Make shell a little bit safer with:
- add-default-case
- check-extra-masked-returns
- check-set-e-suppressed
- quote-safe-variables
- check-unassigned-uppercase
Although there are some stylistic decisions for uniformity:
- avoid-nullary-conditions
- deprecated-which
- require-variable-braces
Editorconfig can only act based on file extension and path, not
attributes, it remains a mean only for multiple collaborators to use the
same configuration on their editor. When it is too restrictive, such as
not considering the file syntax, use a lint tool for the specific file
type instead of trusting editorconfig. Changes were made to increase
- Document preferred method for socket use depending on use case;
- Fix Github web-flow key;
- Standardize naming of services;
- Use sys-ssh in ansible formula;
- Start services conditionally with Qubes Service and evaluated by
systemd ConditionPathExists= instead of installing on a per qube basis
with rc.local scripts;
- Change Qusal services to "qusal-" prefix instead of "qubes-" prefix.