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<xml >
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<p > 1917 -- United States enters world war I. <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> Revolution
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begins; <ent type= 'ORG' > Cheka</ent> , secret police of <ent type= 'NORP' > Bolsheviks</ent> , founded.
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1918 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> Czar Nicholas II and his family.
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Attempted assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lenin</ent> . New Thought lecturer David Van
Bush hires H.P. <ent type= 'ORG' > Lovecraft</ent> as a ghost writer.
1919 -- Founding of Thule Society in <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> ; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent> recruited.
League of Nations founded at <ent type= 'EVENT' > Paris Peace Conference</ent> . Meeting at
the Majestic Hotel, <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> , between Wilsonian intellectuals (<ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> ,
<ent type= 'GPE' > Dulles</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Dulles</ent> , etc.) and "like-minded Englishmen" to discuss
forming an organization "for the study of international affairs."
<ent type= 'ORG' > Royal Institute</ent> of International Affairs founded. Freud draws
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attention to <ent type= 'NORP' > Austrian</ent> neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the
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<ent type= 'PERSON' > tachistroscope</ent> , an early device for studying subliminal
perception. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charles Fort</ent> 's "The Book of the Damned" published.
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent> joins <ent type= 'ORG' > the German Workers</ent> ' Party.
1920s -- Assassination of estimated 400 <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> public figures
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begins. U.S. entry into League of Nations blocked in Senate.
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Development of modern advertising techniques emphasizing
manipulation rather than information.
1920 -- GWP becomes <ent type= 'ORG' > the National</ent> Socialist <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> Worker's Party.
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1921 -- Council on Foreign Relations incorporated; founded by
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Wilsonians <ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Dulles</ent> and company upon their return from <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> ,
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with the help of <ent type= 'ORG' > the Round Table Group</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Marconi</ent> states he believes
mysterious V code on pre-<ent type= 'ORG' > WWI</ent> radio came from space; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Tesla</ent> recalls
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seeing lights, vivid images, when he was a boy. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent> takes over
the <ent type= 'ORG' > NSGWP</ent> .
1922 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Mussolini</ent> , alleged <ent type= 'ORG' > British Intelligence</ent> agent, comes to
power in <ent type= 'GPE' > Italy</ent> , begins attempt to eliminate <ent type= 'ORG' > Mafia</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Sicily</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Cheka</ent>
reorganized as <ent type= 'ORG' > GPU</ent> , <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> secret police. <ent type= 'ORG' > CFR</ent> journal "Foreign
Affairs" founded. King Tutankhamen's tomb opened in <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> , thus
invoking "King Tut's Curse"; 14 violent deaths in as many years
linked to the curse.
1923 -- Assassination of Pancho Villa in <ent type= 'GPE' > Mexico</ent> . Founding of
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Hitler's National-Socialist (<ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> ) Party in <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> . International
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Police (<ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> ) founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > Vienna</ent> . In the face of the Teapot
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Dome and other scandals, President Harding visits <ent type= 'GPE' > Alaska</ent> and
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receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him,
causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed
him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause
of his death. Fort's "New Lands" published.
1924 -- J. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Edgar Hoover</ent> takes over <ent type= 'ORG' > FBI</ent> . During <ent type= 'LOC' > Mars</ent> ' closest
approach radios around the world went off the air in order to
allow interception of any possible messages from space; when
translated onto photographic tape, signals received produced
crudely drawn faces. <ent type= 'ORG' > Lovecraft</ent> ghostwrites for Houdini.
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1925 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lionel Curtis</ent> organizes <ent type= 'ORG' > the Institutes</ent> of Pacific
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Relations in at least ten countries for <ent type= 'ORG' > the Round Table Group</ent> .
1926 -- Suicide of synchronicity researcher <ent type= 'PERSON' > Paul Krammerer</ent> ,
biologist, freemason.
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1927 -- Rise of the <ent type= 'ORG' > CFR</ent> due to <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> and other foundation
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funding. <ent type= 'ORG' > The Crystal Skull</ent> discovered in ruins of <ent type= 'GPE' > Lubaantun</ent> in
<ent type= 'GPE' > British Honduras</ent> .
1928 -- Nomination of <ent type= 'NORP' > Catholic</ent> Al Smith sparks last spurt of
growth for the <ent type= 'ORG' > KKK</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Soviet</ent> produced film shows conditioned reflex
experiments on humans.
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1929 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > CFR</ent> moves to <ent type= 'PERSON' > Harold Pratt</ent> Building on 68th Street. Great
Depression begins. Quisling's "About the Matter That Inhabited
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Worlds Outside Ours and the Significance Caused by It to Our
Philosophy of Life" published.
1930 -- Pavlov begins applying knowledge of conditioned reflex to
human psychosis.
1930s -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Mafia</ent> becomes integral part of the U.S. organized crime.
Continuing political assassinations accompany <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> rise to power.
1931 -- Fort's "Lo!" published.
1932 -- Fort dies after publishing his last book, "Wild Talents."
1933 -- Attempted assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Franklin Roosevelt</ent> ; <ent type= 'GPE' > Chicago</ent>
mayor <ent type= 'PERSON' > Cermak</ent> killed instead. <ent type= 'PERSON' > FDR</ent> orders use of Great Seal of the
U.S. on reverse side of the dollar bill. <ent type= 'ORG' > Reichstag Fire</ent> , set by
<ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> s, used to suspend civil liberties.
1934 -- Assassination of S.M. <ent type= 'ORG' > Kirov</ent> , <ent type= 'NORP' > Soviet</ent> leader and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Stalin</ent>
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collaborator. <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > GPU</ent> renamed <ent type= 'ORG' > NKVD</ent> . Beginning of Hitler's
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Black Order. Unexplained "ghostflier" broadcasts in <ent type= 'GPE' > Sweden</ent> .
1935 -- Assassination of Senator <ent type= 'PERSON' > Huey Long</ent> . First lobotomy
performed by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Egas Moniz</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Lisbon</ent> .
1936 -- Beginning of Moscow Purge trials in which numerous
<ent type= 'NORP' > communist</ent> leaders were brainwashed into false confessions and then
1937 -- <ent type= 'EVENT' > Spanish Civil War</ent> begins. First of 48 "Lost Colony" stones
found in <ent type= 'PERSON' > North</ent> Carolina; stones supposedly tell the story of lost
<ent type= 'LOC' > Roanoke Island</ent> colony. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Amelia Earhart</ent> Putnam, aviator, disappears.
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1938 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Leon Sedov</ent> , Trotsky's son; first
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assassination attempt against <ent type= 'PERSON' > Trotsky</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> invasion of <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> ;
<ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> exiled -- or taken over by <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> s; <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> expedition to
<ent type= 'LOC' > Antarctica</ent> stakes out 600000 square kilometers, lands near the
South Pole. Electroshock treatment discovered. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Orson Welles</ent> '
dramatization of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" scares <ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent>
radio listeners.
1939 -- Attorney <ent type= 'PERSON' > Leon Cooke</ent> , friend of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jack Ruby</ent> and financial
secretary of the union which employed <ent type= 'ORG' > Ruby</ent> , killed by union
president <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jack Martin</ent> ; union subsequently taken over by <ent type= 'ORG' > Mafia</ent> .
League of Nations suspended. <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> invades <ent type= 'GPE' > Poland</ent> ; <ent type= 'EVENT' > World War</ent> II
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begins. <ent type= 'ORG' > CFR</ent> offers it services to U.S. State Dept. <ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent>
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grouped with <ent type= 'ORG' > Gestapo</ent> . Amateur radio astronomer Grote <ent type= 'PERSON' > Reber</ent>
receives dot-dash signal from space. Attempted assassination of
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent> .
1940 -- Assassination of Leon <ent type= 'PERSON' > Trotsky</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Mexico</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> secret
police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. <ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> moved
to near <ent type= 'GPE' > Berlin</ent> ., with <ent type= 'PERSON' > Reinhard Heydrich</ent> in charge. <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> s allegedly
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begin building Hitler's secret hideout in <ent type= 'LOC' > Antarctica</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Roosevelt</ent>
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sends Gen. "Wild Bill" <ent type= 'PERSON' > Donovan</ent> on info-gathering mission to
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Europe; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Donovan</ent> recommends a central intelligence organization.
U.S. State Dept. creates Division of Special Research headed by
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<ent type= 'ORG' > CFR</ent> member Pasbolsky.
1941 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Japan</ent> attacks U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor, allegedly
through the maneuvering of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Roosevelt</ent> and his advisors to provide
an excuse to enter the war. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Donovan</ent> made head of new Office of
Coordinator of Information. "The Books of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charles Fort</ent> " published.
1942 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> chief <ent type= 'PERSON' > Heydrich</ent> in
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Czechloslavakia. Donovan's <ent type= 'ORG' > OCI</ent> evolves into <ent type= 'ORG' > the Office</ent> of
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Strategic Services (<ent type= 'ORG' > OSS</ent> ).
1943 -- LSD-25 discovered by <ent type= 'NORP' > Swiss</ent> chemist <ent type= 'PERSON' > Albert Hofmann</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent>
Admiral <ent type= 'PERSON' > Doenitz</ent> boasts the <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> submarine fleet has built "in
another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable
fortress." <ent type= 'PERSON' > Juan Peron</ent> and other pro-<ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> leaders take power in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Argentina</ent> . Pilots on both sides of the war report seeing "foo-fighters," unexplained flying objects, while flying war missions.
1944 -- Attempted assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> s begin sending
millions of dollars worth of jewels, paintings and cash to
<ent type= 'GPE' > Argentina</ent> for safe keeping. <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > NKVD</ent> reorganized as <ent type= 'ORG' > MGB</ent> .
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Donovan</ent> prepares plan for <ent type= 'PERSON' > Roosevelt</ent> to establish a central
intelligence agency which is pigeonholed, later reconsidered by
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Truman</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent> band leader <ent type= 'PERSON' > Glenn Miller</ent> disappears on unarmed
flight over the English Channel.
1945 -- Alleged assassination (suicide) of <ent type= 'PERSON' > James Forrestal</ent> at
<ent type= 'ORG' > Bethesda Hospital</ent> Neurological Ward, after his attempt to warn
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Roosevelt</ent> of <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> plot. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Roosevelt</ent> dies, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Truman</ent> becomes
president. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Mussolini</ent> killed. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent> allegedly escapes from <ent type= 'GPE' > Berlin</ent>
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after arranging for a fake suicide cover story; Hitler's death
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announced, Admiral <ent type= 'PERSON' > Doenitz</ent> takes command; submarines U-530, U-977
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and others begin secret journey from <ent type= 'GPE' > Norway</ent> soon after Quisling
allegedly refused Hitler's offer to take him "aboard a submarine
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to a safe refuge"; two months after <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> surrenders submarines
U-530 and U-977 give themselves up in Mar del Plata, <ent type= 'GPE' > Argentina</ent> ,
after allegedly being lost from the submarine convoy taking <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent>
and others to their hideout in <ent type= 'LOC' > Antarctica</ent> ; <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> leader Martin
Bormann escapes without a trace from <ent type= 'GPE' > Berlin</ent> after supervising
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Hitler's "suicide." First atomic bombs dropped. <ent type= 'EVENT' > World War</ent> II ends.
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General Gehlen, Head of <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> Intelligence, captured by U.S. <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent>
and flown to <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> ; other <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> and <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> agents imported to
U.S., along with <ent type= 'PERSON' > Werner Von Braun</ent> and other developers of the V-2
rockets. <ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> dissolved -- or reorganized with headquarters in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> , the story varies. <ent type= 'ORG' > OSS</ent> disbanded, its agents moving to
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military intelligence agencies and the State Dept. <ent type= 'ORG' > CFR</ent> allegedly
takes over State Dept. United Nations founded. "Official beginning
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of Bermuda Triangle mystery," when Flight 19, made up of five
naval bombers, disappears off the coast of <ent type= 'GPE' > Florida</ent> ; another plane
sent to investigate also disappears -- 6 planes and 27 men
vanished. An <ent type= 'ORG' > Air Force</ent> plane's engines fail over <ent type= 'LOC' > Iwo Jima</ent> as foo-fighters maneuver around it.
1946 -- Murder of wire service king <ent type= 'PERSON' > James Ragen</ent> by Syndicate
friends of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jack Ruby</ent> ; indictment dropped following additional
murders. <ent type= 'PERSON' > John Kennedy</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Richard Nixon</ent> elected to <ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> of
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Representatives. Truman's executive order sets up <ent type= 'ORG' > the National</ent>
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Intelligence Authority and <ent type= 'ORG' > Central Intelligence Group</ent> . Gehlen
returns to <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> to continue intelligence work for U.S. <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent> .
<ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> reorganization meeting held in <ent type= 'GPE' > Brussels</ent> . Admiral <ent type= 'PERSON' > Byrd</ent>
allegedly leads <ent type= 'GPE' > Naval</ent> "research" expedition to <ent type= 'LOC' > Antarctica</ent> to
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attack Hitler's secret hideout; attempt allegedly fails and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hitler</ent>
and his "<ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> scientists" continue their activities. Waves of
unexplained "ghost rockets" seen in Europe, especially
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Scandanavia</ent> .
1947 -- Attempted assassination of <ent type= 'GPE' > Minneapolis</ent> Mayor Hubert
Humphrey. Partition of India receives "strong impetus from the
Round Table Group." National Security Act establishes Dept. of
Defense, National Security Council and Central Intelligence
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Agency. <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> creates <ent type= 'ORG' > SDECE</ent> , similar to <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> . Second <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> flap
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year; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kenneth Arnold</ent> reports flying saucers near <ent type= 'GPE' > Yakima</ent> ,
<ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> , and other reports soon follow. <ent type= 'GPE' > Maury Island</ent> "hoax": an
early Men-In-Black incident three days before the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Arnold</ent> sighting,
in which a "donut-shaped object" dropped slag on a boat near
<ent type= 'GPE' > Tacoma</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> ; the next day an <ent type= 'ORG' > MIB</ent> visited <ent type= 'PERSON' > Harold Dahl</ent> , who
was piloting the boat, and warned him not to discuss the sighting;
the boat's owner, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Fred Crisman</ent> , was suspected of being a <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
employee and was later called to give secret testimony at the
trial of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Clay Shaw</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > New Orleans</ent> ; pilot <ent type= 'PERSON' > Dahl</ent> disappeared and
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<ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logist <ent type= 'PERSON' > Arnold</ent> , who investigated the case, reported unexplained
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failure of his own plane's engine soon after two <ent type= 'ORG' > Air Force</ent>
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investigators were killed taking off from Tacoma's airport.
1948 -- Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Attempted assassination
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of labor leader <ent type= 'PERSON' > Walter Reuther</ent> . Beginning of Operation <ent type= 'GPE' > Ohio</ent> , a <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
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program responsible for one hundred European assassinations during
the next ten years. Beginning of <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> interest in <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> s as a
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"security" problem. McCord employed by the <ent type= 'ORG' > FBI</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Nixon</ent> gains
prominence in the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Alger Hiss</ent> case as member of the <ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> Un-<ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent> Activities Committee; goes to <ent type= 'GPE' > Miami</ent> where he meets Bebe
Rebozo and goes yachting with other underworld-connected figures.
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Martin Bormann</ent> reported living in <ent type= 'GPE' > Argentina</ent> . New nation of <ent type= 'GPE' > Israel</ent>
creates <ent type= 'ORG' > Central Institute for Intelligence and Security</ent> . World
Council of Churches founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > Amsterdam</ent> .
1949 -- Report critical of <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> filed and forgotten, unread by
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Truman</ent> ; Central Intelligence Act exempts <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> from disclosure laws.
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E. Howard Hunt becomes <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> agent; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Clay Shaw</ent> becomes agent for
CIA's <ent type= 'ORG' > Domestic Contact Service</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > The Gehlen Organization</ent>
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transferred to <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> control. U.S. <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent> begins 20 years of simulated
germ warfare attacks against <ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent> cities, conducting at least
239 open air tests. <ent type= 'ORG' > Interpol</ent> granted consultive status by UN.
Chaing Kai-shek flees to <ent type= 'GPE' > Formosa</ent> ; mainland <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> taken by
<ent type= 'NORP' > communist</ent> leaders; Social Affairs Dept. and other <ent type= 'NORP' > Chinese</ent> secret
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police created. Trial of Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary following
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his brainwashing and confession of conspiracy.
1950 -- Attempted assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Truman</ent> by <ent type= 'NORP' > Puerto Rican</ent>
nationalists. <ent type= 'EVENT' > Korean War</ent> begins. <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress</ent> passes McCarran's
Internal Security Act setting up program for detention of
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subversives. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hiss</ent> convicted of perjury; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Nixon</ent> elected to Senate
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after smear campaign against <ent type= 'GPE' > California</ent> opponent. U.S. <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent>
engages in "simulated" germ warfare in <ent type= 'GPE' > San Francisco</ent> and the
<ent type= 'ORG' > Pentagon</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > National Council</ent> of Churches founded in U.S. <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
organizes <ent type= 'ORG' > the Pacific Corporation</ent> , a large holding company which
was the first of many <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> "private" enterprises. Alleged <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> plot
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to introduce <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> contact ideas with "<ent type= 'ORG' > Little Green Men</ent> " stories and
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radio contact "from space." Malcolm X receives visit from an <ent type= 'ORG' > MIB</ent>
while in prison. "Worlds in Collision" by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Immanuel Velikovsky</ent>
proposes a catastrophic theory of ancient history in which a huge
"comet" of matter is ripped out of <ent type= 'LOC' > Jupiter</ent> , approaches <ent type= 'LOC' > Earth</ent> close
enough to cause universal fire/flood legends in primitive folklore
and the settles into orbit as a new planet, <ent type= 'LOC' > Venus</ent> ; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Velikovsky</ent>
receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists, thought
20 years later <ent type= 'LOC' > Jupiter</ent> is generally considered a "cold star"
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rather than a planet and Velikovsky's prediction of a hot climate
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on <ent type= 'LOC' > Venus</ent> is confirmed. Approximate starting date of building of
<ent type= 'LOC' > Mount Weather</ent> , secret <ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent> government fortress.
1951 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Ali Razmara</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Iran</ent> , Riad Al-Sulh and
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Abdullah</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Jordan</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Ali Knah Liaquat</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Pakistan</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent>
simulated germ warfare project in <ent type= 'GPE' > Mechanicsburg</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Pennsylvania</ent> .
Approximate date <ent type= 'ORG' > CBS</ent> begins active cooperation with <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> . McCord
moves from <ent type= 'ORG' > FBI</ent> to <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > North</ent> <ent type= 'NORP' > Korean</ent> brainwashing of <ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent>
prisoners begins. <ent type= 'ORG' > TIME</ent> magazine popularizes the term
1952 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Eisenhower</ent> elected president, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Nixon</ent> vice-president;
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<ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> elected to Senate. <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent> germ warfare project in <ent type= 'GPE' > Key West</ent> ,
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Florida</ent> , and Ft. McCellan, <ent type= 'GPE' > Alabama</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> agent <ent type= 'PERSON' > Downey</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Fecteau</ent>
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captured while on spy mission in <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> . Third <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> flap year. First
<ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> "contact" case: <ent type= 'PERSON' > George Adamski</ent> meets <ent type= 'LOC' > Venus</ent> ians in <ent type= 'GPE' > California</ent>
desert; alleged <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> plot to start <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> scare. <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logist George
Williamson, one of Adamski's witnesses, claims he also witnessed
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ham radio operator establish contact with another world.
1953 -- Dr. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Frank Olsen</ent> commits suicide after having been given a
secret dose of LSD by the <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> , under the direction of the
mysterious Dr. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Sidney Gottlieb</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> contemplates developing drugs
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to cause amnesia in retired agents. CIA's <ent type= 'ORG' > Robertson Panel</ent> views
<ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> reports as national security threat. <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent> germ warfare project
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in <ent type= 'GPE' > Panama City</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Florida</ent> . Return of <ent type= 'EVENT' > Korean War</ent> prisoners, including
some who underwent brainwashing. 21 POWs defect. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Mau Mau</ent> (Hidden
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Ones) formed in <ent type= 'GPE' > Kenya</ent> to overthrow white rule. <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logist Albert
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Bender closes down his <ent type= 'ORG' > International Flying Saucer Bureau</ent> after
being visited by three <ent type= 'ORG' > MIB</ent> .
1954 -- Attempted assassinations of several U.S. <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress</ent> men by
<ent type= 'NORP' > Puerto Rican</ent> nationalists. <ent type= 'ORG' > First Bilderberger</ent> meeting takes place
at the Bilderberg Hotel, <ent type= 'ORG' > Oosterbeek</ent> , Holland. Condemnation by the
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U.S. Senate of Joseph <ent type= 'PERSON' > McCarthy</ent> following his charges of subversion
in high places. Hunt involved in <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> overthrow of <ent type= 'NORP' > communist</ent> regime
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in <ent type= 'GPE' > Guatemala</ent> , Carlos Castillo-Armas becomes president. Richard
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Bissell</ent> joins the <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Army</ent> germ warfare project in <ent type= 'GPE' > Point Mugu</ent> and
<ent type= 'GPE' > Fort Hueneme</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > California</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > KGB</ent> created to replace earlier
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secret police. <ent type= 'ORG' > Broadcaster Frank Edwards</ent> fired for discussing <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> s
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on the air. Strange voice "from space" speaks from turned-off
radios in midwest U.S. and <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> , warns against preparations for
1955 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jose Antonio Remon</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Panama</ent> and Adnan
Al-Malki of <ent type= 'GPE' > Syria</ent> . Bilderberger meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > Barbizon</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . Lee
Harvey <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> meets <ent type= 'PERSON' > David Ferrie</ent> of the <ent type= 'GPE' > New Orleans</ent> Civil Air
Patrol. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Doug Durham</ent> joins the <ent type= 'NORP' > Marines</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > The Office</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Naval</ent>
Research allegedly receives a copy of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Morris Jessup</ent> 's "The Case
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for the <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> s" with marginal notes in three different hands,
supposedly by "<ent type= 'ORG' > Gypsies</ent> " knowledgeable in <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logy; <ent type= 'ORG' > ONR</ent> reprints
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several hundred copies for internal use; an <ent type= 'ORG' > MIB</ent> called "Carlos
Allende" is implicated in the affair.
1956 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Anastasio Somoza</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Nicaragua</ent> .
Bilderberger meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > Frednsborg</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Denmark</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Clay Shaw</ent> 's <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
contact allegedly stopped. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> joins <ent type= 'NORP' > Marines</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Durham</ent> receives
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special <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> training. <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logist Gray Barker publishes "They Knew
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Too Much About Flying Saucers" which reported numerous <ent type= 'ORG' > MIB</ent>
1957 -- Assassination of Carlos Castillo-Armas of <ent type= 'GPE' > Guatemala</ent> .
Exiled <ent type= 'NORP' > Ukranian</ent> politician <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lev Rebet</ent> assassinated by <ent type= 'ORG' > KGB</ent> agent in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Munich</ent> . Alleged assassination of Joseph <ent type= 'PERSON' > McCarthy</ent> at Bethesda
Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> plot.
Bilderberger meetings in St. Simon Island, <ent type= 'GPE' > Georgia</ent> , and <ent type= 'ORG' > Fiuggui</ent> ,
<ent type= 'GPE' > Italy</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> assigned to base at <ent type= 'GPE' > Atsugi</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Japan</ent> , where <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> U-2
planes were launched; shoots self in elbow. General <ent type= 'PERSON' > Edwin Walker</ent>
commands federal troops sent to enforce racial integration at
<ent type= 'GPE' > Little Rock</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Arkansas</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> helps <ent type= 'GPE' > Iran</ent> form <ent type= 'ORG' > SAVAK</ent> , secret police
later accused of assassination <ent type= 'GPE' > Iran</ent> ian dissidents. Experiments in
behavior modification sleep-teaching take place at <ent type= 'GPE' > California</ent>
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penal institution Woodland Road Camp. Fourth <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> flap year. Anti-atomic bomb propaganda disseminated by saucer clubs -- another <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
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plot? Unexplained short wave radio signals received worldwide.
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1958 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Abdul Llah</ent> , Faisal II and Nuri Al-Said of
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Iraq</ent> . Bilderberger meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > Buxton</ent> , England. <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> launches
first space satellites. Unidentified ex-Marine lives in <ent type= 'GPE' > Minsk</ent> ,
<ent type= 'GPE' > USSR</ent> , apparently gathering information for the <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> on
maneuvers in the <ent type= 'GPE' > Philippines</ent> involving U-2 flights. Francis Gary
Powers released from <ent type= 'ORG' > Air Force</ent> and assigned to covert <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> spying.
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Kerry Thornley</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Gregory Hill</ent> found Discordianism and publish
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"Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To
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Her When I Found Her"; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> joins <ent type= 'ORG' > Marine Corps</ent> . John Birch
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Society organized by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Robert Welch</ent> . Nelson <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> elected
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governor of <ent type= 'GPE' > New York</ent> . Ham radio operators pick up a male voice
claiming to be Nacoma of <ent type= 'LOC' > Jupiter</ent> and warning of atomic bomb
disaster in English, <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> , Norweigian and his own unknown
1959 -- Assassination of Solomon W.R. Bandaranaike of Ceylon.
Exiled <ent type= 'NORP' > Ukranian</ent> politician <ent type= 'PERSON' > Stephan Bandera</ent> assassinated by <ent type= 'ORG' > KGB</ent>
agent in <ent type= 'GPE' > Munich</ent> . Attempted assassination of Senator <ent type= 'PERSON' > Bircher</ent> of
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Ohio</ent> and Governor <ent type= 'PERSON' > Almond</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Virginia</ent> . Apparent suicide of <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent>
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researcher <ent type= 'PERSON' > Morris Jessup</ent> who had received communications from
"<ent type= 'PERSON' > Carlos Allende</ent> ," one of the <ent type= 'ORG' > MIB</ent> and whose book was mysteriously
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annoted by <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logical <ent type= 'ORG' > Gypsies</ent> . Bilderberger meeting in <ent type= 'PERSON' > Yesilkov</ent> ,
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Turkey</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Fidel Castro</ent> assumes power in <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> ; <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> n Intelligence
(<ent type= 'ORG' > DGI</ent> ) begun. <ent type= 'ORG' > Ruby</ent> visits casino owner in <ent type= 'GPE' > Havana</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kerry Thornley</ent>
first meets fellow Marine <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > California</ent> ; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> released
from <ent type= 'NORP' > Marines</ent> , defects to <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> assigned to U-2 base in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Atsugi</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Japan</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Durham</ent> discharged from <ent type= 'NORP' > Marines</ent> , stationed at <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
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base in <ent type= 'GPE' > Guatemala</ent> . <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> sighting at <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> headquarters after <ent type= 'GPE' > Naval</ent>
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officer contacts "space people" while in <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> -observed trance.
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Condon's "The <ent type= 'GPE' > Manchuria</ent> n Candidate" published.
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1960 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hazza Majali</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Jordan</ent> . Bilderberger
meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > Burgenstock</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Switzerland</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Eisenhower</ent> authorizes
training and arming <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> n exiles, allegedly issues orders for the
assassination of <ent type= 'NORP' > Congolese</ent> leader <ent type= 'PERSON' > Patrice Lumumba</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Nixon</ent> , <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
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agent <ent type= 'PERSON' > Bissell</ent> and others plan Bay of Pigs invasion, obtain
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permission to use <ent type= 'GPE' > Guatemala</ent> as launching point. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Bernard Baker</ent>
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serves as conduit for Bay of Pigs funding. <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> buys Southern Air
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Transport; contemplates development of "recruitment pills" and
other drugs; studies mysterious amnesia of <ent type= 'NORP' > Korean</ent> war prisoners
moved through <ent type= 'GPE' > Manchuria</ent> ; contemplates giving truth serum to
brainwashed <ent type= 'NORP' > American</ent> POWs. <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> spy Powers shot down in U-2 over
<ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> ; summit conference cancelled. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> -<ent type= 'PERSON' > Nixon</ent> debates;
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> elected president. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> assigned job in Bellorussian
Radio Factory in <ent type= 'GPE' > Minsk</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > USSR</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> discharged from <ent type= 'NORP' > Marines</ent> .
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Project Ozma, searching for intelligent signals from another part
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of the universe, receives unexplained signals from space.
1961 -- Assassination of Lumumba of the <ent type= 'GPE' > Congo</ent> , Rafael Trujillo
Molina of <ent type= 'GPE' > the Dominican Republic</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Louis Rivagasore</ent> of Nurundi.
Attempted assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Castro</ent> by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hans Tanner</ent> . Michael
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<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> disappears in <ent type= 'GPE' > New Guinea</ent> . Bilderberger meeting in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Quebec</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Canada</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> arrives to <ent type= 'GPE' > New Orleans</ent> ; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Slim Brooks</ent> gives
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> "the haircut" on his 23rd birthday; the same day, the
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<ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> invasion of <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> at <ent type= 'LOC' > the Bay</ent> of Pigs, launched from <ent type= 'GPE' > Guatemala</ent> ,
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fails due to poor planning and cancellation of support by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> ;
the <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> , the Mob, <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> n-exiles, right-wingers and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Nixon</ent> ites
supposedly vow revenge against <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> develops
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extracurricular relationship with Judith Campbell, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Sam Giancana</ent> 's
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girlfriend; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Giancana</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > John Roselli</ent> enlisted by <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> to attempt
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Castro</ent> assassination. George De Mohrenschildt on hiking trip
through <ent type= 'GPE' > Guatemala</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Brooks</ent> introduces <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> to his
"brother-in-law," <ent type= 'PERSON' > Gary Kirstein</ent> , allegedly an undercover E. Howard
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Hunt; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thornley</ent> and "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Kirstein</ent> " begin nearly three-year relationship
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of discussing <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> s, mind-control, the status of philosopher-kings, and plans to assassinate <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Robert Morrow</ent> , working
with <ent type= 'ORG' > Ruby</ent> , <ent type= 'PERSON' > Shaw</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Ferrie</ent> , allegedly smuggle weapons from <ent type= 'GPE' > Greece</ent>
to <ent type= 'LOC' > Central America</ent> for the <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> ; also picks up information for <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent>
from "Harvey" in the <ent type= 'NORP' > Soviet</ent> Union. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Ferrie</ent> , Gordon Novel and two
others arrested in burglary of <ent type= 'GPE' > Louisiana</ent> arms bunker. Unidentified
Marine from <ent type= 'GPE' > Minsk</ent> divulges information to <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> agent in <ent type= 'GPE' > Copenhagen</ent> .
General <ent type= 'PERSON' > Walker</ent> resigns after criticism of his anti-<ent type= 'NORP' > communist</ent>
indoctrination of troops. U.S. Military Advisor Group begins
defoliation project in <ent type= 'GPE' > Vietnam</ent> which eventually covers over 12% of
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land area. Milgram's <ent type= 'ORG' > Yale</ent> experiments demonstrating dangers of
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obedience to authority. Unexplained transmissions from space
monitored by ham radio operators worldwide; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Bob Renaud</ent> , ham
operator, allegedly makes contact with aliens.
1962 -- Suicide of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Marilyn Monroe</ent> under questionable
circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > Saltsjobaden</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Sweden</ent> .
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> returns to <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> with his <ent type= 'NORP' > Russian</ent> wife, an alleged <ent type= 'ORG' > KGB</ent>
agent. Retired General <ent type= 'PERSON' > Walker</ent> arrested on Attorney Robert
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Kennedy's orders when <ent type= 'PERSON' > Walker</ent> became involved in the racial
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disorders in <ent type= 'GPE' > Oxford</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Mississippi</ent> ; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Walker</ent> stripped naked and flown
to <ent type= 'GPE' > Springfield</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Missouri</ent> , prison for examination; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Walker</ent> reported
to be incompetent but was later released and ran against John
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Connally for Governor of <ent type= 'GPE' > Texas</ent> . Hunt becomes head of CIA's new
Domestic Operations Division. <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> interference in <ent type= 'NORP' > Ecuadorian</ent>
politics. <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to
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infect <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> n turkeys with <ent type= 'GPE' > Newcastle</ent> disease (though the technician
supposedly double-crossed them). <ent type= 'ORG' > Ruby</ent> allegedly flies from <ent type= 'GPE' > Mexico</ent>
City to visit <ent type= 'GPE' > Havana</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > CIA</ent> begins using secret terror teams in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Vietnam</ent> , roots of Operation Phoenix. Dr. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Edgar Schein</ent> outlines
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behavior modification programs for U.S. prisons, based on <ent type= 'NORP' > Korean</ent>
brainwashing techniques. <ent type= 'GPE' > Cuba</ent> n missile crisis. De Mohrenschildt,
friend of the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Kennedy</ent> s, befriends the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Oswald</ent> s in <ent type= 'GPE' > Dallas</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Durham</ent>
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employed by <ent type= 'ORG' > Des Moines Police</ent> Dept. <ent type= 'EVENT' > UFO</ent> logist Williamson
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disappears in South <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> . Film version of "The <ent type= 'GPE' > Manchuria</ent> n
Candidate" released.</p>