#!/bin/bash ## Copyright (C) 2012 - 2023 ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LP ## See the file COPYING for copying conditions. ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/disable-suid-binaries/7706 ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/re-mount-home-and-other-with-noexec-and-nosuid-among-other-useful-mount-options-for-better-security/7707 ## To view previous modes and how these were changed: ## meld /var/lib/permission-hardening/existing_mode/statoverride /var/lib/permission-hardening/new_mode/statoverride ## To undo: ## sudo /usr/libexec/security-misc/permission-hardening-undo #set -x set -e set -o pipefail exit_code=0 mkdir -p /var/lib/permission-hardening/existing_mode mkdir -p /var/lib/permission-hardening/new_mode dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode="--admindir /var/lib/permission-hardening/existing_mode" dpkg_admindir_parameter_new_mode="--admindir /var/lib/permission-hardening/new_mode" echo_wrapper_ignore() { echo "run: $@" "$@" 2>/dev/null || true } echo_wrapper_silent_ignore() { #echo "run: $@" "$@" 2>/dev/null || true } echo_wrapper_audit() { echo "run: $@" return_code=0 "$@" || \ { \ return_code="$?" ; \ exit_code=203 ; \ echo "ERROR: above command failed with exit code '$return_code'! calling function name: '${FUNCNAME[1]}'" >&2 ; \ }; } echo_wrapper_silent_audit() { #echo "run (debugging): $@" return_code=0 "$@" || \ { \ return_code="$?" ; \ exit_code=204 ; \ echo "ERROR: above command '$@' failed with exit code '$return_code'! calling function name: '${FUNCNAME[1]}'" >&2 ; \ }; } sanity_tests() { echo_wrapper_silent_audit which \ capsh getcap setcap stat find dpkg-statoverride getent xargs grep 1>/dev/null } add_nosuid_statoverride_entry() { local fso_to_process fso_to_process="$fso" local should_be_counter should_be_counter="$(find "$fso_to_process" -perm /u=s,g=s | wc -l)" || true local counter_actual counter_actual=0 local line while read -r line; do true "line: $line" counter_actual="$(( counter_actual + 1 ))" local arr file_name existing_mode existing_owner existing_group arr=($line) file_name="${arr[0]}" existing_mode="${arr[1]}" existing_owner="${arr[2]}" existing_group="${arr[3]}" if [ "$arr" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: arr is empty. line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$file_name" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: file_name is empty. line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$existing_mode" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: existing_mode is empty. line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$existing_owner" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: existing_owner is empty. line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$existing_group" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: existing_group is empty. line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi ## -h file True if file is a symbolic Link. ## -u file True if file has its set-user-id bit set. ## -g file True if file has its set-group-id bit set. if test -h "$file_name" ; then ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/disable-suid-binaries/7706/14 true "skip symlink: $file_name" continue fi if test -d "$file_name" ; then true "skip directory: $file_name" continue fi local setuid setuid_output setsgid setsgid_output setuid="" setuid_output="" if test -u "$file_name" ; then setuid=true setuid_output="set-user-id" fi setsgid="" setsgid_output="" if test -g "$file_name" ; then setsgid=true setsgid_output="set-group-id" fi local setuid_or_setsgid setuid_or_setsgid="" if [ "$setuid" = "true" ] || [ "$setsgid" = "true" ]; then setuid_or_setsgid=true fi if [ "$setuid_or_setsgid" = "" ]; then continue fi ## Remove suid / gid and execute permission for 'group' and 'others'. ## Similar to: chmod og-ugx /path/to/filename ## Removing execution permission is useful to make binaries such as 'su' fail closed rather ## than fail open if suid was removed from these. ## Do not remove read access since no security benefit and easier to manually undo for users. ## Are there suid or sgid binaries which are still useful if suid / sgid has been removed from these? new_mode="744" local is_exact_whitelisted is_exact_whitelisted="" for white_list_entry in $exact_white_list ; do if [ "$file_name" = "$white_list_entry" ]; then is_exact_whitelisted="true" ## Stop looping through the whitelist. break fi done local is_match_whitelisted is_match_whitelisted="" for matchwhite_list_entry in $match_white_list ; do if echo "$file_name" | grep -q "$matchwhite_list_entry" ; then is_match_whitelisted="true" ## Stop looping through the match_white_list. break fi done local is_disable_whitelisted is_disable_whitelisted="" for disablematch_list_entry in $disable_white_list ; do if echo "$file_name" | grep -q "$disablematch_list_entry" ; then is_disable_whitelisted="true" ## Stop looping through the disablewhitelist. break fi done if [ "$whitelists_disable_all" = "true" ]; then true "INFO: whitelists_disable_all=true - $setuid_output $setsgid_output found - file_name: '$file_name' | existing_mode: '$existing_mode'" elif [ "$is_disable_whitelisted" = "true" ]; then true "INFO: white list disabled - $setuid_output $setsgid_output found - file_name: '$file_name' | existing_mode: '$existing_mode'" else if [ "$is_exact_whitelisted" = "true" ]; then true "INFO: SKIP whitelisted - $setuid_output $setsgid_output found - file_name: '$file_name' | existing_mode: '$existing_mode'" continue fi if [ "$is_match_whitelisted" = "true" ]; then true "INFO: SKIP matchwhitelisted - $setuid_output $setsgid_output found - file_name: '$file_name' | existing_mode: '$existing_mode' | matchwhite_list_entry: '$matchwhite_list_entry'" continue fi fi echo "INFO: $setuid_output $setsgid_output found - file_name: '$file_name' | existing_mode: '$existing_mode' | new_mode: '$new_mode'" if dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode --list "$file_name" >/dev/null ; then true "OK Existing mode already saved previously. No need to save again." else ## Save existing_mode in separate database. ## Not using --update as not intending to enforce existing_mode. echo_wrapper_silent_audit dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode --add "$existing_owner" "$existing_group" "$existing_mode" "$file_name" fi ## No need to check "dpkg-statoverride --list" for existing entries. ## If existing_mode was correct already, we would not have reached this point. ## Since existing_mode is incorrect, remove from dpkg-statoverride and re-add. ## Remove from real database. echo_wrapper_silent_ignore dpkg-statoverride --remove "$file_name" ## Remove from separate database. echo_wrapper_silent_ignore dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_new_mode --remove "$file_name" ## Add to real database and use --update to make changes on disk. echo_wrapper_audit dpkg-statoverride --add --update "$existing_owner" "$existing_group" "$new_mode" "$file_name" ## Not using --update as this is only for recording. echo_wrapper_silent_audit dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_new_mode --add "$existing_owner" "$existing_group" "$new_mode" "$file_name" ## /lib will hit ARG_MAX if using bash 'shopt -s globstar' and '/lib/**'. ## Using 'find' with '-perm /u=s,g=s' is faster and avoids ARG_MAX. ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/disable-suid-binaries/7706/17 done < <( find "$fso_to_process" -perm /u=s,g=s -print0 | xargs -I{} -0 stat -c "%n %a %U %G" {} ) ## Sanity test. if [ ! "$should_be_counter" = "$counter_actual" ]; then echo "INFO: fso_to_process: '$fso_to_process' | counter_actual : '$counter_actual'" echo "INFO: fso_to_process: '$fso_to_process' | should_be_counter: '$should_be_counter'" exit_code=202 echo "ERROR: counter does not check out." >&2 fi } set_file_perms() { true "INFO: START parsing config_file: '$config_file'" local line while read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do if [ "$line" = "" ]; then continue fi if [[ "$line" =~ ^# ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$line" =~ [0-9a-zA-Z/] ]]; then true "OK line contains only white listed characters." else exit_code=200 echo "ERROR: cannot parse line with invalid character. line: '$line'" >&2 ## Safer to exit with error in this case. ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/disable-suid-binaries/7706/59 exit "$exit_code" fi if [ "$line" = 'whitelists_disable_all=true' ]; then whitelists_disable_all=true echo "INFO: whitelists_disable_all=true - all whitelists disabled." continue fi #global fso local mode_from_config owner_from_config group_from_config capability_from_config if ! read -r fso mode_from_config owner_from_config group_from_config capability_from_config <<< "$line" ; then exit_code=201 echo "ERROR: cannot parse. line: '$line'" >&2 ## Debugging. du -hs /tmp || true echo "test -w /tmp: '$(test -w /tmp)'" >&2 || true ## Safer to exit with error in this case. ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/disable-suid-binaries/7706/59 exit "$exit_code" fi local fso_without_trailing_slash fso_without_trailing_slash="${fso%/}" if [ "$mode_from_config" = "disablewhitelist" ]; then ## TODO: test/add white spaces inside file name support disable_white_list+="$fso " continue fi if [ "$mode_from_config" = "exactwhitelist" ]; then ## TODO: test/add white spaces inside file name support exact_white_list+="$fso " continue fi if [ "$mode_from_config" = "matchwhitelist" ]; then ## TODO: test/add white spaces inside file name support match_white_list+="$fso " continue fi if [ ! -e "$fso" ]; then true "INFO: fso: '$fso' - does not exist. This is likely normal." continue fi ## Use dpkg-statoverride so permissions are not reset during upgrades. if [ "$mode_from_config" = "nosuid" ]; then ## If mode_from_config is "nosuid" the config does not set owner and ## group. Therefore do not enforce owner/group check. add_nosuid_statoverride_entry else local string_length_of_mode_from_config string_length_of_mode_from_config="${#mode_from_config}" if [ "$string_length_of_mode_from_config" -gt "4" ]; then echo "ERROR: Mode '$mode_from_config' is invalid!" >&2 continue fi if [ "$string_length_of_mode_from_config" -lt "3" ]; then echo "ERROR: Mode '$mode_from_config' is invalid!" >&2 continue fi if ! echo "${passwd_file_contents}" | grep -q "^${owner_from_config}:" ; then echo "ERROR: owner_from_config '$owner_from_config' does not exist!" >&2 continue fi if ! echo "${group_file_contents}" | grep -q "^${group_from_config}:" ; then echo "ERROR: group_from_config '$group_from_config' does not exist!" >&2 continue fi local mode_for_grep mode_for_grep="$mode_from_config" first_character_of_mode_from_config="${mode_from_config::1}" if [ "$first_character_of_mode_from_config" = "0" ]; then ## Remove leading '0'. mode_for_grep="${mode_from_config:1}" fi local stat_output stat_output="" if ! stat_output="$(stat -c "%n %a %U %G" "$fso_without_trailing_slash")" ; then echo "ERROR: failed to run 'stat' for fso_without_trailing_slash: '$fso_without_trailing_slash'!" >&2 continue fi local arr file_name existing_mode existing_owner existing_group arr=($stat_output) file_name="${arr[0]}" existing_mode="${arr[1]}" existing_owner="${arr[2]}" existing_group="${arr[3]}" if [ "$arr" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: arr is empty. stat_output: '$stat_output' | line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$file_name" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: file_name is empty. stat_output: '$stat_output' | line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$existing_mode" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: existing_mode is empty. stat_output: '$stat_output' | line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$existing_owner" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: existing_owner is empty. stat_output: '$stat_output' | line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi if [ "$existing_group" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR: $existing_group is empty. stat_output: '$stat_output' | line: '$line'" >&2 continue fi ## Check there is an entry for the fso. ## ## example: dpkg-statoverride --list | grep /home ## output: ## root root 755 /home ## ## dpkg-statoverride does not show leading '0'. local dpkg_statoverride_list_output="" local dpkg_statoverride_list_exit_code=0 dpkg_statoverride_list_output="$(dpkg-statoverride --list "$fso_without_trailing_slash")" || { dpkg_statoverride_list_exit_code=$? ; true; }; if [ "$dpkg_statoverride_list_exit_code" = "0" ]; then true "There is an fso entry. Check if owner/group/mode match." local grep_line grep_line="$owner_from_config $group_from_config $mode_for_grep $fso_without_trailing_slash" if echo "$dpkg_statoverride_list_output" | grep -q "$grep_line" ; then true "OK The owner/group/mode matches. No further action required." else true "The owner/group/mode do not match, therefore remove and re-add the entry to update it." ## fso_without_trailing_slash instead of fso to prevent ## "dpkg-statoverride: warning: stripping trailing /" if dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode --list "$fso_without_trailing_slash" >/dev/null ; then true "OK Existing mode already saved previously. No need to save again." else ## Save existing_mode in separate database. ## Not using --update as not intending to enforce existing_mode. echo_wrapper_silent_audit dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode --add "$existing_owner" "$existing_group" "$existing_mode" "$fso_without_trailing_slash" fi echo_wrapper_silent_ignore dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_new_mode --remove "$fso_without_trailing_slash" ## Remove from and add to real database. echo_wrapper_silent_ignore dpkg-statoverride --remove "$fso_without_trailing_slash" echo_wrapper_audit dpkg-statoverride --add --update "$owner_from_config" "$group_from_config" "$mode_from_config" "$fso_without_trailing_slash" ## Save in separate database. ## Not using --update as this is only for saving. echo_wrapper_silent_audit dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_new_mode --add "$owner_from_config" "$group_from_config" "$mode_from_config" "$fso_without_trailing_slash" fi else true "There is no fso entry. Therefore add one." if dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode --list "$fso_without_trailing_slash" >/dev/null ; then true "OK Existing mode already saved previously. No need to save again." else ## Save existing_mode in separate database. ## Not using --update as not intending to enforce existing_mode. echo_wrapper_silent_audit dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_existing_mode --add "$existing_owner" "$existing_group" "$existing_mode" "$fso_without_trailing_slash" fi ## Add to real database. echo_wrapper_audit dpkg-statoverride --add --update "$owner_from_config" "$group_from_config" "$mode_from_config" "$fso_without_trailing_slash" ## Save in separate database. ## Not using --update as this is only for saving. echo_wrapper_silent_audit dpkg-statoverride $dpkg_admindir_parameter_new_mode --add "$owner_from_config" "$group_from_config" "$mode_from_config" "$fso_without_trailing_slash" fi fi if [ "$capability_from_config" = "" ]; then continue fi if [ "$capability_from_config" = "none" ]; then ## https://forums.whonix.org/t/disable-suid-binaries/7706/45 # sudo setcap -r /bin/ping 2>/dev/null # Failed to set capabilities on file '/bin/ping' (No data available) # The value of the capability argument is not permitted for a file. Or the file is not a regular (non-symlink) file ## Therefore use echo_wrapper_ignore. echo_wrapper_ignore setcap -r "$fso" getcap_output="$(getcap "$fso")" if [ ! "$getcap_output" = "" ]; then exit_code=205 echo "ERROR: removing capabilities for fso '$fso' failed!" >&2 continue fi else if ! capsh --print | grep "Bounding set" | grep -q "$capability_from_config" ; then echo "ERROR: capability_from_config '$capability_from_config' does not exist!" >&2 continue fi ## feature request: dpkg-statoverride: support for capabilities ## https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=502580 echo_wrapper_audit setcap "${capability_from_config}+ep" "$fso" fi done < "$config_file" true "INFO: END parsing config_file: '$config_file'" } parse_config_folder() { # Query contents of password and group databases only once and buffer them # # If we don't buffer we sometimes get incorrect results when checking for entries using # 'if getent passwd | grep -q '^root:'; ...' since 'grep' exits after the first match in # this case causing 'getent' to receive SIGPIPE, which then fails the pipeline since # 'set -o pipefail' is set for this script. passwd_file_contents="$(getent passwd)" group_file_contents="$(getent group)" shopt -s nullglob for config_file in /etc/permission-hardening.d/*.conf /usr/local/etc/permission-hardening.d/*.conf; do set_file_perms done } sanity_tests parse_config_folder if [ ! "$exit_code" = "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: Will exit with non-zero exit code: '$exit_code'" >&2 fi exit "$exit_code"