## Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023 ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LP ## See the file COPYING for copying conditions. ## The whole point of the package. security-misc: package-contains-file-in-etc-skel [etc/skel/*] ## Wrapper script. security-misc: no-manual-page [usr/bin/pkexec.security-misc] ## Non-ideal but still a good solution. security-misc: file-in-unusual-dir [var/cache/security-misc/state-files/placeholder] ## False-positive. Just a comment mentioning dpkg's folder. security-misc: uses-dpkg-database-directly [usr/bin/remount-secure] ## Special target to make sure this runs as non-parallelized as possible to avoid race conditions. security-misc: systemd-service-file-refers-to-unusual-wantedby-target sysinit-post.target [usr/lib/systemd/system/remount-secure.service]