<p>The <enttype='PERSON'>Clinton</ent> scandal: So you think the center of it is in Little
Rock, huh? *Wrong*. The center is in <enttype='GPE'>Chicago</ent>.</p>
<p>For several years, the primary lawyers for Resolution Trust
Corporation [<enttype='ORG'>RTC</ent>] have been the <enttype='GPE'>Chicago</ent>-based <enttype='ORG'>Hopkins</ent> and <enttype='PERSON'>Sutter</ent>.
In fact, the S&L bailout agency's principal offices have been
*inside* <enttype='ORG'>Hopkins</ent> and <enttype='PERSON'>Sutter</ent>!</p>
<p>Prior efforts to show <enttype='ORG'>RTC</ent> is corrupt have been torpedoed. <enttype='ORG'>Hopkins</ent>
[and <enttype='PERSON'>Sutter</ent>] were the ones arranging on behalf of Federal Deposit
Insurance and their step-sister <enttype='ORG'>RTC</ent> for the <enttype='GPE'>Rose</ent> law firm to be
used to handle clean-up claims of defunct S&Ls in the <enttype='GPE'>Chicago</ent>
<p><enttype='GPE'>Rose</ent> partners <enttype='PERSON'>Vincent Foster</ent>, jr., and <enttype='PERSON'>Hillary</ent> Rodham <enttype='PERSON'>Clinton</ent>
were the "law fakers" helping friends escape paying millions.
<enttype='PERSON'>Foster</ent> was also the master "bagman" for tens of millions of
dollars of illegal speculations in <enttype='ORG'>Chicken futures</ent> and "selling
short" pharmaceutical stocks on inside information. This was done
for a circle of law-license gangsters, like <enttype='PERSON'>Hillary</ent> and her
friends, dealing with the selected, criminally-inclined types on
the <enttype='GPE'>Chicago</ent> Mercantile Exchange and the <enttype='GPE'>Chicago</ent> Board Options
Exchange. (By the way, Did they "rub elbows" with relatives of
state and federal judges "washing" bribe money in the same
suburb where the <enttype='PERSON'>Rodhams</ent> are from. He is <enttype='PERSON'>John</ent> E. <enttype='PERSON'>Gearham</ent>(?), 708-xxx-xxxx. He is close to Hillary's family. In January '94,