Union Carbide plant "accident" that killed several thousand and
injured over 200000 on Dec. 3.</p>
<p>The <enttype='NORP'>Soviet</ent> press picked up the story on October 1985, making it
easy for U.S. <enttype='ORG'>Defense Department</ent> spokesmen to dismiss the charges
as "<enttype='NORP'>Soviet</ent> propaganda," even though many other countries carried
it. The <enttype='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s recently retracted the charges, in the new
spirit of US-<enttype='GPE'>USSR</ent> cooperation.</p>
<p>A variation on the AIDS-BW theory that is popular in far-right
publications is that AIDS was developed in <enttype='NORP'>Soviet</ent> laboratories
for use against the U.S. An obvious problem with this idea is
that the victims of choice of a <enttype='NORP'>Soviet</ent> BW attack would be anti-<enttype='NORP'>communists</ent>, not minorities or homosexuals, who are generally more
left-wing. The people at greatest risk from AIDS in the U.S. are
in fact the very elements most disliked by arch-conservatives.
In any case, it is simplistic to assume that one country, U.S. or
<enttype='GPE'>USSR</ent>, is conducting this campaign against one another. Although
concealed in apparent conflicts between nations, the real
culprits are multi-national fascists on both "sides" still bent
on massive population reductions and global domination.</p>
<p>Other motives include the old "divide and conquer" principle;
AIDS is inspiring fear and mistrust between people, and scaring
them away from relating to each other at the basic level of
sexuality. It is acting as a barrier to the attempted cultural
resurgence toward peace, love and cooperation. Of high school
students surveyed last year as to which decade they'd most like
to have grown up in, 90% chose the 60's. The last thing pro-war
fascists want is another "love generation," especially if it is
more politically sophisticated than the last one.</p>
<p>Apparently, homosexuals were an initial target in the U.S.
because their sexual practices would help in the rapid spread of
the disease, and because it was correctly assumed that very few
non-homosexual citizens would pay much attention during the early
years of the epidemic. Also, the stigma of a "homosexual
disease" would interfere with rational analysis and discussion of
AIDS. Bear in mind that homosexuals were among the first to be
exterminated in <enttype='NORP'>Nazi</ent><enttype='GPE'>Germany</ent>, before <enttype='NORP'>Jews</ent> or other minorities, so
fewer citizens would object.</p>
<p>The details of precisely how the AIDS virus was synthesized, mass
cultured, and spread by incorporating into vaccination programs
are available but fairly intricate. It is beyond the scope of
this report to present a crash course in virology, epidemiology,
genetic engineering, and the military strategies of international
fascism. Readers are encouraged to obtain and study the
references cited here, and demand a full inquiry. Those
officials who are actually involved in the coverup will reveal it
by their inaction when pressed to investigate.</p>
<p>Evil is hard to confront, especially on the preposterous scale we
have here. If you acknowledge the presence of those who think
their only hope for survival is to kill off two thirds of all the
other kinds, and their ability to manage it, you then pretty much
have to do something about it.</p>
<p>Three good sources, each which lists many other key references,
are: <enttype='ORG'>Covert Action Information Bulletin</ent> #28 ($5), Box 50272,
<enttype='GPE'>Washington</ent>, D.C. 20004; Bio-Attack Alert ($20), Dr. Robert
Strecker, 1501 Colorado Blvd., <enttype='GPE'>Los Angeles</ent>, CA 90041; Radio Free
America #16 by <enttype='PERSON'>Dave Emery</ent> and <enttype='PERSON'>Nip Tuck</ent> (3 tapes, $10), Davkore
Co., 1300-D Space Park Way, Mountain View, CA 94043.</p>
<p>This report was originally printed in - Critique - Exposing
Consensus Reality, P.O. Box 11368, <enttype='GPE'>Santa Rosa</ent>, CA 95406. $15.00