#!/bin/bash # Get the current date current_date=$(date +"%m/%d/%y") # Set the API endpoint and the coin ID API_ENDPOINT="https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/monero" QUERY_PARAMS="?localization=false&tickers=false&market_data=true&community_data=false&developer_data=false&sparkline=false" # Fetch the data from the API response=$(curl -s --request GET \ --url "$API_ENDPOINT$QUERY_PARAMS" \ --header 'accept: application/json') # Extract the relevant data using jq usd_price=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.current_price.usd' | awk '{printf("$%s\n", $1)}') eur_price=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.current_price.eur' | awk '{printf("€%s\n", $1)}') btc_price=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.current_price.btc' | awk '{printf("₿%s\n", $1)}') market_cap=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.market_cap.usd' | xargs numfmt --g) street_price="$(curl -s --header 'accept: application/json' 'https://monero.boats/prices' \ | jq -r '.haveno.USD' | awk '{printf("$%.2f\n", $1)}')" week_change_usd=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency.usd' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') month_change_usd=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency.usd' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') year_change_usd=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency.usd' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') week_change_eur=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency.eur' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') month_change_eur=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency.eur' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') year_change_eur=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency.eur' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') week_change_btc=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_7d_in_currency.btc' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') month_change_btc=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_30d_in_currency.btc' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') year_change_btc=$(echo $response | jq -r '.market_data.price_change_percentage_1y_in_currency.btc' | awk '{printf("%.2f", $1)}') # Function to add + or - prefix based on value add_prefix() { if (( $(echo "$1 < 0" | bc -l) )); then echo "$1%" else echo "+$1%" fi } # Format the price changes with + or - prefix week_change_usd=$(add_prefix $week_change_usd) month_change_usd=$(add_prefix $month_change_usd) year_change_usd=$(add_prefix $year_change_usd) week_change_eur=$(add_prefix $week_change_eur) month_change_eur=$(add_prefix $month_change_eur) year_change_eur=$(add_prefix $year_change_eur) week_change_btc=$(add_prefix $week_change_btc) month_change_btc=$(add_prefix $month_change_btc) year_change_btc=$(add_prefix $year_change_btc) # Print the markdown formatted output echo "# Price & Performance" echo "**Market Cap:** $market_cap" echo "**Street Price:** $street_price" echo "| Currency | Price | Week Change | Month Change | Year Change |" echo "|----------|-------|-------------|--------------|-------------|" echo "| USD | $usd_price | $week_change_usd | $month_change_usd | $year_change_usd |" echo "| EUR | $eur_price | $week_change_eur | $month_change_eur | $year_change_eur |" echo "| BTC | $btc_price | $week_change_btc | $month_change_btc | $year_change_btc |"