The default is 150, which is too low considering many qubes connecting
to websites that have CDN at the same time, making an scrupulous large
number of concurrent DNS queries.
The previous behavior is a warning in the Pi-hole admin web interface
and queries being affected.
- Add to qvm-run:
- no-gui when command doesn't require a GUI
- filter-escape-chars when pass-io is set and output is not a file,
such as a pipe that could later be used to print information.
- Change remaining echo to printf
- Add end-of-options separator when possible
Echo can interpret operand as an option and checking every variable to
be echoed is troublesome while with printf, if the format specifier is
present before the operand, printing as string can be enforced.
- Document preferred method for socket use depending on use case;
- Fix Github web-flow key;
- Standardize naming of services;
- Use sys-ssh in ansible formula;
- Start services conditionally with Qubes Service and evaluated by
systemd ConditionPathExists= instead of installing on a per qube basis
with rc.local scripts;
- Change Qusal services to "qusal-" prefix instead of "qubes-" prefix.
- Passwordless as it doesn't compromise security;
- Firewall blocks access to the interface in case the pihole is exposed
to the internet;
- setupVars.conf needs to be 644 for non root commands to the pihole
script to work, so the WEB_PASSWORD can be read as normal user,
restricting root on pihole does not make sense, as it can modify the
network setting via pihole web interface.