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2023-04-27 13:30:47 -04:00
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<p>Skolnick COMMENTARY #007
2023-04-27 13:30:47 -04:00
<p>[CfD Editor -- I neither necessarily believe nor disbelieve
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either all or portions of the following.]</p>
<p>[The following is a transcript of a recorded phone message put
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out by a group in Chicago called "Citizens' Committee to Clean Up
the Courts." (312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.]</p>
<p>Hi! Sherman Skolnik, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts,
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9800 Oglesby.</p>
<p>A Chicago federal judge is linked to the White House scandals.</p>
<p>Federal district judge George W. Lindbergh (435-5355) has a
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strange business career. He has been a top official of the
Chicago-based John Reed Associates (polygraph and security work).
His major clients have been the Central Intelligence Agency and
the National Security Agency. Lindbergh does frequent "lie box"
work for these espionage agencies. He is an insider.</p>
<p>His firm also did work for the Paradise Island gambling cartel,
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run by former top Justice Department officials in the Bahamas.
(They headed up, previously, the organized crime section of the
Justice Department.) According to the book *Spooks*, by Jim
Hogan, the bridge there (that is, the toll bridge) is owned by
Richard Nixon.</p>
<p>Clinton has used Bobby Ray Inman as a sort of "kamikaze pilot" in
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appointing him Secretary of Defense. Clinton pushed the retired
admiral into a political suicide mission. Against his will, Inman
would've had to be ratified by a senate committee prepared to ask
him about a lot of things -- some relating to George Bush and
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Inman's role as deputy director of the <ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent>. Inman quit just after
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the treasonous October Surprise deal by Bush and Reagan. Inman
was also once head of the "Puzzle Palace" (the name for the
National Security Agency).</p>
<p>The murder of journalist Danny Casolero also involved the killing
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of two NSA employees aiding Danny write about "The Octopus" (his
name for the giant conspiracies, which were treasonous, involving
October Surprise, Iran-Contra, and the notorious <ent type='ORG'>Inslaw</ent> affair
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(hushed up when one NSA employee was reportedly found murdered in
the same hotel room where they found Danny)).</p>
<p>Inman withdrew his name as Secretary of Defense when he realized
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he was pushed by Clinton to blow apart Bush and other traitors to
their country. Inman had been director of Faranti(sp?)
International Signal Controls of Lancaster, <ent type='GPE'>Pennsylvania</ent>, which
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reportedly was used, by Bush, to supply highly-secret military
items, of an exotic nature, to Iraq. Used, was Bank Lavoro(sp?),
Atlanta and BCCI, the rogue bank. Also used were savings and
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loans tied to <ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent>.</p>
<p>All this and *more* are involved, in one way or another, in the
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Andrew Cetti(sp?) [Androchetti(?)] affair -- some 8 state and
federal cases.</p>
<p>Regardless of which judge starts out with this 10-year-old
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litigation [i.e. Andrew Cetti affair], the cases end up, by some
mysterious process, to be transferred to judge Lindbergh! -- the
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<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent>/NSA expert who invokes illegal proceedings to try to hush up
all the mafia/<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> bank links (including <ent type='GPE'>Vatican</ent> Bank, run by Paul
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Marchinkas(sp?), also the force behind the First National Bank of
<p>(...and that bank in Cicero was taken over by the successor to
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BCCI. *And* Marchinkas' nephew and that bank are among the
defendants in the Andrew Cetti affair...)</p>
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<p>Also a party to the cases is Household Bank, successor to the <ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent>
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front headquartered in Australia, the Nugan-Hand(sp?) Bank.</p>
<p>You can see why judge Lindbergh is trying to hush all of this up.
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Judge Lindbergh's specialty is to tell somebody to inform him
what is involved -- and then he calls the witness a liar even
though no one disputes the testimony! What, has he got a "lie
box" right under his bench, huh?!</p>
<p>In Chicago, see us on cable TV, channel 21, 9 pm [CST] every
2023-04-28 08:02:24 -04:00
Monday evening in January [1994]. Play it again: <ent type='ORG'>FBI</ent>/<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> Dirty
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Business, (312) 731-1505. New message Sunday; we change it
several times a week. Donations appreciated. Citizens' Committee
to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, [Illinois]
60617. The latest on courts, banks, espionage agencies, political
assassinations, and the news media. On 24 hours a day...