#!/bin/sh # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 - 2024 Benjamin Grande M. S. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later set -eu service="qusal-ssh-agent" usage(){ echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [ls|add] ls: list agent(s) add: add keys to agent(s) reload: reload/readd keys from agent(s) Example: ${0##*/} ls work # list the work agent keys ${0##*/} add work # add keys to the work agent ${0##*/} reload work # reload/readd keys from the work agent" exit 1 } ls_agent(){ socket="/tmp/${service}/$agent.sock" test -S "$socket" || return 1 agent="$(echo "$socket" | sed "s|.*${service}/||;s/\.sock//")" echo "Agent: ($agent) $socket" SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$socket" ssh-add -l || true } add_agent(){ # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir -m 0700 -p "/tmp/${service}" dir="$HOME/.ssh/identities.d/${agent}" if ! test -d "$dir"; then echo "Directory not found: $dir" >&2 return 1 fi dir="${dir##*/}" socket="/tmp/${service}/${dir}.sock" if ! test -S "$socket"; then reload_agent=1 ssh-agent -a "/tmp/${service}/${agent}.sock" fi if ! test "${reload_agent}" = "1"; then return fi keys="$(grep -sl -- "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" \ "$HOME/.ssh/identities.d/$dir"/* || true)" if test -z "$keys"; then echo "Directory has no key: $dir" >&2 return 1 fi SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$socket" ssh-add -D 2>/dev/null || true for k in $(printf '%s\n' "$keys"); do test -f "$k" || continue ssh_add_option="" if test -f "$k.ssh-add-option"; then ssh_add_option="$(cat "$k.ssh-add-option")" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$socket" ssh-add $ssh_add_option "$k" done } test -z "${2-}" && usage action="${1-}" agent="${2-}" reload_agent="" case "$action" in ls) ls_agent;; add) add_agent;; reload) reload_agent="1"; add_agent;; *) usage;; esac