The run-terminal program is not Qubes or Qusal specific and even could
be in the dotfiles, but Xfce helpers.rc depends on it to get any
available application.
- libgtk4-1 is not used by Signal and now it declares the libgtk3-0
as a dependency;
- Zenity is not needed as a file manager once Thunar is used;
- ATK is installed for Signal but not for any apps, remove until there
is a shared formula or pillar to install accessibility tools; and
- Ayatana AppIndicator for tray widget. Signal tray widget is buggy,
sometimes quitting doesn't quit and there is no configuration option
to start the tray, only command-line option. Because of these reasons,
not enabling the tray bar was chosen.
Updates happens multiple times, normally 2 to 3, even if we consider a
state without includes. On states with multiple includes, it could
easily get approximately 10 updates being ran. This behavior leads to
unnecessary network bandwidth being spent and more time to run the
installation state. When the connection is slow and not using the
cacher, such as torified connections on Whonix, the installation can
occurs much faster.
Adding external repositories has to be done prior to update to ensure it
is also fetched.