{# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Benjamin Grande M. S. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later Most likely the GUI agent will break, use qvm-console-dispvm to get a terminal. #} {% if grains['nodename'] != 'dom0' -%} include: - kicksecure-minimal.install ## Breaks systemd service qubes-gui-agent "{{ slsdotpath }}-proc-hidepid-enabled": service.enabled: - require: - pkg: "{{ slsdotpath }}-installed" - name: proc-hidepid ## Breaks systemd services xen and systemd-binfmt "{{ slsdotpath }}-harden-module-loading-enabled": service.enabled: - require: - pkg: "{{ slsdotpath }}-installed" - name: harden-module-loading ## Breaks systemd services qubes-gui-agent and user@1000 "{{ slsdotpath }}-hide-hardware-info-enabled": service.enabled: - require: - pkg: "{{ slsdotpath }}-installed" - name: hide-hardware-info "{{ slsdotpath }}-hide-hardware-info-conf": file.managed: - require: - service: "{{ slsdotpath }}-hide-hardware-info-enabled" - name: /etc/hide-hardware-info.d/40_qusal.conf - source: salt://{{ slsdotpath }}/files/template/hide-hardware-info.d/40_qusal.conf - mode: '0600' - user: root - group: root - makedirs: True ## Service ExecStart command-line not reading grub option "{{ slsdotpath }}-remount-secure-enabled": service.enabled: - require: - pkg: "{{ slsdotpath }}-installed" - name: remount-secure "{{ slsdotpath }}-remount-secure-grub-cfg": file.managed: - require: - service: "{{ slsdotpath }}-remount-secure-enabled" - name: /etc/default/grub.d/40_qusal.cfg - source: salt://{{ slsdotpath }}/files/template/grub.d/40_qusal.cfg - mode: '0600' - user: root - group: root - makedirs: True "{{ slsdotpath }}-update-grub": cmd.run: - require: - file: "{{ slsdotpath }}-remount-secure-grub-cfg" - name: update-grub - runas: root {% endif %}