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<xml><p>Subject: <ent type='PERSON'>JFK</ent>: List of Convenient Deaths
Date: 26 Mar 91 01:10:57 GMT</p>
<p>Here is the much requested list of people asso<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>ted with the <ent type='PERSON'>JFK</ent>
assassination whose deaths are called convenient. <ent type='ORG'>Bear</ent> in mind that
this is a terse summary of each individual's circumstances in relation
to the case. Therefore, you may not get the full appre<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>tion of why
a particular death is suspicious. An asterisk indicates that a death is
particularly suspicious. Some
These deaths were part of why <ent type='ORG'>the House Select Committee</ent> on Assassinations
investigation got started. However, they concluded that due to the highly
varied backgrounds of people involved, a proper actuarial study was not
Aside from the likelihood of x number of deaths over a period of time
of people connected with an invenstigation, there is also the trend that
the number of deaths actually increased closer to the time of these
investigations. The listing below is grouped by investigation. Note that
in 1977, for example, before the HSCA investigation kicked off, six top
<ent type='ORG'>FBI</ent> offi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>ls scheduled to appear before the HSCA died. William C. <ent type='PERSON'>Sullivan</ent>,
for example, was out hunting, when he was shot by a man with a high-powered
rifle who said he mistook <ent type='PERSON'>Sullivan</ent> for a deer. This was *not* investigated
by anyone. And so it goes.
Some of the causes of death listed appear on the surface to be natural.
Keep in mind that the <ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> developed methods to "make it look like an
accident". This was documented through the testimony of <ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> techni<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>ns
to the <ent type='ORG'>Church</ent> committee who told of <ent type='ORG'>TWEP</ent> technology (Termination With
Extreme Prejudice) in 1975. These methods are designed to not be detected
in postmortem examinations. I have a couple of exerpts of declassified
<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> documents to demonstrate the case. One of the techniques involves
the injection of cancer cells, heart attack inducement, as well as non-chemical techniques which require no spe<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>l equipment. Based on the
strange circumstances of <ent type='PERSON'>Jack Ruby</ent>'s death in prison (he died from lung
cancer but the cancer cells were not the type that originate in the
respiratory system). <ent type='ORG'>Ruby</ent> wrote notes and spoke to several people saying
that <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> was killed by a conspiracy and that he had been maneuvered into
killing <ent type='PERSON'>Oswald</ent> who was a fall guy. He claimed to have been injected with
cancer cells when treated with shots for a cold. He died just before he
was to testify in <ent type='ORG'>Congress</ent>. He had told congressional investigators that
he wanted to talk but he needed protection.
This list does not include the names of the many people who claimed that
their lives were threatened physically and verbally, as well as the many
people questioned by the <ent type='ORG'>FBI</ent> who were intimidated and forced to change their
testimony to agree with the offi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>l lone-gunman version.
This list is not meant to be proof of a conspiracy. I believe a conspiracy
took place based on a plethora of circumstantial evidence, many involving
questions that are very strange if we are to believe the lone-gunman theory.
Many of the points I have raised can be rationally explained, but it is the
confluence of many aspects of the case which make me doubt the offi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>l
version of events more than anything else.
<p>The Warren Commission</p>
<p>date name connection with case cause of death
<p>11/63 <ent type='PERSON'>karyn kupcinet</ent>* tv host's daughter overheard murdered
telling of <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent>'s death prior
to 11/22/63</p>
<p>12/63 <ent type='PERSON'>jack zangretti</ent>* expressed foreknowlege of gunshot victim
ruby shooting oswald</p>
<p>2/64 eddy benavides* look-alike brother to gunshot to head
tippit shooting witness,
domingo benavides</p>
<p>2/64 <ent type='PERSON'>betty mcdonald</ent>* former ruby employee who suicide by hanging
alibied <ent type='PERSON'>warren reynolds</ent> in <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> jail
shooting suspect</p>
<p>3/64 bill chesher thought to have information heart attack
linking oswald and ruby</p>
<p>3/64 hank <ent type='PERSON'>killam</ent>* husband of ruby employee, throat cut
knew <ent type='PERSON'>oswald acquaintance</ent></p>
<p>4/64 bill hunter* reporter who was in ruby's accidental shooting
apartment on 11/24/63 by policeman</p>
<p>5/64 <ent type='PERSON'>gary underhill</ent>* <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> agent who claimed agency gunshot in head ruled
was involved suicide</p>
<p>5/64 <ent type='ORG'>hugh ward</ent>* private investigator working plane crash in <ent type='GPE'>mexico</ent>
with guy bannister and david
<p>5/64 delesseps * new <ent type='NORP'>orleans</ent> mayor passenger in ward's
<ent type='ORG'>morrison plane</ent></p>
<p>8/64 teresa <ent type='ORG'>norton</ent>* ruby employee fatally shot</p>
<p>6/64 guy banister* ex-<ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> agent in new <ent type='NORP'>orleans</ent> heart attack
connected to ferrie, <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>,
<ent type='PERSON'>carlos marcello</ent>, oswald</p>
<p>9/64 <ent type='PERSON'>jim koethe</ent>* reporter who was in ruby's blow to neck
apartment on 11/24/63</p>
<p>9/64 c.d.<ent type='PERSON'>jackson</ent> life <ent type='ORG'>mag</ent> senior vp who unknown
bought zapruder film and
locked it away</p>
<p>10/64 <ent type='PERSON'>mary pinchot</ent>* <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> mistress whose diary murdered
<ent type='PERSON'>meyer</ent> was taken by <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> chief
<ent type='PERSON'>james angleton</ent> after her
<p>1/65 paul mandal life writer who told of <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> cancer
turning to rear when shot in
<p>3/65 <ent type='PERSON'>tom howard</ent>* ruby's first lawyer, was in heart attack
ruby's apartment on 11/24/63</p>
<p>5/65 <ent type='PERSON'>maurice gatlin</ent>* pilot for guy banister fatal fall</p>
<p>8/65 mona b. saenz* <ent type='GPE'>texas</ent> employment clerk who hit by <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> bus
interviewed oswald</p>
<p>?/65 david goldstein <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent>ite who helped <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> trace natural causes
oswald's pistol</p>
<p>9/65 rose <ent type='ORG'>cheramie</ent>* knew of assassination in hit/run victim
advance, told of riding to
<ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> with <ent type='NORP'>cubans</ent></p>
<p>11/65 dorothy * columnist who had private drug overdose
kilgallen interview with ruby, pledged
to "break <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> case"</p>
<p>11/65 <ent type='PERSON'>mrs earl smith</ent>* close friend to <ent type='PERSON'>dorothy kil</ent>-unknown
gallen, died two days after
columnist, may have kept notes</p>
<p>12/65 <ent type='PERSON'>william whaley</ent>* cab driver who reportedly drove motor collision (the
oswald to oak cliff only <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> taxi driver
to die on duty</p>
<p>1966 judge <ent type='PERSON'>joe brown</ent> presided over ruby's trial heart attack</p>
<p>1966 karen "littleruby employee who last talkedgunshot victim
lynn" carlin*with ruby before oswald
<p>1/66 <ent type='ORG'>earline roberts</ent> oswald's landlady heart attack</p>
<p>2/66 <ent type='PERSON'>albert bogard</ent>* car salesman who said oswald suicide
test drove new car</p>
<p>6/66 capt. frank <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> police captain who cancer
<ent type='PERSON'>martin</ent> witnessed <ent type='PERSON'>oswald slaying</ent>, told
<ent type='ORG'>warren commission</ent>, "there's
alot to be said but probably
be better if i don't say it."</p>
<p>8/66 lee bowers,jr.* witnessed man behind picket motor accident
fence on grassy knoll</p>
<p>9/66 marilyn ruby dancer shot by husband
"delilah"* after one month
walle of marriage</p>
<p>10/66 <ent type='PERSON'>william pitzer</ent>* <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> autopsy photographer who gunshot, ruled
described his duty as a suicide
"horrifying experience"</p>
<p>11/66 <ent type='PERSON'>jimmy levens</ent> fort worth nightclub owner natural causes
who hired ruby employees</p>
<p>11/66 <ent type='PERSON'>james worrell</ent>* saw man flee rear of <ent type='GPE'>texas</ent> motor accident
schoolbook depository</p>
<p>1966 <ent type='ORG'>clarence oliver</ent> d.a. investigator who worked unknown
ruby case.</p>
<p>12/66 hank <ent type='PERSON'>suydam</ent> life <ent type='ORG'>mag</ent> offi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>l in charge heart attack
of <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> stories</p>
<p>The Garrison Inquiry</p>
<p>date name connection with case cause of death
<p>1967 <ent type='PERSON'>Leonard Pullin</ent> civilian <ent type='ORG'>navy</ent> employee who one-car crash
helped film "last two days"
about assassination</p>
<p>1/67 <ent type='PERSON'>jack ruby</ent>* oswald's slayer lung cancer (he told
family he was injected
with cancer cells)</p>
<p>2/67 <ent type='PERSON'>harold russell</ent>* saw escape of tippit killer killed by cop in
barroom brawl</p>
<p>2/67 <ent type='PERSON'>david ferrie</ent>* acquaintance of oswald, blow to neck, ruled
garrison suspect, employee accidental
of guy bannister</p>
<p>2/67 eladio del anti-<ent type='PERSON'>castro</ent> <ent type='NORP'>cuban</ent> asso<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>te gunshot wound, ax wound
valle * of <ent type='PERSON'>david ferrie</ent> being sought to head
by garrison</p>
<p>3/67 dr. mary ferrie asso<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>te working on died in fire, possibly
sherman * cancer research shot</p>
<p>1/68 a.d. <ent type='PERSON'>bowie asst</ent> <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> d.a. prosecuting cancer
<p>4/68 hiram ingram <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> deputy sheriff, close cancer
friend to <ent type='PERSON'>roger craig</ent></p>
<p>5/68 dr. nicholas new <ent type='NORP'>orleans</ent> coroner who ruled heart attack
<ent type='ORG'>chetta</ent> on death of ferrie</p>
<p>8/68 <ent type='PERSON'>philip geraci</ent>* friend of <ent type='PERSON'>perry russo</ent>, told electrocution
of oswald/<ent type='PERSON'>shaw</ent> conversation</p>
<p>1/69 <ent type='PERSON'>henry delaune</ent>* brother-in-law to coroner <ent type='ORG'>chetta</ent> murdered</p>
<p>1/69 e.r. walthers* <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> deputy sheriff who was shot by felon
involved in depository search,
claimed to have found .45
caliber slug</p>
<p>1969 charles filmed rifle other than heart attack
mantesana mannlicher-carcano being taken
from depository</p>
<p>4/69 <ent type='PERSON'>mary bledsoe</ent> neighbor to oswald, also new natural causes
<p>4/69 <ent type='PERSON'>john crawford</ent>* close friend to both ruby and crash of private plane
<ent type='PERSON'>wesley frazier</ent>, who gave ride
to oswald on 11/22/63</p>
<p>7/69 rev. <ent type='PERSON'>clyde</ent> scheduled to testify about clay fatally shot
<ent type='PERSON'>johnson</ent> * <ent type='PERSON'>shaw oswald connection</ent></p>
<p>1970 <ent type='PERSON'>george mcmann</ent>* underworld figure connected murdered
to ruby's friends; wife took
film in dealey plaza</p>
<p>1/70 darrel garner arrested for shooting warren drug overdose
<ent type='ORG'>reynolds</ent>, released after
alibi from <ent type='PERSON'>betty mcdonald</ent></p>
<p>8/70 bill decker <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> sheriff who saw bullet natural causes
hit street in front of <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent></p>
<p>8/70 abraham took famous film of <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> assass, natural causes
<p>12/70 salvatore mobster linked to <ent type='ORG'>hoffa</ent>, murdered
<ent type='ORG'>granello</ent>* trafficante,<ent type='PERSON'>castro</ent> assassination
<p>1971 <ent type='PERSON'>james plumeri</ent>* mobster tied to mob-<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> murdered
assassination plots</p>
<p>3/71 <ent type='ORG'>clayton fowler ruby</ent>'s chief defense atty. unknown</p>
<p>4/71 gen. charles <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> deputy director connected collapsed and died
<ent type='ORG'>cabell</ent> * to anti-<ent type='PERSON'>castro</ent> <ent type='NORP'>cubans</ent> after physical at
fort myers</p>
<p>The <ent type='ORG'>Church</ent> Committee Investigation</p>
<p>date name connection to case cause of death
<p>1972 hale boggs* house majority leader, member disappeared on <ent type='NORP'>alaskan</ent>
of <ent type='ORG'>warren commission</ent> who began plane flight
to publicly express doubts
about findings</p>
<p>5/72 j <ent type='PERSON'>edgar hoover</ent>* <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> director who pushed "<ent type='ORG'>loneheart</ent> attack (no
assassin" theoryautopsy)</p>
<p>9/73 <ent type='PERSON'>thomas davis</ent>* gun runner connected to both electrocuted trying
ruby and <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> to steal wire</p>
<p>2/74 j.a. milteer* <ent type='GPE'>miami</ent> right-winger who heater explosion
predicted <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent>'s death and
capture of scapegoat to a
police informant</p>
<p>1974 <ent type='PERSON'>dave yaras</ent>* close friend to both <ent type='PERSON'>Hoffa</ent> murdered
and <ent type='PERSON'>jack ruby</ent></p>
<p>7/74 <ent type='PERSON'>earl warren</ent> chief justice who reluctantly heart failure
chaired <ent type='ORG'>warren commission</ent></p>
<p>8/74 clay <ent type='PERSON'>shaw</ent>* prime suspect in garrison possible cancer
case, reportedly a <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>
contact with ferrie and
e. <ent type='PERSON'>howard hunt</ent></p>
<p>1974 earle <ent type='ORG'>cabell</ent> mayor of <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> on 11/22/63 natural causes
whose brother, gen charles
<ent type='ORG'>cabell</ent>, was fired from <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>
by <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent></p>
<p>6/75 sam giancana* <ent type='GPE'>chicago</ent> mafia boss slated to murdered
tell about <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>-mob death
plots to <ent type='ORG'>senate</ent> committee</p>
<p>1975 <ent type='PERSON'>clyde</ent> tolson j <ent type='PERSON'>edgar hoover</ent>s <ent type='ORG'>asst</ent> and natural causes
<p>7/75 <ent type='ORG'>allan sweatt</ent> <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> deputy sheriff involved natural causes
in investigation</p>
<p>12/75 gen. earl contact between <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> and <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> unknown
wheeler </p>
<p>1976 ralph paul ruby's business partner heart attack
connected with crime figures</p>
<p>4/76 dr. charles gov <ent type='PERSON'>john connally</ent>'s physi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>n heart attack
<ent type='PERSON'>gregory</ent></p>
<p>6/76 <ent type='PERSON'>william harvey</ent>* <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> coordinator for <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>-mob complications of
assassination plans against heart surgery
<ent type='PERSON'>castro</ent></p>
<p>7/76 <ent type='PERSON'>john roselli</ent>* mobster who testified to stabbed and stuffed
<ent type='ORG'>senate</ent>, was to appear again in metal drum</p>
<p>House <ent type='ORG'>Select Committee</ent> on Assassinations</p>
<p>date name connection with case cause of death
<p>1/77 <ent type='PERSON'>william pawley</ent>* former <ent type='NORP'>brazilian</ent> embassador gunshot, ruled suicide
connected to anti-<ent type='PERSON'>castro</ent> <ent type='NORP'>cubans</ent>
and crime figures</p>
<p>3/77 george * close friend to both oswald and gunshot wound, ruled
<ent type='ORG'>demohrenschildt bouvier</ent> family (<ent type='PERSON'>jackie kennedy</ent>'s suicide
parents), <ent type='ORG'>cia</ent> contract agent</p>
<p>3/77 <ent type='PERSON'>carlos prio</ent>* formerly <ent type='NORP'>cuban</ent> president, gunshot wound, ruled
<ent type='ORG'>soccaras</ent> money man for anti-<ent type='PERSON'>castro</ent> <ent type='NORP'>cubans</ent> suicide</p>
<p>3/77 <ent type='PERSON'>paul raigorodsky</ent> business friend of <ent type='PERSON'>george natural</ent> causes
<ent type='ORG'>demohrenschildt</ent> and wealthy
<p>5/77 lou staples* <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> radio talk show host gunshot wound to head
who told friends he would ruled suicide
break assassination case</p>
<p>6/77 <ent type='PERSON'>louis nichols</ent> former number-3 man in <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> heart attack
worked on <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> assassination</p>
<p>8/77 alan belmont <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> offi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>l who testified to "long illness"
<ent type='ORG'>warren commission</ent></p>
<p>8/77 james cadigan <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> document expert who fall in home
testified to <ent type='ORG'>warren commission</ent></p>
<p>8/77 <ent type='PERSON'>joseph ayres</ent>* chief steward on <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent>'s air shooting accident
force one</p>
<p>8/77 francis powers* u-2 pilot downed in <ent type='GPE'>russia</ent> in helicopter crash (he
1960 reportedly ran out
of fuel</p>
<p>9/77 kenneth <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent>'s closest aide natural causes
<p>10/77 donald kaylor <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> fingerprint chemist heart attack</p>
<p>10/77 j.m. <ent type='NORP'>english</ent> former head of <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> forensic heart attack
sciences laboratory</p>
<p>11/77 william former number-3 man in <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent>, hunting accident
<ent type='PERSON'>sullivan</ent> * headed division 5, counter-espionage and domestic intelligence</p>
<p>1978 c.l. "<ent type='GPE'>lummie</ent>" <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> deputy sheriff who natural causes
<ent type='PERSON'>lewis</ent> arrested mafia man <ent type='PERSON'>braden</ent> in
dealey plaza</p>
<p>9/78 garland slack man who said oswald fired at unknown
his target at rifle range</p>
<p>1/79 <ent type='ORG'>bill lovelady depository employee</ent> said to complications from
be man in doorway in ap heart attack
<p>6/80 <ent type='ORG'>jesse</ent> curry <ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> police chief at time of heart attack
assassination </p>
<p>6/80 dr. <ent type='PERSON'>john psychiatrist</ent> who testified ruby heart attack, but pills
holbrook was not insane and notes found</p>
<p>1/81 marguerite mother of accused assassin cancer
<p>10/81 frank watts chief felony prosecutor for natural causes
<ent type='GPE'>dallas</ent> d.a.</p>
<p>1/82 peter <ent type='PERSON'>gregory</ent> original translator for marina natural causess
oswald and secret service</p>
<p>5/82 dr. james pathologist allowed to see <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> died while jogging,
weston autopsy material for hsca ruled natural causes</p>
<p>8/82 will griffin <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> agent who said oswald cancer
"definitely an informant"</p>
<p>10/82 w. marvin <ent type='ORG'>fbi</ent> offi<ent type='ORG'>cia</ent>l who helped natural causes
gheesling supervise <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> investigation</p>
<p>3/84 <ent type='PERSON'>roy kellerman</ent> secret service agent in charge unknown
of <ent type='PERSON'>jfk</ent> limousine</p>
<p>Source: "Crossfire", <ent type='PERSON'>Jim Marrs</ent>, <ent type='ORG'>Carroll</ent> and <ent type='PERSON'>Graf</ent>, 1989.
<ent type='PERSON'>Steve Feinstein</ent>