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<p>The Groom Lake Desert Rat Issue #11 is posted here with the permission of the
author Glenn Campbell. </p>
<p>Posted by Michael Curta, Colorado M<span class="EVENT">UFO</span>N</p>
<p>THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT. An On-Line Newsletter.
Issue #11. July 15, 1994.
-----> "The Naked Truth from Open Sources." <-----
Written, published, copyrighted and totally disavowed by
psychospy@aol.com. See bottom for subscription/copyright info.</p>
<p>In this issue...
<p>[Note: This file ends with "#####".]</p>
<p> ----- A NUCLEAR THREAT -----</p>
<p>The following anonymous press release was passed to us by friends
of ours in Washington who thought we would want to know. It was
sent to them by a confidential source who supposedly obtained it
from the U.S. office of the <span class="NORP">Russian</span> news agency TASS. Presumably,
TASS received it by mail or fax from persons unknown.</p>
<p>ANALYSIS. You know darn well the place that's going to be
targeted. Vegas! Blowing up any other part of Nevada would be
pointless since it's a wasteland anyway. You can't do much damage
to the Nevada Test Site. It's already been nuked! The Sons and
Daughters wouldn't want to blow up Area 51 either because then
they could be destroying the very evidence they seek. No, Las
Vegas is the only place worth blowing up, and all we can say is,
"Bravo!" We saw the exact same thing at the end of the recent
broadcast of Steven King's "The Stand." Lucifer and his disciples
got bombed on Fremont Street, taking the rest of the town with
them. We thought it was the most upbeat part of this end-of-the-world mini-series.</p>
<p>We would never condone any such terrorist action. Still, if it
has to happen, there could be worse places. The cultural losses
will be nil, and many of those lives so tragically lost are, quite
frankly, the sort of low-life Vegas scum this country can do
without. We'll miss the all-you-can-eat buffets and the four (4)
24-hour Wal-Marts, but, heck, we'll survive. If it means driving
to Cedar City to shop, we'll make that sacrifice. They've got a
Wal-Mart there and a couple of big supermarkets, and those good
Mormon people--the original "Downwinders"--have plenty of
experience in dealing with fallout. </p>
<p>The loss of Las Vegas could be seen as a tragic but ultimately
beneficial societal cleansing, but we are not sure it will help
much in cracking the <span class="EVENT">UFO</span> mystery. This event is going to create a
lot of noise, both literally and figuratively. It could take a
decade to mop up the mess, and in the meantime no one is going to
be thinking much about the alleged alien/extraterrestrial crafts
at Groom/Papoose lakes. If anything, an event like this would
encourage even closer military control of Southern Nevada.</p>
<p> ----- BUT IS IT TRUE? -----</p>
<p>On the subject of <span class="EVENT">UFO</span>s at Area 51, Psychospy is proud to sit
squarely on the fence. Whatever the truth may be, we don't yet
find the evidence compelling enough to march on the White House or
blow up a major city in protest. We've heard endless stories of
amazing lights in the sky in this area. Most of these, including
many well publicized reports and the things that we've seen
ourselves, appear to us to be routine misperceptions of military
flares and aircraft lights. Newcomers do not appreciate the huge
volume of military traffic here or the difficulties of judging the
motion of a distant light. Even the few sighting reports that we
can't explain don't seem to lead us anywhere. So you've seen a
unworldly light in the sky. Even if it happened as you say it
did, where does the investigation lead you? All you can usually
conclude, after recording the sighting, is that the case is --
<p>Forty-five years of collecting sighting reports has lead the <span class="EVENT">UFO</span>
movement nowhere. Idealistic investigators have filled out
thousands of neatly ruled forms recording the size of the object,
its brightness and structure, its movement across the sky, a
description of the occupants if they land and step outside...
Most such reports rely on human perception and memory and thus are
automatically suspect. The endless stacks of sighting reports,
although periodically regurgitated for books and TV shows, mostly
collect dust in archives and result in no practical human effect.
The skeptics remain skeptical, while the believers can only agree
that "They are here!" and it's time to get mad as hell about it.</p>
<p>Get mad at whom? Why, the government of course. It's senseless
to get angry at the aliens, because they apparently don't give a
damn what we think and certainly aren't going to sit around to be
harangued. The government, on the other hand, can't escape the
wrath of its citizens, and it has to respond at least when its
funding is threatened. The focus of attention by <span class="EVENT">UFO</span> activists is
the U.S. Air Force, on the theory that if anybody knows anything
about ships in the sky, it must be them. They've got aircraft on
continuous patrol, spy satellites ringing the globe, advanced
radar blanketing the skies, some totally "boss" radio and video
equipment and satellite dishes that can get ALL the channels.</p>
<p>If the <span class="EVENT">UFO</span>s are real, then it is a reasonable assumption that the
Air Force knows more about them than we do and that it is
withholding this information from the public. That doesn't
necessarily imply that the Air Force has any answers. Perhaps
they have only attained a more advanced state of befuddlement than
the rest of us and are loathe to admit how confused they are. On
the other hand, the Air Force could be engaged in extensive
contacts and agreements with the aliens. The aliens could already
be entrenched here, messing with our society--or at least our
minds--and telling the governments of the world what to do.</p>
<p>The only flaw in any government cover-up theory is our knowledge
about how the government functions in all its other activities.
The only human bureaucracies we have ever had experience with seem
mildly incompetent and usually leak their secrets like a sieve.
If many workers know about the Air Force's <span class="EVENT">UFO</span> data, it is hard to
imagine them all keeping quiet. Washington is full of Deep
Throats, frustrated with their employer, who are dying to spill
the beans about whatever scandal they have access to. That a
government agency is involved in any kind of alien research
program is instantly newsworthy to both skeptics and believers.
In the cutthroat underworld of Washington politics and media, it
is hard to imagine any such program surviving for very long
without its existence being leaked and widely criticized.</p>
<p>On the other hand, maybe the story has been leaked all along but
sounds just too wacky for most people to take seriously. It has
been widely reported that the captive aliens at Area 51 like
strawberry ice cream. Even if a report like this is true, it
doesn't go far in endorsing the alien presence in most people's
eyes. The mainstream media can't do much with a far out story
unless there is some reportable human connection. That the aliens
eat strawberry ice cream isn't news. What might make the papers
is the atrocious price the government is paying for that ice cream
and how it has given all the business to Baskin-Robbins without
competitive bidding.</p>
<p>The only sort of government <span class="EVENT">UFO</span> research program we find credible
would be a relatively small and heavily compartmentalized one
accomplishing what we expect of government bureaucracies--that is,
very little. There is only one thing that the government does
well, and that is stonewall. Since arriving in Rachel, we have
upgraded our estimates of the government's ability to withstand a
siege and keep its workers quiet. Easily 10000 employees have
worked at Groom Lake over the years, but hardly any will speak
about the place publicly. What most of these people know is
probably mundane, but the fact that the government can keep such
tight control over so many people suggests that the enforcement
mechanism is highly effective. Most workers turn pale if you ask
them the price of a steak at the commissary; they really clam up
when you ask them anything serious.</p>
<p>We have developed a respect for the government's ability to
withhold static knowledge--that is, to stockpile data and not let
anyone else have it. At the same time, since coming here, we have
significantly downgraded our estimates of what workers can
accomplish in such an oppressive environment. Security
restrictions eat up resources, cripple scientific communication
and sap all initiative and creativity from the human employees.
Given enough funding for guards, locks and redundant safeguards,
the government might be able keep an exotic body of knowledge
secret for decades, but at the cost of not being able to do
anything with it.</p>
<p>If the government is withholding proof of alien life, here's what
to look for: A vault of poorly processed data, guarded by morons
and managed by bureaucrats who are crippled by their own
regulations. Nothing is accomplished in this air conditioned
sanctum. Meetings are held and problems discussed, but real
actions and decisions are always put off for another day. As long
as the data remains secure and funding to maintain the security
apparatus continues to roll in, there's no pressure to do anything
at all.</p>
<p>So what is really out there at Area 51, beyond the impressive
security, inside the deep bunkers, behind the big steel doors?
Maybe alien craft, maybe Auroras--or maybe just a bunch of bored
technicians sitting around in white lab coats playing cards.</p>
<p> ----- NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE -----</p>
<p>"THE MEDIA: OUT OF CONTROL?" was the cover story on the June 26
issue of the NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY MAGAZINE. There was also, on
page 32, a 5-page article by Donovan Webster entitled "'Area 51'--
The cold war still rages in the Nevada desert, site of an air base
so secret it doesn't exist." A Times reader
(allegrezza@tnpubs.enet.dec.com), posted this summary to the Skunk
Works mailing list....</p>
<p> "As previously noted, the NY Times Magazine, 26 June issue,
contained an article on Glenn Campbell and Groom Lake. The writer
spent a day with Glenn, observing Groom and dodging the security
folks, only to end up being ID'ed and released by a local
sheriff's deputy. There was also more detail than I've seen
elsewhere about the pending lawsuit against the Government filed
by 39 former Nellis area workers who claim that they were exposed
to hazardous materials emanating from open burn pits at Groom.</p>
<p> "As the article focused on Glenn and the politics surrounding
the base secrecy issue, there was little technical detail on any
of the testing supposedly going on at Groom. Aurora and the TR-3A
were mentioned, but only in passing.</p>
<p> "Perhaps the most interesting part of the article, for me, was
the following quote from an Air Force spokesman (no unit or
organization affiliation given):"</p>
<span class="">quote</span> Meanwhile, as Campbell continues playing to an ever-increasing audience, his efforts are not lost on the Air Force,
which he's placed on his "Desert Rat" mailing list for free. "We
read his publication," says Air Force Col. Douglas Kennett, "and
we know what Mr. Campbell's doing near a base that may--or may
not--exist. While Mr. Campbell says the base is there, and while
the Soviets appear to have photographed a base there, the Air
Force is aware of those times when Mr. Campbell or <span class="NORP">Russian</span> spy
satellites might be looking us over--and we can adjust our
activities for that. That is, if any activities are going on at a
base that may--or may not--exist."</p>
<p> ----- NOTABLE QUOTES -----</p>
<p>From a television column in the WASHINGTON POST, July 12:</p>
<p> "When we started typing this item we asked ourselves--have we
on a very slow summer day been reduced to this?...</p>
<p> "On Oct. 1 Larry King will do a live, on-location special, with
phone calls, of course, from Rachel, Nev., 'in the shadow of the
U.S. government's super secret air base known as Area 51' on
<p> "It's called 'The <span class="EVENT">UFO</span> Cover Up: Live from Area 51.' Area 51,
TNT explains, 'also known as Groom Lake, is an enormous military
installation hidden deep in the hostile Nevada Desert--so secret
the Pentagon won't confirm its existence.' Larry's guests will
include Glenn Campbell, who heads Secrecy Oversight Council in
Rachel, and technology expert Mark Farmer (a.k.a. Agent X) 'who
specializes in spying on secret government aviation projects'...</p>
<p> "And when we had finished typing this item we were forced to
ask ourselves--has Larry King been reduced to this?..."</p>
<p>From an article in the NEW YORK TIMES, July 4, about attempts by
Senator Robert Byrd to force the Air Force to revive the SR-71
Blackbird--"Spy Plane That Came in From Cold Just Will Not Go Away
in the Senate"...</p>
<p> "When the Pentagon canceled the Blackbird in 1990, citing the
huge cost of operating and maintaining the fleet, it assured
Senator Byrd and a handful of his senior colleagues on the Armed
Services and Intelligence Committees that it was working on a very
fast, very expensive, very secret reconnaissance plane to be a
successor to the Blackbird.</p>
<p> "But that program collapsed after consuming several hundred
million dollars, according to members of Congress and their aides.
And despite rumors that another successor is in the works, they
said, nothing of the sort is on the horizon at the secret Air
Force base in Nevada where classified prototypes of state-of-the-art aircraft are flown."</p>
<p>COMMENTS: You can take this any way you want. If true and no
Aurora is flying, then protecting it is no longer an issue of
national security--is it? Shouldn't it be revealed to the
taxpayer exactly how many hundreds of millions of dollars were
spent? (We suspect a very large "several.")</p>
<p>NIFTY BOOK. </p>
<p>The following comes from an amusing government-sponsored document
entitled, "Meeting the Press: A Media Survival Guide for the
Defense Manager," by Judson J. Conner. (Sent to us by
trader@cup.portal.com.) It's a slim book packed with practical
tips for military commanders on "Facing a Swarm of Killer
Reporters," handling a "Press Ambush" and otherwise managing those
pesky journalists. We read it in one sitting and eagerly
recommended it to those on both sides of the microphone.
Available for $5 per copy from the U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington DC 20402. Visa/MC: 202-783-3238. Among the
<p> "Common sense and military policy dictate that you should
answer press queries fully and accurately, even when those answers
tend to make you look bad. But human nature advises otherwise,
and it is often difficult to choke back the impulse to evade the
hard questions. This impulse can really do you in, for evasions
always come back to haunt, and they are malevolent ghosts.</p>
<p> "A 'no comment' can be equally damaging. The reporter will
probably quote you in the story, not only to let the public (and
his editor) know that he offered you a chance to tell your side,
but also to let everyone know you are guilty. The dictionary
tells us that 'no comment' merely means you prefer not to talk
about the subject, but the readers know better. They know very
well you are pleading the Fifth Amendment to cover up your
<p>From an article in the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL, July 4, about the
pending promotion of Nellis Air Force Base commander Maj. Gen.
Thomas R. Griffith--"Commander's career soars to new heights":</p>
<p> "[Griffith] defended the Air Force's recent move to withdraw
4000 acres of public land as a buffer zone around its secret
Groom Lake base in Lincoln County, 35 miles west of Alamo.</p>
<p> "'If we have to take security measures to do the things we want
to do, we'll do it. We just can't have Boy Scouts roaming around
in the area,' he said.</p>
<p> "'When decisions are made, they're based on the recommendation
of people like me who are in the service of our country,' he said.
'At some point people have to have confidence in us and (in) the
<p>The following graffiti was found on a military "Restricted Area"
sign in a remote area of public land near Freedom Ridge. As seen
in the New York Times Magazine, June 26, Psychospy had drawn a big
"X" across the sign and written "Misplaced Sign" on it because it
was well outside the actual military border. Additional graffiti
has appeared on the sign within the past week, author unknown:</p>
<p> "Glenn Campbell is a stupid faggot and so are his loyal
<p> ----- CLARIFICATION -----</p>
<p>Some readers got the impression from DR #10 that Psychospy was
ready to throw in the towel on the land grab. Responding to the
continuing MFF, we said:</p>
<p> "We almost wished they would just take the damn land and be
done with it."</p>
<p>We assure both our supporters and the loyal opposition that we
were speaking figuratively and our siege has not ended. Just
recently, in fact, we installed at our Research Center a big
satellite dish, the ultimate status symbol here in the outback and
a clear message to our enemies (who are everywhere) that we are
here for the long term. As an added benefit, we now receive the
trash/sleaze/Simpsons/X-Files network, east and west feeds, so we
can watch ourselves on "Encounters" twice on the same night.</p>
<p>The land grab fight is not over, and regardless of what the
outcome may be, there is still plenty of political mileage on
those 4000 acres. You never what may turn up there: maybe the
Nicole Simpson murder weapon! Whatever cards Fate may deal us, we
assure the public that Psychospy and his faggot minions will
cheerfully take advantage of the hand. The stated reason for the
withdrawal ("To ensure the public safety, blah, blah...") is
plainly insufficient and we believe creates a legal vulnerability.
This, in turn, generates free floating political energy which
might be tapped in elegant ways that may not yet be obvious.
"Opportunistic" describes our philosophy.</p>
<p>----- INTEL BITTIES -----</p>
"Encounters" segment on Groom will run on Friday, July 22, at 8 pm
in most cities (not tonight as reported in DR #10).</p>
<p>TRESPASSER CASE RESOLVED. Just before the date of their
rescheduled trial, the four of seven accused trespassers reached a
deal with the D.A. Two pleaded "no contest" and each paid a
reduced fine of $100 (compared to $250 each for the three who
pleaded "no contest" in January). In exchange, charges were
dropped against the two remaining defendants. Mounting costs and
emotional fatigue apparently prompted the defendants to bow out.
Although the resolution was a compromise, we are pleased overall.
We suspect that the small-town Alamo Justice Court, presided over
by a non-lawyer, would have found them guilty, and the appeal to a
higher court, although winnable, would have been costly. The
government oversight group Citizen Alert did the same in 1988 when
several members entered the Groom Range to work a mining claim.
They were arrested and found guilty in the same Justice Court.
They appealed to a higher court and won their case--but at a cost
of thousands of dollars in legal fees and four years of "due
process." Stretching out the latest case for over six months at
least created a newsworthy cause and placed some political
pressure on the local and military authorities. In the smaller
battles of a larger war, the "process" is often more valuable than
the end result.</p>
<p>WILDLIFE REFUGE LAND ACTION. An amendment to Senate Bill 823 now
pending in Congress would transfer control of certain bombing
areas in the Desert Wildlife Range to exclusive Air Force control.
Although news of this action initially prompted suggestions of a
"new Groom land grab," we now see no obvious connection between
this and the Freedom Ridge withdrawal. The areas involved are 20-60 miles southeast of Groom in an area that is already off limits
to the public. The principal public concern seems to be the
endangered desert tortoise--Nevada's version of the hated spotted
owl. At present the land is jointly administered by the Nellis
Bombing Range and the Wildlife Range, and the pending action would
amend that arrangement to give the AF exclusive control over the
limited areas where bombs already fall. Presumably, this would
allow the strengthening of environmental rules outside the bombed
areas (turtle paradise), while permitting the AF to continue its
business within specified zones (turtle 'Nam). From what we know,
we're inclined to support the AF on this one. We would agree with
the brass that realistic exercises are necessary for defense
readiness, and it's hard to be environmentally dainty when you are
bombing things.</p>
<p>NEW PRODUCTS. The official unofficial GROOM LAKE HAT has just
arrived at our Research Center. This is a black, all-cotton
baseball cap with a three-inch version of the popular Groom Dry
Lake cloth patch attached to the front. It is now available for
$12 each plus the usual shipping.... We have also received a new
shipment of the USGS SATELLITE IMAGE MAP showing the semi-secret
Tonopah Test Range and vicinity, available for $8. This is a full
color satellite photo in poster size, 24" x 40", covering the
Cactus Flat 1:100000 quadrangle and clearly showing the TTR
runways and hangars.... Add $3.50 postage per order (USA priority
mail--ask for intl.). Checks to "Secrecy Oversight Council." Our
catalog is available upon request.</p>
<p>(c) Glenn Campbell, 1994. (psychospy@aol.com)</p>
<p>This newsletter is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without
one year following the date of publication, you may photocopy this
text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who
you think might be interested, provided you do it without charge.
You may only copy or send this document in unaltered form and in
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document is allowed without permission. (These revised terms--six
months extended to one year--also apply to previous back issues.)</p>
<p>Email subscriptions to this newsletter are available free of
charge. To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send a message to
psychospy@aol.com. Subscriptions are also available by regular
mail for $15 per 10 issues, postpaid to anywhere in the world.</p>
<p>Back issues are available on various bulletin boards and by
internet FTP to ftp.shell.portal.com, directory
/pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy. Also available by WWW to
<p>Current direct circulation: 1138 copies</p>
<p>The mail address for Psychospy, Glenn Campbell, Secrecy Oversight
Council, Area 51 Research Center, Groom Lake Desert Rat and
countless other ephemeral entities is:
HCR Box 38
Rachel, NV 89001 USA</p>