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<xml >
<p > AN <ent type= 'ORG' > ILLUMINATI</ent> OUTLINE OF HISTORY</p>
<p > Alpha and <ent type= 'ORG' > Omega</ent> -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Immanentizing</ent> of the Eschaton.
20000000 BC -- Recent Epoch of geeology begins; Ice Age ends;
human beings spread to all parts of the world.
30000 -- First Illuminatus, Gruad, rules in Atlantis.
20000 -- Mythical Lloigor inhabit continent of Mu.
10000 -- Approximate beginning of agriculture. Estimated date of
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inscriptions on stone disks by the <ent type= 'NORP' > Dropa</ent> tribe, a diminuative
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people of the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains on the border of <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> and
<ent type= 'GPE' > Tibet</ent> ; disks describe how the tribe came to earth in flying
machines; ancient <ent type= 'NORP' > Dropa</ent> graves contain human remains with huge
heads and small bodies. Earliest estimated date of carving of the
Crystal Skull found at <ent type= 'GPE' > Lubaantun</ent> in the <ent type= 'GPE' > Yucatan</ent> . Hyborian Age in
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9000 to 10000 -- Date of Plato's Atlantis.
6000 -- Picture writing develops.
5000 -- First alphabet begins to develop.
4000 -- Approximate date of discovery of metals, beginning of
cities, constellations of stars first recorded. <ent type= 'NORP' > Egyptians</ent> begin
placing small pieces of crystal on the forehead of deceased prior
to mummification.
3000 -- Approximate date of building of the <ent type= 'LOC' > Sphinx</ent> and Great
Pyramid at <ent type= 'GPE' > Giza</ent> and other pyramids elsewhere in <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> . Indus
Valley civilization develops complex government, writing and well
planned cities. <ent type= 'NORP' > Minoan</ent> civilization flourishes in <ent type= 'GPE' > Crete</ent> .
Earliest parts of the Bible written. Beginning date of Olmec
calendar from <ent type= 'LOC' > Central America</ent> : 3113 BC. Trephination (cutting a
hole in the skull) practiced by people all over the world.
2500 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Sarmoung Brotherhood</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Babylonia</ent> flourish according to
2100 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Egyptians</ent> record star configurations on which the 24 hour
day is based.
2000 -- Stonehenge and other stone circles built in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
1800 -- Huge Silbury Mound constructed near Stonehenge.
1700 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Babylonia</ent> n Enuma <ent type= 'PERSON' > Anu Enlil</ent> , early roots of astrology
based on celestial phenomena.
1500 -- Approximate date of the destruction of Thera, on which
Atlantis legends are probably based. Early references to
<ent type= 'NORP' > Mithraism</ent> on cuneform astronomical tests. Quadrants of the moon
recorded in <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> .
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1360 -- Akhenaton's monotheistic sun worship in <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> .
1344 -- Tutankhamun, Akhenaton's successor who revived
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polytheism, buried at <ent type= 'GPE' > Thebes</ent> ; curse reading "Death comes on swift
wings to he who opens this tomb," written on tomb doorway.
1300 -- Approximate date "I Ching" written in <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> .
1184 -- End of <ent type= 'EVENT' > the Trojan War</ent> , Illium falls to the <ent type= 'NORP' > Greeks</ent> .
1000 to 2000 -- Legendary Thule civilization in the <ent type= 'LOC' > Gobi</ent> region
destroyed by a catastrophe, "possibly of an atomic nature,"
survivors migrating to <ent type= 'ORG' > Agarthi</ent> and Schamballah.
1000 -- Huge Sacrificial Table built at Mystery Hill near <ent type= 'PERSON' > North</ent>
Salem, <ent type= 'GPE' > New Hampshire</ent> .
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950 -- Approximate date of building of Solomon's Temple in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Jerusalem</ent> , traditional origin of the <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> fraternity; alleged
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assassination of <ent type= 'ORG' > Temple master</ent> -mason Hiram for refusing to reveal
masonic secrets.
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900 -- Approximate time settlers from Europe and <ent type= 'LOC' > the Middle East</ent>
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established colonies in <ent type= 'PERSON' > North</ent> <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> .
800 -- Twenty-two "moon stations" in monthly lunar cycle
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recognized in <ent type= 'GPE' > Babylonia</ent> , India and <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> .
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753 -- Legendary founding of <ent type= 'GPE' > Rome</ent> by <ent type= 'NORP' > Romulus</ent> .
700 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Jordanian</ent> city of <ent type= 'ORG' > Petra</ent> is carved out of sandstone by
unknown culture.
600 -- Approximate beginning of money with first coins in Lydia.
575 -- Nebuchadnezzar completes building Tower of Babel in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Babylon</ent> .
500 to 600 -- Time of Buddha, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lao Tse</ent> , Confucius, Zarathustra,
Orpheus, Pythagoras, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Zachariah</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Daniel</ent> --an Illuminated century.
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500 -- <ent type= 'LOC' > Sun</ent> -Tse's "Treatise on the Art of War," first intelligence
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485 -- Execution of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Spurius Cassius</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Rome</ent> .
450 -- Development of the 12 constellations of the zodiac in
<ent type= 'ORG' > Mesopotamia</ent> , recognizing the importance of the plane of the
elliptic through which the sun, moon and planets move.
440 -- Assassination of Spurius Maelius.
400 -- Druidism in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> . Astrological ideas from Enuma Anu
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Enlil transmitted to India.
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390 -- Approximate date Plato's "The Republic" written, featuring
such <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminoid</ent> images as the Philosopher Kings, <ent type= 'ORG' > the Divided Line</ent>
and the parable of the Cave.
355 -- Plato's "Timaios" and "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Kritias</ent> ," earliest accounts of
300 -- Invention of <ent type= 'NORP' > Mayan</ent> calendar in <ent type= 'GPE' > Yucatan</ent> , based on advanced
astronomy. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Fabius</ent> family of <ent type= 'GPE' > Rome</ent> reaches its greatest heights.
275 -- Approximate date <ent type= 'NORP' > Greek</ent> poet <ent type= 'PERSON' > Aratus</ent> makes first sytematic
record of star constellations in "<ent type= 'ORG' > Phaenomena</ent> ."
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273 to 232 -- Rule of Asoka, king of India who allegedly founded
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the Nine Unknown.
212 -- Archimedes uses burning-glass to set fire to <ent type= 'NORP' > Roman</ent> fleet at
<ent type= 'ORG' > Syracuse</ent> , early use of lens as weapon.
133 -- Land reformer <ent type= 'PERSON' > Tiberius Gracchus</ent> murdered and hundreds of
his followers killed by followers of powerful <ent type= 'NORP' > Roman</ent> patricians;
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death of Scripio <ent type= 'NORP' > Africanus</ent> a few years later.
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121 -- Gaius <ent type= 'PERSON' > Gracchus</ent> and 3000 of his followers massacred by
100 -- The Great Teacher of <ent type= 'ORG' > the Essenes</ent> . Essentials of modern
astrology worked out.
95 -- Approximate date of assassination of <ent type= 'LOC' > Saturninus</ent> and Glaucia.
92 -- Assassination of Rutilius Rufus.
91 -- Assassination of Livius Drufus.
73 -- Revolt of gladiators led by Spartacus.
44 -- Assassination of Julius Caesar.
4 -- Birth of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jesus</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Nazareth</ent> , accompanied by various <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminoid</ent>
trappings: three early Men-In-Black disguised as the <ent type= 'ORG' > Wise Men</ent> ;
strange lights in the sky; miracles such as visits from angels,
prohpecy and suspension of time are reported.
0 -- Carnation-Painted Eyebrows Society, Copper Horses, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Iron Shins</ent>
and other secret societies active in <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> .
AD 30 -- Assassination of the radical <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jesus</ent> , allegedly on
<ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> orders; more <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminoid</ent> trappings; an eclipse; an
earthquake; visitorsfrom the sky roll away the stone from the
sepulcher and liberate the crucified <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jesus</ent> .
100 -- Hero of <ent type= 'GPE' > Alexandria</ent> devises primitive steam-engine.
125 to 150 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Simon Magus</ent> , Menander, Valentinus and others develop
Gnostic religious doctrines of esoteric knowledge (illumination).
135 -- Approximate date Ptolemy records 1022 stars in "<ent type= 'ORG' > Almagest</ent> ";
also recorded astrological ideas from Enuma <ent type= 'PERSON' > Anu Enlil</ent> in his
"<ent type= 'ORG' > Apotelesmatika</ent> ."
150 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Roman</ent> <ent type= 'NORP' > Mithraism</ent> competes with <ent type= 'NORP' > Christianity</ent> . Yellow Turban
Society subdues northern <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> , <ent type= 'ORG' > Triad</ent> cult formed in opposition.
200 -- First book of the <ent type= 'ORG' > cabala</ent> , "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Sepher Yetzirah</ent> ," compiled.
216 to 276 -- Life of Mani, the Illuminator, who founded
<ent type= 'NORP' > Manicheism</ent> , based on ideas from <ent type= 'NORP' > Judaism</ent> , <ent type= 'NORP' > Christianity</ent> ,
Zoroasterism, Gnosticism, etc.
325 -- Council of Nicaea in which <ent type= 'NORP' > Christian</ent> begins to rigidify.
400 -- Estimated date of carving of stone statues found on Easter
500 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Chinese</ent> use of gunpowder.
570 to 632 -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Muhammad</ent> , founder of Islam.
670 -- Callinicus invents <ent type= 'NORP' > Greek</ent> Fire, primitive incendiary bomb.
673 to 735 -- Life of the Venerable <ent type= 'PERSON' > Bede</ent> , the greatest scholar of
<ent type= 'NORP' > Saxon</ent> <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> whose "Ecclesiastical History of <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> " (731)
contained many occult and unexplained occurances.
700 -- Sufi mysticism begins.
730 -- "Al <ent type= 'PERSON' > Azif</ent> " written in <ent type= 'GPE' > Damascus</ent> by Abdul Alhazred.
772 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charlemagne</ent> allegedly established <ent type= 'ORG' > Holy Secret Tribunal</ent>
which becomes the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Holy Vehm</ent> .
850 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Ismaili</ent> and <ent type= 'NORP' > Fatimid</ent> missionaries throughout <ent type= 'GPE' > Islamic Empire</ent>
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preach revolution against the ruling <ent type= 'LOC' > Sun</ent> ni order and <ent type= 'NORP' > Abbasid</ent>
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900 -- Beginning of the Bogomils of <ent type= 'GPE' > Bulgaria</ent> , a <ent type= 'PERSON' > Manicheian</ent> sect,
roots of <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> .
909 -- First <ent type= 'NORP' > Fatimid</ent> caliph in <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> .
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920 to 1003 -- Life of Pope Sylvester II who allegedly visited the
Nine Unknown in India.
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950 -- "Al <ent type= 'PERSON' > Azif</ent> " translated into <ent type= 'NORP' > Greek</ent> as "Necronomicon."
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1000 -- Approximate founding of Yezidi cult by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Sufi Sheikh</ent> Adi in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Iraq</ent> . Abode of Learning active in <ent type= 'GPE' > Cairo</ent> . Spread of <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent>
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Manicheism</ent> throughout Europe. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Leif Ericson</ent> explores <ent type= 'PERSON' > North</ent>
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<ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> .
1034 to 1124 -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hasan</ent> -e Sabbah, founder of <ent type= 'ORG' > the Assassins</ent>
of <ent type= 'GPE' > Persia</ent> . Member of the <ent type= 'NORP' > Ismaili</ent> sect, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hasan</ent> seized fortress of
<ent type= 'GPE' > Alamut</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Daylam</ent> in 1090; split with <ent type= 'NORP' > Fatimid</ent> dynasty in 1094;
Assassins flourished for next several centuries.
1050 -- Approximate date of founding of the Order of Hospitallers
in <ent type= 'GPE' > Jerusalem</ent> .
1058 -- Member of <ent type= 'ORG' > the Abode</ent> of Learning sect gains temporary
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control of <ent type= 'GPE' > Bagdad</ent> .
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1092 -- Assassins murder <ent type= 'GPE' > Persia</ent> n minister Nizam al-Mulk.
1095 -- First Crusade.
1100 -- Approximate date <ent type= 'PERSON' > Sufi Gilani</ent> founds <ent type= 'NORP' > Arabic</ent> school of
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<ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> , Kadiri Order of Sebil-el-ward, in <ent type= 'GPE' > Bagdad</ent> . Assassins
infiltrate Thug cult of India. Bogomil leader <ent type= 'GPE' > Basil</ent> burned in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Constantinople</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Albi</ent> gensian <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> sect flourishes near <ent type= 'GPE' > Albi</ent> ,
<ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Avengers</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Beati Paoli</ent> active in <ent type= 'GPE' > Italy</ent> . Joachim of
Floris founds primitive <ent type= 'NORP' > Christian</ent> sect, <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminated Ones</ent> . Robin
Hood active in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
1119 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Knights Templar</ent> founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > Palestine</ent> .
1123 -- Abode of Learning suppressed by <ent type= 'NORP' > Turkish</ent> Vizier Afdal.
1140 -- Rapid growth of <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> sect begins.
1149 -- First <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> bishop established.
1162 to 1227 -- Life of Genghis Khan, conquerer of <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> and
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> , invader of Europe and <ent type= 'GPE' > Islamic Empire</ent> , destroyer of
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Assassin power. Approximate beginnings of the wandering of the
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<ent type= 'ORG' > Gypsies</ent> of <ent type= 'PERSON' > North</ent> India.
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1167 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> council near Toulouse.
1170 -- Assassination of Thomas a Becket.
1171 -- Last <ent type= 'NORP' > Fatimid</ent> caliph dies.
1176 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Peter Waldo</ent> founds <ent type= 'ORG' > the Poor Men</ent> of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lyons</ent> . Sultan Saladin
invades Assassin territory, gains truce.
1184 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Waldenses</ent> excommunicated, suppressed.
1200 to 1300 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> of Wisdom in <ent type= 'GPE' > Cairo</ent> , roots of the <ent type= 'NORP' > Afghan</ent>
Roshaniya. Origin of the <ent type= 'ORG' > Mafia</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Sicily</ent> .
1208 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Albi</ent> gensian Crusade begins suppression of <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> heresy.
1212 -- The Children's Crusade. Genghis Khan invades <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> .
1233 -- Founding of the Inquisition to suppress <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> and other
1235 to 1315 -- Life of Dr. Illuminatus, <ent type= 'PERSON' > Ramon Llull</ent> (Raymond
Lully) in <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> .
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1241 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Mongols</ent> invade Europe through wise use of intelligence
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information and strategy, introduce gunpowder from <ent type= 'LOC' > Asia</ent> .
1244 -- Massacre of <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> at <ent type= 'GPE' > Montsegur</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> .
1250s -- Approximate beginning of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Holy Vehm</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Westphalia</ent> .
Approximate time of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hulagu Khan</ent> 's defeat of <ent type= 'ORG' > the Assassins</ent> .
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1254 to 1324 (?) -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Marco Polo</ent> , early European traveler in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Persia</ent> .
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1258 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hulagu Khan</ent> destroys <ent type= 'GPE' > Bagdad</ent> ; <ent type= 'NORP' > Mongols</ent> destroy <ent type= 'ORG' > Mesopotamia</ent> ,
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the mother of civilization.
1260 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Mongol</ent> invasion of <ent type= 'GPE' > Islamic Empire</ent> turned back.
1270s -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> hierarchy fades.
1275 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Assembly</ent> of traveling <ent type= 'ORG' > mason guilds</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Frankfort</ent> . "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Zohar</ent> ,"
second book of the <ent type= 'ORG' > cabala</ent> , compiled by Moses de Leon in <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> .
1280 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Roger Bacon</ent> , deviser of early eyeglasses, independently
invents gunpowder.
1291 -- Hospitallers retreat to <ent type= 'GPE' > Cyprus</ent> .
1300 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > White Lotus Society</ent> founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> . Inquisition begins
suppression of witches and other pagan groups.
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1307 -- Philip IV of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> suppresses <ent type= 'ORG' > Knights Templar</ent> for
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witchcraft and heresies; de Molay imprisoned in the Temple in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> .
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1308 -- Assassination of Holy <ent type= 'NORP' > Roman</ent> Emperor <ent type= 'PERSON' > Albert</ent> I.
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1309 -- Hospitallers acquire the isle of <ent type= 'ORG' > Rhodes</ent> .
1313 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Knights Templar</ent> dissolved by papal decree.
1314 -- De Molay and others burned in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> .
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1327 -- Assassination of King Edward II in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
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1329 -- First appearance of the Tarot in <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> .
1360 -- Approximate date of the earliest known Satanic cults;
black masses celebrated in <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> .
1369 -- Timurlane becomes Great Khan.
1375 -- Another assembly of traveling <ent type= 'ORG' > mason guilds</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Frankfort</ent> .
1379 to 1482 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Alleged</ent> life of <ent type= 'NORP' > Christian</ent> <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rosenkreuz</ent> , fictitious
founder of Rosicrucianism.
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1390 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Gypsies</ent> begin to appear in Europe.
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1400s -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Cathari</ent> sect dies out. Concave lenses developed.
1404 -- King <ent type= 'PERSON' > Robert</ent> revises code of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Holy Vehm</ent> .
1410 -- Secret society formed in <ent type= 'GPE' > Italy</ent> which eventually joins with
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1437 -- Assassination of King <ent type= 'PERSON' > James</ent> I of <ent type= 'GPE' > Scotland</ent> .
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1456 -- Gutenberg Bible begins modern printing.
1458 -- Abramelin's "Book of Sacred Magic" translated from Hebrew
to <ent type= 'NORP' > french</ent> according to followers of the cult of the Guardian
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1471 -- Assassination of King Henry VI of <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
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1472 -- University of Ingolstadt founded. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Fernando Poo</ent> discovers
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Fernando Poo</ent> .
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1483 -- Assassination of King Edward V of <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
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1492 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rodrigo Borgia</ent> , head of the powerful <ent type= 'PERSON' > Borgia</ent> family,
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becomes Pope Alexander VI. <ent type= 'GPE' > Columbus</ent> sails the ocean blue.
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1493 to 1541 -- Life of Paracelsus, possible founder of
Roscrucianism; discover of zinc around 1530; model of the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Faust</ent>
1500 -- Approximate date of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Roshaiya</ent> , <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminated Ones</ent> , in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Afganistan</ent> . Beginning of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Alumbrados</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> and <ent type= 'ORG' > Charcoal</ent> -Burners in <ent type= 'GPE' > Scotland</ent> . Cesare <ent type= 'PERSON' > Borgia</ent> has his brother-in-law
1502 -- Cesare <ent type= 'PERSON' > Borgia</ent> arrests and executes enemies who have
conspired against him.
1503 to 1566 -- Life of Nostradamus, visionary prophet.
1507 -- Fra Dolcino's version of Joachim's Illuminism suppressed
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by the Bishop of Vercueil.
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1510 -- Beginning of systematic importation of <ent type= 'NORP' > African</ent> slaves into
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<ent type= 'GPE' > the West</ent> Indies.
1513 -- Machiavelli's "The Prince" published.
1519 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Spanish</ent> conquest of <ent type= 'GPE' > Mexico</ent> , enslavement of Amerindians.
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1522 -- Hospitallers lose <ent type= 'ORG' > Rhodes</ent> to the <ent type= 'NORP' > Turks</ent> .
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1530 -- Hospitallers given Isle of <ent type= 'GPE' > Malta</ent> by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charles</ent> V, become
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Knights of <ent type= 'GPE' > Malta</ent> .
1537 -- Assassination of Alessandro de Medici, Duke of Florence.
1568 -- First Inquisition edict against the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Alumbrados</ent> .
1574 -- Second edict against <ent type= 'PERSON' > Alumbrados</ent> .
1575 -- Approximate date of founding of <ent type= 'ORG' > British Intelligence</ent>
1575 to 1624 -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jakob Bohme</ent> , visionary mystic, illuminated
1584 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > William</ent> I of <ent type= 'NORP' > Orange</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
1587 -- English colony established at <ent type= 'GPE' > Roanoke Island</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Virginia</ent> ; no
trace of the "lost colony" was found when supply ships returned
three years later.
1589 -- Assassination of King Henry III of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> .
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1590 -- Janssen makes first compound microscope in Europe.
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1597 -- Anonymous alchemist seeks to start Rosicrucian-like
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society in Europe.
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1605 -- Rosicrucian constitution published.
1607 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > Italian</ent> secrect society headed by Count Bernard of <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent>
merges with Rosicrucianism. First permanent English settlement in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> , <ent type= 'PERSON' > James</ent> town, Virgina.
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1608 -- Apprentice to <ent type= 'NORP' > Dutch</ent> spectacle-maker <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lippershey</ent> discovers
principle of focusing lenses; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lippershey</ent> builds first telescope.
1609 -- Galileo independently builds telescope, begins study of
astonomy. <ent type= 'NORP' > Spanish</ent> settlement at Santa Fe, New <ent type= 'GPE' > Mexico</ent> , founded.
1610 -- Assassination of King Henty IV of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> .
1614 -- "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Fama Fraternitatis</ent> " published, fictional story of
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rosenkreuz</ent> by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Johann Valentin Andrea</ent> .
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1619 -- First slave ship in <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> , <ent type= 'PERSON' > James</ent> town, <ent type= 'GPE' > Virginia</ent> .
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1620 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Plymouth Colony</ent> , second English settlement, arrives on
1622 -- Posters appear in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> warning that the Rosicrucians are
"amongst you...visibly and invisibly."
1623 -- Final papal edict against <ent type= 'PERSON' > Alumbrados</ent> ; Guerinets appear in
<ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . First submarine built by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Cornelius van Drebbel</ent> in
<ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
1638 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Milton</ent> meets Galileo.
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1640 -- Beginning of subliminal persuasion when Rembrandt imbeds
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the word "sex" in a painting.
1642 -- <ent type= 'EVENT' > Civil War</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> between King <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charles</ent> and <ent type= 'ORG' > Parliament</ent> .
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1646 -- Earliest known <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> Lodge to allow non-professional or
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"free" masons, in <ent type= 'GPE' > Warrington</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
1647 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Alleged</ent> correspondence between <ent type= 'ORG' > Cromwell</ent> and Ebeneezer
Pratt plotting the overthrow of King <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charles</ent> .
1649 -- King <ent type= 'PERSON' > Charles</ent> convicted and beheaded by <ent type= 'ORG' > Parliament</ent> .
1654 -- Illuminated Guerinets come to public notice in <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> .
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1667 -- Milton's "Paradise Lost" published.
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1675 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Leeuwenhoek</ent> discovers "animalcules" through the
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1676 -- Sperm discovered by Leeuwenhoek's student Ham.
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1680 -- Madame Le Voisin, innovator of modern Satanism, executed
in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> .
1682 -- Tamanend, sachem and chief of the <ent type= 'ORG' > Lenni</ent> -<ent type= 'NORP' > Lenape</ent> tribe,
welcomes <ent type= 'PERSON' > William</ent> Penn to <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> , traditionally considered the
beginning of the Tammany Society.
1689 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > William</ent> III of <ent type= 'NORP' > Orange</ent> becomes king of <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> , allegedly
through the plotting of the <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> .
1694 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Bank</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> founded.
1700 -- Quietism of Fenelon and others.
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1701 -- Earliest record of "operative" or professional <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent>
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Lodge in <ent type= 'GPE' > Alnwick</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
1702 -- First daily newspaper in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> .
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1717 -- Founding of modern <ent type= 'NORP' > Freemasonry</ent> with <ent type= 'ORG' > the Grand Lodge</ent> of
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<ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> by <ent type= 'NORP' > Desaguliers</ent> . Voltaire imprisoned in the <ent type= 'GPE' > Bastille</ent> .
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1721 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> King George I cracks down on the flourishing Hell
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Fire Clubs, popular <ent type= 'ORG' > Satanistic</ent> cults.
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1723 -- Anderson's "Constitutions of the <ent type= 'NORP' > Freemasons</ent> " published.
"<ent type= 'PERSON' > Ebrietatis Enconium</ent> " and other early anti-<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> works
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1724 -- Publication of the anti-<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> "Grand Mysteries of the
<ent type= 'NORP' > Freemasons</ent> Discovered."
1731 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > <ent type= 'ORG' > Benjamin</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent> </ent> initiated into <ent type= 'NORP' > Freemasonry</ent> .
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1734 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent> elected Grand Master of <ent type= 'GPE' > Pennsylvania</ent> .
1736 -- Death of the last leader of the <ent type= 'NORP' > Afghan</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminated Ones</ent> .
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1749 -- Rousseau's spontaneous "enlightenment" launches the
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Roman</ent> tic Movement.
1750 -- Hell Fire Clubs continue to flourish in <ent type= 'GPE' > Dublin</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> .
Fictional alchemist <ent type= 'PERSON' > Joseph Curwen</ent> writes letter stating "I laste
<ent type= 'NORP' > Nighte</ent> strucke on ye Wordes that bringe up <ent type= 'ORG' > Yooge</ent> -Sothothe,"
perhaps the real power behind the <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> .
1754 -- Six year old <ent type= 'PERSON' > Adam Weishaupt</ent> is orphaned and goes to live
with the Jesuits.
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1757 -- First year of Swedenborg's "New Era."
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1759 -- Voltaire's "Candide" published.
1760 -- St. Germain founds chemical dye factory in <ent type= 'GPE' > Holland</ent> , fore-runner of I.G. <ent type= 'ORG' > Farben</ent> ; disappears with 100000 guilders. <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent>
invents bifocals.
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1761 -- St. Germain discovered living in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Chinese</ent> Emperor
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issues edict against secret societies.
1762 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Illumines</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> founded. Sandwich invented.
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1763 -- Swedenborg's "Doctrine of Life for the New <ent type= 'GPE' > Jerusalem</ent> "
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1764 -- Voltaire's "Philosophical Dictionary" published; he begins
a prodigious attack on dogmas of church and state.
1765 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> Stamp Act imposed to help pay for the <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> and
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Indian</ent> War debt. Sons of Liberty clubs formed to resist the tax.
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1767 -- Townshend Revenue Act, another <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> tax on the
colonies. <ent type= 'GPE' > Kunta Kinte</ent> kidnapped into <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n slavery.
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1768 -- Virginia's legislature dissolved for its opposition to the
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Townshend Act. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> graduates from <ent type= 'ORG' > the University</ent> of
Ingolstadt, becomes tutor and catechist. Macfarguhar, Ball and
<ent type= 'NORP' > Smelie</ent> begin compiling the "Encyclopaedia Britannica." Mesmer
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commissions 12 year old Mozart's first opera, "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Bastien</ent> and
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<ent type= 'PERSON' > Bastien</ent> ne."
1770 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Boston</ent> Massacre: <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> troops fire into a crowd.
Townshend Act repealed.
1771 -- "Encyclopaedia Britannica" published.
1772 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> becomes professor at University of Ingolstadt.
1773 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> Tea Tax on colonies. <ent type= 'GPE' > Boston</ent> Tea Party in protest.
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> marries. <ent type= 'ORG' > Alleged</ent> meeting of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Meyer Rothschild</ent> and others
to plan a world revolution. Suppression of the Jesuits.
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Franklin's "Rule by Which a <ent type= 'GPE' > Great Empire</ent> May Be Reduced to a Small
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One" published.
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1774 -- Britain's "Intolerable Acts" designed to punish rebellious
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colonies. <ent type= 'ORG' > First Continental Congress</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> begins training
troops. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Louis XVI</ent> becomes king of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Casanova</ent> becomes
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secret agent for the Inquisitors of <ent type= 'GPE' > Venice</ent> . Catherine II shuts
down satiric journals in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . Jefferson's "Summary View of the
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Rights of <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> ns" published.
1775 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Second Continental Congress</ent> authorizes naval warships,
sets up secret committee to procure weapons, names <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent>
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commander-in-chief of the new <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n Army. <ent type= 'PERSON' > George III</ent> proclaims
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<ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> in open rebellion. Initial battles of the Revolutionary
War: Lexington, Bunker Hill, Toconderoga. Bushnell's first
experimental submarine and torpedo tested. Prince Hall lodges
(for blacks) chartered by <ent type= 'ORG' > Grand Lodge</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> , rejected by
<ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n lodges.
1776 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> founded by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n Declaration of
Independence, written by <ent type= 'GPE' > Jefferson</ent> , adopted by Continental
<ent type= 'ORG' > Congress</ent> . Battles of <ent type= 'GPE' > Long Island</ent> , <ent type= 'LOC' > White Plains</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Trenton</ent> .
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Nathan Hale</ent> executed as spy by <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent> becomes
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ambassador to <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> , is affiliated with <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> lodges.
Opening of <ent type= 'NORP' > Freemasons</ent> ' Hall, permanent headquarters of English
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Masonry. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Cagliostro</ent> initiated into Masonry. <ent type= 'GPE' > Saigon</ent> captured by
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Tay Son</ent> brothers. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Aaron Burr</ent> serves as assistant to Benedict
Arnold. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thomas Paine</ent> 's "Common Sense" and "The Crisis" widely
read. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Adam Smith</ent> 's "Wealth of Nations" published.
1777 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> joins <ent type= 'ORG' > Munich Lodge</ent> of the Order of Good Council.
Articles of Confederation adopted by <ent type= 'ORG' > Continental Congress</ent> .
Battles of <ent type= 'GPE' > Bennington</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Brandywine</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Germantown</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Princeton</ent> and
<ent type= 'GPE' > Saratoga</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> has his mystical vision of the future of the
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United States while at Valley Forge. War of <ent type= 'NORP' > Bavarian</ent> Secession
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1778 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> recognizes <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n independence, signs treaty and
provides aid. <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent> assists in initiation of Voltaire into
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> Lodge of <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> Convention in <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lyons</ent> organizes
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Knights of Benficience.
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1779 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > John Paul Jones</ent> says "Damn the torpedos!" Benedict Arnold
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becomes a traitor and spy for the <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> . War of <ent type= 'NORP' > Bavarian</ent>
Secession ends.
1780 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > John Andre</ent> , <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> agent, captured with secret documents
from Arnold; Arnold escapes to join <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> ; Andre hanged as spy.
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Weishaupt's wife dies. <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> begins rapid growth. First use
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of the title Odd Fellows. Order of the Brotherhood of <ent type= 'LOC' > Asia</ent> ,
Rosicrucian off-shoot, founded.
1781 -- Battle of <ent type= 'ORG' > Guilford Court</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> , surrended of <ent type= 'GPE' > Cornwallis</ent> at
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Yorktown</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > John Hanson</ent> becomes first President of <ent type= 'GPE' > the United</ent>
States in <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> seeks abortion for his
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sister-in-law while awaiting dispensation to marry her. United
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> Lodges of Hamburg headed by <ent type= 'ORG' > Fraximus</ent> , a secret
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Rosicrucian. Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" published.
1782 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> cabinet agrees to recognize <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n independence,
preliminary agreement signed in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Hanson</ent> commissions the
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"Eye in the Pyramid" Great Seal, finishes term; Elias Boudinot
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elected second President of <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent>
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dominate European Masonry. <ent type= 'ORG' > Casanova</ent> retires as secret agent.
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1783 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Treaty</ent> signed between <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent>
disbands army, resigns. <ent type= 'ORG' > Hanson</ent> dies. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thomas Mifflin</ent> third
President of <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . Ex-<ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> Utschneider sends
letter denouncing the Order to monarch of <ent type= 'GPE' > Bavaria</ent> . Rite of
<ent type= 'ORG' > Swedenborg</ent> founded by Marquis de Throne. Eclectic Rite founded by
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Baron <ent type= 'PERSON' > Knigge</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Frankfort</ent> . Webster's "<ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n Spelling Book"
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1784 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Treaty</ent> with <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> ratified by <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress</ent> . Richard Henry
Lee fourth President of <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Bavarian</ent> Monarch Carl
Theodore outlaws secret societies. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Cagliostro</ent> moves to <ent type= 'PERSON' > Lyons</ent> from
<ent type= 'GPE' > Bordeaux</ent> to found <ent type= 'ORG' > the Mother Lodge</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> ian Masonry. Royal
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Commission in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> , including <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent> and Guillotine as members,
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investigates Mesmerism and returns a negative report.
1785 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> flees to <ent type= 'ORG' > Gotha</ent> ; new edict outlaws <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> ;
High-ranking <ent type= 'PERSON' > Illuminatus Lanz</ent> killed by lightning and <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent>
papers found on body by police. <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Diamond</ent> Necklace" affair.
<ent type= 'GPE' > Napoleon</ent> graduates military school. <ent type= 'ORG' > Franklin</ent> returns to <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> ;
<ent type= 'GPE' > Jefferson</ent> becomes <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> ambassador. Rosicrucian Order suppressed
in <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> . Anonymous pamphlet appears in <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> revealing
secrets of ancient <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> ian ceremonies.
1786 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Wisdom Lodge</ent> founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > Virginia</ent> . Secret congress in
<ent type= 'GPE' > Frankfort</ent> where <ent type= 'PERSON' > Louis XVI</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Gustavus III</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Sweden</ent> condemned to
die by <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Italian</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminatus Buonarroti</ent> 's library of
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> and subversive books confiscated by state authorities.
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<ent type= 'PERSON' > Nathaniel Gorham</ent> fifth President of <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Napoleon</ent>
writes pamphlete defending <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rousseau</ent> .
1787 -- <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> authorities publish letter by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> admitting
he sought abortion for his sister-in-law; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> replies,
blaming "extenuating circumstances." <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> Union (extension of
outlawed <ent type= 'NORP' > Bavarian</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> ) founded by <ent type= 'GPE' > Bahrdt</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent>
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elected President of Constitutional Convention in <ent type= 'GPE' > Philadelphia</ent> ;
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new constitution adopted by the convention. Arthur St. Clair
sixth President of <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Jefferson</ent> meets secretly
in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> with <ent type= 'NORP' > Brazilian</ent> rebel to discuss <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n aid to
revolution in <ent type= 'GPE' > Brazil</ent> . Shay's Rebellion in <ent type= 'GPE' > Massachusetts</ent> to
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protest unfair taxes. Goethe visits Cagliostro's family in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Palermo</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Swedenborg</ent> ian Church founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> . Society for the
Abolition of the <ent type= 'NORP' > African</ent> Slave-Trade founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> .
1788 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n Constitution ratified by the states. Individual
<ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n states begin to outlaw slavery. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Cyrus Griffen</ent> seventh
President of <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress Assembled</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Paine</ent> visits <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> .
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"The <ent type= 'NORP' > Federalist</ent> " essays published by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hamilton</ent> , Madison and Jay.
1789 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> elected President of <ent type= 'GPE' > the United</ent> States; first
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<ent type= 'ORG' > Congress</ent> under new Constitution. <ent type= 'GPE' > Jefferson</ent> returns to U.S. to
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become first Secretary of State; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Hamilton</ent> becomes first Secretary
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of the <ent type= 'ORG' > Treasury</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> Revolution begins.
1790 -- Rebellion and massacre throughout <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Cagliostro</ent>
arrested by Inquisition of <ent type= 'GPE' > Rome</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Bavarian</ent> edict against Reading
Societies. Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" published.
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1791 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Napoleon</ent> joins the <ent type= 'ORG' > Jocobin Club</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > First Bank</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > the United</ent>
States chartered. <ent type= 'ORG' > Burr</ent> begins converting Tammany Society into a
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political machine. The anonymous "Vie de <ent type= 'PERSON' > Joseph Balsamo</ent> " (Joseph
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Basalmo was Cagliostro's name before he joined the <ent type= 'ORG' > Masons</ent> ), first
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recorded link of the <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> and the <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> Revolution, appears
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in several European countries. Mozart's "The Magic Flute,"
containing <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> elements, performed.
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1792 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> re-elected. War between <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> .
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Louis XVI</ent> imprisoned in the Templars Temple tower. Massacres of
September, in which priests, bishops and others are killed.
Elections for the National Convention, a triumph for <ent type= 'PERSON' > Robespierre</ent>
and his followers. <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> declared a Republic. First
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<ent type= 'ORG' > Swedenborg</ent> ian church in <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> . Catherine II outlaws Masonry in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . "Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Joseph Balsamo</ent> " translated into English in
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Dublin</ent> . Assassination of Gustav III at the Stockholm opera.
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1793 -- <ent type= 'EVENT' > Year One</ent> of the <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> Republic; the year of the Terror,
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Louis XVI</ent> found guilty of conspiracy, condemned to be executed.
<ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> government kills thousands of its citizens. <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent>
declares war on <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> and the <ent type= 'NORP' > Dutch</ent> United Provinces; war breaks
out with <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> ; <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Prussia</ent> begin partition of
<ent type= 'GPE' > Poland</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> food riots.
1794 -- Year Two; <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> passes laws distributing confiscated
property to the poor, leads victorious battle against <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> ns.
Would-be assassin of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Robespierre</ent> fires on Collot d'Herbois
instead; the next day a young girl arrested as suspected assassin;
she and 40 others sent to guillotine. Other attempts of
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Robespierre's life; his enemies accuse him of attempting to have
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himself declared divine by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Catherine Theot</ent> , an old woman who
preached a mystery religion; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Robespierre</ent> guillotined. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Monroe</ent>
becomes minister to <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . Whiskey rebellion in <ent type= 'GPE' > Pennsylvania</ent> to
protest liquor taxes.
1795 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> makes peace with <ent type= 'GPE' > Prussia</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> , invades
<ent type= 'GPE' > Holland</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Napoleon</ent> suppresses revolt in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> and goes to <ent type= 'GPE' > Italy</ent> as
Commander-in-Chief. Yazoo land fraud: bribed <ent type= 'GPE' > Georgia</ent> legislators
sell Mississippi.
1796 -- Adams elected President. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Paine</ent> publishes letter critical
of <ent type= 'GPE' > Washington</ent> .
1798 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> scare in New <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> . Knights of <ent type= 'GPE' > Malta</ent> lose
their island to <ent type= 'GPE' > Napoleon</ent> .
1800 -- Death of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Thomas Waley</ent> , one of the last Hell Fire Club
leaders. <ent type= 'GPE' > Napoleon</ent> comes to power, allegedly through <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent>
1805 to 1881 -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Auguste Blanqui</ent> , <ent type= 'NORP' > French</ent> socialist, founder
of numerous secret societies modeled after <ent type= 'PERSON' > Buonarroti</ent> .
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1815 -- Napoleon's Waterloo. Secret societies which eventually
become <ent type= 'ORG' > the Decembrist Movement</ent> formed in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> lodges.
1817 -- Suppression of the Lodge of Jupiter the Thunderer begins.
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Irish</ent> immigrants force entry into Tammany Society, changing its
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1818 -- Mar Shelley's "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Frankenstein</ent> " published.
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1819 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n Independent Order of Odd Fellows founded.
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Founding of National <ent type= 'NORP' > Freemasonry</ent> , the most important of several
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<ent type= 'NORP' > Polish</ent> secret societies devoted to ousting the <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> ns from
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Poland</ent> . Liberation of <ent type= 'GPE' > Columbia</ent> by <ent type= 'GPE' > Bolivar</ent> .
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1822 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n government suppresses Masonry. Equador liberated
by <ent type= 'GPE' > Bolivar</ent> .
1825 -- <ent type= 'GPE' > Decembrist</ent> movement suppressed in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> after brief
uprising. <ent type= 'GPE' > Bolivar</ent> liberates <ent type= 'GPE' > Bolivia</ent> . Founding of <ent type= 'GPE' > Vienna</ent> bank by
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Solmon Rothschild</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Naples</ent> bank by Carl <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rothschild</ent> .
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1828 -- Tammany Society backs <ent type= 'PERSON' > Andrew Jackson</ent> for President. Anti-<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> Party founded, first third-party in <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> . Attempted
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assassination of <ent type= 'GPE' > Bolivar</ent> .
1829 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Alleged</ent> <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > New York</ent> decides to unite
<ent type= 'NORP' > Atheists</ent> and <ent type= 'NORP' > Nihilists</ent> into <ent type= 'NORP' > Communist</ent> movement.
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1830 -- Anti-<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> conventions in <ent type= 'GPE' > Massachusetts</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Vermont</ent> find
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evidence linking Masonry with Illuminism. Book of <ent type= 'NORP' > Mormon</ent>
published. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Weishaupt</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Bolivar</ent> die.
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1831 -- Anti-<ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> Party runs <ent type= 'PERSON' > Wirt</ent> for President, assuring that
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Mason <ent type= 'PERSON' > Andrew Jackson</ent> would be re-elected. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Poe</ent> dismissed from West
1833 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jackson</ent> orders U.S. funds withdrawn from <ent type= 'ORG' > Bank</ent> of the
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United States, effectively killing the institution.
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1835 -- The socialist League of the Just founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > Paris</ent> , later
becoming the Marxist <ent type= 'NORP' > Communist</ent> League. Attempted assassination of
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Jackson</ent> with two single shot pistols, both of which jammed.
<ent type= 'ORG' > Revolver</ent> invented.
1844 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Morse</ent> builds first practical telegraph. <ent type= 'ORG' > Bahai</ent> religion
begins when the Bab proclaims his mission in <ent type= 'GPE' > Persia</ent> .
1848 -- Fall of monarchy in <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> . Republic established in <ent type= 'GPE' > Rome</ent> .
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Abdication of Ferdinand I in <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> . Revolts in <ent type= 'GPE' > Denmark</ent> ,
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Ireland</ent> , Lombardy, Schleswig-Holstein and <ent type= 'GPE' > Venice</ent> . <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> briefly
united in a parliament at <ent type= 'GPE' > Frankfort</ent> ; unity destroyed by <ent type= 'PERSON' > the King</ent>
of <ent type= 'GPE' > Prussia</ent> . Marx and <ent type= 'GPE' > Engles</ent> publish the "<ent type= 'NORP' > Communist</ent> Manifesto"
(allegedly commissioned by the <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminati</ent> ) and travel in <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent>
and <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> encouraging discontent with the Establishment.
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Woman's Suffrage Movement gets underway in Seneca Falls, <ent type= 'GPE' > New York</ent> .
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Spiritualism born in <ent type= 'GPE' > Wayne County</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > New York</ent> , when the teenaged <ent type= 'ORG' > Fox</ent>
sisters communicate with poltergeists. Fortean tidbits: moon
turns "blood-red" during total eclipse; a great comet fails to
return at the time predicted; visions and "phantom soldiers" seen
in the skies of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Scotland</ent> ; Captain M'Quahae of H.M.S.
Daedalus reports seeing a "huge, unknown creature" in the ocean.
Gold discovered in <ent type= 'GPE' > California</ent> .
1849 to 1936 -- Life of Sir <ent type= 'GPE' > Basil</ent> Zaharoff, "mystery man of
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Europe," who made a fortune as an armaments dealer and financier,
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selling weapons to both sides in <ent type= 'EVENT' > World War</ent> I and other conflicts.
1852 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Benjamin</ent> becomes first professed <ent type= 'NORP' > Jew</ent> elected to <ent type= 'ORG' > Congress</ent> .
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1859 -- Oil wells invented. Darwin's "Origin of Species"
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1860 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Lincoln</ent> elected. <ent type= 'ORG' > Electric</ent> storage battery invented.
1860s -- Attempts to suppress the <ent type= 'ORG' > Mafia</ent> in <ent type= 'GPE' > Sicily</ent> are
1861 -- Confederate states secede; elect <ent type= 'GPE' > Jefferson</ent> Davis
president; <ent type= 'ORG' > Benjamin</ent> appointed Confederate Attorney General, later
Secretary of War. <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n <ent type= 'EVENT' > Civil War</ent> begins. Emancipation of
serfs in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Jacolliot</ent> writes about the Nine Unknown in
<ent type= 'LOC' > Calcutta</ent> . Gatling gun patented.
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1862 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Benjamin</ent> appointed Confederate Secretary of State.
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1863 -- Rockfeller builds his first refinery.
1865 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'ORG' > Lincoln</ent> ; <ent type= 'PERSON' > Andrew Johnson</ent> becomes
president; "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Booth</ent> " killed; coded message found among his effects;
the code key later found in possession of <ent type= 'ORG' > Benjamin</ent> , alleged
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rothschild</ent> agent. <ent type= 'EVENT' > Civil War</ent> ends. Thirteenth amendment abolishes
1866 -- Ku <ent type= 'ORG' > Klux Klan</ent> founded as a social club in <ent type= 'GPE' > Pulaski</ent> ,
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Tennessee</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > Benjamin</ent> flees to <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> . Death of Phineas Quimby,
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magnetic healer, founder of Free Thought movement, teacher of Mary
Baker Eddy.
1867 -- Ku <ent type= 'ORG' > Klux Klan</ent> reorganized along political and racial lines
near <ent type= 'GPE' > Nashville</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Tennessee</ent> .
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1868 -- Assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, first Canadian
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political assassination.
1869 -- St. Germain allegedly completes 85 years in the <ent type= 'LOC' > Himalayas</ent>
after his "death." <ent type= 'PERSON' > Mendeleev</ent> composes first periodic table of the
elements in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . U.S. transcontinental railroad completed.
1870 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Standard Oil Company</ent> incorporated.
1875 -- "Whiskey Ring" conspiracy of distillery owners revealed.
Madam <ent type= 'PERSON' > Blavatsky</ent> founds <ent type= 'ORG' > Theosophy Society</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Mary Baker Eddy</ent> 's
"<ent type= 'ORG' > Science and Health</ent> " published.
1875 to 1947 -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Aleister Crowley</ent> , the Great Beast, Golden
Dawn leader and occult figure.
1876 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Disraeli</ent> again warns about dangers of secret societies.
Battle of the Little Big Horn. <ent type= 'ORG' > Bell</ent> patents telephone. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Otto</ent>
builds four-cycle gasoline engine.
1877 -- First of seven wills in which Cecil <ent type= 'ORG' > Rhodes</ent> leaves his
money to establish a secret society to expand <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> rule
throughout the world.
1878 to 1945 -- Life of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Edgar Cayce</ent> , visionary, trance-channeler
who spoke of reincarnation, <ent type= 'GPE' > Egypt</ent> ian mysteries, and Atlantis.
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1881 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Garfield</ent> assassinated. Czar Alexander II assassinated by
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secret society. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Disraeli</ent> publishes "Lothair," a novel about
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secret societies and European politics.
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1884 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Fabian Society</ent> founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Sidney</ent> and Beatrice
Webb and others.
1885 -- First practical horseless carriage built by Daimler.
1887 -- <ent type= 'LOC' > Golden Dawn</ent> founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> by <ent type= 'PERSON' > Mathers</ent> and others.
Mitchelson-Morley experiement disproving ether theory.
1888 -- Unsolved murders of <ent type= 'GPE' > London</ent> prostitutes by "Jack the
Ripper," suspected of being one of those implicated in the
Cleveland Street Affair involving high-society <ent type= 'NORP' > Victorians</ent> and
their patronage of a brothel staffed by messenger boys.
1889 -- Second <ent type= 'NORP' > Communist</ent> International organized.
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1890 -- Biologist <ent type= 'PERSON' > Yersin</ent> visits India, purportedly to recieve
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plague and cholera serum from the Nine Unknown. Wounded Knee
1891 -- <ent type= 'ORG' > Rhodes</ent> gains control of 90% of world's diamond supply.
The Round Tables, a secret society allegedly funded by <ent type= 'ORG' > Rhodes</ent> and
the <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rothschild</ent> s to gain financial and political power, founded in
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the U.S., <ent type= 'GPE' > Canada</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Australia</ent> , India, <ent type= 'GPE' > South Africa</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > New Zealand</ent> .
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> grant founds University of Chicago. Nikola <ent type= 'PERSON' > Tesla</ent>
invents <ent type= 'PERSON' > Tesla</ent> coil, becomes U.S. citizen.
1892 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> trust transferred to holding company: Standard
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Oil of <ent type= 'GPE' > New Jersey</ent> .
1893 -- Assassination of Chicago Mayor Harrison.
1894 -- Assassination of President <ent type= 'PERSON' > Carnot</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > France</ent> .
1896 -- Maconi's patent No. 7777 for radio. First "flap year" for
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<ent type= 'EVENT' > UFOs</ent> : wave of sightings of unidentified airships in U.S.
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1897 -- Assassination of Premier <ent type= 'PERSON' > Canovas</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> . <ent type= 'NORP' > Zionism</ent>
founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > Basil</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Switzerland</ent> by Theodore Herzl.
1898 -- Assassination of Empress <ent type= 'PERSON' > Elizabeth</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent> . Pavlov
begins study of conditioned reflex in dogs.
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1899 -- <ent type= 'PERSON' > Tesla</ent> discovers terrestrial stationary waves which can
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produce electricity; reports receiving signals from another
planet. <ent type= 'ORG' > Alleged</ent> meeting in <ent type= 'GPE' > England</ent> at which the Morgans,
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rothschild</ent> s and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Warburgs</ent> become affiliated.
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1900 -- Assassination of King Umberto I of <ent type= 'GPE' > Italy</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Kentucky</ent>
Governor-elect <ent type= 'PERSON' > William</ent> Goebel. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Tesla</ent> suggests alien beings might
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be living "in the very midst of us." <ent type= 'ORG' > Boxer</ent> rebellion in <ent type= 'GPE' > China</ent> .
Approximate date <ent type= 'PERSON' > Adolf Lanz</ent> founded the Order of New Templars, a
fore-runner of the <ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> mentality.
1901 -- Assassination of McKinley and <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n Education Minister
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<ent type= 'GPE' > Bogolepov</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> Institute for Medical Research
(<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> University) founded in <ent type= 'GPE' > New York</ent> . First trans-<ent type= 'LOC' > Atlantic</ent> radio broadcast: <ent type= 'PERSON' > Marconi</ent> sends the letter S.
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1902 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n Minister of Interior Sipyagain.
Paul and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Felix Warburg</ent> immigrate from <ent type= 'GPE' > Germany</ent> to the U.S.
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<ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent> General Education Board founded.
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1903 -- Assassination of Bogdanovich, Governor of <ent type= 'GPE' > Ufa</ent> . "Protocols
of Elders of Zion," alleged plan for <ent type= 'NORP' > Jew</ent> ish world takeover,
published in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n newspaper.
1904 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n Premier Vischelev von Plehev.
1905 -- Assassination of Grand Duke <ent type= 'PERSON' > Sergius</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > Idaho</ent> Governor
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Steunenberg</ent> . Abortive revolution in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> . Expanded version of
"Protocols of Zion" published.
1906 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> n General Dubrassov.
1907 -- Financial panic and depression allegedly caused by J.P.
Morgan to gain support for the central bank concept.
1908 -- Assassination of King Carl of <ent type= 'GPE' > Prussia</ent> and <ent type= 'PERSON' > Crown Prince</ent> of
<ent type= 'GPE' > Portugal</ent> . <ent type= 'ORG' > FBI</ent> founded. Founding of the Armanen Initiates, another
<ent type= 'ORG' > proro</ent> -<ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> secret society.
1910 -- Attempted assassination of Mayor <ent type= 'PERSON' > Gaynor</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > NYC</ent> . Secret
meeting of bankers and politicians at <ent type= 'GPE' > Jekyll Island</ent> , <ent type= 'GPE' > Georgia</ent> ,
results in Federal Reserve Act.
1911 -- Assassination of Prime Minister <ent type= 'PERSON' > Staliapin</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> by
police double agent. <ent type= 'ORG' > Standard Oil</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > New Jersey</ent> broken up as
illegal monopoly.
1912 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Primier Canalegas</ent> of <ent type= 'GPE' > Spain</ent> . Attempted
assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Teddy Roosevelt</ent> . Colonel E.M. <ent type= 'ORG' > House</ent> , adviser to
<ent type= 'PERSON' > Woodrow Wilson</ent> , publishes "<ent type= 'PERSON' > Philip Dru</ent> : Administrator," a political
romance which proposed modern social legislation. Founding of
<ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> en Order, another pre-<ent type= 'NORP' > Nazi</ent> secret society.
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1913 -- Assassination of George I of <ent type= 'GPE' > Greece</ent> . <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rockefeller</ent>
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Foundation founded.
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1914 -- Attempted assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of <ent type= 'GPE' > Austria</ent>
by <ent type= 'NORP' > Masonic</ent> agents, followed an hour later by successful
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assassination; in <ent type= 'GPE' > Russia</ent> , <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rasputin</ent> stabbed the same day. <ent type= 'EVENT' > World War</ent>
I begins.
1915 -- Sinking of the Lusitania by <ent type= 'NORP' > German</ent> submarine; allegedly
carrying secret munitions for the <ent type= 'ORG' > Allies</ent> , the ship supposedly
sacrificed by <ent type= 'NORP' > British</ent> and <ent type= 'GPE' > America</ent> n authorities to drum up war
hysteria in U.S. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Alfred Wegener</ent> proposed theory of continental
drift, receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists.
Ku <ent type= 'ORG' > Klux Klan</ent> revived.
1916 -- Assassination of <ent type= 'PERSON' > Rasputin</ent> .</p>
<p > From "The <ent type= 'ORG' > Illuminoid</ent> s" c. <ent type= 'PERSON' > Neil Wilgus</ent> & various sources</p>