In case the target qube is the last qube in the chain, such as sys-net,
add the appropriate rules to it and modify the destination address to be
the public IP, not the local qube IP.
Echo can interpret operand as an option and checking every variable to
be echoed is troublesome while with printf, if the format specifier is
present before the operand, printing as string can be enforced.
Make shell a little bit safer with:
- add-default-case
- check-extra-masked-returns
- check-set-e-suppressed
- quote-safe-variables
- check-unassigned-uppercase
Although there are some stylistic decisions for uniformity:
- avoid-nullary-conditions
- deprecated-which
- require-variable-braces
Editorconfig can only act based on file extension and path, not
attributes, it remains a mean only for multiple collaborators to use the
same configuration on their editor. When it is too restrictive, such as
not considering the file syntax, use a lint tool for the specific file
type instead of trusting editorconfig. Changes were made to increase