey, and doubling the number of infected from that single
source every 14 months you get only a few thousand cases. From 1972 to
1987 is 15 years or 180 months. If it takes 14 months to double the number
of cases then there would have been 13 doublings. 1 then 2 then 4 then 8..
etc...In 15 years, from a single source of infection there would be about
8000 cases in Africa, not 75 million. We are approaching World War II
mortality statistics here - without a shot being fired.
Dr. Theodore A. Strecker is the courageous doctor who has unraveled
this conundrum, the greatest murder mystery of all time. He should get
the Nobel Prize but he'll be lucky not to get "suicided." ( "Prominent
California doctor ties his hands behind his back, hangs himself, and
jumps from 20th floor. There was no evidence of foul play." )
Strecker was employed as a consultant to work on a health proposal
for Security Pacific Bank. He was to estimate the cost of their health
care for the future. Should they form an HMO was the major issue. After
investigating the current medical market he advised against the HMO because
he found that the AIDS epidemic in all probability bankrupt the nation's
medical system.
He became fascinated with all the scientific anomalies concerning AIDS
that kept cropping up. Why did the " experts " keep talking about
green monkeys and homosexuals being the culprits when it was obvious that
the AIDS virus was a man-made virus? Why did they say it was a homosexual
and drug-user disease when in Africa it was obviously a heterosexual
disease? If the green monkey did it then why did AIDS explode practically
simultaneously in Africa, Haiti, Brazil, Japan, and the United States?
Why, when it was proposed to the National Institute of Health that the
AIDS virus was a combination of two bovine or sheep viruses cultured in
human cells in a laboratory, did they say it was " bad science " when
thats exactly what occurred?
As early as 1970 the WHO was growing these deadly animal viruses in
human tissue cultures. Cedric Mims, in 1981, said in a published article
that there was a bovive virus contaminating the culture media of th WHO.
Was this an accident or a "non-accident"? If it was an accident then why
did the WHO continue to use the vaccine?
This viral and genetic death bomb, AIDS, was finally produced in 1974.
It was given to monkeys and they died of pneumocystis carni which is
typical of AIDS.
Dr. R. J. Biggar said in Lancet ( a Brittish journal ) that the AIDS
agent could not have developed de novo. That means in plain english that
it didn't come out of thin air. AIDS was engineered in a laboratory by
virologists. It couldn't engineer itself. As Dr. Stricker so colorfully
puts it: " If a person has no arms or legs and shows up at a party in a
tuxedo, how did he get dressed? Somebody dressed him. "
There are 9000 to the 4th power possible AIDS viruses. ( There are
9000 base pairs on the geneome. ) So the fun has just begun. Some will
cause brain rot similar to the sheep virus, some leukemia-like diseases
from the cow viruses, and some that won't do anything. So the virus will
be constantly changing and trying out new esoteric disease on hapless
man. We're only the beginning
Because of the trillions of possible genetic combinations there will
never be a vaccine. Even if they could develop a vaccine they would
un-doubtfully give us something equally as bad as they did with the Polio
vaccine ( cancer of the brain ), the Swine Flu vaccine ( a Polio-like
disease ), the Smallpox vaccine (AIDS), and the Hepatitis vaccine (AIDS).
There are precedents. This is not the first time the virologists have
brought us disaster. SV-40 virus from monkey cell cultures contaminated
Polio cultures. Most people in there 40's are now carrying the virus
through contaminated Polio innoculations given in the early 60's. It is
known to cause brain cancer which explains the increase in this disease
that we have seen in the past 10 years.
This is the origin of the green monkey theory. The Polio vaccine was
grown on green monkey kidney cells. 64 million Americans were vaccinated
with SV-40 contaminated vaccine in the 60's. An increase in cancer of the
brain, possibly Multiple Sclerosis, and God only knows what else is the
tragic result. The delay between vaccination and the onset of cancer
with this virus is as long as 20-30 years. 1965 + 20 = 1985. Get the
The final piece of the puzzle is how AIDS devastated the homosexual
population in the United States. It wasn't from Smalpox vaccination as
in Africa because we don't do that any more. There is no Smallpox in the
United States and so vaccination was discontinued. Although some AIDS has
been brought to the United States from Haiti by homosexuals, It would not
be enough to explain the explosion of AIDS that occurred simultaneously
with the African and Haitian epidemics.
The AIDS virus didn't exist in the United States before 1978. You can
check back in any hospital and no stored blood samples can be found
anywhere that exhibit the AIDS virus before that date. What happened in
1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the
homosexual section of our population? It was the introduction of the
Hepatitis B vaccine which exhibits the exact same epidemiology of AIDS.
A Doctor W. Schmunger, born in Poland and educated in Russia, came
to this country in 1969. Schmunger's immigration to the U.S. was
probably the most fatefull immigration in our history. He, by un-explained
process, became the head of one of the New York City blood bank. ( How
does a Russian trained doctor become the head of one of the largest blood
banks in the world? Doesn't that strike you as peculiar? )
He set up the rules for the Hepatitis vaccine studies. Only males
between the ages of 20 and 40 , who were not monogamous, were allowed to
participate in this study. Can you think of any reason for insisting that
all expermentees be promiscuous? Maybe you don't believe in the Communist
conspiracy theory but give me some other logical explanation. Schmunger
is now dead and his diabolical secret went with him.
The Centers for Disease Control reported in 1981 that 4% of those
receiving the Hepatitis vaccine were AIDS infected. In 1984 they admitted
to 60%. Now they refuse to give out the figures at all because they don't
want to admit that 100% of the Hepatitis vaccine receivers are AIDS
infected. Where is the data on the Hepatitis vaccine studied? FDA? CDC?
No, the U.S. Department of Justice has buried it where you will never see
What has the government told us about AIDS?
* It's a homosexual disease-----------------------WRONG
* It's related to anal intercourse only-----------WRONG
* Only a small % of those testing positive
for AIDS would get the disease------------------WRONG
* It came from the African green monkey-----------WRONG
* It came from cytomegalovirus--------------------WRONG
* It was due to popping amyl nitrate with sex-----WRONG
* It was started 400 years ago by the Portugese---WRONG
* You cant get it from insects--------------------WRONG
* The virus can't live outside the body-----------WRONG
The head of the Human Leukemia Research Group at Harvard is a
veterinarian. Dr. O. W. Judd, International Agency for Research on Cancer,
the agency that requested the production of the virus in the first place,
is also a veterinarian. The Leukemia research he is conducting is being
done under the auspices of a school of veterinary medicine. Now, there is
nothing wrong with being a vet but, as we have pointed out, the AIDS virus
is a human virus. You can't test these viruses in animals and you can't
test leukemias in them either. It doesn't work. So why would your
government give Judd, a veterinarian, 8.5 million dollars to study
leukemia in a veterinary college? As long as we are being used as
experimental animals maybe it is appropriate.
The London Times should be congratulated for uncovering the smallpox-
AIDS connection. But there expose was very misleading. The article states
that the African AIDS epidemic was caused by the smallpox vaccine
"triggering" the AIDS in those vaccinated. Dr. Robert Gallo, who has been
mixed up in some very strange scientific snafus, supports this theory.
Whether the infection of 75 million Africians was deliberate or
accidental can be debated, but there is no room for debate whether the
smallpox shots "awakened the unsuspecting virus infection." There is
absolutely no scientific evidence that this laboratory-engineered virus
was present in Africa before the WHO descended upon these hapless people
in 1967 with their deadly AIDS-laced vaccine. The AIDS virus didn't come
from Africa, it came from Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S.A.
The situation is extremely desperate and the medical profession is
too frightened and cowed (as usual) to take any action. Dr. Strecker
attempted to mobilize the doctors through some of the most respected
medical journals in the world. The prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine
said that his material "appears to be entirely concerned with maters of
virology" and so try some other publication.
In his letter to The Annals, Strecker said, "If correct human
experimental procedures had been followed we would not find half of the
world stumbling off on the wrong path to the cure for AIDS with the other
half of the world covering up the origination of the dammed disease. It
appears to me that your Annals of Internal Medicine is participating in
the greatest fraud ever perpetrated."
I guess they didn't like that so Stricker submitted his sensational
and mind-boggling letter with all of the proper documentation to the
British journal, Lancet. Their reply : " Thank you for that interesting
letter on AIDS. I am sorry to have to report that we will not be able to
publish it. We have no criticism" but their letter section was " over
crowded with submissions ".
They're too crowded to announce the end of western civilization and
possibly all mandkind? Doesn't seem reasonable. What can we do? The first
thing that should be done is to close down all laboratories in this
country that are dealing with these deadly retro-viruses. Then we must
sort out the insane, irresponsible and traitorous scientists involved
in these experiments and try them for murder. Then maybe, just ,maybe, we
can re-populate and re-civilize the world.
William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
P.O. Box 38 Lakemont, GA 30552
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
From: tjw@vms.cis.pitt.edu (TJ Wood)
Subject: The AFU Book List
> There's a book named "Why Clocks Run Clockwise and other Imponderables"
> by David Feldman.
BOOKS?!?! Did you mention BOOKS, son!?! Why didn't ya say so sooner!
I haven't published this in quite some time.
Terry "Books R Us" Wood
Here's the OFFICIAL AFU BOOK LIST -- Suggested Reading for when your
news feed is down.
If you can't find anything of interest on this list, you should probably
be reading alt.sex or rec.arts.cooking.
If you know of a "good book" that isn't on this list, send it to me and
maybe (just maybe) it will end up on this list :-) (You know how PICKY
I am). Seriously, I'm always on the look out for books to read, so send
'em in.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cannibalism and the Common Law: The Story of the Tragic Last Voyage of the
Mignonette and the Strange Legal Proceedings to Which it Gave Rise
by A.W. Brian Simpson, published by the University of Chicago Press, 1984.
This book is a great source of information about cannibalism in the
Victorian age and covers not only the case of the Mignonette, but also
the Alferd Packer trial and various other celebrated cases of "you are
what you eat." Although Mr. Simpson has a lot of fun with his subject,
this book is obviously well researched and includes a nice bibliography.
An excellent reference when debunking cannibalism ULs.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Vanishing Hitchhiker Jan Harold Brunvand
The Choking Doberman Jan Harold Brunvand
The Mexican Pet Jan Harold Brunvand
Curses! Broiled Again! Jan Harold Brunvand
If you haven't read these, you can't be appointed an honorary TERRY.
The Straight Dope Cecil Adams
More of the Straight Dope Cecil Adams
"The Official Handbook of Practical Jokes", - Peter Vanderlinden
publ Signet, $3.50, ISBN 0-451-15873-3
"The Second Official Handbook of Practical Jokes" - Peter Vanderlinden
publ Signet, $3.50, ISBN 0-451-16924-7 illustrated (Lord help us)
Both books rated "It's the least he deserves" by 4 out of 5 AFU readers.
Note: These 2 books SHOULD BE PURCHASED (don't wimp out and go to the
public library and GET THEM FOR FREE) as Peter needs the money.
Rumor! Hal Morgan and Kerry Tucker
More Rumor! Hal Morgan and Kerry Tucker
Big Secrets William Poundstone
Bigger Secrets William Poundstone
The Dictionary of Misinformation Tom Burnam
More Misinformation Tom Burnam
Books by David Feldman:
Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? Who put the butter in butterfly?
Why do dogs have wet noses? How to win at just about everything
When Do Fish Sleep? Imponderables
Do Penguines have knees?
These are short subject books -- a couple of paragraphs are
devoted to each subject. Some like that format -- some don't.
Books by David Michael Feldman:
"Birth control in Jewish law"
This book deals with marital relations and contraception. What
does it have to do with AFU? Your guess is a good as mine, but
it came up in the computer search for "David Feldman". It could
have been him, so it must be true. Or something like that.
The Day that lightning chased the housewife and other mysteries of science
edited by Julia Leigh and David Savold
The "Uncle John's Bathroom Readers" series (3 volumes) - Bathroom Reader
Institute, Inc.
Piled Higher and Deeper: The Folklore of Campus Life Simon J. Bronner
Little Rock, Ark.: August House, 1990.
Best of the Journal of Irreproducible Results
Eccentric Lives and Pecular Notions (??? It was put out in 1990 by Bantam)
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science - Martin Gardner 1952/1957
The Devouring Fungus (Tales of the Computer Age) - Karla Jennings
Bare-Faced Messiah - Russel Miller
(It's about L. Ron Hubbard NOT Grizzly Adams)
The Journal of the Institute for Hacks TomFoolery & Pranks at MIT -
Brian M Leibowitz
Mrs. Byrnes' Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure and Obsolete Words - ???
Dictionary of Historical Slang - Eric Partridge
High School - David Owen
David pretends to be a High School Student at the age of 27.
Anomalies and Curiosities Of Medicine - Gould, George M. 1848-1922.
Monkey On A Stick: Murder, Madness and the Hare Krishnas - John Hubner
and Lindsey Gruson. With a title like this, you'll get no sleep at night.
Our Marvelous Native Tougue: The Live and Times of the English Language -
Robert Clairborne (Author of The Birth of Writing). Probably some college
student somewhere is suffering with the book as a text and here I am
recommending it as "lite" reading.
You Know What They Say - Alfie Kohn.
Not quite an urban legend book, but should appeal to the same crowd.
Recommended for skeptics in general.
Any current almanac, for those "factual" ULs
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things"
(Terrys say "it seems okay, but it's kind of boring")
Any issue of the WEEKLY WORLD NEWS (although issues with JFK or UFOs on
them are usually better than ones with farmers and 25 Ft grasshoppers)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Book Of Answers - New York Public Library Research Service.
TERRYs don't like it. It's boring, but it also says that the capital
of Turkey is Istanbul. JUST about everybody knows it's Ankara.
Anyway, a dumb mistake. (So there). TERRYs can be downright cruel.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Myself and the following READERS of A.F.U are to blame for this list:
"twcaps@dante.lbl.GOV" 30-MAY-1991
"Peter.Vanderlinden@Eng.Sun.COM" 30-MAY-1991
"wichers@husc.harvard.EDU" 31-MAY-1991
"bls@robin.svl.cdc.COM" 31-MAY-1991
"jsl@unix.cis.pitt.edu" 3-JUN-1991
"daniel@psych.toronto.edu" 3-JUN-1991
"cook@rpi.EDU" 4-JUN-1991
"cmdglv@pmvax.weeg.uiowa.EDU" 22-JUL-1991
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
To :_________________________
I have read your recent post concerning________________________________.
I regret that due to severe time constraints I am unable to respond to
your posting directly. However, I would like to advise you that I
believe that your posting:
__contains the moronic phrase:
____"It could have happened so it must be true"
____"Can you prove it did not happen?"
____"Prodigy is stealing my data!"
____"Port Out Starboard Home"
____"A poor dieing boy named Craig is..."
____"How many pull tabs does it take to..."
__violates commonly-accepted ____.signature size
net standards concerning: ____posting to subjects not of general interest
____editing of quoted material
____posting of copyrighted material
____posting several ULs as one GIANT UL
__contains an unacceptable ____logic
number of errors in: ____fact
__is based on stereotypes of: ____race, ethnic, national origin
____gender differences
____sexual orientation / preferences
____employer and/or school affiliations
____religious affiliation/non-affiliation
__is uninteresting because it ____has no UL content
____contains hackneyed expressions
____contains outright stupidities
____is inherently self-contradictory
____reflects inadequate intellectual
development or maturity
____reiterates points made better by others
____is a gratuitous attack on an obvious
__reflects serious mis- ____the basic functioning of AFU
understandings concerning: ____the basic purposes of the INTERNET
____snuff films and/or Satanism
____the Weakly World News and other tabloids
____basic human nature
____the basic nature of computers
____other's interest in your thoughts
__is an unjustified, unprovoked and thoughtless response to my previous
posting, which was careful, moderate and well-reasoned.
<insert 4 LINE signature here>
PS: You are ____A St*p*d F*ck*ng B*st*rd
____not a TERRY
Courtesy of Terry "Just another corporate stooge for Prodigy" Wood
"Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!" - Lord "John" Warfin
"There can be only one!" - The Highlander
"There should have been only one. I want my money back!" - Terry
@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
From: twcaps@tennyson.lbl.gov (Terry Chan)
Subject: AFU Survival Guide
Summary: Excellent Introduction to Posting on AFU
The following is a repost of Antony Cooper's excellent guide to
posting on AFU. Suggested reading.
Terry "But don't believe everything you read" Chan
27 February 1993
A brief guide that should enable newbies with something to contribute,
to do so without being flamed into submission.
* First, the usual DISCLAIMER: *
* ============================ *
* While this survival guide might taste like chicken, it does not *
* contain any rat's meat whatsoever. Also, it is such a turkey that *
* if you leave it out in the rain, it will die. It was not written *
* by Churchill or Disraeli (or was that Gladstone?), and Craig *
* Shergold does not want an excellent collection of survival guides. *
* The survival guide does not freeze, whether or not the Twinkie has *
* been boiled, and it does not cost two-fifty. It is not the script *
* of a snuff film about a CIA plot to transmit AIDS from humans to *
* monkeys, nor do gerbils have 100 words for it, and it will not *
* dissolve in Coke. Finally, the survival guide's pussy has not been *
* tickled on TV, nor has it been found drugged, disguised and hidden *
* in the lyrics of a Disney record played backwards. Film at 11. *
* *
* A FOAF has claimed that an impeccable source has assured them that *
* there are absolutely no in-jokes in this survival guide, and that *
* it is hilariously funny. *
* *
* While it would be nice if the CSIR had a passionate interest in *
* AFU, nothing contained herein reflects their opinion or position *
* on anything. I hope that the contents of this guide will ensure *
* your survival here, but I could be completely wrong. *
* Antony Cooper (acooper@nuustak.csir.co.za) *
It is essential that you understand Usenet's netiquette before you
post anything here. This probably sounds like trite and boring advice,
but while you might survive sending a botched and messy posting to
some newsgroups, you will not survive that easily here. There are
many postings made to several newsgroups that explain netiquette,
especially the groups news.announce.newusers, news.newusers.questions
and news.answers, which include regular postings such as "Answers to
frequently asked questions about Usenet" and "Emily Postnews answers
your questions on netiquette". Believe it or not (a possible motto
for this group), but reading these informative postings actually
help ......
Read the FAQ! While it might be a bloody long document, and while your
attention span might be measured in seconds (making the reading of the
FAQ a difficult and tedious process), there is a lot of very
interesting information contained therein. It is also a good guide as
to what you should not post.
Don't post in your first five minutes of gaining access to the
newsgroup. While you might know something about the subject under
discussion, you don't know what was said about the subject yesterday,
or the day before, or last week, or last month. For example, thanks to
about a hundred Americans who responded to a Canadian query about the
slogan "54 40 or fight", I now know about the dispute over the western
reaches of the USA/Canada boundary - but unfortunately, the responses
included about 20 disparate versions of the story. There are a few of
us here who have been reading this group for a while, at least since
last year, and it is amazing how often the same thread comes up over
and over. Of course, this is why there is a FAQ.
Remember, there are many thousands of people who will read what you
post, and quite a few of them will have encyclopaedias, dictionaries
and other reference works near at hand. While such books or CD-ROMs do
occasionally contain errors, you need to have reliable references to
dispute them.
Read the FAQ and watch your netiquette.
Watch your grammar and spelling. Poor grammar and poor spelling has
been known to make many posts ambiguous, if not actually
unintelligible. I always have a dictionary close at hand when working
on my computer, and while it will not eliminate every error that I
might make, it will at least reduce the frequency of my errors. It
also helps me understand those obtuse and ornate posts by the
imitators of John Fowles.
To understand some of the in-jokes here, you must know all about the
Star Trek series in great detail, though of course, you must not
actually be a fan of Star Trek, otherwise you might take this news
group (and others) far too seriously. Now, I don't catch all of the
Star Trek jokes because I dimly recall seeing only one or two episodes
of it (it was a sort-of rip off of the Star Wars movies, wasn't it?),
but such is life.
Speaking of which, don't panic if you do not catch all the jokes the
first time you read them - and don't post here asking for them to be
explained. After all, while you might think that you have been reading
news groups for a long time, you will probably be reading them for
years and years to come (that is, of course, if the Death of the Net
is not imminent), so let each joke reveal itself to you in the due
course of time. That way, you can savour each new revelation, and you
will have lots of things to look forward to in the years to come (or
are you one of those people who only play adventure games when you
have been told all the secrets on how to win?).
For example, certain terms are common here. You might be tempted to
enquire after the meaning of words such as the following:
While you might or might not be flamed for such a query, the responses
that you will elicit might not be as informative as you might have
anticipated. However, hidden in them might be the answer you desire
(These are also what are known as "in jokes"). Rather, let some other
newbie post the query, and you can chuckle at the responses they
receive (while you silently note the answers to your queries).
Relax, think about what you are posting, and rather describe the story
you wish to relate as a rumour rather than gospel fact, if indeed it
is. Try to make your posting interesting, informative and/or witty
(OK, so this posting fails those criteria). Don't adopt an inflexible
attitude on the story, otherwise your errors will be treated with
minimal kindness. Don't flame, unless you really know what you are
doing - even the net.deities have been known to misread a post and
flame in error. Try to keep the invectives under control.
Like similar newsgroups, this newsgroup is a bit of a clique with
its own culture, in-jokes and net.deities (are there any sociologists
out there studying life in a news group?), but it is always looking
for new participants to contribute new and interesting threads. So,
once you feel that you have caught the vibe of this group, trust your
instincts (if they are trustworthy), and contribute a great maiden
posting. If you are a bit nervous, you could always try it out on a
net.deity near you.
If you think you have an interesting variation on an urban legend
already noted in the FAQ, please feel free to share, subject to
the considerations mentioned above.
Don't brag about being the first newbie who has been diligent enough
to have studied the FAQ, the netiquette documents, the survival guide,
and the postings to this news group for months before posting - you
are not.
Some of the net.deities in this group might feel that this survival
guide is inappropriate as it will reduce the number of careless
newbies who post garbage without thinking, and hence some of them
might feel that it will take the fun out of this news group. However,
there is no danger of that as no one takes seriously advice proffered
on news groups, least of all advice on how to post. After all, its
worth what they pay for it.
[I don't worry about it. All the more reason to flame people when
they do end up posting garbage without thinking. - tc]
Happy AFUing!
Antony Cooper | Voice: +27 12 841 4121
acooper@nuustak.csir.co.za | Fax: +27 12 841 3037
INFOTEK, CSIR, Box 395, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa | ICBM: 25 45S 28 16E
[Posted with very minor tweaks by Terry Chan on 27 February 1993. First
edition posted 6 February 1993 by Antony Cooper.]
@ -1,930 +0,0 @@
The following articles are extracted from New Dawn magazine,
Volume No. 1 & 2. (C) Copyright April 1992. Subscription rates are
as follows: $30 for 12 issues, $5 sample; Foreign US$40 & US$7.
New Dawn, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, 3001, Australia.
Shocking Revelations on AIDS Research by Our North American
Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, national spokesman for Minister Louis
Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, dropped a bombshell on the
nation's capital at a mass rally held at All Souls Unitarian
Church on September 8. Although the event had been planned for
some time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Washington,
D.C. ministry of Dr. Muhammad, he turned the event into a report
on his recent fact-finding mission to the African nation of Kenya.
Dr. Muhammad startled the standing-room-only audience when he
announced that a research team working out of the Kenyan Medical
Research Institute, led by the Harvard-trained immunologist Dr.
David Koech, had made dramatic advances in the treatment of AIDS.
Dr. Muhammad also charged that the U.S. government was leading a
major effort by the international medical establishment to
suppress this groundbreaking research.
Among those who packed the church to hear Dr. Muhammad speak on
the theme "Can We Survive Genocide," were clergy from several
denominations along the East Coast, civil rights leaders,
community activists, leaders of the Nation of Islam, elected
officials and political leaders from Maryland, Virginia, and the
District of Columbia, and hundreds of ordinary citizens. The
introduction of Washington's former Mayor Marion Barry - the man
on whom the Bush administration spent millions to remove him from
office - brought the house to its feet in an extended ovation.
A Policy of Genocide
In his remarks, Dr. Muhammad quoted extensively from a 1985
article authored by Lyndon LaRouche, "The Looming Extinction of
the 'White Race'". In that piece, LaRouche documents that the
imperial policies intrinsic to oligarchism have set into motion
the self-destruction of the population levels and economies of
those "white" nations that have complicitly tolerated oligarchical
policies - most specifically the United States and Great Britain.
LaRouche states that since what the oligarchs call the "Great
White Race" is dying out at an accelerating rate, and threatening
the supremacy of the Anglo-American financial establishment, we
witness a fanatically Malthusian commitment to a policy of
genocide directed against people of colour; a genocide consciously
implemented through the conditionalities policies of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
"That," Dr. Muhammad charged, "is one of the reasons they've got
him locked up; because he's got the guts to tell the truth."
Dr. Muhammad went on to present extensive evidence that the policy
of deliberate genocide is fully operational. He described the
CIA's support for the cause of population control during George
Bush's tenure as Director of Central Intelligence, and reported
the contents of National Security Memorandum 200, written during
the Ford administration, which advised that the preservation of
U.S. political and commercial interests "will require that the
President and Secretary of State treat the subject of population
growth control in the third world as a matter of paramount
importance...." To the amazement of the audience, Muhammad
identified the authors of the internal memo as Henry Kissinger and
Gen. Brent Scowcroft, now Bush's national security adviser. (See
The New Dawn Vol.1 No.1, May, 1991)
Dr. Muhammad used the case of Brazil, which has the second largest
black population in the world, to prove that the memorandum was
being implemented. "Today in Brazil, 40% of the women of
childbearing age have been surgically sterilized with funds
provided by the USAID," he said, "and 90% of those sterilized
women are black."
He insisted that this genocide was the real agenda of Bush's New
World Order; that it not only motivated the invasion of Panama and
the kidnapping of Gen. Manuel Noriega, but also the continuing
murder of the nation of Iraq. He told the audience that these were
just the opening battles in the war of the advanced sector nations
of the North against the developing nations of the South. Dr.
Muhammad denounced George Bush as a wicked man who cherished his
membership in the satanic secret society Skull and Bones. He
reminded the audience that the "skull and bones" was also the
emblem on the flag flown by the slave traders who raided Africa,
as well as of the latter day pirates.
AIDS and 'population control'
Given the Anglo-American establishment's commitment to mass
murder, the effort to suppress the promising research of Dr. Koech
and his colleagues should come as no surprise to anyone, the
Nation of Islam leader said. In fact, he contended, there is
substantial evidence to indicate that AIDS was developed as a
race-specific population control measure. Dr. Muhammad ridiculed
the theory that AIDS originated when the virus made a species jump
from the African green monkey to the African population. "We lived
with the green monkey for thousands of years and never had any
problems. The green monkey isn't our enemy. The IMF is."
Dr. Muhammad, who is a trained surgeon, said he traveled to Kenya
to see for himself what the alpha interferon derivative, which
goes under the trade name Kemron, was really all about. Dr.
Muhammad reported that he interviewed the research team in their
laboratory, was permitted to review their data, and to examine
AIDS patients currently undergoing treatment with Kemron and with
a new, more advanced form of Kemron, the drug Immunex, which
contains a greater number of alpha interferon components than the
original drug. Dr. Muhammad stressed that although the new drug
was only a treatment and not a cure for the deadly HIV virus, he
was tremendously hopeful and encouraged by the dramatic
improvement in the condition of those undergoing treatment.
Dr. Muhammad introduced Dr. Barbara Justice, a well-known New York
City-based cancer surgeon who has sent 54 AIDS patients to Kenya
for treatment over the past year. Dr. Justice reported that 97% of
her patients showed marked improvement within weeks of beginning
treatment, and that most were able to regain some degree of
normalcy in their ability to function.
It has been almost impossible for anyone outside of Kenya
administering Kemron on an experimental basis in the to assess the
work of the Kenyan team, which has been treatment of AIDS since
1989, since it has been systematically blacked out of the
scientific literature. Dr. Koech was to present his data, first at
the International AIDS Conference in the United States in 1987,
and then again at the 1991 AIDS Conference in Italy. On both
occasions, his invitation was inexplicably withdrawn.
Last year, Dr. Koech decided to take his data directly to the U.S.
medical community, and an extensive U.S. lecture tour was planned.
That tour was abruptly cancelled when the State Department refused
to issue Dr. Koech the necessary permission to enter the United
This is certainly not the first time that important AIDS research
has been suppressed. Quite the contrary, it is part of a
continuing criminal pattern of lies and cover-up. The importance
of a rapid evaluation of Dr. Koech's work with Kemron and Immunex
is obvious. Currently, the only treatment available to AIDS
victims is the drug AZT; however, AZT therapy is prohibitively
expensive and carries with it extremely destructive side effects,
especially with prolonged use. Additionally, a recent study
conducted by the U.S. Army showed that, for unexplained reasons,
AZT therapy is not only largely ineffective in the treatment of
blacks, but that, in fact, AZT seems to aggravate symptoms in an
alarming number of black patients.
Kenya's President Daniel Arap Moi clearly finds the Koech team's
findings to be convincing. He recently announced that his
government was building a factory to allow the mass production of
alpha interferon.**
AIDS - Man-Made Holocaust
The fact that AIDS is a man-made virus created in U.S.
laboratories has been covered up
"America should withdraw from the Mediterranean, Europe and all
foreign bases and it should save that money to create jobs for 12
million unemployed Americans, and contribute towards the
elimination of the diseases it manufactured like AIDS which was
produced by the CIA at its laboratories and tested on American
prisoners who took the virus with them to the outside world when
released from prison and then it spread throughout the world."
- Muammar Al-Qadhafi speaking at the International Conference for
Peace in the Mediterranean, 4-6 May, 1990.
On July 4, 1984, the Indian daily Patriot published a
horrifying report that the disease AIDS was believed to
have originated from a virus created in the laboratories
at the U.S. germ warfare research institute at Fort
Detrick, Maryland. The editor explained that the
information had come from a well-known American scientist
and anthropologist who expressed the fear that India might
face a danger from the disease in the near future. The
American had to remain anonymous. He was obviously in
danger for having disclosed so deadly a secret. At that
time, when the full horror of the incurable disease was
not known Patriot reported that the World Health
Organisation believed AIDS posed the gravest threat to the
entire population of the world. More on the World Health
Organisation later. The British Sunday Express, 26
October, 1986, with banner headlines, and an "exclusive"
label, announced "AIDS made in lab. shock." The front-page
story said that the virus was created during laboratory
experiments which "went disastrously wrong." It added that
a massive cover-up had kept the secret from the world. The
Sunday Express quoted a British expert, Dr. John Seale,
who first reported his conclusion that the virus was
man-made last August, 1986, in the Royal Society of
Medicine Journal. He said that his report was met with a
"deadly silence" from the medical profession, and that
made him very suspicious. The editor of the Journal
agreed, according to Dr. Seale, that "it sounded like a
conspiracy of silence." The second expert quoted by the
Sunday Express, was Prof. Jacob Segal, retired Director of
the Institute of Biology in Berlin. It said, "our
investigators have revealed that two U.S. Embassy
officials made a two-hour visit to Prof. Segal at his home
two weeks ago questioning him about what he knows, what he
thinks, where he got his information, and what he intends
doing with his report." The Professor told the reporters,
"one said he was a historian, and the other said he was a
political consul. But I am positive they were from the
CIA, and that they were deeply concerned that the cover-up
over the origin of AIDS was going to be exposed." I told
them I had known that in the mid-70s experiments were
being carried out at Fort Detrick, where the U.S. Army
Medical Research Command has its headquarters, on
volunteer long-term prisoners who were promised their
freedom after the tests. Almost certainly the scientists
were unaware of the extent of their terrible creation -
the AIDS virus.
WHO Involvement?
The third expert quoted in the Sunday Express was Dr.
Robert Strecker, an internist and gastroentarologist from
Glendale, California, who stated "it must have been
genetically engineered." Strecker believes, after years of
exhaustive research, that the AIDS virus is indeed
man-made. Strecker has alleged that AIDS was engineered at
the request of the World Health Organisation and other
scientific groups who, according to Strecker, injected the
disease during preventative vaccines. WHO, he says, along
with the International Agency for Research on Cancer and
The National Institute on Health, requested the production
of a virus that would attack the immune system's T-cells.
AIDS, he says, is a hybrid of two animal viruses - bovine
leukemia (found in cattle) and a sheep brain virus called
visna. This new virus was given as vaccinations in Haiti,
Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean by WHO in a 13-year
campaign against smallpox in Third World nations, reports
indicate. Strecker, in his 97-minute videotape, "The
Strecker Memorandum," cites specific documentation
supporting theories that AIDS is a result of that direct
request. For example, from Volume 47 of Bulletin of the
World Health Organisation (1972), page 259: "The effects
of virus infection of different cell types (e.g.,
Macrophages, T and B lymphocytes) should be studied in
greater detail with morphological changes perhaps serving
as an indication of functional alteration..." "The
possibility should also be looked into that the immune
response to the virus may itself be impaired if the
infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells
responding to the viral antigens..." In fact, a May 11,
1987 frontpage article in the London Times, headlined
"Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus," said WHO was
investigating new evidence suggesting that "immunization
from the smallpox vaccine Vaccinia awakened the
unsuspected, dormant human immuno defense virus infection
(HIV)." Vaccinia was the actual vaccine given as smallpox
deterrents during the WHO project. Were the AIDS
infections intentional, accidental or coincidence?
According to Strecker in his "Memorandum," a key part of
the actual study "was to be the time relationship between
infection and antigen administration," which suggests WHO
officials - and other agencies who were directly dependent
on the United States government for research grants - had
to have known. The denials were not long in coming. But
the British Sunday Telegraph exposed itself. It said the
story (the Sunday Express article) was invented by the
Russians "to smear the Americans," and recalled that it
had appeared in the Soviet journal, Literary Gazette. It
said this paper based its report on the Patriot - and that
the Patriot report did not exist! Professor Segal
describes as "ludicrous and scientifically incredible" the
theory that the virus came from African green monkeys. One
thing is certain: the controversy surrounding the AIDS
virus will not die.
A Weapon Against Black People?
Zear Miles, a Black industrial engineer, who has studied
the AIDS virus and its origins for about six years has
stated that he has proof from various documentation and
letters from other AIDS researchers to prove that the
virus was made in an American military lab as a means to
suppress Blacks. In his document entitled "Rape Africa",
Miles researched the origin of the AIDS virus from 1952,
when the federal government had enough blood types and
characteristics of every nationality in the world up to
the King Alfred plan which called for the extinction of
Blacks in national security emergencies. Miles learned
that through National Security Council Memorandum 46,
dated 1978, which called for a possible way to gauge and
control the impact of the growing Black movement, the
government was researching possible ways to suppress Black
hostility toward the authorities. Later called the King
Alfred plan, the scheme called for the extinction of
Blacks by the year 2000 with an AIDS-like virus. Miles
said he also gauged the increasing number of AIDS cases in
which the number of Black contractors have gone up
significantly compared with Whites, citing that the AIDS
virus attacked a Black person's immune system and
destroyed it in six weeks as opposed to a White person's
time of six months.
The Evidence
What is the evidence available to the layman. First, the
initial cases were reported in New York and there is no
dispute that Fort Detrick was working on immunological
defence against infection. The British Guardian reported
on October 27, 1986, that in 1969 evidence was given to a
Washington Appropriation Committee that "within the next
five or ten years it would probably be possible to make a
new infective micro-organism which would differ from any
known disease causing organism. Most important, that it
might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic
properties on which we depend to maintain our relative
freedom from infectious disease." "Refractory" means,
according to the Oxford Dictionary, "not yielding to
treatment." AIDS answers precisely to that description.
On September 24, 1986, the Daily Telegraph reported from
Washington, "Enough of a debilitating virus to infect the
whole world, disappeared from an American germwarfare
laboratory five years ago, and has never been traced, an
environment group claimed yesterday in a Washington Court
action aimed at halting biological weapons research." In
1968, the J.D. Bernal Peace Library organised a conference
on the dangers of biological warfare research. Ritchie
Calder said then that among the weapons being stockpiled
were some designed to bring about genetic changes. He said
the "doomsday bug was under wraps" and that there was a
conspiracy of silence about germ weapons because the
implications were so frightening." He told the British
Daily Mirror after his address that "somewhere in the
world a germ is being cultured to which we would have no
natural resistance and to which there would be no sure
defence." A precise description of AIDS. The British
Observer, on June 30, 1968, quoted from an article in the
Journal of General Microbiology by W.D. Lawton of Fort
Detrick, and R.C. Morris and T.W. Burrows of the British
microbiological research station at Porton. One paragraph
said, "By engineering the genetics of individual strains,
microbiologists aim to produce a single strain containing
the most deadly combination of properties." Again, a
description of AIDS. The article says that at that time
Porton, according to the government, was concerned only
with defence applications of research, but Fort Detrick
was only committed to developing microbiological weapons
for offence. The Japanese carried out germ warfare
research in occupied China during the war. Some of these
criminals were captured by the Soviets and duly tried and
sentenced. Others were given immunity by the Americans and
taken to work at Fort Detrick. In 1969, after the AIDS
virus was loose, negotiations began on a Convention
banning biological weapons, and it came into force in
1972. In its first review conference in 1980, it was
reported that 80 countries had ratified. But there is no
provision in the Convention to ban research or for
verification. Nichola Sims, who has written a book on
biological disarmament, wrote recently, "the failure of
the Convention to impose any restrictions even on
'offensive' biological warfare research, has been
frequently criticised." And she refers to popular fears
that a "super germ breakthrough in the means of waging
biological or toxin warfare is just around the corner and
may induce the possessor of such a germ to break out of
the Convention." She quotes Dr. Robert K. Mikulak of the
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for the statement
that "there is no justification for classified military
research on the question in any country." But so far there
is no inspection or verification. A much more recent
accusation against the United States for the manufacturing
of the AIDS virus comes from the Libyan UN Ambassador, Mr.
Ali Ahmed Elhouderi. On January 9, 1992, at a press
conference, he stated that the AIDS virus was produced in
a laboratory probably as a weapon. He said, "We think it
is man-made and it was done in laboratories. And it was
not, as suggested, coming from monkeys in Africa." He also
suggested that the virus had been manufactured at the time
of the Vietnam War. These statements fit perfectly into
place as research would have been carried out at that time
at Fort Detrick for offensive purposes against the North
AIDS Was Man-Made
On all the circumstantial evidence, the layman will almost
certainly reject the idea that the escape of the man-made
AIDS virus was the result of a disastrous error during
innocent civilian research. We can assuredly conclude that
it was the result of germ warfare research, and the finger
of guilt points to the United States. The scientists
could not have visualised that they would let loose a
so-far incurable disease that may and possibly will wipe
out millions, particularly in the Third World, where the
majority of the world's population lives. Never was the
need greater for the nations to drop their differences and
to concentrate all their skill and resources in a
world-wide battle against this terrible threat, and to end
the horror of germ warfare research.**
The Mystery of Skull Valley
Because of an error made by an airman testing a new germ weapon, a
deadly virus attacks the population of a small town in highland
Utah, USA. An incurable disease begins to kill people like a
plague epidemic. In an attempt to cover up the traces of their
crime, the military authorities artificially cause a landslide
that buries the town and doom chance survivors to lifelong
This is the plot of Vector, a novel by Henry Sutton, an
American author. This book is based on dramatic events
during which the victims were fortunately not people but
animals. March 14-20, 1968 was a black week for American
farmers grazing sheep in the remote pasturelands of
semi-desert Skull Valley, Utah. About 6,500 sheep died
there in those seven days under mysterious circumstances.
Even more of a mystery was that people, cattle and other
animals in the area were unscathed. Everybody - farmers,
residents of Utah, journalists - felt certain that the
accident was linked to the US Army chemical and
bacteriological testing ground in Dugway with an area of
several thousand square kilometres in the vicinity of
Skull Valley. Indeed, at that very time the thousands of
Dugway employees were carrying out large scale experiments
in preparation for further escalation of the chemical war
and the start of a germ war in Vietnam. For a whole year
the Defence Department emphatically denied that animals in
Skull Valley were being affected by the chemical or
biological agents disseminated in the atmosphere during
the test. In an attempt at a cover-up, experts at the
proving ground advanced hypotheses which must have seemed
untenable even to laymen about the sheep having been
killed by poisonous plants or a natural epizootic.
However, an inquiry by Utah authorities in collaboration
with veterinarians and health experts compelled the
Pentagon to admit its responsibility for the death of the
sheep. Even so, no one at Dugway was punished. The blame
for a terrible crime posing a real threat to people's
health due to a gross violation of safety standards in
conducting tests was placed on an unfortunate accident.
According to the official version formulated under the
direction of the U.S. military authorities, a test of
TMU-28/B spray tanks with nerve agent VX, was carried out
at Dugway on March 13, 1968. The gas was dispersed from an
F-4E jet bomber by means of two spray tanks with a total
capacity of 1,200 litres. The bomber flew at an altitude
of 40 to 45 m. During the test something went wrong with
one of the tanks (or so the version ran), and besides, the
direction of the wind varied, with the result that part of
the nerve gas was carried beyond the proving ground. A
cloud of aerosol VX allegedly contaminated pasturelands on
an area of 400-500 sq. km. Skull Valley was not the only
area where sheep died, for a cloud of aerosol VX reached
Res Valley, killing sheep 70 km away from where the poison
gas had been released. Anyone who has read publications
dealing with the accident in Skull Valley and Res Valley
is bound to detect a contradiction between the military
authorities' version and the facts. The Pentagon has yet
to explain why a whole year passed before it made up its
mind about what chemical or biological agent caused the
death of the sheep outside Dugway. If the Dugway test had
to do only with VX, then that gas was the only cause of
the sheep's death and this could have been stated at once.
There is reason to presume that over a short period
experiments were carried out at Dugway involving a whole
range of poison gases and biological agents. But it is
logical to suppose that even in such a contingency experts
should know well the properties and casualty effects of
the test materials. And this implies that researchers must
have had no difficulty in ascertaining the nature of the
agent which killed so many sheep. The official story of
the experiment of March 13, 1968, says that the wind
carried beyond Dugway, in the form of vapours and highly
dispersed aerosol, a mere nine kg, or 0.8 per cent, of the
total amount of VX gas to be dispersed. Field chemical
control cannot ensure such a degree of accuracy. But the
authors of the version needed to cite some figure in order
to make people believe that the sheep had been killed by a
nerve gas. At the same time, the Pentagon wanted to
conceal from the public the real danger posed by chemical
weapon tests in the atmosphere to residents of Utah and so
it withheld information about the actual amount of gas
released over Skull Valley. The Pentagon officials
suggested that the contamination level in the Skull Valley
pastureland where deaths occurred among sheep averaged a
mere 0.02 gram per hectare. Let us note by way of
comparison that to kill humans, it would be necessary
according to U.S. data available to disseminate from one
to three kilograms of VX per hectare of target, or 100
thousand times more than the contamination level in Skull
Valley given in the official version. Reports said that in
a flock totalling 2,800 sheep, 2,500 or 90 per cent, were
killed. No such effect is possible where the VX
contamination level is 0.02 gram per hectare. A
publication put out by the Dugway proving ground said that
during the test on March 13, 1968, the greatest distance
at which VX drops spilled on the ground had been 5.4 km
and not 70 km, as the official version would have it. The
Pentagon's information on one and the same fact varies
from document to document and from period to period.
Surely this shows that the version is false. A
contaminated cloud spreading wide in the atmosphere only
retains vapours and minute particles of aerosol which do
not settle on the ground and can be inhaled. It follows
that had such a cloud really floated over Skull Valley, it
would have caused inhalational casualties in other animals
as well, including cattle and horses, but no such thing
happened, according to documentary evidence. In the early
days after the accident, before the hypothesis about VX
was advanced, doubts were expressed even by Brig. Gen.
William Stone. He rightly asked why the gas had only
killed sheep without affecting people. There were also
other moot points. Why were the diseased sheep shot dead?
Why was no attempt made to save them by evacuating them to
an uncontaminated area or by treating them with atropine
or other antidotes? Marr Fawcett, a veterinarian of Utah,
refused to believe that the sheep had been poisoned with
VX, for in that case many of them could, in his opinion,
have been saved by means of antidotes. Dr. Kent Van
Kampen, a veterinary pathologist in Utah, said in April
1968, shortly after the accident, that as early as March
17, 1968, the supposition that the sheep had been hit by a
chemical poison affecting the nervous system could have
been refuted without difficulty since all symptoms of such
poisoning were lacking. The death of an animal poisoned
with a nerve gas such as VX is accompanied by spasms and
paresis of muscles in the limbs. Yet judging by what sheep
herders said in the early days of the inquiry into the
accident, dying sheep had shown no signs of spasms. True,
later on someone saw to it that a videotape recording
allegedly illustrating the Skull Valley accident was
projected widely. The tape showed the death of a single
sheep shaking with spasms as a group of civilians looked
on. One year after the accident, Kent Van Kampen and Marr
Fawcett contributed in collaboration with other experts of
Utah an article to the Journal of the American Veterinary
Medical Association setting out the causes and
circumstances of the sheep's death in Skull Valley, their
version tallying with the Pentagon's. There was a footnote
saying that in writing their article, the authors had
enjoyed expert assistance (it is easy enough to guess what
kind of assistance) in particular from Dr. Mortimer
Rothenberg, the science director at Dugway, and Dr.
Bernard MacNamara of Edgewood Arsenal, the chief U.S. Army
centre for the development of chemical and germ weapons.
We might as well note at this point that shortly after the
sheep's death in Skull Valley Dr. Rothenberg, trying to
exonerate Dugway from blame for the accident, declared
that the symptoms displayed by the sheep had nothing
whatever in common with those of nerve gas poisoning. And
so, it took the Pentagon a year to invent an explanation
for the sheep's death and make the civilian experts
mentioned above present its version as their own, thereby
striking a bargain with their conscience. The videotape
which showed a sheep's death from VX was intended to serve
the same purpose. But the forgery was too crude for
knowledgeable people to mistake it for the truth. They
realised at once that the "documentary" showed a sheep
injected with a nerve gas by means of a syringe, that is,
in the same way as this is done in demonstrating the
effect of nerve gases on animals. They deduced this from
the absence of any other living or dead sheep on the
screen as well as from the presence of people wearing no
gas masks or protective clothes, whereas safety
regulations forbid anyone to enter without taking these
precautions in an area contaminated by VX to a degree
killing livestock. There is no such ban where a poison gas
is injected into the body of an animal outside a
contaminated area. A further fact worthy of note is that
the worker's teams which buried the dead sheep had no gas
masks on, judging by other videotapes and various
photographs. This is permissible only when the nature of
an agent which has caused the death of animals is known
for certain. Furthermore, it is necessary to note that the
agent used was completely harmless to humans. This detail,
like the others cited above, indicates that the sheep in
Skull Valley were killed by something other than nerve
gas. The death of livestock so far away from the testing
ground, as in the case of Skull Valley, could only be
caused by a biological agent. Experts could establish
without difficulty that nine litres of biological agent is
enough to generate a pathogenic aerosol cloud five km
long, two km deep and 100 m high. One litre of aerosol
cloud could contain several hundred units of pathogen.
Such a cloud can sail many dozens of kilometres without
losing its casualty effects. Consideration of the death
rate of biological agents during the drift of aerosol
particles in the atmosphere makes no difference as far as
the main conclusion is concerned. Poison gas tests
according to regulations in force at Dugway are generally
conducted in the morning to ensure that enough daylight
remains for collecting data on the results of tests and
cleaning the test site. The dissemination of VX on March
13, 1968, is alleged to have been carried out one hour
before sunset. Evening experiments are particularly
typical in the case of biological agents, for researchers
are careful to preclude the disastrous impact of sunrays
on pathogens. The year 1968, when the Skull Valley
accident occurred, has gone down in history as the peak of
U.S. chemical warfare in Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea. In
thelate 1960s, the Pentagon worked at a frantic pace to
develop new chemical and germ weapons. A report by the
House Committee on Science and Astronautics said that in
the years preceding the accident, the Pentagon had been
engaged in a vast programme for germ weapon testing. The
tests were conducted at several military testing grounds,
on ocean islands, in the Panama Canal zone, Alaska, New
York City and San Diego as well as on airfields, in
subways and on highways. The Dugway test made on March 13,
1968, or somewhat earlier could be one of those tests. It
is reasonable to suppose that during that test use was
made of biological agents based on a virus selectively
killing sheep without doing any harm to humans. It could
be visna, a virus which has been intensively studied since
the late 1950s in several research centres, including Fort
Dettrick, Maryland, then the main U.S. centre for the
development of germ weapons. No visna-caused diseases have
been recorded among humans. This virus hardly affects
cattle, horses or other animals. Its properties in this
respect coincide entirely with those of the agent
responsible for the Skull Valley accident in 1968. Visna
affects the central nervous system of sheep, robbing their
body of immunity. The symptoms are progressive weakness,
shortness of breath, a wobbly gait, sagging withers and a
drooping head. The end affect is paresis and paralysis of
the skeletal muscles and then death. Similar symptoms were
registered in sheep affected with the Skull Valley
disease. The disease caused by visna is incurable. This
explains why the epidemiological service of Utah did the
right thing by deciding to slaughter the diseased sheep.
No antidotes could have helped the animals in the least
and were not used, either. If during the March 1968 tests
at Dugway visna was used as a simultant modelling the
properties of germ weapons, it is clear why the men who
buried the dead sheep used no gas masks or protective
clothes, since visna is harmless to man. And this invites
another conclusion: at that time, the nature of the agent
which affected the sheep was known to at least a small
group of people in charge of removing the effects of the
accident. The establishment of investigation committees
was merely designed to conceal the real objectives and
tasks of the Dugway experiments from the public. The
mystery of those criminal experiments has begun to come to
light in recent years. Competent scientists consider that
visna was used in the United States for genetic
engineering work which resulted in creating HIV, a
chimeric virus causing an incurable infectious disease of
man known as AIDS. Research into HIV at the molecular
level has shown that 60 per cent of its genome is
identical with that of visna and the rest is a built-in
nucleotide sequence isolated from the genome of another
retrovirus, HLTV-I. HIV, or the pathogen of AIDS, was
designed in U.S. genetic engineering laboratories on
instruction from the Pentagon. The purpose of this virus
is to augment the U.S. germ (biological) warfare potential
by acquiring a capability for depriving an enemy
population of vitally important immunity at the threshold
of a major or local armed conflict. The conclusion about
the complicity of the U.S. military authorities in the
appearance of AIDS, the new dangerous disease which
affects humans, is shared by John Seale of Britain, Jacob
Segal of Germany, Robert Strecker of the United States and
other noted scientists and experts who have carefully
analysed available scientific data. [See New Dawn Vol.2,
No.1] For the time being, they have discounted the events
and facts connected with the Skull Valley accident.
Nevertheless, they have come to the unanimous conclusion
that in designing HIV visna was made use of. Dr. Seale has
said that a scientist who wanted to evolve a virus capable
of destroying man's immunity system and provoking a
disease similar to AIDS would have to resort to visna.
The "patent" for inventing HIV should be issued to the
United States because it was there that the virus was
developed and also because Americans were the first
victims of AIDS. The disease, which broke out in New York,
was carried to other big cities in the United States and
then to other countries and continents. Its virus was
transmitted by infected Americans serving at overseas
military bases. Besides, AIDS was contracted in the United
States by Australian and European tourists vacationing
there. HIV spread to Middle East and other Arab countries
which imported blood from donors stricken with AIDS. In
October 1986, John Seale quoted during an interview with
the Guardian an extract from a report prepared by the
Pentagon in 1969. It said that in the next five to ten
years an infective micro-organism might be evolved that
would differ substantially from all pathogens known so
far. Its most important property, the report said, would
consist in attacking the immune system and internal organs
on which the ability of the human body to resist
infectious diseases depends. Consequently, the AIDS
pathogen was deliberately created and development was
planned and funded. The test at Dugway which killed so
many sheep in Skull Valley turned out to be part of the
Pentagon's programme for designing a new biological agent,
the AIDS pathogen.**
AIDS: As Biological & Psychological Warfare
It is hard to imagine that a cure for AIDS would be withheld for
economic reasons alone. Could there be some other motive?
Despite repeated denials from Defense Department
officials, allegations persist that AIDS is a genetically
altered virus, which has been deliberately released to
wipe out homosexuals and/or non-whites in the U.S. and
reduce populations in Third World countries. At first
glance it seems like the epitome of paranoia to accuse the
military of conspiring to exterminate citizens of their
own country, and even some of their own troops. However,
the vast majority of military personnel could be
completely unaware of such a plot in their midst, while a
relative handful of traitors in key positions could
conduct it under cover of classified operations. And the
circumstantial evidence is actually quite compelling, that
the AIDS virus was artificially engineered, and planted in
several different locations at about the same time through
vaccination programs, and possibly blood bank
contamination. At a House Appropriations hearing in 1969,
the Defense Department's Biological Warfare (BW) division
requested funds to develop through gene-splicing a new
disease that would both resist and break down a victim's
immune system. "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would
probably be possible to make a new infective
micro-organism which would differ in certain important
respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most
important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we
depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious
disease." (See A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story
of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris and J.
Paxman, p.266, Hill and Wang, pubs.) The funds were
approved. AIDS appeared within the requested time frame,
and has the exact characteristics specified. In 1972, the
World Health Organisation published a similar proposal:
"An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses
can in fact exert selective effects on immune function,
e.g. by... affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell
function. The possibility should also be looked into that
the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if
the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the
cells responding to the viral antigens." (Bulletin of the
W.H.O., vol. 47, p.257-274.) This is a clinical
description of the function of the AIDS virus. The
incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly
with the locations of the massive W.H.O. smallpox
vaccination program in the mid-1970's (London Times, May
11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to
Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign.
Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have
been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything
other than what they were told. A striking feature of
AIDS is that it is ethno-selective. The rate of infection
is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native
Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three
times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS
and 90% of infants born with it are among these
minorities. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain
racial groups more heavily than others have been a
longstanding U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman,
p.265) Under the current U.S. administration biological
warfare research spending has increased 500 percent,
primarily in the area of genetic engineering of new
disease organisms. The "discovery" of the AIDS virus
(HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National
Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick,
Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research
facility. Actually, the AIDS virus looks and acts much
more like a cross between a bovine leukemia virus and a
sheep visna (brain-rot) virus, cultured in a human cell
culture, than any virus of the HTLV3 group. The closest
thing in this case to a "smoking test tube" so far is the
AIDS virus itself. If it was possible for such a
monstrosity to occur naturally it would have done so ages
ago and decimated mankind at that time. Some other life
form would presently be in control of this planet
(assuming that is not already the case). The Hepatitis B
vaccine study in 1978 appears to have been the initial
means of planting the infection in New York City. The test
protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and
homosexuals received a different vaccine from
heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New
York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test
vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients
had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate
for the participants of that study are held by the U.S.
State Department of Justice, and "unavailable." The AIDS
epidemic emerged full-blown in the three U.S. cities with
"organised gay communities" before being reported
elsewhere, including Haiti or Africa, so it is
epidemiologically impossible for either of those countries
to be the origin point for the U.S. infections. Another
indication AIDS had multiple origin points is that the
14-month doubling time of the disease cannot nearly
account for the current number of cases if we assume only
a small number of initial infections starting in the late
1970s. Before dismissing the possibility that a U.S. Army
BW facility would participate in genocide, bear in mind
that hundreds of top Nazis were imported into key
positions in the U.S. military-intelligence establishment
following WWII. U.S. military priorities were then
reorientated from defeating Nazis to "defeating" communism
at any cost, and strengthening military control of
economic and foreign policy decisions. (See Project
Paperclip by Clarence Lasby, Atheneum 214, NY, and Gehlen:
Spy of the Century by E.H. Cookridge, Random House.)
There's no proof those Nazis ever gave up their longterm
goals of conquest and genocide, just because they changed
countries. Fascism was and is an international phenomenon.
It's not as if this was a total reversal of previous U.S.
military policy, however. Hitler claimed to have gotten
his inspiration for the "final solution" from the
extermination of Native Americans in the U.S. For that
matter the first example of germ warfare in the U.S. was
in 1763 when some of the European colonists gave friendly
Indians a number of blankets that had been infected with
smallpox, causing many deaths. One indication of the
actual U.S. military priorities regarding BW was the
importation of the entire Japanese germ warfare unit
(#731) following WW II. These people killed over 3,000
POWs, including many Americans, in a variety of grisly
experiments, yet they were granted complete amnesty and
given American military positions in exchange for sharing
their research findings with their U.S. Army counterparts.
Consider also the callous attitude displayed by top
military officials toward veterans suffering from the
after-effects of exposure to Agent Orange and radiation
from nuclear weapons tests. In fact, since the end of WW
II over 200 experimental BW tests have been conducted on
civilians and military personnel in the U.S. One example
was the test spraying from Sept. 20-26, 1950 of bacillus
globigi and syraceus maracezens over 117 square miles of
the San Francisco area, causing pneumonia-like infections
in many of the residents. The family of one elderly man
who died in the test sued the government, but lost. To
this day, syraceus is a leading cause of death among the
elderly in the San Francisco area. Another case was the
joint Army-CIA BW test in 1955, still classified, in which
an undisclosed bacteria was released in the Tampa Bay
region of Florida, causing a dramatic increase in whooping
cough infections, including twelve deaths. A third example
was the July 7-10, 1966 release of bacteria throughout the
New York subway system, conducted by the U.S. Army's
Special Operations Division. Due to the vast number of
people exposed it would be virtually impossible to
identify, let alone prove, the specific health problems
resulting directly from this test. Despite the loyalty of
the vast majority of U.S. military personnel toward their
country, there are clearly some military officials who
have very different intentions, and they occupy high
enough positions to impose their priorities on military
programs and get away with it, so far. The first detailed
charges regarding AIDS as a BW weapon were published in
the Patriot newspaper in New Delhi, India, on July 4,
1984. It is hard to say where the investigations of this
story in the Indian press might have led, if they had not
been sidetracked by two major domestic disasters shortly
thereafter: the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Oct. 31
and the Bhopal Union Carbide plant "accident" that killed
several thousand and injured over 200,000 on Dec. 3.
Apparently, homosexuals were an initial target in the U.S.
because their sexual practices would help in the rapid
spread of the disease, and because it was correctly
assumed that very few non-homosexual citizens would pay
much attention during the early years of the epidemic.
Also, the stigma of a "homosexual disease" would interfere
with rational analysis and discussion of AIDS. Bear in
mind that homosexuals were among the first to be
exterminated in Nazi Germany, before Jews and other
minorities, so fewer citizens would object. The details
of precisely how the AIDS virus was synthesized, mass
cultured, and spread by incorporating it into vaccination
programs are available but fairly intricate. Evil is hard
to confront, especially on the preposterous scale we have
here. If you acknowledge the presence of those who think
their only hope for survival is to kill off two thirds of
all the other kinds, and their ability to manage it, you
then pretty much have to do something about it.
Abridged from Now What #1.**
The North American-based Nation of Islam (NOI) led by Minister
Louis Farrakhan launched an offensive in its battle against the
deadly "man-made" AIDS virus during its recent Saviours' Day
weekend. The following report is courtesy of The Final Call.
From the rostrum of Christ Universal Temple here, the
Honorable Louis Farrakhan announced that the NOI has
acquired exclusive distribution rights to the AIDS
fighting drug Immunex, an oral alpha-interferon treatment
developed in Kenya. "I just got a call from our chief of
staff 3 minutes before I came on the rostrum," Minister
Farrakhan said, regarding the confirmation of the Immunex
agreement that came from Leonard Muhammad in Kenya. "The
Nation of Islam is announcing to you that we have the
exclusive distribution rights of Immunex throughout the
United States of America. "As of this day," he continued,
"Min. Alim will still teach, but he is now the Minister of
Health and Human Services for the Nation of Islam." Dr.
Alim told the cheering audience that the war against AIDS
is being won but total victory will not come "until we
deal with those responsible for making the AIDS virus."
Since the early 1970s under the Nixon administration, he
said, the official policy of this government has been to
commit genocide against non-white people around the earth.
That policy continues under the administration of
President George Bush, he said. Dr. Muhammad and former
Final Call Editor-in-Chief Abdul Wali Muhammad were sent
to Kenya by Minister Farrakhan last year on a fact-finding
tour regarding the drug Kemron. While there, the NOI
representatives learned about Immunex. Both drugs have
shown remarkable effects in relieving AIDS symptoms, but
the drugs have received very little media coverage in the
U.S. "We would like FDA approval," said Min. Farrakhan,
"however we can't wait. We will take any risk, bear any
burden to free our people of a man-made disease designed
to kill us all." The Minister added that the drug will be
offered to all who need it "regardless of race, creed or
@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
PO BOX 1031
Mesquite, TX 75150
August 16, 1990
AIDS as a Weapon of War
by Dr. William Campbell Douglas, M.D.
Introduction & Comments by Jim Shults
I must admit I am just a little gun shy of doing this
particular article. The reason is pretty obvious. Who in hell is
going to plead guilty to inventing the AIDS virus. Do I think it
was invented? Absolutely and without a doubt.
Firstly, where in hell has it been during the last 5000 years?
Why haven't we had exposure to it sooner, like in the last 50 years?
All of a sudden certain countries and entire continents are
coming down with the AIDS virus and no organization, body, group, or
whatever you care to call it has even a clue to the real source, and
it sure as hell isn't some monkey in Africa, that's for sure.
Over the last twenty years the genetic scientists have been
having a filed day inventing all kinds of new "life." Some have
even been granted patents for their creatures, which are usually
various types of bacteria, etc.
One patent was granted for the invention, or more accurately
put, creation, of a type of bacteria that eats oil, handy for oil
spills I guess. Now do you think for even a second that a virus
like the AIDS virus couldn't be created with all the genetic
engineering that is going on around the world?
There are certain types of bacteria that are living in test
tubes in labs around the world that if released would cause the end
of mankind in less than a year.
The real question is why we allow these bozos to play in labs,
making all kinds of new and artificial life in the first place. It
is going to backfire, in fact the author already feels it has,
through the deliberate release of the HIV (human immunodeficiency
virus); that's what AIDS is really called.
Something extraordinary happened last June (88'), in fact it
was so extraordinary that nothing like it has ever happened before.
The Surgeon General of the United States had mailed to every
mail box and address in the United States a brochure attempting to
explain AIDS, its danger, myths and means of transmission. The
Page 1
absolutely amazing thing about this was that it was done at
Think of this for a minute: the U.S. Government mailed this
information to every address in America. That in itself should tell
all of us something that the media has somehow missed -- that this
is a population-destroying virus.
That really means that we all are in shit city, race fans, and
the Government know it. It is significant that they did the
mailing, and that should be very significant to anyone who knows
how our government works and what kind of very real panic those
who really know are experiencing.
When something like this brochure is made available as it was,
you can be very sure that the boys at the top, including the
scientific folks, are up against something they may not beat before
it has a very real chance of destroying at least half of mankind!
In fact, the fastest time even guessed at, for some kind of
beginning cure for some types of AIDS is at least five years and
that's thought to be impossible by medical people.
The author comes up with a very plausible scenario for how
rapidly AIDS has been distributed. (We are not blaming the
World Health Organization. In the author's scenario he simply
indicates that the WHO was used by others.)
Let's face it, we are in very real trouble. There are several
types of new AIDS viruses and more to be discovered, and who is to
say how the new ones, not yet mutated, will spread -- a sneeze
Our government and others around the world are not telling us
the truth about this stuff in order to protect our poor little dumb
minds. I suspect that if we know the truth, an enormous citizen
effort could be martialed worldwide which would probably shut down
the arms race for the time being.
Again, at the bottom line, we are in big trouble and "they"
know it....Many scientists predict we will lose half the world's
population (including U.S.) by the year 2000.
-- Jim Shults
Page 2
William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
Age: 62
Education: BS, University of Rochester, New York;
MD, University of Miami School of
Medicine; Graduate, U.S. Navy School of
Aviation and Space Medicine
Career: U.S. Navy, 7 years -- Flight Surgeon.
In practice for over 25 years. Former
state president, Florida, American
College of Emergency Physicians.
Former Editor of the Journal of the
Sarasota County Medical Society.
Consulting Editor, Health Freedom News.
On Board of Governors of the National
Health Federation. Regular speaker at
the National Health Federation meetings
around the United States. Appears
regularly on radio and television
programs on health.
Doctor of the
Year: National Health Federation, 1985.
Dr. Douglass has studied in England with Dr. Katharina Dalton,
discoverer of the premenstrual syndrome. He was one of the
first doctors in the United States to diagnose and treat PMS.
He opened his PMS Clinic in 1981.
Page 3
AIDS as a Weapon of War
William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
The great powers renounced chemical and biological warfare 20
years ago -- but kept right on experimenting. The germ warfare
experiments on Seventh Day Adventist soldiers,
1) the Tuskeegee syphilis experiments on prisoners,
2) the San Francisco Bay attack by the U.S. Army using
serratia marcescens bacteria,
3) the New York City subway germ attack
4 and many other experiments on humans, largely unknown to
the victims, continue in the free world.
In Novosybirsk, at the Ivanofsky Institute and other Soviet
centers of biological warfare, you can be sure that similar
diabolical experiments on humans continue at a frantic pace.
The Soviet press, always masters of the half truth, accused
the U.S. Army of having engineered the AIDS virus in the biological
warfare laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
This was a clever psy-war ploy which, for a while anyway,
neutralized those of us who were saying essentially the same thing,
that the AIDS virus was probably created through recombinant genetic
engineering (the rearranging of genes between two or more species of
plants or animal) and/or serial passage: the growing of a virus in
a series of generations of tissue culture cells or live animals,
thus adapting the virus to a new species, using human tissue culture
cells in the top security labs at Fort Detrick.
People started accusing us of spreading the communist line, not
a comfortable position for a dedicated anti-communist like myself.
What the Soviet propagandists didn't say was that their agents
had been working in our top security biological warfare laboratories
for over 20 years.
In a burst of brotherly love they were invited in by President
Nixon. The astounded communist scientists from Russia, the Eastern
Bloc and Communist china, who had been trying to penetrate this
vital security area for 40 years, quickly accepted.
They have been snickering in their beakers ever since, while
they prepare for our demise.
"It's no secret that they are there," Dr. Carlton Gajdusek,
Nobel Prize winner, a top official at the Fort Detrick Army
laboratory in Maryland, said in Onmi Magazine (March 1986): "In
the facility I have a building where more good and loyal communist
scientists from the USSR and mainland China work, with full passkeys
to all the laboratories, than there are American. Even the Army's
infectious disease unit is loaded with foreign workers who are not
always friendly nationals."
This answer to an interview question refers to the high number
of Soviet bloc scientists in this U.S. facility who act as
Page 4
inspectors to ensure that we are not producing bacteriological
weapons in violation of treaties with the Soviets.
You can't put it more plainly than that. Even the Trojans
weren't that stupid: at least they didn't KNOW the Trojan horse
was full of soldiers.
When it became obvious to the Communist press that we were
getting the truth out about who was running things at Fort Detrick,
they completely reversed themselves and said it was all a mistake.
Everything was just fine at Fort Detrick.
To understand the enormity of our betrayal you must know about
the origin of the AIDS virus. The virologists of the world, the
sorcerers who brought us this ghastly plague, have a united front in
denying that the virus was laboratory-made from known, lethal animal
The scientific party line is that a monkey in Africa with AIDS
bit a native on the butt. The native then went to town and gave it
to a prostitute who gave it to the local banker who gave it to his
wife and three girlfriends and what!
50 to 75 million people became infected with AIDS in Africa and
throughout the world. This is an entirely preposterous story, and
it is preposterous because:
1. The green velvet monkey of Africa doesn't get human AIDS. You
can't reproduce the disease in monkeys even by injecting AIDS
virus directly into them.
2. After injecting the virus into monkeys, you can't transmit it
to other monkeys, much less to humans.
3. Genetically, AIDS (HIV-1) is not even close to the monkey form
of immunodeficiency virus.
[Ed. Note: For references on the three items above,
see: Seale, Dr. John J.,
Royal Society of Medicine, Sept. 1987,
Seale, Dr. John J.,
The Origin of AIDS -- International
Conference on AIDS, Cairo, March 1988.]
4. AIDS started not in the villages but in the cities of Africa,
where there are no wild monkeys.
5. The doubling time of AIDS infection being about 12 months, one
monkey biting one native and then spreading the disease would
have taken 20 years to reach a million cases. Seventy-five
million Africans became infected practically simultaneously.
At the same time, the disease became rampant in the U.S.,
Haiti and Brazil.
It is obvious that one monkey couldn't have done that (or one
homosexual, either). There had to be some sort of simultaneous
seeding process.
The only worldwide simultaneous seeding going on at the same
time was the smallpox vaccine program of the World Health
Organization (the WHO).
Page 5
The early epidemiology of the AIDS pandemic fits the smallpox
vaccination project of the WHO -- AND NOTHING ELSE -- with the
exception of the U.S., which we will examine subsequently.)
The AIDS virus was created in a laboratory by combining lethal
animal "retroviruses" in human cancer (HeLA) cell cultures. These
viruses have never before caused infection in man.
The "species barrier" has always been nature's way of keeping a
deadly virus from wiping out the entire animal kingdom, including
man. The myxoma virus of rabbits, for example, wiped out the rabbit
population of Europe, but man and other animals were not affected.
The sheep visna virus completely decimated the flocks of
Iceland, but no other animal was affected.
The virologists deny that the AIDS virus, HIV-1, is of animal
origin. I am sure that you see the paradox here. Aren't monkeys
They are also united in saying that it's not possible for the
virus to have been engineered in a laboratory. If it didn't come
from other animals and it didn't come from a laboratory, and they
now admit privately that the monkey couldn't have done it, then it
must have come out of thin air. That's a theological position and
hence beyond argument. It's certainly not scientific.
These scientists who have created this monstrous problem in
their sorcerer's retrovirology laboratories are constantly caught in
their own lies.
The line goes: "The AIDS virus could not have been engineered
in a laboratory because the technology wasn't available until
Icelandic scientists combined the sheep visna virus with human
tissue cells over 20 years ago. The technology has been refined in
recent years, but the basic process has been actively used in labs
all over the world for long before the AIDS virus made its dramatic
But the scientists hold fast in their denial of culpability.
Professor William Jarrett said, when asked about the possibility of
AIDS arising from animal retroviruses, "That is like someone saying
babies come out of cabbages."5
Dr. Robert Gallo said that people who claim AIDS was
manufactured artificially are "either insane or communists."6
Dr. Luis Montagnier, the discoverer of the AIDS virus, said,
"In 1970 there was not enough knowledge in genetic engineering to
make such a virus starting from already existing viruses."7 (See
Icelandic experiments mentioned above.)
This tower of lies must eventually fall of its own weight.
Then what? Where do we look for a solution? Certainly not from
the people who caused the disaster.
But where? -- the Pentagon? The Pentagon is supporting
Page 6
research on biological warfare in over 100 federal and private
laboratories, including those at many prominent universities.8 Yet,
Neil Levitt, who worked for 17 years at the Army Infectious Disease
Institute, says, "It's a joke...there's no defense against these
kinds of organisms. And if you can't defend against something, then
why are we pouring more and more money in it? There's something
else going on that we don't know about."9
Some joke.
A short virology lesson will help you understand that AIDS is
indeed an animal virus and that it was laboratory-made as a weapon
of biological warfare against the free world.
A basic rule of virology is that if two viruses have the same
shape, design and size, then they are almost certainly the same
virus (a very simple and easy to understand rule).10
For example, this virus:
|==| ||| |
... a virus of bacteria (bugs have diseases, too), doesn't look
anything like this virus:
/ \
/ ~~~~~~~ \
\ /
... a virus of ticks that's transmitted to pigs, or this virus:
____/ ~~~~ \
/ ______/
... which is found in horses.
The AIDS virus, which "couldn't have come from animal
viruses" is almost certainly a recombinant virus from fusing a
cattle virus, bovine leukemia virus:
=* *=
=* ++++ *=
=* *=
Page 7
...with sheep visna virus:
* *
* ==== *
* *
You combine the two in human tissue culture cells and you get bovine
visna virus:
=* *=
=* ==== *=
=* *=
... A VIRUS THAT HERETOFORE DID NOT EXIST -- a product of man,
engineered in a laboratory.
Now, if you isolate the AIDS virus from an infected human, it
looks like this:
=* *=
=* ==== *=
=* *=
It doesn't look like this (the tick virus):
____/ ~~~~ \
/ ______/
... or this (the cattle virus):
=* *=
=* ++++ *=
=* *=
Page 8
It looks like THIS:
=* *=
=* ==== *=
=* *=
... the recombinant virus from cattle and sheep AND ITS CALLED
AIDS. You don't have to be a genius to understand this. Any
properly instructed 10-year-old can understand it ....
But, some alert reader will say, we don't give smallpox
vaccinations in the U.S., so how do you explain the simultaneous
outbreak of AIDS in Africa, Brazil and Haiti, where they did indeed
give the vaccine, and in the U.S., where they didn't give the
Simple. The homosexual community was used as a large group of
experimental animals through the hepatitis-B program. It didn't
take many infected homosexuals among the I.V. drug users to quickly
spread the disease among a large percentage of the addicts due to
the near certainly of infection through direct intravenous insertion
of the virus.
To understand the seeding of AIDS among homosexuals (and
eventually to the rest of us through bisexuals unless drastic action
is taken), you must know about a character with the strange name of
Wolf Szmuness. His life story will seem bizarre to you unless, like
me, you have a conspiratorial turn of mind.
Dr. Szmuness was a Polish Jew who supposedly ended up in a
Siberian labor camp during World War II. But after the war he
somehow became a privileged person, was sent to medical school in
Tomsk, Russia, and married a Russian woman. Hardly typical
treatment of an enemy of the Soviet state [under Stalin.
Szmuness' biographer said that Wolf was always reluctant to
discuss "those dark years in Siberia." Maybe he wasn't in Siberia.
If he [actually] was, he certainly wasn't shoveling salt.
In 1959 the Soviet government "allowed" him to practice in
Poland in a public health capacity. Standard policy in all
Communist countries is never to allow all members of a family to
travel out of the country to the West at the same time.
This eliminates 98 percent of all defection attempts. I have
physician friends in Hungary, for example. He can go to a meeting
anywhere in the world if she stays home. She can go if he stays
home. They can both go if the children are left at home. But in
1969, the entire Szmuness family was allowed by communist Poland to
go to a medical meeting in Italy. At that time they "defected" and
moved to New York City.
Page 9
job as a "lab technician" at the New York City Blood Center. Within
a very few years this Polish immigrant was GIVEN HIS OWN LAB, a
separate department of epidemiology was created for him at the blood
bank and he, like the chrysalis turning into a butterfly, changed
In six years this "lab tech" became a full professor AND THEN
WENT BACK TO MOSCOW for a scientific presentation and was received
as a dignitary, not a defector.
We tell you this amazing story because in retrospect it is
obvious that Wolf Szmuness was a carefully groomed ... agent,
planted here after years of preparation, to instigate biological
warfare against the American people.
Szmuness, with the full cooperation and financial support of
the U.S. Center for Disease Control and the National Institutes of
Health,11 masterminded the hepatitis-B vaccine experimental program
used on homosexual men.
He insisted that only young, promiscuous homosexuals be allowed
to participate in the experiment. The experiment started in New
York at the blood bank in November 1978.
supervised laboratory.12 The study was completed in October 1979.
Within 10 years, most of these young men would be dead or dying from
In 1980 the program was expanded to major cities all across the
U.S. In the fall of 1980 the first AIDS case was reported in San
Francisco. Eight years later most of the homosexuals in San
Francisco are infected, dead or dying.
Szmuness did not live to see the fruition of this larger
experiment. He died of cancer in 1982.
In 1986 Dr. Cladd Stevens, one of Szmuness's collaborators,
penned an astonishing report that did not make your local newspaper.
She reported that the majority of the homosexuals in the
experimental program were infected with the AIDS virus.13 The AIDS-
laced vaccine, through the bridge of bisexual men, now infects as
many as three million Americans. Mission accomplished.
AIDS was not the first germ warfare attack against Americans.
In the early '60s, millions of unsuspecting Americans took
either Salk injected polio vaccine or the live Sabin polio vaccine,
which was taken by mouth.
With an incubation period of 20 years, we are only now seeing
the grim results of this bio-attack against Americans, largely in
the form of brain tumors and leukemia.
Page 10
Salk didn't like the Sabin vaccine and Sabin didn't like the
Salk vaccine. I think they are both right. It is interesting to
note that polio was rapidly disappearing WITHOUT a vaccine (J. Trop.
Pediat, env. Child. Health 21, 11) ....
Our Soviet enemies not only instigated the AIDS epidemic
through clandestine agents within our government, but they now
control, through the World Health Organization, the AIDS policies of
the free world.
You are probably not aware that the international AIDS
prevention program of the World Health Organization (WHO) is run by
the Soviets.
You don't believe it? Call WHO and ask them who is in charge
in Europe. If you want to save your nickel I'll tell you. He's a
Russian named Bysencho and he operates out of Copenhagen....
The Soviets control the response to AIDS of the entire free
world at many levels, including the top. Dr. Sergei Litvinov,
the coordinator of all task forces on AIDS at the WHO, is a high
official in the Soviet Ministry of Health. Allegedly Litvinov
gave out the order to our scientists and medical organizations in
the western world not to discuss the real cause of the epidemic.
At a secret meeting (information supplied the author from a
confidential source) between the editors of Lancet, the highly
respected British medical publication, and a group of the leading
retrovirologists of the world, it was decided not to publish any
academic discussion about the possible artificial creation of the
AIDS virus in a laboratory.
They particularly agreed not to make any mention of world-
renowned biologist Isaac Farlane Bernet's published remarks that
molecular biology may get out of hand like atomic physics and be
used for evil purposes and "practical applications of molecular
biology to cancer research might be sinister."
Other medical journals such as Science and JAMA have
lockstepped with Lancet and put all references to the man-made
origins of AIDS down the memory hole.
Did Comrade Litvinov have a little talk with the
retrovirologists? They, of course, wouldn't need any encouragement
from the Soviet [WHO] bosses to attempt a little coverup of their
own heinous crime, but Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and the
New England Journal of Medicine are another matter.
It took some powerful and sinister forces indeed to get these
respected publications to cover up the crime of the millennium.
The notable exception to this appalling censorship of mass
murder is Professor Harding Rains, Editor of the Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine. Rains refers to "a conspiracy of
silence" covering the allegation that AIDS was man-made. I hope
Dr. Rains is watching his backside.
Dr. Zhores Medvedev, unlike Bysencho and Litvinov, supposedly
is a Russian exile. Medvedev operates out of London at the National
Page 11
Institute for Medical Research. He's a senior research scientist
who continues to communicate freely with his supposed enemies in the
Soviet biowarfare laboratories, but we lack the space to catalog all
the details [here].
Medvedev is spreading the disinformation that AIDS is rampant
in Russia due to the escape of the virus from a laboratory, a sort
of biological Chernobyl.
This tends to divert suspicion away from Litvinov, Szmuness and
the other reds that President Nixon allowed to penetrate our
biological warfare laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Having the Soviets "control" the spread of AIDS in the West has
let to some interesting paradoxes. Our masters in the U.S. tell us
that there shall be absolutely no restrictions on travel between
various parts of the non-Communist world by persons who test
positive for AIDS.
Surgeon General C.E. Koop supports this Soviet policy of
biological suicide. (Are those the instructions he received when he
made his trip to Moscow, where the WHO has set up its main AIDS
research center?)
But, our Soviet masters in the WHO tell us, this open policy of
international travel does not apply to the communist bloc of
nations. If you or I were to visit Moscow and tested positive for
the AIDS virus, POW! -- out on the next plane!
If they stay clean through their immigration policies and we
die because of the immigration policies imposed on us through the
U.N.-controlled World "Health" Organization, who needs atomic bombs
for world conquest?
Cuba, Dr. John Seale informs me, has a strict asylum system for
the AIDS-infected. When their troops come back from "liberating"
Africans, they are tested as they get off the boat.
If tested positive the soldier goes directly to hell --
euphemistically called a sanitarium. He can visit his family
occasionally, but only in the presence of a commissar called a
"health official (no hanky-panky).
Unless the West gets its act together and closes down the U.N.
genocide division called the WHO, freedom and decency will disappear
from planet Earth for a thousand years. But the problem goes much
How do you close down the U.S. government laboratories such as
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute of
Health (NIH) and the Fort Detrick bio-warfare lab when the
perpetrators of the crime are in control at all levels?
I don't know the answer. *****
Page 12
1 Project Whitecoat, to be published in Health Freedom News,
P.O. Box 688, Monrovia CA 91016/Subscription $20.00 per year.
2 Bad Blood, J.H. Jones, MacMillan, NY, 1982.
3 Common Cause Magazine, Jan./Feb. 1988.
4 First aids Report, March/April 1988.
5 Private communication, John Seale, M.D., 1988
6 Ibid.
7 First International Conference on the Global Impact of aids,
London, March 8-10, 1988.
8 New Scientist, London, 5/19/88.
9 Science News, 133:100, 2/13/88.
10 Joklik, Virology, 2nd edition, pp. 36 ff.
11 AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Cantwell, Aries Rising Press,
Los Angeles,p.76.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 Salk/Sabin s.v.-40 Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci., vol. 77, #8,
p. 4861, and Atlantic Monthly, 2/76.
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AIDS: a U.S.-made monster?
In an extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of "Top Secret", Prof
J. Segal and Dr. L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-made disease,
originating at Pentagon bacteriological warfare labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Top Secret is the international edition of the German magazine Geheim and is
considered by many to be a sister publication to the American Covert Action
Information Bulletin (CAIB). In fact, Top Secret carries the Naming Names
column, which CAIB is prevented from doing by the American government, and
which names CIA agents in different locations in the world. The article, named
"AIDS: US-Made Monster" and subtitled "AIDS - its Nature and its Origins," is
lengthy, has a lot of professional terminology and is dotted with footnotes.
The following is my humble attempt to encapsulate its highlights. It is
recommended that all interested read the original, which is available at some
bookstores, or can be ordered for $3.50 from:
Top Secret/Geheim Magazine P.O.Box 270324 5000 Koln 1 Germany
"The fatal weakening of the immune system which has given AIDS its name
(Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome)," write the Segals, "has been traced back
to a destruction or a functional failure of the T4-lymphocytes, also called
'helper cells`, which play a regulatory role in the production of antibodies in
the immune system." In the course of the illness, the number of functional T4-
cells is reduced greatly so that new anti-bodies cannot be produced and the
defenseless patient remains exposed to a range of infections that under other
circumstances would have been harmless. Most AIDS patients die from
opportunistic infections rather than from the AIDS virus itself.
The initial infection is characterized by diarrhea, erysipelas and intermittent
fever. An apparent recovery follows after 2-3 weeks, and in many cases the
patient remains without symptoms and functions normally for years. Occasionally
a swelling of the lymph glands, which does not affect the patient's well-being,
can be observed.
After several years, the pre-AIDS stage, known as ARC (Aids- Related Complex)
sets in. This stage includes disorders in the digestive tract, kidneys and
lungs. In most cases it develops into full-blown AIDS in about a year, at which
point opportunistic illnesses occur. Parallel to this syndrome, disorders in
various organ systems occur, the most severe in the brain, the symptoms of
which range from motoric disorders to severe dementia and death.
This set of symptoms, say the Segals, is identical in every detail with the
Visna sickness which occurs in sheep, mainly in Iceland. (Visna means tiredness
in Icelandic). However, the visna virus is not pathogenic for human beings.
The Segals note that despite the fact that AIDS is transmitted only through
sexual intercourse, blood transfusions and non- sterile hypodermic needles, the
infection has spread dramatically. During the first few years after its
discovery, the number of AIDS patients doubled every six months, and is still
doubling every 12 months now though numerous measures have been taken against
it. Based on these figures, it is estimated that in the US, which had 120,000
cases of AIDS at the end of 1988, 900,000 people will have AIDS or will have
died of it by the end of 1991. It is also estimated that the number of people
infected is at least ten times the number of those suffering from an acute case
of AIDS. That in the year 1995 there will be between 10-14 million cases of
AIDS and an additional 100 million people infected, 80 percent of them in the
US, while a possible vaccination will not be available before 1995 by the most
optimistic estimates. Even when such vaccination becomes available, it will not
help those already infected. These and following figures have been reached at
by several different mainstream sources, such as the US Surgeon General and the
Chief of the medical services of the US Army.
Say the Segals: "AIDS does not merely bring certain dangers with it; it is
clearly a programmed catastrophe for the human race, whose magnitude is
comparable only with that of a nuclear war." They later explain what they mean
by "programmed," showing that the virus was produced by humans, namely Dr.
Robert Gallo of the Bethesda Cancer Research Center in Maryland. When
proceeding to prove their claims, the Segals are careful to note that: "We have
given preference to the investigative results of highly renowned laboratories,
whose objective contents cannot be doubted. We must emphasize, in this
connection, that we do not know of any findings that have been published in
professional journals that contradict our hypotheses."
The first KNOWN cases of AIDS occurred in New York in 1979. The first
DESCRIBED cases were in California in 1979. The virus was isolated in Paris in
May 1983, taken from a French homosexual who had returned home ill from a trip
to the East Coast of the US. One year later, Robert Gallo and his co-workers at
the Bethesda Cancer Research Center published their discovery of the same
virus, which is cytotoxic, i.e poisonous to cells.
Shortly after publishing his discovery, Gallo stated to newspapers that the
virus had developed by a natural process from the Human Adult Leukemia virus,
HTLV-1, which he had previously discovered. However, this claim was not
published in professional publications, and soon after, Alizon and Montagnier,
two researchers of the Pasteur Institute in Paris published charts of HTLV-1
and HIV, showing that the viruses had basically different structures. They also
declared categorically that they knew of no natural process by which one of
these two forms could have evolved into the other.
According to the professional "science" magazine, the fall 1984 annual meeting
of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), was almost
entirely devoted to the question of: to what extent new pathogenic agents could
be produced via human manipulation of genes. According to the Segals, AIDS was
practically the sole topic of discussion.
The Segals discuss the findings of Gonda et al, who compared the HIV, visna
and other closely-related viruses and found that the visna virus is the most
similar to HIV. The two were, in fact, 60% identical in 1986. According to
findings of the Hahn group, the mutation rate of the HIV virus was about a
million times higher than that of similar viruses, and that on the average a
10% alteration took place every two years. That would mean that in 1984, the
difference between HIV and visna would have been only 30%, in 1982- 20%, 10% in
1980 and zero in 1978. "This means," say the Segals, "that at this time visna
viruses changed into HIV, receiving at the same time the ability to become
parasites in human T4-cells and the high genetic instability that is not known
in other retroviruses. This is also consistent with the fact that the first
cases of AIDS appeared about one year later, in the spring of 1979."
"In his comparison of the genomes of visna and HIV," add the Segals, "Coffin
hit upon a remarkable feature. The env (envelope) area of the HIV genome, which
encodes the envelope proteins which help the virus to attach itself to the host
cell, is about 300 nucleotides longer than the same area in visna. This
behavior suggests that an additional piece has been inserted into the genomes
of the visna virus, a piece that alters the envelope proteins and enables them
to bind themselves to the T4-receptors. BUT THIS SECTION BEHAVES LIKE A
BIOLOGICALLY ALIEN BODY, which does not match the rest of the system
biochemically. (emphasis mine)
The above mentioned work by Gonda et al shows that the HIV virus has a section
of about 300 nucleotides, which does not exist in the visna virus. That length
corresponds with what Coffin described. That section is particularly unstable,
which indicates that it is an alien object. According to the Segals, it
"originates in an HTLV-1 genome, (discovered by Gallo-ED) for the likelihood of
an accidental occurrence in HIV of a genome sequence 60% identical with a
section of the HTLV-1 that is 300 nucleotides in length is zero." Since the
visna virus is incapable of attaching itself to human T4 receptors, it must
have been the transfer of the HTLV-1 genome section which gave visna the
capability to do so. In other words, the addition of HTLV-1 to visna made the
HIV virus. In addition, the high mutation rate of the HIV genome has been
explained by another scientific team, Chandra et al, by the fact that it is "a
combination of two genome parts which are alien to each other BY ARTIFICIAL
MEANS rather than by a natural process of evolution, because this process would
have immediately eliminated, through natural selection, systems that are so
replete with disorders."
"These are the facts of the case," say the Segals. "HIV is essentially a visna
virus which carries an additional protein monomer of HTLV-1 that has an epitope
capable of bonding with T4 receptors. Neither Alizon and Montagnier nor any
other biologist know of any natural mechanism that would make it possible for
the epitope to be transferred from HTLV-1 to the visna virus. For this reason
we can come to only one conclusion: that this gene combination arose by
artificial means, through gene manipulation."
"The construction of a recombinant virus by means of gene manipulation is
extraordinarily expensive, and it requires a large number of highly qualified
personnel, complicated equipment and expensive high security laboratories.
Moreover, the product would have no commercial value. Who, then," ask the
Segals, "would have provided the resources for a type of research that was
aimed solely at the production of a new disease that would be deadly to human
The English sociologist Allistair Hay (as well as Paxman et al in "A Higher
Form of Killing"-ED), published a document whose authenticity has been
confirmed by the US Congress, showing that a representative of the Pentagon
requested in 1969 additional funding for biological warfare research. The
intention was to create, within the next ten years, a new virus that would
not be susceptible to the immune system, so that the afflicted patient would
not be able to develop any defense against it. Ten years later, in the spring
of 1979, the first cases of AIDS appeared in New York.
"Thus began a phase of frantic experimentation," say the Segals.
One group was working on trying to cause animal pathogens to adapt themselves
to life in human beings. This was done under the cover of searching for a cure
for cancer. The race was won by Gallo, who described his findings in 1975. A
year later, Gallo described gene manipulations he was conducting. In 1980 he
published his discovery of HTLV.
In the fall of 1977, a P4 (highest security category of laboratory, in which
human pathogens are subjected to genetic manipulations) laboratory was
officially opened in building 550 of Fort Detrick, MD, the Pentagon's main
biological warfare research center. "In an article in 'Der Spiegel`, Prof.
Mollings point out that this type of gene manipulation was still extremely
difficult in 1977. One would have had to have a genius as great as Robert Gallo
for this purpose, note the Segals."
Lo and behold. In a supposed compliance with the international accord banning
the research, production and storage of biological weapons, part of Fort
Detrick was "demilitarized" and the virus section renamed the "Frederick
Cancer Research Facility". It was put under the direction of the Cancer
Research Institute in neighboring Bethesda, whose director was no other than
Robert Gallo. This happened in 1975, the year Gallo discovered HTLV.
Explaining how the virus escaped, the Segals note that in the US, biological
agents are traditionally tested on prisoners who are incarcerated for long
periods, and who are promised freedom if they survive the test. However, the
initial HIV infection symptoms are mild and followed by a seemingly healthy
"Those who conducted the research must have concluded that the new virus
was...not so virulent that it could be considered for military use, and the
test patients, who had seemingly recovered, were given their freedom. Most of
the patients were professional criminals and New York City, which is
relatively close, offered them a suitable milieu. Moreover, the patients were
exclusively men, many of them having a history of homosexuality and drug abuse,
as is often the case in American prisons. 1111
It is understandable why AIDS broke out precisely in 1979, precisely among men
and among drug users, and precisely in New York City," assert the Segals. They
go on to explain that whereas in cases of infection by means of sexual contact,
incubation periods are two years and more, while in cases of massive infection
via blood transfusions, as must have been the case with prisoners, incubation
periods are shorter than a year. "Thus, if the new virus was ready at the
beginning of 1978 and if the experiments began without too much delay, then
the first cases of full- blown AIDS in 1979 were exactly the result that
could have been expected."
In the next three lengthy chapters, the Segals examine other theories,
"legends" as they call them, of the origins of AIDS. Dissecting each claim,
they show that they have no scientific standing, providing also the findings
of other scientists. They also bring up the arguments of scientists and
popular writers who have been at the task of discounting them as "conspiracy
theorists" and show these writers' shortcomings. Interested readers will have
to read the original article to follow those debates. I will only quote two
more paragraphs:
"We often heard the argument that experiments with human volunteers are part of
a barbaric past, and that they would be impossible in the US today... We wish
to present one single document whose authenticity is beyond doubt. An
investigative commission of the US House of Representatives presented in
October 1986 a final report concerning the Manhattan Project. According to this
document, between 1945 and 1975 at least 695 American citizens were exposed
to dangerous doses of radioactivity. Some of them were prisoners who had
volunteered, but they also included residents of old-age homes, inmates of
insane asylums, handicapped people in nursing homes, and even normal patients
in public hospitals; most of them were subjected to these experiments without
their permission. Thus the 'barbaric past` is not really a thing of the past."
"It is remarkable that most of these experiments were carried out in university
institutes and federal hospitals, all of which are named in the report.
Nonetheless, these facts remained secret until 1984, and even then a
Congressional committee that was equipped with all the necessary
authorization needed two years in order to bring these facts to life. We are
often asked how the work on the AIDS virus could have been kept secret. Now,
experiments performed on a few dozen prisoners in a laboratory that is
subject to military security can be far more easily kept secret than could
be the Manhattan Project."