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synced 2025-03-03 12:29:15 -05:00
139 lines
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Executable File
139 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
function explain_commands {
echo "1) Set up test qubes:"
echo "First, set up the test-mirage script from https://github.com/talex5/qubes-test-mirage.git"
echo "Then, use `qubes-manager` to create two new AppVMs called `mirage-fw-test` and `fetchmotron`.
You can make it standalone or not and use any template (it doesn't matter
because unikernels already contain all their code and don't need to use a disk
to boot)."
echo "Next, still in dom0, create a new `mirage-fw-test` and `fetchmotron` kernels, with an empty `modules.img` and `vmlinuz` and a compressed empty file for the initramfs, and then set that as the kernel for the new VMs:
mkdir /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/mirage-fw-test
cd /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/mirage-fw-test
touch modules.img vmlinuz test-mirage-ok
cat /dev/null | gzip > initramfs
qvm-prefs -s mirage-fw-test kernel mirage-fw-test
mkdir /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/fetchmotron
cd /var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels/fetchmotron
touch modules.img vmlinuz test-mirage-ok
cat /dev/null | gzip > initramfs
qvm-prefs -s fetchmotron kernel fetchmotron
function explain_service {
echo "2) Set up rule update service:"
echo "In dom0, make a new service:
sudo bash
echo /usr/local/bin/update-firewall > /etc/qubes-rpc/yomimono.updateFirewall
Make a policy file for this service, YOUR_DEV_VM being the qube from which you build (e.g. ocamldev):
cd /etc/qubes-rpc/policy
cat << EOF >> yomimono.updateFirewall
YOUR_DEV_VM dom0 allow
copy the update-firewall script:
cd /usr/local/bin
qvm-run -p YOUR_DEV_VM 'cat /path/to/qubes-mirage-firewall/test/update-firewall.sh' > update-firewall
chmod +x update-firewall
Now, back to YOUR_DEV_VM. Let's test to change fetchmotron's firewall rules:
qrexec-client-vm dom0 yomimono.updateFirewall"
function explain_upstream {
echo "Also, start the test services on the upstream NetVM (which is available at from the test unikernel).
For the UDP and TCP reply services:
Install nmap-ncat (to persist this package, install it in your sys-net template VM):
sudo dnf install nmap-ncat
Allow incoming traffic from local virtual interfaces on the appropriate ports,
then run the services:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -i vif+ -p udp --dport $udp_echo_port -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -i vif+ -p tcp --dport $tcp_echo_port_lower -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT -i vif+ -p tcp --dport $tcp_echo_port_upper -j ACCEPT
ncat -e /bin/cat -k -u -l $udp_echo_port &
ncat -e /bin/cat -k -l $tcp_echo_port_lower &
ncat -e /bin/cat -k -l $tcp_echo_port_upper &
if ! [ -x "$(command -v test-mirage)" ]; then
echo 'Error: test-mirage is not installed.' >&2
explain_commands >&2
exit 1
qrexec-client-vm dom0 yomimono.updateFirewall
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: can't update firewall rules." >&2
explain_service >&2
exit 1
# Pretest that checks if our echo servers work.
# NOTE: we assume the dev qube has the same netvm as fetchmotron.
# If yours is different, this test will fail (comment it out)
function pretest {
if [ "$protocol" = "udp" ]; then
reply=$(echo hi | nc $udp_arg $echo_host -w 1 $port)
if [ "$reply" != "hi" ]; then
echo "echo hi | nc $udp_arg $echo_host -w 1 $port"
echo "echo services not reachable at $protocol $echo_host:$port" >&2
explain_upstream >&2
exit 1
pretest "udp" "$udp_echo_port"
pretest "tcp" "$tcp_echo_port_lower"
pretest "tcp" "$tcp_echo_port_upper"
echo "We're gonna set up a unikernel for the mirage-fw-test qube"
cd ..
make clean && \
#mirage configure -t xen -l "application:error,net-xen xenstore:error,firewall:debug,frameQ:debug,uplink:debug,rules:debug,udp:debug,ipv4:debug,fw-resolver:debug" && \
mirage configure -t xen -l "net-xen xenstore:error,application:warning,qubes.db:warning" && \
#mirage configure -t xen -l "*:debug" && \
make depend && \
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Could not build unikernel for mirage-fw-test qube" >&2
exit 1
cd test
echo "We're gonna set up a unikernel for fetchmotron qube"
make clean && \
mirage configure -t qubes -l "net-xen frontend:error,firewall test:debug" && \
#mirage configure -t qubes -l "*:error" && \
make depend && \
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Could not build unikernel for fetchmotron qube" >&2
exit 1
cd ..
test-mirage qubes_firewall.xen mirage-fw-test &
cd test
test-mirage http_fetch.xen fetchmotron