#!/bin/sh ## Copyrigh (C) 2023 - 2023 ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LP ## Copyrigh (C) 2023 - 2023 Friedrich Doku ## See the file COPYING for copying conditions. type getarg >/dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/dracut-lib.sh ram_wipe_check_needshutdown() { local OLD_DRACUT_QUIET OLD_DRACUT_QUIET="$DRACUT_QUIET" DRACUT_QUIET='no' local kernel_wiperam_setting kernel_wiperam_setting=$(getarg wiperam) if [ "$kernel_wiperam_setting" = "skip" ]; then info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: Skip, because wiperam=skip kernel parameter detected, OK." DRACUT_QUIET="$OLD_DRACUT_QUIET" return 0 fi if [ "$kernel_wiperam_setting" = "force" ]; then info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: wiperam=force detected, OK." else detect_virt_output="$(systemd-detect-virt 2>&1)" detect_virt_exit_code="$?" info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: detect_virt_output: '$detect_virt_output'" info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: detect_virt_exit_code: '$detect_virt_exit_code'" if [ "$detect_virt_exit_code" = "0" ]; then info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: Skip, because running inside a VM detected and not using wiperam=force kernel parameter, OK." DRACUT_QUIET="$OLD_DRACUT_QUIET" return 0 fi info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: Bare metal (not running inside a VM) detected, OK." fi info "wipe-ram-needshutdown.sh: Calling dracut function need_shutdown to drop back into initramfs at shutdown, OK." need_shutdown DRACUT_QUIET="$OLD_DRACUT_QUIET" return 0 } ram_wipe_check_needshutdown