--- type: weekly layout: weekly_old date: "2020-01-24T00:00:00Z" issuenumber: 44 title: "Issue 44; January 17-24, 2020" ---

Table of Contents:

Recent News

Sarang Noether and Justin Ehrenhofer have released a blog post on supply auditability in Monero.

Cake Wallet has released a new website. As well, they’ve made an update for their Android wallet.

Monero had another Coffee Chat. Check it out.

Getmonero.org has been updated: many new improvements, including a revamped “Accepting” page.

MoneroTalk released Part 2 of their interview with Alexandre Poltorak and Steve Jain on KYC/AML and Bisq - available on YouTube.

Upcoming Events

January 26, 2020 (Sunday) – 17:00 UTC

Dev Meeting - #monero-dev IRC channel

January 29, 2020 (Wednesday) – 18:00 UTC

Research Lab Meeting - #monero-research-lab IRC channel

January 29, 2020 (Wednesday) – 19:00 UTC

Monero Konferenco [EU] Meeting - #monero-konferenco IRC channel

February 1, 2020 (Saturday) – 16:30 UTC

Community Workgroup Meeting - #monero-community IRC channel

CCS Proposal Ideas

Below you can find recent CCS proposal ideas open for discussion.

Part Time Research Atoc

TheCharlatan: VPS funding for reproducible gui builds

A Monero-centric Merchant Marketplace

Locha Mesh, private transactions and sync over a resilient long-range radio mesh network

Telegram bot for Monero-Jobs group


CCS Proposals Need Funding

v1docq47: video creation / translations into russian (february - july 2020) by v1docq47

Raised 0.4 of 100.00 XMR

Norwegian translation of the GUI by Christopher

Raised 1.8199999999999998 of 3 XMR (61%)

3 months part time work on Getmonero.org by erciccione

Raised 111.06 of 174.00 XMR (64%)

Price & Blockchain Stats

Blockchain Stats

Block height: 2018852

Hash rate: 1.238 GH/s

Median block size: 9.7 kB

Average Tx per block: 11.77

Weekly Moving Average Tx per day: 8534

Block reward: 1.97 XMR

Data taken on January 24, 2020

XMR Blocks Distribution in last 1000 blocks

Hashrate Pool Distribution Pie Chart

Price & Performance

XMR Market Cap: $1,052,359,806
Localmonero.co Street Price: $60.36

Monero (XMR) Price

XMR to 01/24/20 Week Month Year
USD $60.47 -12.5% +31.3% +34.2%
EUR €54.84 -12.0% +32.1% +37.7%
BTC B0.00725438 -6.5% +13.5% -42.6%

Data taken on January 24, 2020

XMR Price Graph for January 19 - 25, 2020

![XMR Price Graph 01/19/20-01/25/20](/img/weekly-chart-0125.png "XMR Price Graph 01/19/20-01/25/20") Sources: community.xmr.to, moneroblocks.info, miningpoolstats.stream, bitinfocharts.com, coingecko.com, localmonero.co

Volunteer Opportunities

If you want to get involved in making Monero better, but aren’t sure how, check out the volunteer opportunities below.

Volunteers needed to update Monero Outreach articles.

Test Monero Core Software

Anyone with moderate technical ability is encouraged to try to build and run Monero nightlies. Do not trust it with your Monero, but feel free to open an Issue on Github as problems arise. Instructions to build on your OS of choice can be found on GitHub.

Getting Started with Helping Monero

If you are new to Monero and want to contribute, please check out this article about volunteering and contributing to Monero from the Monero Outreach Group.

LocalMonero.co Logo


If you enjoy this publication and want to support it, we encourage you to donate to the Monero General Fund, using the following address:


Comments, criticism, complaints or corrections? Please contact rehrar at **rehrar** at **tuta.io**. Say rehrar sent you.