{# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Benjamin Grande M. S. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later #} {# Qubes Sync Appmenus Usage: 1: Import this template: {% from 'utils/macros/sync-appmenus.sls' import sync_appmenus -%} 2: Set qube to sync the appmenus: {{ sync_appmenus('tpl-' ~ sls_path) }} {{ sync_appmenus('tpl-ssh') }} #} {% macro sync_appmenus(qube) -%} {% set running = 0 -%} {% if salt['cmd.shell']('qvm-ls --no-spinner --raw-list --running ' ~ qube) == qube -%} {% set running = 1 -%} {% endif -%} "{{ qube }}-start": qvm.start: - name: {{ qube }} {% set gui_user = salt['cmd.shell']('groupmems -l -g qubes') -%} "{{ qube }}-sync-appmenus": cmd.run: - require: - qvm: {{ qube }}-start - name: qvm-sync-appmenus {{ qube }} - runas: {{ gui_user }} {% if running == 0 -%} "{{ qube }}-shutdown": qvm.shutdown: - require: - cmd: {{ qube }}-sync-appmenus - name: {{ qube }} {% endif -%} {% endmacro -%}