# mutt Mutt text-based mail client in Qubes OS. ## Table of Contents * [Description](#description) * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) ## Description Create a mail client qube named "mutt" based on the program Mutt. ## Installation - Top ```sh qubesctl top.enable mutt qubesctl --targets=tpl-mutt,mutt state.apply qubesctl top.disable mutt qubesctl state.apply mutt.appmenus ``` - State ```sh qubesctl state.apply mutt.create qubesctl --skip-dom0 --targets=tpl-mutt state.apply mutt.install qubesctl --skip-dom0 --targets=mutt state.apply mutt.configure qubesctl state.apply mutt.appmenus ``` ## Usage You will use local files to override the ones provided by this package. Few options must be set. The file `~/.muttrc-credentials.local` will set some variables that will be used by other configuration files sourced later: ```muttrc set pgp_default_key = "0x1234567890ABCDEF" set pgp_sign_as = "0x1234567890ABCDEF" set my_name = "Bilbo Baggins" set my_user = "bilbo" set my_server = "shire.org" set my_pass = "mypassword" ``` You can define aliases in `~/.muttrc-aliases.local`. If you want to override any option, put the settings in `~/.muttrc.local`, as this is the last file to be sourced. You might want to put for example, subscribed lists in this file: ```muttrc lists .*@googlegroups\\.com subscribe qubes-(announce|devel)@googlegroups\\.com fcc-save-hook qubes-announce@googlegroups\\.com =list/qubes-announce/ fcc-save-hook qubes-devel@googlegroups\\.com =list/qubes-devel/ ``` If you want to have your e-mail signature (not PGP) at the end of every mail you send, place it in `~/.signature`.