#!/bin/sh ## SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Benjamin Grande M. S. ## ## SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later ## Try its best to get wrong copyright information. ## Will show false positives if the copyright owner uploads code with year ## smaller than the current year. set -eu if test -n "${GITHUB_ACTION:-}"; then exit 0 fi command -v git >/dev/null || { printf '%s\n' "Missing program: git" >&2; exit 1; } repo_toplevel="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" test -d "${repo_toplevel}" || exit 1 cd "${repo_toplevel}" unset repo_toplevel ./scripts/requires-program.sh reuse date case "${-}" in *x*) xtrace=1;; *) xtrace=0;; esac email="<${GIT_EMAIL:-"$(git config --get user.email)"}>" year="$(date -- '+%Y')" fail="0" files="" if test -n "${1-}"; then for f in "${@}"; do test -f "${f}" || continue test -r "${f}" || continue files="${files} ${f}" done else files="$(git log --name-only --date=raw --since="${year}" --format="")" files="${files} $(git diff --cached --name-only)" fi if test -z "${files}"; then exit 0 fi tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)" target="${tmpdir}/spdx" trap 'rm -rf -- "${tmpdir}"' EXIT INT HUP QUIT ABRT set +x data="$(reuse spdx)" printf '%s\n' "${data}" | tee -- "${target}" >/dev/null test "${xtrace}" = 0 || set -x for file in ${files}; do test "${xtrace}" = 0 || set -x case "${file}" in .reuse/dep5) continue;; *) ;; esac file="${file#./}" set +x awk -v year="${year}" -v email="${email}" -v file="${file}" -- ' BEGIN { year_found = 0 } $1 == "FileName:" { sub(/^\.\//, "", $2) f = ($2 == file) } ($1 == "FileCopyrightText:" || $1 == "SPDX-FileCopyrightText:") && f { sub(/^(SPDX-)?FileCopyrightText:\sSPDX-FileCopyrightText:\s/, "") sub(/^SPDX-FileCopyrightText:\s/, "") sub(/^FileCopyrightText:\s/, "") sub(/<\/text>$/, "") if ($NF == email) { found_years = $0 gsub(/[^0-9,-]/, "", found_years) split(found_years, year_array, "[-,]") for (i in year_array) { if (year_array[i] + 0 >= year) { year_found = 1 break } } } } END { if (year_found != 1) { message = file ": " found_years ": outdated copyright year: " email print message > "/dev/stderr" exit 1 } }' "${target}" || fail=1 done if test "${fail}" = "1"; then exit 1 fi