2023-06-30 16:58:08 +02:00

63 lines
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(* Copyright (C) 2017, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** Configuration for the "mirage" tool. *)
open Mirage
let table_size =
let info = Key.Arg.info
~doc:"The number of NAT entries to allocate."
~docv:"ENTRIES" ["nat-table-size"]
let key = Key.Arg.opt ~stage:`Both Key.Arg.int 5_000 info in
Key.create "nat_table_size" key
let ipv4 =
let doc = Key.Arg.info ~doc:"Manual IP setting." ["ipv4"] in
Key.(create "ipv4" Arg.(opt string "" doc))
let ipv4_gw =
let doc = Key.Arg.info ~doc:"Manual Gateway IP setting." ["ipv4-gw"] in
Key.(create "ipv4_gw" Arg.(opt string "" doc))
let ipv4_dns =
let doc = Key.Arg.info ~doc:"Manual DNS IP setting." ["ipv4-dns"] in
Key.(create "ipv4_dns" Arg.(opt string "" doc))
let ipv4_dns2 =
let doc = Key.Arg.info ~doc:"Manual Second DNS IP setting." ["ipv4-dns2"] in
Key.(create "ipv4_dns2" Arg.(opt string "" doc))
let main =
Key.v table_size;
Key.v ipv4;
Key.v ipv4_gw;
Key.v ipv4_dns;
Key.v ipv4_dns2;
package "vchan" ~min:"4.0.2";
package "cstruct";
package "astring";
package "tcpip" ~min:"3.7.0";
package ~min:"2.3.0" ~sublibs:["mirage"] "arp";
package ~min:"3.0.0" "ethernet";
package "shared-memory-ring" ~min:"3.0.0";
package ~min:"2.1.2" "netchannel";
package "mirage-net-xen";
package "ipaddr" ~min:"5.2.0";
package "mirage-qubes" ~min:"0.9.1";
package ~min:"3.0.1" "mirage-nat";
package "mirage-logs";
package "mirage-xen" ~min:"8.0.0";
package ~min:"6.4.0" "dns-client";
package "pf-qubes";
"Unikernel.Main" (random @-> mclock @-> time @-> job)
let () =
register "qubes-firewall" [main $ default_random $ default_monotonic_clock $ default_time]