The subject we are addressing is most urgent. This beautiful
<enttype='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent>, our one and only home, past, present and future, is
being raped and desecrated, poisoned and polluted to the point where
it will not be fit to <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>e in, or on. For an intelligent, orderly people
such as <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> has been, it will not only be an unfit domicile,
but it will soon be impossible to <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>e here at all, and there
is no place else to go. The multitude of factors that are destroy-ing what is left of our habitat are all rapidly converging to produce
one consummate catastrophe - the destruction of our natural en-vironment, and with it, the demise of the human race - especially
<enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent>.
What are these factors that are closing in on us? They are
manifold, but we can narrow them down to a few basics. They are
(a) Our rapidly exploding technology, created by the genius of
<enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> itself, and now threatening to destroy us. Besides
the doomsday threats of the atom bomb, the neutron bomb and the
hydrogen bomb to end all life in a cataclysmic thunderclap we have
a slower and an even more certain threat from the burgeoning
chemical industries. If the hydrogen bomb doesn't set us, the
chemicals that are increasingly proliferated into our air, water and
soil will surely poison us, even if it takes a little longer.
(b) The second major factor that is helping push the environ-ment into a planetary <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage dump is greed nd the <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent>
monetary system that feeds it. At the center of this <enttype='GPE'>finan</ent>cial
monster is <enttype='ORG'>the Federal Reserve System</ent>, a worldwide gang of ruthless
<enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> counterfeiters. This gang controls our money and controls
the course of world events. But they do more than that. Through
their sleazy business practices, their monopoly of propaganda and
every other important factor in our <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>es, they have so corrupted the
minds and lifestyle of <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> itself to the point where the
White Man has now wholeheartedly joined in with these bandits in
the destruction of our environment, our civilization, and <enttype='EVENT'>the White</ent>
Race itself.</p>
<p> Since I have already thoroughly exposed <enttype='ORG'>the Federal Reserve</ent>
in Creative Credo Number 40 of <enttype='ORG'>the WHITE MAN</ent>'S BIBLE (The Brutal
Truth about inflation and Financial Enslavement - The Federal
Reserve Board - The Most Gigantic Counterfeiting Ring in the
<enttype='ORG'>World</ent>), and also widely distributed our booklet of the same name,
I will not review that subject again here. Since it to say that the
greed and avarice of this vicious gang of <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> counterfeiters is at
the heart of the pollution problem, as it is, in fact, of practically all
of the world's major problems.
(c) The third ma]or factor is the insane obsession of the
<enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> network as a whole to promote race mixing, especially
miscegenation of <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> with all the scum of the world,
(while the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> themselves remain intact and aloof from any such
diabolical program). In the effectiveness of this program lies also the
fate of the world's environment, and conversely, in the reversal of
the program lies the only hope of having this planet from
becoming a poisonous <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage dump and a human pigsty.
The heart of the Creativity program is four dimensional: A Sound
Mind in a Sound Body in a Sound Society in a Sound Environment.
Since these four dimensions are all part of the whole and are in-divisible. the whole subject of environment is, Indeed, very germane
to our religious philosophy. It is an extremely comprehensive sub-ject and I will endeavor to project the position of <enttype='ORG'>The Church</ent> Of The
Creator in five separate installments.
Part I <enttype='ORG'>Chemical</ent> Pollution and the Impossible Disposal Thereof.
Part II Radio-active Wastes.
Part III Poisons in our Drinking Water.
Part IV Pathological Pollution by means of Legal and Illegal
Part V Genetic Pollution and Saving our <enttype='PERSON'>Gene Pool</ent>.
There are several other kinds of pollution in modern times that
are running rampant and to which we are increasingly subjected.
Some of these are (a) noise pollution (b) radiation pollution by
microwave and radio-active substances (c) religious pollution (d) mind
pollution by propaganda, and (e) a number of other forms of destruc-tive pollution.
Since this subject is too comprehensive to be treated in a limited
dissertation such as this periodical I will confine this basically to the
five segments mentioned earlier. Even these will be of limited scope
and will concentrate on (a) arousing awareness of the threat and (b)
what we of The CHURCH OF THE CREATOR can and must do
about it.
<p> Increasingly, we have read of the crisis of <enttype='PERSON'>hazar</ent>dous waste in
a number of seemingly isolated communities where the inhabitants
woke up one morning and found that unbeknownst to them, their
land, their streets, their water and their air was so polluted with tox-ic chemicals that they were being slowly but surely poisoned. <enttype='LOC'>Sur</ent>-prise! <enttype='LOC'>Sur</ent>prise! Someone had stealthily been dumping tons and tons
of poisonous wastes in the "backyard" of their community for years
and now they were stuck with it. These poisons had now seeped into
the ground water, into the aquifer, into their wells, and yes, had
even been sprayed on the streets as a clever way to disguise and
disperse these poisons. Now, too late, these unwary citizens had
make an agonizing decision: abandon their homes and life's savings
and move "elsewhere," or suffer the slow death of toxic poisoning.
Although hundreds of such incidents preceded it, it was not un-til the major disasters of Love Canal in 1978 hit the front pages
and temporarily pre-empted the evening news on TV that some peo-ple began to realize that we had a major pollution problem.
However, the Love Canal tragedy was only the tip of the iceberg.
In that incident rain popped leaking drums out of the ground on a
black tide of long buried chemicals. High incidents of birth defects,
cancer and other pathological diseases among the local citizenry also
began popping up at alarming rates. it drove hundreds of families
away from their homes in Love Canal, and permanently disabled or
killed many of its former citizens. Protracted litigations and attemp-ted clean-ups are still going on, and will continue to do so for years.
But let us look at a few other cases that are becoming more and
more common.
<enttype='PERSON'>Verna Courtemance</ent> is a former school teacher who <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>es at
<enttype='PERSON'>Swartz Creek</ent>, a country crossroads 60 miles northwest of <enttype='GPE'>Detroit</ent>.
Her former neighbor, <enttype='PERSON'>Charles Berlin</ent> and his partner opened a <enttype='PERSON'>hazar</ent>-dous waste incinerator in 1972 next door to Verna's home. The in-cinerator, often overloaded, smothered the countryside in acrid
Did <enttype='PERSON'>Barlin</ent> ever indemnify his neighbors for the massive
damage be had caused? No. In 1980 he declared bankrupt-cy, abandoned the site, and left someone else to clean up
the mess and carry the burden.
During the next three years investigators unearthed behind his
incinerator five storage tanks and the first of 33000 drums. They</p>
<p>were bursting with waste that <enttype='GPE'>Berlin</ent> had been forbidden to burn, yet
still allowed to haul - from chemical plants, auto factories, steel
mills, refineries, railroads.
<enttype='ORG'>Verna</ent> and her neighbors led a decade long fight to finally get
a federal an state cleanup underway. In the meantime, citizens <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>-ing near the incinerator and its accompanying foul, poisonous lagoons
saw their homes become worthless and their health severely
ramifications only one dump site can create for the adjoining coun-tryside. For example, near <enttype='PERSON'>Seymour</ent>, <enttype='NORP'>Indiana</ent>, a 13 acre disposal
however, is permanent and pervasive and no amount of money can
ever reverse the process.
Another case in hand is <enttype='GPE'>TIMES BEACH</ent>, <enttype='GPE'>Missouri</ent>, which has
been so contaminated that it was unfit for human habitation. In 1983
<enttype='ORG'>EPA</ent> bought the whole town (with taxpayers' money) for 33 million
dollars and made arrangements to relocate its 2200 residents. The
culprit in this case was 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD one of a class of the
most highly toxic organic chemicals called dioxins.
Ten years earlier the town's roads had been sprayed with oil to
control dust. Treacherously laced into the oil (and unbeknownst to
the townspeople) was an abundant dose of these same dioxins that
some company wanted to surreptitiously unload. Soil test in <enttype='ORG'>TIMES</ent>
BEACH showed that dioxin levels were as high as 1100 times the
level considered acceptable. Now <enttype='GPE'>TIMES BEACH</ent> is a ghost town,
but that isn't the whole story. The health, psychological and <enttype='GPE'>finan</ent>-cial damage done to its 2200 former residents will never be undone,
not to mention the devastating and permanent environmental damage
to the townsite itself.
Are these isolated exceptions? Not by a polluted country mile.
grudgingly started using some of its 1.6 billion dollar SUPERFUND</p>
<p>set up in 1980 to clean up the most dangerous of the <enttype='PERSON'>hazar</ent>dous waste
How many such dangerous dump sites are there? <enttype='ORG'>TIMES</ent>
BEACH, which we have just described, is only one of forty such sites
in the state of <enttype='GPE'>Missouri</ent> alone that is under investigation by the <enttype='ORG'>EPA</ent>.
The 40 sites are under investigation mainly for dioxin contamina-tion (thousands of other toxic chemicals also proliferate the land-scape). Even extremely small doses of dioxin can cause miscarriages,
birth defects, <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>er damage or death in laboratory animals. To guinea
pigs, for example, it is 200 times as deadly as strychnine. Does that
give you an idea of the magnitude of the poisonous threat that has
been spread over the landscape?
But let us expand from dioxin and the state of <enttype='GPE'>Missouri</ent>.
Just how big is the <enttype='PERSON'>hazar</ent>dous waste pileup on the national scale?
The NATIONAL PRIORITIES LIST of the <enttype='ORG'>EPA</ent> continues to grow
as states other than <enttype='GPE'>Missouri</ent> scramble to locate dangerous site
within their borders. At stake are billions of dollars of federal cleanup
funds. By October of 1984 the <enttype='ORG'>EPA</ent> had designated or proposed 786
waste sites for the list. The agency estimates that the list may even-tually contain at least 2500 emergency sites, but there are at least
(e) Some European countries compress their wastes into com-pact packages and dump them far out to sea. A dirty and irresposi-ble method that among others is rapidly polluting the greatest
anybody's teeth. It will, however, cause pitting of the enamel, and
mottling the color of the teeth.
(h) Many backward countries (like <enttype='GPE'>Mexico</ent>) simply run a sewer
line a mile or so out in the ocean and run all of their sewage, raw
and untreated, directly into the ocean. Some U.S. cities on the
coastline also once indulged in this dirty practice.
(i) Millions of tons of waste go up the tall smoke stacks of
smelters, refineries and power plants to disperse into an already over
polluted atmosphere. Add to this the emissions from millions of cars,
trucks, diesel locomotives, airplanes and steamships, and you have
a floating <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage dump hovering overhead. As a result, we have
acid rain, polluted air and an ever increasing accumulation of CO2
in the atmosphere that in the long run is creating a "greenhouse"
effect, the inevitable result of which will be disastrous to the climate
and environment of this planet earth.
(j) There are a number of other nasty little tricks, such as spray-ing highly toxic chemicals on regular <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage and letting the <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>-bage man pick it up along with the rest of the <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage. Or some
smaller chemical companies have been caught running highly toxic
chemicals into the city sewer lines through secretly drilled connec-tions. And other dirty tricks.</p>
highly industrialized country. What does the rest of the world do with
its <enttype='PERSON'>hazar</ent>dous wastes? Does the rest of the world fare any better?
Well, hardly. There are any number of other countries such as
<enttype='GPE'>England</ent>, <enttype='GPE'>Germany</ent>, <enttype='GPE'>France</ent>, <enttype='GPE'>Italy</ent> and <enttype='GPE'>Japan</ent> that are also highly in-dustrialized and whose cramped territory and dense population in
and their problems are even worse, much worse. We don't have the
time and space here to examine them in detail, although from
CREATIVITY'S point of view, we always think in terms of the whole
planet in all our future protections for <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent>. We are in-tensely concerned about what happens in <enttype='GPE'>Germany</ent>, or in <enttype='GPE'>Japan</ent>, or
in <enttype='LOC'>Africa</ent>, or in <enttype='LOC'>South America</ent>. <enttype='EVENT'>The White Race</ent> of the future will
either <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>e or die, depending on what happens politically, economical-ly, racially throughout the world, and at best it can only survive on
a planet whose environment is still viable.
The environmental picture in the rest of the world is dismal, to
say the least. To cite a few examples: The beautiful <enttype='ORG'>Black Forest</ent> of
<enttype='GPE'>Bavaria</ent> is dying, in fact, half the forests of <enttype='GPE'>Germany</ent> are sick and
dying from acid rain and atmospheric pollution. The beautiful Rhine
River with its romantic castles has become an open sewer, a dead
river. In fact, the same thing can be said about most of the major
All this reminds me of a picture of a sign I saw in a
magazine several years ago. Some enterprising nigger (or
<enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent>) had put up a sign at the eastern tip of <enttype='GPE'>Long Island</ent>, say-ing "This is as far as you can run, <enttype='PERSON'>Whitey</ent>. This is the end
of the line." And so it is with the pollution crisis - this is the end
of the line. We either change course drastically or <enttype='EVENT'>the White</ent>
Race will die of chemical poisoning in a polluted stew of its
own making.
Is there any solution at all in sight? None whatsoever if we re-main in the present <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> controlled <enttype='GPE'>finan</ent>cial, political and cultural
miasma in which we are now engulfed, and are slowly drowning.
Why? because none of these agencies will ever dare
face the basic issue, which is racial.
With the <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent> in control, the mud races will continue their ex-plosive expansion and <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> will shrink and die. This world
will become a planet of utter chaos, overpopulated, overpolluted,
without direction, without leadership. Mass starvation, riots, revolu-tion and chaos will be the order of the day.
But there is a solution and we CREATORS spell it out.
1. Only <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> can solve both the food and the pollu-tion problems, but only for itself.
2. Until <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> gets the parasitic <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent> off its back and
gets control of its own affairs, its own destiny, none of the world's
major (or minor) problems will be solved.
3. Only through uniting under the banner of a powerful, realistic
racial religion such as CREATIVITY will <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> ever be able
to smash the <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> monster and take charge of its own destiny.
4. Once it accomplishes Point 3, it still has an arduous task
ahead of it - cleaning up the racial, environmental and cultural <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>-bage of the world.
5. The first step after Point 3, is to stop subsidizing the scum,
parasites and freeloaders both at home and abroad. We have no
obligation, moral or otherwise, to feed the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent>, niggers and mud
races of the world. Once in charge, <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> will cease this
insanity and instead take care of its own people, its own survival.
6. The mud races will wither on the vine and the population of
the world will subside to a level where this planet <enttype='LOC'>Earth</ent> can again
sustain a healthy viable population, by means of ever renewable
7. We estimate this population to be no more than one billion,
perhaps less. But whatever it is, it is far, far better to have a clean,
safe, uncrowded world of healthy White people, properly fed, hous-ed, clothed and governed than the overcrowded, poisoned hell that
is now staring us in the face.
8. Agriculture as a whole must abandon chemical aids to farm-ing, a disastrous course it adopted wholesale only 30 years ago. This
includes all chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. In the first
place, they are only a temporary shot in the arm, like heroin to a
junkie, and soon poison the soil as well as our food. Secondly, the
White Man doesn't need to produce a super abundance of food if we
quit feeding the hordes of mud peoples, now numbering more than
five billion. All we need to do is just take care of our own White Race.
We must go back to Organic farming. only do it scientifically
- with more good sense and planning than we did before the "green
revolution " <enttype='ORG'>Chemical</ent> farming is one of the major causes of polluting</p>
<p> 219
our streams, lakes, rivers and oceans. (See "A Sound Environment
- Getting back to Organic Farming and Living Soil.", in C.C. Number
13 of The White Man's Bible.)
9. Remember, dupont's favorite advertising slogan, "There is
good chemistry between us," is a blatant lie. All man-made chemicals
are poisons and are more or less toxic to the human body. Thousands
of them, individually and/or collectively, are <enttype='ORG'>EXTREMELY</ent> toxic and
dangerous. There are no good inorganic chemicals. Once <enttype='EVENT'>the White</ent>
Man is again in control of his affairs one of the first orders of business
will be to start phasing out the chemical industry as it exists today,
and eventually produce only organic and bio-degradable substances,
or at least reduce them to a compatible absolute minimum.</p>
<p> Unless <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> takes charge of its
own destiny, none of the pressing problems of the
<enttype='ORG'>World</ent> will ever be solved.</p>
<p> Political Parties come and go. Religions
<p> We Creators have no desire to either enslave
or exploit the mud races. It is our deliberate goal
for <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> to inhabit this <enttype='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent>
in its entirety.</p>
<p> Only Total Victory Can Save <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent>.</p>
<p>Comparative Religions - Part III</p>
The Spooks in <enttype='ORG'>the Sky Swindle</ent> finds its ultimate
manifestation in <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent><enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent>.
The fundamental premises of <enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent> are based on a chain
of fictitious abstractions, which, taken either singly or col-lectively from a bizarre nightmare that is an affront to any
thinking man['s intellect. These fictitious fantasies go something
like this.
There are spooks tn the sky - somewhere, anywhere,
everywhere, - who control our <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>es, who control world events and
control the universe. These spooks are omnipresent and continually
looking over our shoulders, taking notes and recording our every word
and every action. Not only our words and actions, but even our every
thought is put on record in that super-computer in the sky.
Talk about the mass of material the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> have in their super-computer in <enttype='GPE'>Tel Aviv</ent>! But even that is small potatoes compared to
that super-duper computer in the sky needed to record every word,
deed and thought of the burgeoning 5 billion people now <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>ing, not
to mention all the <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage stored up for those already dead, but
waiting for "<enttype='EVENT'>Judgment Day</ent>." It must really overload the circuits in
the sky. No wonder we have repeated short circuits and flashes of
The fantasy goes on. When we die we will have all this ac-cumulated <enttype='PERSON'>gar</ent>bage thrown back in our face. We will be held accountable for every word, deed, thought, and woe betide! If you are found
pulpit of all the <enttype='NORP'>Christian</ent> churches is this idiotic story being broad-cast, but of late, even more effectively (and more profitably) from
the electronic con-artists employing the <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> boob-tube.
But that isn't the end of the story. Actually, the Lord and <enttype='PERSON'>Satan</ent>
are really on excellent terms, as are the U.S. government and the
<enttype='NORP'>Russian</ent> communists. (Read again Creative Credo Number 50 in the
White Man's Bible, "Observations about the <enttype='PERSON'>Devil</ent> and Hell.) The
main villain is not particularly suffering. <enttype='PERSON'>Satan</ent> and God are having
a ball, playing games with us poor sinners, seeing who can come
up with the biggest score, and the game score was predicted even
before it began - the <enttype='PERSON'>Devil</ent> is the overwhelming winner, hands down.
It is we, us no good, lousy sinners who are the real losers. It is we
who will be suffering in that fiery pit. It's a crooked, stacked set-up.
And what a ghastly torture chamber it is. Billions and billions of souls
will be burning in there, wailing and gnashing their teeth, (do souls
have teeth?) forever, and ever, and ever. No reprieve, no amnesty,
no "take five out," no knocking off for weekends or vacations. Just
a hardnosed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year of excruciating pain
and torture forever, and ever, and ever.
What does the good and loving Lord think of it? Well, evidently</p>
<p> 222
he thinks its great sport. After all, he dreamed it all up, designed
the whole goddamned set-up, and will be running his torture chamber
from here to eternity.
Evidently he deliberately wanted to put all of these billions in
the fiery torture chamber and torture the hell out of them, or he would
never have constructed his sadistic hell in the first place, now would
Where did such a bizarre mental nightmare come from? How
can so many hundreds of millions of people become ensnared in such
an idiotic booby-trap and at the same time be more than willing to
perpetuate and perpetrate such fiendish and sadistic clap-trap on their
own children, their own offspring?
It's a long story, and to go back to the beginning, we should,
I suppose, start with the <enttype='NORP'>Egyptians</ent>, the first really great White
Civilization in history.
The <enttype='NORP'>Egyptians</ent> were a highly intelligent people. They had the
unusual advantage of <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>ing in the <enttype='LOC'>Valley</ent> of the <enttype='LOC'>Nile</ent> where for
thousands of years they where (more or less) sheltered from hostile
intrusion on all four sides. As a result they had a long time in which
to develop and cultivate their own civilization and their own culture.
This they did, and their civilization lasted for perhaps three thou-sand years, a period of time longer than that of any other. It died
when their genes became poisoned by admixture with the inferior
black <enttype='NORP'>Nubians</ent> to the <enttype='LOC'>South</ent>.
Whereas this mongrelization of <enttype='EVENT'>the White</ent><enttype='NORP'>Egyptian</ent> Race may
be deemed as a conquest of sorts by inferiors, it was not forced upon
them, but self-administered. This was a conquest of a most vicious
character that spelled the deathknell of the great <enttype='NORP'>Egyptian</ent> White
Race. It was the result of stupidity and criminal negligence in failing
to recognize (a) the precious value of their racial genes, and (b) how
to protect their gene pool from mongrelization and racial poisoning.
It can be categorized as one of the major tragedies of history.
Be that as it may, their religion was in large part to blame for
This major tragedy, since hardly any White culture in <enttype='LOC'>Ancient Civiliza</ent>-tion was so obsessed with the "spirit" world and life in the hereafter.
It is, in fact, the Ancient <enttype='NORP'>Egyptians</ent>, who had 3000 years to evolve
their religion, to whom we are indebted for practically every fictitious
concept and abstraction for what later became <enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent>. I have
listed these concepts before under <enttype='NORP'>Judaism</ent>, but I believe it is ger-mane that I list them again. They are (a) the idea of a "soul" (b) the
idea of "eternal life" (c) the idea of "gods" (d) the idea of offerings
and supplications to appease the god or gods (f) the idea of baptism
(purification by ablution) (g) the idea of building grandiose temples
to supplicate and honor their gods (h) circumcision of the infants,</p>
<p> 223
and a number of other beliefs, customs and rituals, including vague
ideas of heaven and hell.
The second stage was the intrusion of the parasitic <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent> into the
<enttype='NORP'>Egyptian</ent> domain. The uncreative <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> were shrewd enough to copy
most of the <enttype='NORP'>Egyptian</ent> concepts, and with a few modifications, in-corporate them into a tribal Religion of their own, a religion
that at once was more pragmatic and at the same time <enttype='ORG'>utiliz</ent>-ed to the utmost to preserve and enhance the fortunes of
the parasitic <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent>.
The third stage in the evolvement of the <enttype='NORP'>Christian</ent> religion was
set in the heart of the <enttype='GPE'>Roman Empire</ent>. When in the first century of
the Common Era (C.E.) <enttype='GPE'>Rome</ent> was at her height, the minor province
of <enttype='GPE'>Judea</ent> was one of its many conquests. When the intractable <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent>
General <enttype='PERSON'>Titus</ent> to quell the rebellion. This he did in a siege that lasted
less than two years. In the process he levelled <enttype='GPE'>Jerusalem</ent> to the
ground, in the typical custom of the day.
But the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> proved a tougher conquest than the <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent> had
bargained for. In trying to "digest" the little province, the <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent>
in fact were swallowing a racial poison, as history has later shown.
The <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> did not conquer the <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent> by confrontation of superior
arms. On the contrary, they were so vastly inferior in this respect
that it would have been no contest. Instead they used their most lethal
weapon - religion, propaganda, deceit and intrigue - in all which
they had no rivals and still do not today. In short, they used the "B"
bomb - the brain bomb, in which they have been fantastically suc-cessful. <enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent> was their major weapon and Saul of Tarsus was
the key <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent> to have instigated the conspiracy. The <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> sold the
once virile and warlike <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent> a suicidal religion in which pacifism,
self-denial and self-destruction became the supreme virtues of the
new religion. In short, they turned the once aggressive, powerful
<enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent> into a chaotic mass of whimpering wimps.
How did they do this? Well, <enttype='PERSON'>Marcus Eli Ravage</ent>, a wily <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent>
of the 20th Century, brags about it, and he tells the story better than
I can. (Read again "Confessions of a <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent>" Creative Credo Number 43
in The White Man's Bible.)
Basis of <enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent>. The whole <enttype='NORP'>Christian</ent> religion is based
on a key figure called <enttype='PERSON'>Jesus Christ</ent>, half man and half God, who is
supposed to have walked the face of the earth circa 1 to 33 C.E.
There is however not a scintilla of genuine historical evidence out-side of its own concocted fables that such a character ever existed.
Although both the <enttype='NORP'>Greeks</ent> and the <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent> of those times were highly
literate, no contemporary historian, poet, writer, or chronicler of the
times has ever so much as written a single line of corroboration of
all the cock-and-bull events claimed in the New Testament. It is all</p>
and <enttype='PERSON'>John</ent>, but no contemporary writer of the times ever heard of them
either, or, at least saw fit to take note of them. The few historical
"facts" that emerge is that these same fantasies had been pulled
together from pre-existing fables then extant, and were now peddled
as the genuine article. In fact, the story of a crucified "savior" had
been told in 16 previous other religions and was now being recycled
for the 17th time.
Where did the suicidal ideas inherent in <enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent> come from?
There is no mystery about this question, however. There existed on
the shores of <enttype='LOC'>the Dead Sea</ent> a small <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> sect called The <enttype='ORG'>Essenes</ent>.
Their hero was the "Teacher of Righteousness" and they practiced@
communal <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>ing, self-denial and shunned marriage and family life.
But even more important, they taught and practiced pacifism and
promoted every suicidal concept (such as: sell all thou hast, love your
enemies, turn the other cheek, judge not) at least a century before
the supposed birth of Christ. The shrewd and wily Saul of Tarsus
(who later became the <enttype='NORP'>Christian</ent>s' St. Paul) saw in their suicidal
teachings the very germ of a religion that could be <enttype='ORG'>utiliz</ent>ed to destroy
the proud and haughty <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent>. How successful he was and how
the <enttype='NORP'>Romans</ent> took the poisoned bait history has recorded.
The <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> were successful beyond their fondest dreams and 1300
years of the Dark Ages set in as <enttype='GPE'>Rome</ent> crumbled. The <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> poison
is still festering in the brains of hundreds of millions of White Chris-tians today, and is the key to the <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> domination, rape and looting
to which <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> supinely allows itself to be subjected.</p>
<p><enttype='NORP'>Christianity</ent> is the philosophy of a born loser.</p>
<p> It would do little good for <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent>
inherit the <enttype='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent> if all we inherit is
tribe of <enttype='NORP'>Semites</ent>. There is not a shred of historical basis to its con-cocted "history," nor is there any scientific evidence for its Creation
hypothesis of the <enttype='ORG'>World</ent> being "created" 6000 years ago in a 6 day
period. The Old Testament constitutes 75 per cent of the "Holy Bi-ble" and never so much as mentions <enttype='PERSON'>Jesus Christ</ent>. (b) THE NEW
TESTAMENT. It is all about the life of a circumcised <enttype='NORP'>Jew</ent> named
<enttype='PERSON'>Jesus Christ</ent>, who supposedly <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>ed circa 1-33 C.E., but again not
a shred of historical evidence to verify this story. The teachings of
Christ were already promoted by a small religious cult called the
<enttype='ORG'>Essenes</ent>, who pre-dated the supposed Christ era by a century.
CREATIVITY - is founded on three basic books: (a) NATURE'S
ETERNAL RELIGION - lays the foundation for the religion of
CREATIVITY. (b) <enttype='ORG'>THE WHITE MAN</ent>'S BIBLE - reinforces and ex-pands upon the first book, and introduces the idea of Salubrious Liv-ing - a program for achieving the ultimate in superb health and
well-being. (c) SALUBRIOUS LIVING - spells this program out in
detail - including the details about nutrition, fasting, exercise, en-vironment, and eugenics. Spelled out in 14 specific points.</p>
<enttype='NORP'>CHRISTIANITY</ent> - beliefs are based on the supernatural. Essentially geared to denouncing the real world and focusing on a fictitious
heaven and a hell in the "hereafter." A collection of superstitions,
myths and fantasies that appeal to the naive and gullible, but are
an affront to any informed, reasoning man or woman.
CREATIVITY - beliefs based upon reality - the Eternal Laws
of Nature, the life and welfare of <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> on this <enttype='LOC'>Planet Earth</ent>.
Based upon the Experience of History, and upon Common Sense.
Basic Attitudes
<enttype='NORP'>CHRISTIANITY</ent> - promotes the idea that we are all equal in
the eyes of the Lord (except the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> are his overwhelming favorite)
and therefore race-mixing is just great. Also, we owe the less for-tunate (the niggers and the mud races) everything we have. We
should love them, marry them, feed them and house them. (Sell all
thou hast, love our enemies, etc.)
CREATIVITY - takes a completely opposite view on the racial
position. We follow Nature's Eternal Laws, which clearly state: take
care of your own. CREATIVITY views mongrelization of <enttype='EVENT'>the White</ent>
Race as the ultimate horror and does not view the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> as "God's
Chosen." Rather it categorizes the <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> as mankind's most persis-tent parasite, and a major disaster for <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent>. Our GOLDEN
RULE says it all: What is good for <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> is the highest
virtue; what is bad for <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> is the ultimate sin.</p>
government (read U.S. taxpayers). Foreign <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent>, especially from the
U.S., float huge bonds, which benefits are sent to <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>. On top of
that as many as 3.5 million <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> in <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent> and other countries now
get "restitution" payments from a supine <enttype='NORP'>German</ent> government on top
of all the other loot they manage to finagle and extract from the <enttype='ORG'>goyim</ent>
abroad. All this thievery accrues to about $10000 per year for each
<enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> family of four. Talk about successful parasites! Talk about
accomplished thievery! Who was it that said crime doesn't pay?
Now you would think that with all this free subsidization,
ancient pesthole of the world would be rolling in luxury, a virtual land
of milk and honey, as the <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> Bible likes to envision God's Chosen.
But it isn't. It is a miserable place with no future of its own
not only has one of the highest inflation rates, but also one of the
highest emigration rates - <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> who have had a taste of their own
communistic brew are moving out. The only factor that keep the
entire population from disappearing is the fervent and misleading pro-paganda in foreign countries inducing new <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent> victims to move in.
The <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> are, in fact, as adept at lying to their own people as</p>
<p>they are to the <enttype='ORG'>goyim</ent>. But it can't last. <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent> is doomed. As soon
as <enttype='EVENT'>the White Race</ent> comes to its senses and stops subsidizing this
virulent pesthole, it will collapse like a pricked balloon.
It is the goal and unswerving determination of the CHURCH OF
THE CREATOR to help bring this about as quickly as possible by
straightening out the confused, scrambled thinking of our White
Racial Comrades. Let us hasten this day. Without the misguided sub-sidization by <enttype='EVENT'>the White</ent><enttype='ORG'>goyim</ent><enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent> and the whole stinking <enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent>
network would disappear faster than a snowball in the proverbial
<enttype='NORP'>Jewish</ent>) hell. Then, no longer protected by a subservient and toady-ing United States, the 120 million hostile <enttype='NORP'>Arabs</ent> that surround <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>
<p> Under the various scenarios, the worst nightmares of most <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>is,
the government will thus try to cover its own growing budget deficits and
decline in foreign currency reserves with private money.
The <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>i government, whose budgetary expenses actually exceed its
gross domestic product of around $20 billion, has protested - in the per-son of Finance Minister <enttype='PERSON'>Yitzhak Modai</ent> - that it "will not touch the savings
of the individual <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>i."
But <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>is have long since stopped believing in their government.
"I don't believe anything they're saying anymore," declared <enttype='PERSON'>Orah Lip</ent>-sky, an <enttype='NORP'>American</ent>-born educator who <enttype='ORG'>liv</ent>es in <enttype='GPE'>Jerusalem</ent>. She said she was
especially upset by the governments recent decision to raise the travel tax
to $300 along with another 20 percent on the price of airline tickets.
For Mrs. <enttype='PERSON'>Lipsky</ent>, her husband and two children, this means that what
used to be $2000 trip to visit her parents in <enttype='GPE'>New Jersey</ent> has become over-night a trip that costs close to $14000 just for airfare and government taxes.
"It's an outrage", said Mrs. <enttype='PERSON'>Lipsky</ent>. "I feel like a prisoner of conscience.
I don't think they (the government) have any economic plan."
Beyond the travel tax, the <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>i government also decreed that the value
added tax (VAT) - a kind of national sales tax on every good and service
- would rise from 15 to 17 percent.
"What this gigantic government really has to do it cannot do because
it has to please 25 different ministers, and therefore it cannot cut public spen-ding," asserted <enttype='PERSON'>Nehemya Shessler</ent>, economic reporter for the liberal morn-ing daily paper, Ha'aretz.
In less than two months, the black market rate for the dollars has prac-tically doubled as thousands of <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>is and <enttype='GPE'>Israel</ent>i institutions cashed in their
savings and pension plans and bought dollars on the black market or rush-ed out to buy luxury items such as new cars.
Already, however, senior government ministers are talking about im-posing a new tax on all cars, no matter how old, owned by the public. This
would be in addition to the numerous taxes and customs levies on new cars
that have raised prices to astronomical levels.
A mid-size sedan, for example, which would cost five or six thousand