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(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** General utility functions. *)
module IpMap = struct
include Map.Make(Ipaddr.V4)
let find x map =
try Some (find x map)
with Not_found -> None
module Int = struct
type t = int
let compare (a:t) (b:t) = compare a b
module IntSet = Set.Make(Int)
module IntMap = Map.Make(Int)
(** An Ethernet interface. *)
class type interface = object
method my_mac : Macaddr.t
method writev : Cstruct.t list -> unit Lwt.t
method my_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t
method other_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t
(** An Ethernet interface connected to a clientVM. *)
class type client_link = object
inherit interface
method other_mac : Macaddr.t
(** An Ethernet header from [src]'s MAC address to [dst]'s with an IPv4 payload. *)
let eth_header_ipv4 ~src ~dst =
let open Wire_structs in
let frame = Cstruct.create sizeof_ethernet in
frame |> set_ethernet_src (Macaddr.to_bytes src) 0;
frame |> set_ethernet_dst (Macaddr.to_bytes dst) 0;
set_ethernet_ethertype frame (ethertype_to_int IPv4);
(** Recalculate checksums after modifying packets.
Note that frames often arrive with invalid checksums due to checksum offload.
For now, we always calculate valid checksums for out-bound frames. *)
let fixup_checksums frame =
match Nat_rewrite.layers frame with
| None -> raise (Invalid_argument "NAT transformation rendered packet unparseable")
| Some (ether, ip, tx) ->
let (just_headers, higherlevel_data) =
Nat_rewrite.recalculate_transport_checksum (ether, ip, tx)
[just_headers; higherlevel_data]
let error fmt =
let err s = Failure s in
Printf.ksprintf err fmt
let return = Lwt.return
let fail = Lwt.fail
let or_fail msg = function
| `Ok x -> return x
| `Error _ -> fail (Failure msg)