#!/bin/sh ## SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Benjamin Grande M. S. ## ## SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2034 set -eu usage(){ names="$(find salt/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' \ | sort -d | tr "\n" " ")" echo "Usage: ${0##*/} " echo "Example: ${0##*/} qubes-builder description" echo "Names: ${names}" echo "Keys: ${keys}" } block_max_chars(){ char_key="${1}" char_value="${2}" less_than="${3}" if test "${#char_value}" -ge "${less_than}"; then echo "Error: ${char_key} is too long. Must be less than ${less_than} chars." >&2 echo "Key contents: ${char_value}" >&2 exit 1 fi } keys="name branch group file_roots requires packager vendor url bug_url version project project_dir changelog readme license_csv license description summary saltfiles" name="" key="" case "${1-}" in "") usage; exit 1;; -h|--?help) usage; exit 0;; *) name="${1}"; shift;; esac case "${1-}" in "") usage; exit 1;; *) key="${1}"; shift;; esac if test -z "${key##* }"; then echo "Key is emtpy: ${key}" >&2 exit 1 fi command -v git >/dev/null || { echo "Missing program: git" >&2; exit 1; } cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 ./scripts/requires-program.sh reuse if test "${key}" = "branch"; then branch="$(git branch --show-current)" fi toplevel="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" group="${toplevel##*/}" block_max_chars group "${group}" 70 file_roots="/srv/salt/${group}" vendor="${SPEC_VENDOR:-"$(git config --get user.name)"}" packager="${SPEC_PACKAGER:-"${vendor}"}" url="${SPEC_URL:-"https://github.com/ben-grande/qusal"}" bug_url="${SPEC_BUGURL:-"${url}/issues"}" project="${group}-${name}" project_dir="salt/${name}" if ! test -d "${project_dir}"; then echo "Project doesn't exist: ${project_dir}" >&2 exit 1 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2094 read -r version <"${project_dir}/version" readme="${project_dir}/README.md" if ! test -f "${readme}"; then echo "Project ${name} does not have README.md" >&2 exit 1 fi if test "${key}" = "license" || test "${key}" = "license_csv"; then license_csv="$(reuse --root "${project_dir}" lint | awk -F ':' '/^* Used licenses:/{print $2}' | tr -d " ")" license="$(echo "${license_csv}" | sed "s/,/ AND /g")" fi ## The macro %autochangelog prints logs of all projects and we separate a ## project per directory. The disadvantage of the changelog below is it # #doesn't differentiate commits per version and release, but per commit id. if test "${key}" = "changelog"; then changelog="$(TZ=UTC0 git log -n 50 --format=format:"* %cd %an <%ae> - %h%n- %s%n" --date=format:"%a %b %d %Y" -- "${project_dir}" | sed -re "s/^- +- */- /")" fi if test "${key}" = "description"; then description="$(sed -n '/^## Description/,/^## /p' -- "${readme}" | sed '1d;$d' | sed "1{/^$/d}")" fi if test "${key}" = "summary"; then summary="$(sed -n "/^# ${name}$/,/^## Table of Contents$/{ /./!d; /^#/d; s/\.$//; p}" -- "${readme}")" block_max_chars summary "${summary}" 70 fi if test "${key}" = "saltfiles" || test "${key}" = "requires"; then saltfiles="$(find "${project_dir}" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.sls")" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if test -n "${saltfiles}"; then requires="$(sed -n '/^include:$/,/^\s*$/p' -- ${saltfiles} | sed "/^\s*- \./d;/{/d" | grep "^\s*- " | cut -d "." -f1 | sort -u | sed "s/- //")" if grep -qrn "{%-\? from \('\|\"\)utils" ${saltfiles}; then if test -n "${requires}"; then requires="${requires} utils" else requires="utils" fi fi else requires="" fi requires_valid="" for r in $(printf %s"${requires}" | tr " " "\n"); do if ! test -d "salt/${r}"; then continue fi requires_valid="${requires_valid} ${r}" done requires="${requires_valid}" unset requires_valid fi case "${key}" in "") exit 1;; branch) echo "${branch}";; changelog) echo "${changelog}";; description) echo "${description}";; file_roots) echo "${file_roots}";; group) echo "${group}";; license_csv) echo "${license_csv}";; license) echo "${license}";; name) echo "${name}";; project) echo "${project}";; project_dir) echo "${project_dir}";; readme) echo "${readme}";; requires) echo "${requires}";; saltfiles) echo "${saltfiles}";; summary) echo "${summary}";; url) echo "${url}";; bug_url) echo "${bug_url}";; vendor) echo "${vendor}";; packager) echo "${packager}";; version) echo "${version}";; esac