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(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
(** This module applies firewall rules from QubesDB. *)
open Packet
open Lwt.Infix
module Q = Pf_qubes.Parse_qubes
let src = Logs.Src.create "rules" ~doc:"Firewall rules"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
(* the upstream NetVM will redirect TCP and UDP port 53 traffic with
these destination IPs to its upstream nameserver. *)
let default_dns_servers = [
Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn "";
Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn "";
let dns_port = 53
module Classifier = struct
let matches_port dstports (port : int) = match dstports with
| None -> true
| Some (Q.Range_inclusive (min, max)) -> min <= port && port <= max
let matches_proto rule packet = match rule.Q.proto, rule.Q.specialtarget with
| None, None -> true
| None, Some `dns when List.mem packet.ipv4_header.Ipv4_packet.dst default_dns_servers -> begin
(* specialtarget=dns applies only to the specialtarget destination IPs, and
specialtarget=dns is also implicitly tcp/udp port 53 *)
match packet.transport_header with
| `TCP header -> header.Tcp.Tcp_packet.dst_port = dns_port
| `UDP header -> header.Udp_packet.dst_port = dns_port
| _ -> false
(* DNS rules can only match traffic headed to the specialtarget hosts, so any other destination
isn't a match for DNS rules *)
| None, Some `dns -> false
| Some rule_proto, _ -> match rule_proto, packet.transport_header with
| `tcp, `TCP header -> matches_port rule.Q.dstports header.Tcp.Tcp_packet.dst_port
| `udp, `UDP header -> matches_port rule.Q.dstports header.Udp_packet.dst_port
| `icmp, `ICMP header ->
match rule.Q.icmp_type with
| None -> true
| Some rule_icmp_type ->
0 = compare rule_icmp_type @@ Icmpv4_wire.ty_to_int header.Icmpv4_packet.ty
| _, _ -> false
let matches_dest dns_client rule packet =
let ip = packet.ipv4_header.Ipv4_packet.dst in
match rule.Q.dst with
| `any -> Lwt.return @@ `Match rule
| `hosts subnet ->
Lwt.return @@ if (Ipaddr.Prefix.mem Ipaddr.(V4 ip) subnet) then `Match rule else `No_match
| `dnsname name ->
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Resolving %a" Domain_name.pp name);
dns_client name >|= function
| Ok (_ttl, found_ips) ->
if Ipaddr.V4.Set.mem ip found_ips
then `Match rule
else `No_match
| Error (`Msg m) ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Ignoring rule %a, could not resolve" Q.pp_rule rule);
Log.debug (fun f -> f "%s" m);
| Error _ -> assert false (* TODO: fix type of dns_client so that this case can go *)
let find_first_match dns_client packet acc rule =
match acc with
| `No_match ->
if Classifier.matches_proto rule packet
then Classifier.matches_dest dns_client rule packet
else Lwt.return `No_match
| q -> Lwt.return q
(* Does the packet match our rules? *)
let classify_client_packet dns_client (packet : ([`Client of Fw_utils.client_link], _) Packet.t) =
let (`Client client_link) = packet.src in
let rules = client_link#get_rules in
Lwt_list.fold_left_s (find_first_match dns_client packet) `No_match rules >|= function
| `No_match -> `Drop "No matching rule; assuming default drop"
| `Match {Q.action = Q.Accept; _} -> `Accept
| `Match ({Q.action = Q.Drop; _} as rule) ->
`Drop (Format.asprintf "rule number %a explicitly drops this packet" Q.pp_rule rule)
let translate_accepted_packets dns_client packet =
classify_client_packet dns_client packet >|= function
| `Accept -> `NAT
| `Drop s -> `Drop s
(** Packets from the private interface that don't match any NAT table entry are being checked against the fw rules here *)
let from_client dns_client (packet : ([`Client of Fw_utils.client_link], _) Packet.t) : Packet.action Lwt.t =
match packet with
| { dst = `Firewall; transport_header = `UDP header; _ } ->
if header.Udp_packet.dst_port = dns_port
then Lwt.return @@ `NAT_to (`NetVM, dns_port)
else Lwt.return @@ `Drop "packet addressed to client gateway"
| { dst = `External _ ; _ } | { dst = `NetVM; _ } -> translate_accepted_packets dns_client packet
| { dst = `Firewall ; _ } -> Lwt.return @@ `Drop "packet addressed to firewall itself"
| { dst = `Client _ ; _ } -> classify_client_packet dns_client packet
| _ -> Lwt.return @@ `Drop "could not classify packet"
(** Packets from the outside world that don't match any NAT table entry are being dropped by default *)
let from_netvm (_packet : ([`NetVM | `External of _], _) Packet.t) : Packet.action Lwt.t =
Lwt.return @@ `Drop "drop by default"