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<p>Issue No. 20, January 1985</p>
<p>The Time has come for
The White Race to establish
its own POLE STAR</p>
<p>There is a fierce and us yet unresolved bat-tle of ideas going on for the possession of men's
minds. In order to survive the White Race must
polarize its own goals.</p>
<p>In studying the history of Navigation, we find that during and
immediately after the Fifteenth Century the White Man's progress
in navigation on the high seas took a quantum leap. It was during
the latter half of the 15th century that he became capable of mak-ing long forays down the west coast of Africa, discovering islands
in the Atlantic formerly out of reach, and in 1492 Columbus was able
to make his epic voyage across the Atlantic and discover the New
From there on out there were no limits on this our Planet Earth.
The White Man was motivated by a burst of energy as never had been
witnessed before. The Era of Discovery and Colonization set in, and
it was the White Man exclusively whose brilliant energy and genius
was the center of it all. South America was soon discovered, explored
and colonized by the <span class="NORP">Spaniards</span>. Magellan circled the globe and Captain Cook "discovered" Australia, the Hawaiian Islands and many
areas of the Pacific heretofore unknown. This was the White Man
at his best.
What sparked this illustrious burst of discovery and coloniza-tion? There were several key factors and we might say that it was
an idea whose time had come. There was a partial improvement in
the size and durability of the sailing vessels, but whereas this was
a factor, It was not major. The most important item was that
the White Man was learning the art of navigation, a pursuit
that was strongly upgraded by Henry the Navigator of Portugal.
He started a school for navigation, and collected, studied and im-proved the known arts of navigation as they stood in the middle of
the 15th century. This provided the needed impetus and soon the
White Man's ideas about the world began to change in conformity
with reality. Once the White Man realized the world was round, not</p>
<p>flat; that it spun about its axis; that that axis pointed to the Polar
Star; discovered the magnetic compass; and that it pointed to
magnetic north; discovered the sextant; Mercator drew his famous
charts and innovated numerous other aids. From there on out the
White Man was off and running and soon reached and colonized all
the worthwhile territories in the world.
In the meantime, although technology, colonization and
navigation were burgeoning, the White Man made no pro-gress whatsoever in the vital areas of RACE and RELIGION,
the most important issues in his existence. These two para-mount issues underlie the very survival of the White Race, but have
been totally ignored since the dawn of civilization. In fact, It is one
of the ironies of history that the Age of Discovery and Colonization
also greatly accelerated the practice of race-mixing and mongreliza-tion, especially among the <span class="NORP">Spaniards</span> and the Portuguese in their new-ly discovered territories, especially Mexico and South America.
Five hundred years after Henry the Navigator, the White Man
is not only as unaware and ignorant of these two vital Issues, (Race
and Religion) as he was then, he is, in fact more Ignorant, more con-fused, and even more fragmented. He is still woefully unaware of the
issues, racially confused, without goal or direction, without any mean-ingful charts, without a Pole Star to guide his path. The White Man
is, in fact, hopelessly floundering without direction or meaning, not
even aware that the Jew is rapidly committing genocide on Nature's
Finest, the White Race.
During this same era, the Jew, who is not a builder, nor a
navigator, nor an explorer, nor a farmer, nor a producer, but an eter-nal parasite, he too, was extremely busy. Whereas the White Man
was honing his navigational techniques and innovating other new
technology, the Jew was busily pursuing his racial plans, programs
and blueprints, all of which he had established thousands of years
ago. He knew exactly where he was going (racially), what his goals
were, and how he was going to get there. He had fixated his racial
Pole Star as far back as the time he was driven out of Egypt in the
middle of the Second Millennium B.C.E. He had his Pole Star and
never wavered from it. His Pole Star was his Judaic (or Mosaic)
Religion, an intensely racial religion.
And just what were the goals of this inferior parasitic tribe? They
were enormous, but also simple as hell. They were basically: (a) To
mongrelize and enslave all the peoples of the world,
especially the White Race - the prime target of their hatred
and revulsion. (b) To garner unto themselves all the gold,
silver, precious gems, money and properties of the world.
(c) To desecrate, down breed and degenerate all the goyim
of the world, convert them into brainless brown zombies and</p>
<p>hold them in eternal bondage.
In short their goal, set thousands of years ago was, and is to-day: every Jew a King. every goyim a slave, his face in the mud with
the Jewish jackboot firmly pressing down on the nape of his neck.
If you don't believe me, read the letter (in issue 19 of this book
from a kike on whose stationary was the name of Robert V. Rothman.
If that doesn't convince you, read again what another Jew by the
name of Marcus Eli Ravage says. He spells it out more succintly,
and we recapitulate his frank disclosure in Creative Credo No. 43
in the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE under the heading of "Confessions of
a Jew", Page 286. If you need any further confirmation of what the
Jews have in mind for us, read that comprehensive epistle ot hate
- the Jewish Talmud itself. Even mulattoes like Louis Farrakhan
have enough intelligence to recognize the Jewish religion as that of
a destructive parasite and calls it "a gutter religion".
So much for what the Jews have in store for us if we don't come
to our senses and promptly get on with the job. It is the awesome
goal and program of the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR to
arouse, unite and organize the White Race into one power-ful battering ram that has the WILL and the power to
demolish the Jewish behemoth. This is what Creativity is all
about and this is what we are trying to accomplish.
Standing in our path are an endless number of roadblocks, most
of which have surreptitously been conceived by the Jews, but the
actual placing of many of these roadblocks are being done by
members of our own race, most of which should know better.
Visualize the following scenario: An old draft horse is pulling a
heavy load up a long hill, heaving and straining at its traces. It is
tired and sweaty and has had a long, hard day. Noisily yapping at
its heels are a few mutts, and buzzing at its head are a small swarm
of gnats.
If this old draft horse could talk, it would probably be saying
something like this to itself: "I don't mind pulling the load, because
that is what I am best at. But who in the hell needs the extra ag-gravation of mutts and gnats when I am trying to get this load over
the hill?"
I have a confession to make. There are times when I feel like
that old draft horse.
I know what we are up against, and it is a heavy load. We are
trying to accomplish something that has never been done by the
White Race in the last six thousand years of its illustrious but con-fused and botched-up history. We are trying to give the White Race
a racial religion of its own that will finally and comprehensively solve
the problem of its degeneration and decline, and prevent its ig-</p>
<p>nominous demise by drowning in a stinking sea of mud. I repeat. this
has never before been done in all of the White Man's turbulent past,
and whether or not it will come about in the future Christ only knows,
and he won't tell because he is not around. I can't assure you that
it will come about. I cannot give anyone a guilt-edged Certificate of
Guarantee for the future. But I can assure you of this much: It will
either happen in the next 20 to 30 years or it won't happen at all.
Why? Because if it don't happen now there won't be any White Race
left to save.
I will also boldly make the second claim and that is in Creativ-ty we now have the creed program and religion with which to bring
about the Salvation and Redemption of the White Race. We have,
in fact, the whole ball of wax, and whereas it may not be perfect
(nothing in life is) it is the best that is now available to the White
Race In order to save its neck from the Jewish jackboot. Creativity
is not a spectator sport. Whether or not we win this ultimate battle
depends on how vigorously you and millions of other White Racial
Comrades join into the fray and become militant activists. I repeat,
this is not a spectator sport. We need White Racial Teamwork -
all 500 million strong.
The White Race is now in the position of a pusillanimous old
spinster who is nearing the end of the line. She could never quite
make up her mind that she had found the "perfect" man and kept
on looking and looking, little realizing that as the years went by her
own charms to attract such a man, if he ever existed, were rapidly
fading. Finally, in her declining years, as she becomes senile and
is hustled off to a "convalescent home" the question of finding the
"perfect" man that never existed becomes rather moot.
A similar situation exists regarding Creativity-We don't claim
it is perfect, but it is powerful, dynamic comprehensive consistent
and complete. Just as Hitler constructed the Nazi Party in Germany
to demolish Jewish Marxism and lead the German people back to
strength and unity, so also is Creativity designed to arouse, unite
and organize all the White peoples of the world to demolish once
and for all the Jewish monster that now threatens to devour us.
Most of our White Racial Comrades that want the Jewish
monkey off our back believe that the main roadblock in ac-complishing this awesome task are the Jews, the niggers and the
exploding mass of mud races. I used to think along these lines also,
but experience has taught me that the major problem resides
within our own ranks - the unbelievable intransigence of those
who profess to be on our side but because of hubris, jealousy,
pettiness and plain stupidity are forever in the front and
throwing roadblocks in the way of those who have the WILL,
the MEANS and the PROGRAM to do something meaningful</p>
<p>and effective
Let me state categorically: We Creators mean business. We are
determined to do something meaningful, constructive and effective
rather than eternally yak, yak, yak, and fiddle around the fringes
of the frivolous. We are not interested in either trying to impress you,
nor are we here to entertain you. We want to arouse and motivate
you to become a militant activist and enlist you into our army of racial
This we are doing day by day, and although the process is ac-celerating, it is not fast enough to suit us. Time is of the essence,
and, as in the case of the aging and pusillanimous spinster, time is
running out for the White Race. If it won't grasp the opportunity now
it will soon be too senile to ever pull itself out of the muddy mire.
Standing in the way of getting the job done are a number of buz-zing gnats and yapping hounds in the ranks of the White Race itself,
repeatedly throwing roadblocks in our way, roadblocks that were
designed and fashioned by the Jews themselves. In this dissertation
I want to make a file, a laundry list if you like, of the number of
spurious and nit-picking charges, rumors and Innuendoes that have
been thrown at us. Many of these people profess to be our friends
and are "only trying to help us", for our own good.
1 . Although we are located in a beautiful natural setting in <span class="PERSON">North</span>
Carolina, we are also located in what is known as the Bible Belt,
and the "devout" and confused Christians not only denounce us as
"atheists", but some vociferously proclaim that we are "devil-worshippers". Since we don't believe in demons, or spooks of any
kind, or, in fact, any other kind of spookie malarkey, this charge,
is, of course rather silly on the face of it.
2. Then there are those, including some Mormons who claim
that Ben Klassen is, in fact, the devil himself. This too, is pretty
stupid, for the same reason as point No. 1.
3. There are some (White people) who claim I am a Jew, I must
be a Jew, and perhaps both a Jew and a devil, and that Klassen is
a Jewish name.
In answer to the above, I can categorically state that (a) I am
not a devil, and (b) I am not a Jew. The devil part is, of course, so
silly I need not spend further time on it. The Jewish accusation is
equally stupid, but since it has such vicious implications I will spend
further time on it.
My ancestors both on my mother's side and on my father's side
were Mennonites of unmixed White ancestry for at least the last four
hundred years, originating out of Holland. In the 1700's a segment
of Mennonites (due to religious persecution) migrated to what was
then Prussia. Since the Mennonites were both industrious and also
raised large families, they multiplied and took over more and more</p>
<p>territory in that state.</p>
<p>The Mennonites also had (and still have) a strange little hang-up in their religion about being opposed to going to war and killing
other people. They are dedicated PACIFISTS. This did not sit too
well with the then militaristic minded Prussians, and new persecu-tions ensued. A major segment of my Prussian ancestors then decided
to move to a fertile area of the Ukraine just north of the Black Sea.
This they did in about the year 1804, and Katherine the Great, who
was eager to settle these empty areas with industrious, hardwork-ing farmers, invited them in, even signing a pact with them that gave
them special compensations, waiving any obligatinns of having to
serve in the military.
The colony my ancestors settled in was called the Molotschna
Colony, located on the banks of a river of the same name. Here they
prospered and multiplied, two areas in which they were amazingly
adept. My paternal grandfather and grandmother had 14 children,
of which twelve lived to adulthood, and all, I believe. raised families
of their own.
This was the situation in 1914 when World War I broke out. The
colony had prospered, the Mennonites in Molotschna numbered
30000 souls in 50 towns or villages. When the communists took over
in 1917, all hell broke loose and the Mennonites were completely
unprepared to defend themselves from the marauding criminals that
were let loose upon them. Many were killed, some died of starvation
during the planned famine of 1921-22, some migrated to other
The latter is what my father did in 1924. Without going into more
detail about the Mennonites and my personal history which I have
briefly covered in Chapter 22, Part II, Page 455 of NATURE'S ETER-NAL RELIGION entitled My Own Spiritual Awakening", suffice it
to say that my ancestors were White, Protestant Mennonites, who
carefully kept their genealogy clean, and there is not a Jew, a nigger
or an <span class="NORP">Indian</span> anywhere in my bloodlines, at least not for the last 400
Now before some swine again rises up (I am using Herbert
Hoover's words) and accuses me of being a Jew, I suggest that he,
she or it first put up a $1000.00 security to cover a bet that
I can prove otherwise, and I will put up my own $1000.00.
A late uncle of mine. bless him, devoted a lot of time and research-ed and compiled an extensive genealogy of the Klassen family. I have
a copy of it. I also have copies of numerous official documents, such
as passports, (Including my father's) church documents, family
albums and a mass of other evidence, all of which confirms my White
Protestant Mennonite ancestry. If that is not enough. I still have any
number of living cousins, nieces, nephews and other relatives in</p>
<p>Canada and the United States who can back up my statements, and
would not take lightly to the inference that we might be Jews.
So, to the next swine that makes the accusation I say - put
your money where your mouth is, or shut up. Klassen is a good Dutch
and Mennonite name and has been for many centuries.
4. There are some who spread the rumor that I am in this
"business" to make money, and that is my only concern.
This, too, is utterly stupid. I am 66 years old and have been con-cerned about the sinister Jewish menace since the age of 20 when
I first read Hitler's MEIN KAMPF, in German.
Although my pursuit in trying to solve this problem was in the
early stages confused, erratic and completely ineffective (since, like
everyone else, I didn't know what to do about It) it has always been
a simmering concern most of my adult life.
I came to the United States in 1945 as a poor immigrant boy,
although not without a good Engineering degree and some practical
job experience. In 1947 I decided to go into real estate (in Califor-nia), and by 1970 I was in a position where I could have retired com-fortably. It was at this time that I began to see the light about the
swindle that was <span class="NORP">Christianity</span> and its ramifications regarding the
whole racial problem. It was at time that I began to for-mulate and put together NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION.
Since that time I have not only published NATURE'S ETER-NAL RELIGION but also written THE WHITE MAN'S BIBLE and
published SALUBRIOUS LIVING, thereby completing our
Ideological creed and program. We now have a racial religion of
which any White Man can not only be intensely proud, but to which
he can actively dedicate his time, energy and loyalty for the rest of
his natural life. He can now join in a White religious movement that
can (and will!) lead us all out of the quagmire of Jewish slavery and
I have also inaugurated a conveyor belt to spread the word and
disseminate the message by launching RACIAL LOYALTY 20 issues
ago, and have built the Church itself as a World Center for our move-ment. We are now in the process of completing the SCHOOL FOR
GIFTED BOYS, and I am happy to announce that sooner or later
we plan to build a Health Center in which to teach and practice
Salubrious Living for those seeking a more Ideal and healthful
Publishing all these books, building all these buildings,
publishing the paper, buying a host of typesetting equipment, com-puters, copying machines and other sophisticated technical equip-ment, all this has cost a ton of money, hundreds of thousands
dollars worth. By and large, I have bankrolled It all out of my life's
savings, and the response from supporters, as anyone in the White</p>
<p>racial movement can well confirm, has been (at best) discouraging,
but I expected as much.
The point is - how can some people (some of which profess
to be on our side) accuse me of enduring all the abuse, hassle and
headaches connected with promoting an unpopular cause in order
that I make a buck?
I repeat - I could have retired comfortably In 1970, but it I live
to be one hundred I can never expect to recuperate a cent of all the
financial sacrifices I have made, and am making, and will continue
to make in the future in order to get this movement off the ground.
I repeat, I don't expect to recuperate a penny, and have made no
provision to do so.
I repeat a similar challenge I made in Point No. 4. Anyone who
thinks I am making a killing out of trying to do my part in this racial
struggle can readily buy all the potential "profits" I might accrue for
the rest of my life. A mere $10000 will do it for you. Again, I
challenge such purveyors of lies and slander to put their money where
their mouth is. (I would gladly settle for $100.00 or even fifty cents,
but I set the figure at $10000 to keep out the cheap gadflies).
5. There are those that still insist my motives must be evil, and
it none of the above charges hold water they are determined to
find somewhere, somehow, some sinister and evil motivation. They
come up with the following charge: I must be doing what I am doing
in order to sow dissention and destroy "the little that we have",
evidently in order that I might help aid the Jewish cause. This charge
is so assinine that it hardly needs an answer, but answer it I will,
and briefly.
The "little that we have" is so damn little and so counterproduc-tive that if I wanted to see the Jews continue to successfully carry
on their nefarious destruction of the White Race all I need do is com-fortably sit back and do nothing, the same as the silly yokels who
make such an outrageous charge. Why would I spend hundreds of
thousands of my hard earned life's savings, when just sitting back
and doing nothing would accomplish the same thing? Why would
I spend thousands of hours writing books, organizing a movement
putting out a monthly publication, etc.? How ridiculous can you get?
6. Then there is that strange group that comes up with a CATCH
22 rationale and says that I must be phoney, I must be a double agent,
I must be a Jewish stooge, for if I was for real, and had said all the
nasty things I have said about the Jews, openly and publicly published
books against them. even had a large picture of myself on the back
pages, even used my own real name, why, anybody that did all this
would long ago have been killed by the Jews. Therefore, ipso facto,
I must be a Jew, or a double agent, or a stooge, or something, being
paid by the Jewish powerhouse.</p>
<p>In short, these idiots say that no matter what you do there is
no way to win the battle against the Jews. If you try, you're dead.
If you're not dead, you must be a double agent. And of course, if you're
dead, there isn't much you can do.
With this kind of accusation, what in the hell can anybody do?
It's heads I win, tails you lose, the perfect Catch 22 no-win box, un-doubtedly promoted by the Jews themselves.
I bring up these ludicrous accusations because they are more
prevalent than most people realize and I want to take this oppor-tunity to answer all of them and get these kinds of people de-confused
and decontaminated, if such is at all possible.
Let me say categorically the only kind of help I have ever gotten
from the Jews is threats and hate letters such as the one printed in
last months issue No. 19. I can reprint a number of others such as
the uproar I caused in the Jewish community when the Miami Herald
(South Florida is becoming a bedlam of Jews, <span class="NORP">Cubans</span>, niggers and
<span class="NORP">Haitians</span>) published a two page article on me in 1981. How can I
possibly benefit the Jews by inaugurating a White racial religion that
when (not if, but when!) successful, will spell the death knell of
Judaism, nobody has yet rationally explained.
But let us look at the statistics, and the probabilities. It is true
that there is always the possibility that a Jew fighter out in the open
might be assassinated in the United States, and there have been a
few cases, such as George Lincoln Rockwell, Sec. of Defense James
Forrestal, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, and probably John F.
Kennedy, who started issuing U.S. notes, instead of allowing the
Jew owned Federal Reserve to have a monopoly in counterfeiting.
But most of these cases are rare, and outside of Rockwell, most of
these victims did not even attack the Jews openly, although they were
a threat to them.
Now compare these paltry numbers with the 30 million White
<span class="NORP">Russians</span> that were massacred when the Jews exercised their racial
hate orgy, or the 50 million White people that were killed in W.W
II, or the more than a million White people that were killed in the
Civil War, not to mention the overwhelming devastation of proper-ty. Or the 57661 Americans who were killed outright in the recent
Vietnam War, a senseless Jew instigated war that was perpetrated
on the gullible American public for no other reason than to kill, maim
and promote drug-addiction on the cream of American manhood in
their finest young years.
The list is endless, but my point is this: NO ONE IS SAFE,
whether fighting Jews or whether they try placating the Jews, or
whether they are trying to play it safe as an innocent, uninvolved
spectator, Like it or not YOU ARE INVOLVED, you are boxed in.
If white, you are a target designated for destruction, and trying to play</p>
<p>it safe will not make one tittle of difference. Ask the parents of the
57661 young Americans that are now dead and buried if any of these
slaughtered victims ever so much as raised a Anger against the Jews,
or even had the slightest inkling as to what the hell it was all about
The answer is zero, zero, zero. But the Jews managed to get to them,
and in a treacherous round about way managed to get them killed
anyway, did they not? And they will get to you, whoever you are,
wherever you are, if you are White. You don't have to be militant
or hostile towards the Yids, or even knowledgeable. Look at what
happened to my pacifist Mennonite ancestors in Russia - dispers-ed. dead, rooted out, and every last beautiful farm, village and com-munity wiped out.</p>
<p>So wake up, my dear White Racial Comrade! As individuals,
we all have to die sometime anyway, but our race lives on. The best
defense against the Jews hastening our untimely demise is to inform
RACE. It is our beholden duty to unify and organize our people into
a massive fired-up RELIGIOUS WAR based on race (The Arabs have
a word for it. It is called Jihad). Therein lies our best defense a
our only salvation. Some of us will be killed in the process no doubt,
but believe me, it is much, much better to die fighting. How can a
man die better than facing fearful odds (See Horatius at the Bridge,
P. 985, NER) against the enemy and taking a hundred or so of them
with him. Such is a thousand times better than to die a snivelling
coward on your knees, alone and in miserable anonymity. In any case,
you are safer fighting than snivelling.
I repeat, the best way to die is a heroic death, or a martyr's
death, in the cause of your race. Whereas we all die anyway, if we
organize and fight, our glorious future progeny will have a chance
to live in a beautiful, Whiter and Brighter World.
7. We now come to that group which is more sophisticated, more
intellectual, but whose intelligence does not quite extend to the point
where they know how to help save the White Race and subsequent-ly don't realize that if the White Race goes down the drain, they and
their progeny (present &amp; future) will go down with it. Many of these
are the heads of one of the fragmentary 20000 or so "right-wing"
movements, albeit some are no more than an organization compris-ing of one member - themselves.
Although there are undoubtedly many phonies In this group,
many of them Jews parading as White racists, or parading as White
Christians, these are probably the exception. Although it is hard to
tell the players without cards attached, I presume most of them are
White, sincere, but somehow have some hang-up or quirks they in-herited form being slopped with too much Jewish propaganda most
of their life and have not quite gotten their pieces put together.</p>
<p>This group effectively throws more roadblocks in the path of our
movement than any other, for two reasons, (a) there are more of
them, and (b) their argument is fairly persuasive to the average unin-formed yokel.
Their argument goes something like this: We need a large variety
of polyglot organizations to do the job (whatever that "job" is, this
polyglot group does not seem to be able to agree on). If we had one
major organization, they argue, and If the Jews (or the U. S. govern-ment, or the I.R.S.) quashed it, we would be through, whereas if
we have thousands of little polyglot groups "they" can never get to
us all, and we can keep on going. Therefore, the more polyglots the
merrier and let us never make the mistake of uniting. When the
"showdown" comes, they further argue, we will all unite and we will
beat the hell out of "them".
Well, this all sounds good, but experience teaches us that this
kind of approach is a fatal mistake. We have been pursuing this line
of thinking for the last 60 years and it has gotten us exactly nowhere.
We have had at least 20000 polyglot "organizations" that have come
and gone since W.W. II and none of them have so much as made
a dent. (Read again: A Polyglot Mind &amp; A Polyglot Society, Who
Needs Them?" in Expanding Creativity, Issue No. 10).
Let us learn from history and let us learn from experience. The
best historic era we can possibly draw from is the German
phenomenon between W.W.I and W.W.II.
As we all know, there was great distress in Germany after W.W.I.
The Jews had beaten down one of the finest, most progressive and
productive people in the heart of Europe. The Jews were having a
field day ravaging the nation and heaping humiliation on top of
misery, hunger and chaos. Desperation and confusion was rampant
In the land, and the Jews, who created It all, made the most of it.
However, they overplayed their hand (as they are doing in the U.S.
today) and the resilient German people started to organize a
Hundreds, then thousands, of small organizations of all shades
and stripes sprang up, with the alleged purpose of solving the pro-blem. There too, many were Jew instigated to divert, mislead and
further confuse the German people. Many of them were sincere, but
led by people who neither understood the problem, nor knew of a
solution even if they had understood the problem.
As those of us know that have studied the Nazi movement, in
1919 Hitler joined a small, insignificant group called the German
Worker's Party and became member No. 7. By sheer genius, drive
and leadership ability he was soon in charge and started building
the party into a formidable political force. He also changed its name
to National Socialist German Worker's Party.</p>
<p>He was opposed by Just about every meaningful power group
in the Reich. Not only was it deemed unpopular to be a Nazi, but
it was also dangerous. A number of them were beaten, brutalized
and/or killed. The opposition the Nazi party encountered came not
only from the Jewish power structure, but also from the churches,
the "German" government, the <span class="NORP">Masonic</span> Lodges and various other
indigenous groups, all of which was bad enough. But he was also
fiercely opposed by rival racist German groups, who fought him and
roadblocked him as effectively as did the Jewish establishment
Throughout it all Hitler did not compromise his goals nor his
principals. He never "merged" with any other group and warned in
MEIN KAMPF that to do so weakens and destroys both parties to
the merger.
Instead, he kept building the party, and by demonstrating the
superiority of his movement, converted members of other groups to
his movement, including thousands, yes, millions of former adherents
of the Communist party.
But the individual leaders of the rival parties kept opposing him
as long as they could, all the while professing the same goals. For
example, even after Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler was already
Chancellor, Alfred Hugenberg did all he could to maintain his group,
the Nationalist Front, and acted as a destructive roadblock until his
group was dissolved by the more powerful Nazi party. Such are the
eternal human foibles of maintaining their egotistical
Even after Hitler was supreme ruler of Germany, there were a
number of dissidents in the ranks of the S.A. (Sturm Abteilung) who
now, that they were on top, wanted to dump the Leader who had
built it all and take charge. Again hubris coming to the surface.
<span class="NORP">Egotists</span> like Ernst Roehm thought they knew better than the Fueher
as to what to do with that "success" now that they had it, and ar-rogantly wanted to run the show in their own direction. As we know,
in July of 1934 there was a "purge" of the party and Roehm, and
approximately 70 others, were executed. As Hitler said "The iron laws
of history are eternal and unbending". Had he not done what he did,
there would have again been division, dissention and chaos in the
land, and the Jews, being masters of the "Divide and Conquer"
technique, would soon have been back in the saddle.
I cite this as a most exemplary era in the White Man's fight in
driving the Jews from power because we have a number of cogent
lessons to learn from that experience which apply very directly to
the dilemma we find ourselves in in the United States of America
today. We have the same odious problem as did the Germans in the
1920's, namely, how to get the parasitic Jew of our back, and for
the White Man again to take charge of his own destiny. Believe me,</p>
<p>it is no child's game, and the iron laws of history are grim indeed
if we fail.
The lessons we can (and must) learn are these:
(a) A powerful movement must be built around an ideology, a faith,
a creed, a belief. Nothing fits this description better than a religion.
(b) It such a religion is built on the foundation of race, it is all the
more powerful and meaningful, as the Jews have proven over the
thousands of years of their existence.
(c) A "democratic", polyglot society is unstable, weak and chaotic,
and a perfect tool for the deceitful Jews with which to manipulate
a numerically superior, (potentially) more powerful enemy, such as
the White Race. In a polyglot society the Jew can expertly exercise
his deceitful genius - the Divide and Conquer technique, at which
he has no peers.
(d) The White Race is now nearing the end of its existence as a species
on this planet. Whether it likes it or not, it has some urgent and hard
decisions to make, and time is rapidly running out. If it does not
change course if it does not abandon the haphazard, polyglot, no-win approach that it has carelessly pursued in the past, it will soon
be finished and there will be no second chance.</p>
<p>In order to survive, the White Race must choose the one creed,
program and ideology under which to marshal its awesome powers.
Playing mawkish, childish games, and being fragmented into
thousands of babbling debating societies will no longer suffice. We
must polarize around one movement, and soon make up our minds
which is the best, the most powerful, complete and comprehensive
creed and program to pursue.
(e) We must then close ranks and do the job that has to be done as
quickly, and as thoroughly as possible, no matter what it takes, no
matter what the sacrifice. As I have said a hundred times before,
the survival of Nature's Finest is so important that the end justifies
the means, any means. Only a fool or a traitor could deem
We now come to the key issue, the 64 thousand dollar question.
Which creed or program should the White Race choose, and hav-ing made its choice, close ranks behind it?
Alright, I will not be devious, or try to be coy. We don't have
an unlimited shopping list to choose from, and the answer narrows
down to Creativity, the only meaningful racial religion that has evolv-ed from the ranks of the White Race in the last 6000 years of civiliza-tion. It is complete, it is comprehensive, it is consistent, it is cohesive.
It is designed to cope with a crumbling world situation as it exists
today in the last quarter of the Twentieth Century, a time when the
White Race is rapidly nearing its death gasp. It may not be perfect,
but like the old maid that wasted the best years of her life looking</p>
<p>for the perfect mate, the White Race had better get its act together
If in 6000 years no other meaningful White racial religion has
appeared, it is not likely that in the next decade such will appear
out of Aladdin's Lamp, nor that it will be able to match the dynamic
and comprehensive creed inherent In Creativity. So let's not waste
our time all the way to the Convalescent Home (or the slaughter-house) eternally searching for perfection. In Creativity we have the
Total Program , the Final Solution, the Ultimate Creed. Not perfect,
but the best that has come along in 6000 years. So let's get with
it, let's get going and promote the hell out of it and WIN.
The time has come to get down to serious business and wage
meaningful warfare. The time has come to fix on a definite Pole Star
and chart a specific course of action. We have got to freeze the dies
and get into production.
The time is long gone when each individual White Man can in-dulge in his own little game, playing with his pet spooks and massag-ing his own hubris by indulging in silly daydreams. We have to unite,
build an army under a unified command and fight like men. We have
to have a clear dynamic and powerful plan of battle, and in Creativi-ty we have it all.
The Church Of The Creator is going to pursue this course of
uniting all the White peoples of the world into one powerful army,
come hell or high water. We are going to pursue the same course
as Hitler did - to build one massive movement, now, as quickly as
possible. This might disturb some people, but that is unfortunate and
cannot be helped. From here on out we are no longer interested in
quibbling about the finer points of creed or philosophy or pontificating
endlessly and explaining for the hundredth time that we don't care
how it all started fifty billion years ago. We are now interested in on-ly one thing - building and promoting the movement into one
massive army, crushing the Jewish menace and wresting control of
our own destiny back into the hands of the White Race while we still
have time.
We are determined to build a Whiter and Brighter World,
or die in the attempt. JOIN WITH US.</p>
<p>When referring to the Jews and niggers, we
must learn to think and speak in terms of con-tempt, derision and loathing.</p>