# Onion Sites That Don't Suck ## An index of the non-dark web... * updated: 25 jan 2017 (see the change history for specifics) * licensed: cc-by-sa * author/editor: alec muffett ---- # The Theme This list is for substantial, commercial-or-social-good mainstream websites with onion presence. - no nudity, exploitation, drugs, copyright infringement or sketchy-content sites - no sites for tech with less than (arbitrary) 10,000 users - no onion-only sites The editor may choose to annotate or drop any entries as deemed fit. ## Submission Notes - **NO MORE THAN 1 SITE PER REQUEST WILL BE ACCEPTED** - it's easy enough to make multiple requests, and it helps. - Check that the site is up and the link works - if the onion site is down, the site will not be added / may be removed from the list; no exceptions. - HTTP and/or HTTPS only - check for SSL availability, upgrade to that if available and add a :lock: emoji. - Maintain alphabetical sorting, elide "The", stick to the existing categories - contact the editor for anything more complex than a simple update. ### Pull Requests #### Main Lists Pull requests for the main list will be accepted only for entries of the form: ``` ## Sitename * [] [] ... [(site note in parentheses)] ``` If there are many onions, submit a few, key, ones, plus an "index" page for the others. The "index" page *must* be an onion site, and *must* be followed with a sub-bullet for its cleartext equivalent; see existing examples for precedent. If the `Sitename` is an acronym, append `/ ` If the site is locally scoped or an umbrella for several organisations, consider appending `(.cc; )` where `cc` is the ISO 2-letter country code. #### Drops & Leaks Pull requests for the SecureDrop or GlobalLeaks lists will be accepted only for entries of the form: ``` ## Descriptive Publication *or* Journalist Name * * ``` ---- # Sites & Services ## Blockchain.Info * https://blockchainbdgpzk.onion/ :lock: bitcoin stuff ## Decoded:Legal * http://expvqqiv2z5ekf47.onion/ UK law firm * https://decodedlegal.com ## DuckDuckGo * http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ search engine ## Facebook * https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/ :lock: * https://m.facebookcorewwwi.onion/ :lock: mobile site ## Mail2Tor * http://mail2tor2zyjdctd.onion/ mail gateway ## Privacy International * https://privacyintyqcroe.onion/ :lock: ## ProPublica * https://www.propub3r6espa33w.onion/ :lock: ## Protonmail * https://protonirockerxow.onion/ :lock: ## Riseup * http://nzh3fv6jc6jskki3.onion/ main site * http://xpgylzydxykgdqyg.onion/ lists * http://zsolxunfmbfuq7wf.onion/rc/ mail * http://5jp7xtmox6jyoqd5.onion/ etherpad * http://6zc6sejeho3fwrd4.onion/ file share / pastebin * http://j6uhdvbhz74oefxf.onion/ user admin * http://nzh3fv6jc6jskki3.onion/en/security/network-security/tor#riseups-tor-hidden-services index of onion sites * also https://riseup.net/en/security/network-security/tor#riseups-tor-hidden-services (Riseup keeps a *huge* number of onion sites and services; see the index) ---- # SecureDrop Sites for Organisations Sites that use https://securedrop.org/ See also https://securedrop.org/directory - but this page seeks to be more inclusive. ## Aftenposten * http://da5nr4lx4djdrsj7.onion/ * https://www.aftenposten.no/securedrop/ ## Apache * http://zdf4nikyuswdzbt6.onion/ * https://www.apache.be/securedrop ## Associated Press * http://3expgpdnrrzezf7r.onion/ * https://securedrop.ap.org/ ## BalkanLeaks * http://4fluf34prrpdojsr.onion/ * https://balkanleaks.eu/ ## BerlinLeaks * http://bl2uafhsjrtc2gf4.onion/ * https://berlinleaks.org ## CBC / Canadian Broadcasting Corporation * http://ad2ztmbv5vmbj7ic.onion * https://securedrop.cbc.ca/ ## CPJ / Committee to Protect Journalists * http://2x2hb5ykeu4qlxqe.onion/ * https://cpj.org/blog/2016/05/how-securedrop-helps-cpj-protect-journalists.php ## ExposeFacts * http://znig4bc5rlwyj4mz.onion/ * https://exposefacts.org ## Fairfax Media Group (.au; SMH et al.) * http://ipfhnseo4hgfw5mg.onion/ * https://securedrop.fairfax.com.au/ ## Gawker Media * http://gawker5oxtsc6fa7.onion/ * https://gawkermediagroup.com/securedrop/ ## Globe and Mail (.ca; Toronto) * http://n572ltkg4nld3bsz.onion/ * https://sec.theglobeandmail.com/securedrop/ ## Greenpeace New Zealand * http://ll6edwtpfl3zdwoi.onion/ * https://www.safesource.org.nz ## Guardian * http://33y6fjyhs3phzfjj.onion/ * https://securedrop.theguardian.com/ ## Intercept * https://y6xjgkgwj47us5ca.onion/ :lock: * https://theintercept.com/securedrop/ ## Lucy Parsons Labs (.us; Chicago) * http://qn4qfeeslglmwxgb.onion/ * https://lucyparsonslabs.com/securedrop ## NEOSleaks * http://udrciweihl4qe63p.onion/ * https://neos.eu/leaks/ ## NRKbeta * http://nrktipspgpsyoqwo.onion/ * https://www.nrk.no/varsle/ ## New Internationalist * http://axcdo2zaeyrpdc6z.onion/ * https://digital.newint.com.au/securedrop ## New York Times * https://nytimes2tsqtnxek.onion/ :lock: * https://www.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2016/news-tips/#securedrop ## New Yorker * http://strngbxhwyuu37a3.onion/ * http://projects.newyorker.com/strongbox/ ## POGO / Project On Government Oversight * http://dqeasamlf3jld2kz.onion/ * https://securedrop.pogo.org/ ## Peerlyst * http://z5hns3zhhne7z6bl.onion/ * https://www.peerlyst.com/secure-drop ## ProPublica * http://pubdrop4dw6rk3aq.onion/ * https://securedrop.propublica.org/ ## Radio-Canada * http://w5jfqhep2jbypkek.onion/ * https://sourceanonyme.radio-canada.ca ## Radio24syv * http://hpjw636qnt5avq62.onion/ * https://securedrop.radio24syv.dk ## VG / Verdens Gang * http://vgnettwin5lyl4yr.onion/ * https://securedrop.vg.no/ ## VICE Media * http://cxoqh6bd23xa6yiz.onion/ * https://news.vice.com/securedrop ## Washington Post * http://vbmwh445kf3fs2v4.onion/ * https://www.washingtonpost.com/securedrop/ ---- # SecureDrop Sites for Individual Journalists Individual Journalists that use https://securedrop.org/ See also https://securedrop.org/directory ## Barton Gellman * http://v6gdwmm7ed4oifvd.onion/ * https://tcfmailvault.info ## Espen Andersen * http://lijbt6ju7m6opkzb.onion/ * https://espenandersen.no/contact ## Kevin Poulsen * http://poulsensqiv6ocq4.onion/ * https://freedom.press/about/tech/kevin-poulsen ---- # GlobalLeaks Sites TBD ---- # Infrastructure & Software ## Cyph * https://www.cyphdbyhiddenbhs.onion/ * https://www.cyph.com/ ## Debian * http://sejnfjrq6szgca7v.onion/ main site * http://5nca3wxl33tzlzj5.onion/ index of onion sites * also https://onion.debian.org/ (Debian keeps a *huge* number of onion sites; see the index) ## ExpressVPN * http://expressobutiolem.onion/ ## Qubes OS * http://qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/ ## Tor Project * http://expyuzz4wqqyqhjn.onion/ main site * http://yz7lpwfhhzcdyc5y.onion/ index of onion sites * also https://onion.torproject.org/ (Tor Project keeps a *huge* number of onion sites, in varying states of stability; see the index) ## Whonix * http://kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion/ main page * http://kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion/wiki/Main_Page wiki * http://forums.kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion/ forums * http://kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion/wiki/Forcing_.onion_on_Whonix.org index of onion sites * also https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Forcing_.onion_on_Whonix.org