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synced 2024-12-18 20:14:25 -05:00

If the firewall is restarted while AppVMs are connected, qubesd tries to reconnect them before starting the GUI agent. However, the firewall was waiting for the GUI agent to connect before handling the connections. This led to a 10s delay on restart for each client VM. Reported by xaki23.
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(* Copyright (C) 2015, Thomas Leonard <thomas.leonard@unikernel.com>
See the README file for details. *)
open Lwt
open Qubes
let src = Logs.Src.create "unikernel" ~doc:"Main unikernel code"
module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)
module Main (Clock : Mirage_clock_lwt.MCLOCK) = struct
module Uplink = Uplink.Make(Clock)
(* Set up networking and listen for incoming packets. *)
let network ~clock nat qubesDB =
(* Read configuration from QubesDB *)
let config = Dao.read_network_config qubesDB in
(* Initialise connection to NetVM *)
Uplink.connect ~clock config >>= fun uplink ->
(* Report success *)
Dao.set_iptables_error qubesDB "" >>= fun () ->
(* Set up client-side networking *)
let client_eth = Client_eth.create
~client_gw:config.Dao.clients_our_ip in
(* Set up routing between networks and hosts *)
let router = Router.create
~uplink:(Uplink.interface uplink)
(* Handle packets from both networks *)
Lwt.choose [
Client_net.listen router;
Uplink.listen uplink router
(* We don't use the GUI, but it's interesting to keep an eye on it.
If the other end dies, don't let it take us with it (can happen on logout). *)
let watch_gui gui =
Lwt.async (fun () ->
(fun () ->
gui >>= fun gui ->
Log.info (fun f -> f "GUI agent connected");
GUI.listen gui
(fun `Cant_happen -> assert false)
(fun ex ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "GUI thread failed: %s" (Printexc.to_string ex));
return ()
(* Main unikernel entry point (called from auto-generated main.ml). *)
let start clock =
let start_time = Clock.elapsed_ns clock in
(* Start qrexec agent, GUI agent and QubesDB agent in parallel *)
let qrexec = RExec.connect ~domid:0 () in
GUI.connect ~domid:0 () |> watch_gui;
let qubesDB = DB.connect ~domid:0 () in
(* Wait for clients to connect *)
qrexec >>= fun qrexec ->
let agent_listener = RExec.listen qrexec Command.handler in
qubesDB >>= fun qubesDB ->
let startup_time =
let (-) = Int64.sub in
let time_in_ns = Clock.elapsed_ns clock - start_time in
Int64.to_float time_in_ns /. 1e9
Log.info (fun f -> f "QubesDB and qrexec agents connected in %.3f s" startup_time);
(* Watch for shutdown requests from Qubes *)
let shutdown_rq =
OS.Lifecycle.await_shutdown_request () >>= fun (`Poweroff | `Reboot) ->
return () in
(* Set up networking *)
let get_time () = Clock.elapsed_ns clock in
let max_entries = Key_gen.nat_table_size () in
My_nat.create ~get_time ~max_entries >>= fun nat ->
let net_listener = network ~clock nat qubesDB in
(* Report memory usage to XenStore *)
Memory_pressure.init ();
(* Run until something fails or we get a shutdown request. *)
Lwt.choose [agent_listener; net_listener; shutdown_rq] >>= fun () ->
(* Give the console daemon time to show any final log messages. *)
OS.Time.sleep_ns (1.0 *. 1e9 |> Int64.of_float)